《Universe Of Hearts✓》•4




What doesn't allow, he doesn't know but it felt merely impossible for him to avert his gaze from her. She's constantly blinking her eyes struggling to remain conscious but her heart already slept.

She gasped scared of losing his hold as her legs hung in the water.

Her eyes met with his just for a second but she's enough lost to realize that it's him, the one who resides in her heart.

Lost in the depth of her black orbs, he even forgot that he's supposed to get her out of here.

"Veer? Huh....who...Veer?"

A voice aroused grabbing his attention from her as he looked at Tanveer who stood near the door of the pool.

"Bha..bhai..I...don't... don't know.."

He immediately pulled her closer and came up from the pool swimming fast.

Making her lay down on the floor, he moved away standing up, messing his hair in frustration as his mind scolded him for touching her intimately.

"Who's sh......THANZIA!" As he came closer, his eyes widened realizing her to be his wife, especially in this condition, that too with his brother.

All confused, he immediately bowed down and pulled her unconscious body up on his knees.

"Bhai? Who...Than...Thanzia?"

Hearing his ex wife's name, in confusion he looked down at her, even though knowing that it's someone else.

"She...how's she here?"

"I..I don't know...I... found her here. Who's she?"

Tanveer didn't even pay attention to his brother's question as he took Thanzia up on his arms and ran out to their room, not catching anyone's attention as they were in the first floor while they are now in the 3rd.

Shahveer stood confused, drenched in water and messed up with his thoughts.

"Was she Bhai's wife?" He asked to none staring at the swimming pool.

Over there, reaching to their room, Tanveer immediately made her lay down on the bed making it wet too.

He took off her Niqaab revealing her red and swollen cheeks and lips.

A confused frown appeared on his expression as he stared blankly at her.

"Thanzia.....get...get up ..hey .."


He managed to remove her Abaya taking her on his lap. Slowly rubbing her cheeks, he found them getting warm from ice cold.

No doubt, he got to know that she has cried a lot causing her get so weak.

And then his mind filled with questions.

Is their Nikah the reason of it?

Was she forced to marry him?

Is she hiding anything from him?

Or something is wrong in him.

He's very scared, again worried for her state. Seeing her moving, he immediately backed off and stood away.

Clenching his fists holding an expressionless look in his face, he glanced at her as she began getting her sense back.

He walked to the balcony to go out of her gaze.

When she unclosed her eyes, her body began shivering like a leaf as she sat up and looked around.

She just remembered that she fell down on the pool.

Her head ached miserably with her heart tearing apart getting all those memories of the past 1 day back.

Loving him.

Married to his brother.

Becoming his son's mother.

So many more.

She felt her cheeks getting wet as she allowed tears rain down her eyes as they desired.


She suddenly yelled throwing all pillows out of the bed that sat beside her.

Fighting with herself, she cried loudly getting a chance to be alone in a room after many days.


But she isn't aware of his gaze as he stood there, waiting for few more minutes to pass and then he would come in.

"Allah please.....end it all... please..."

She yelled pulling her hair with both hands in frustration.

She sobbed in between hiccups while shedding tears like blood flowing.

And then he entered.

He walked towards the bed and stood opposite to her with a lowered gaze.

Surprised, Thanzia's blurred vision cleared as she managed to look at him, fearing if he has seen her crying and doubts her.

Immediately she wiped off her tears and came down from the bed.


"Go and change first." He said looking away.

She immediately ran to the closet and changed to a pair of skirt and shirt with a Hijab rolled around her head grabbing an Abaya with her too.

He saw me crying.

Oh Allah.

Save me.

Please. For the last time please.

What will I answer him now?

Why would I cry at my first morning?

I can't ruin my Nikah for my unachieved love at least.

Why did I need to be weak for his love?

He doesn't love me back.

He won't marry anyone again, nor me.

And........ I'm married.

That too with his brother.

I can't betray my husband.

But what will I answer him when he asks why I was crying?

I even cried yesterday night.

Hasbi Allah.

And I stepped out. As soon as I did, his gaze fell on me as he stood up as if he was waiting for me to be back.

I've to answer him.

Be it even with lies.

But for the first and last time,

at least that's what I pray.

I walked to him with my legs shivering and aching like they'll be paralyzed anytime soon.


He touched my forehead before I could utter anything, maybe to check if I have fever or not.

I looked up at him though I didn't want him to notice my eyes.

Why does he look like him?

It makes me weaker.

"You cried yesterday, you even fell asleep while crying. You cried while praying fazr. You fell unconscious in the pool. You cried in the bed."

I shut my eyes off tightly fearing the upcoming questions.

I felt him coming closer to me making me gasp.

Shocking to me, he lifted my chin up to have a look of my face.

Our eyes locked as I went lost in him.

His eyes....holding care and worry.

How can I betray him?



"I need words. I'll believe whatever you say. But just be honest for your good."

He whispered cupping my face.

His lips begin forming a soft smile as his eyes asked me to speak.

I nodded my head inhaling in.

I won't lie.

But I won't tell him the truth either.

"I'm scared....."

"For what?"

"For....for your job...your work."

"Were you forced to marry me?"

"No...no...no I promise. I wasn't. I'm just scared...I need time.

You...you know...Abbu was martyred and....Ammi died immediately knowing...th..that..

I was le...left...alone...all alone....Just for...for his country he died..and...my mother selfishly followed him.... forgetting me..

I... It's not like I hate armed forces.

But I...I don't...I..I don't know...I just feel scared....I neve..er wanted to marry a soldier...bu...I had no valid...reason to reject..you."

I said whatever I got in my mind.

Astagfirullah! How did I get all these words?


But it wasn't a lie.

I wasn't ready to marry a soldier.

Who has no guarantee of his life.

At least this I know after my father's death.

I didn't lie.

I didn't.

I looked at him who is still holding the same expression. He maybe isn't satisfied with my answer.

"I....uhh...you.. you'll leave after 2 days...and...I...I......it's nothing... else trust me....I'm afraid...of losing...mm.."

"Okay calm down...sit here...."

He grabbed my hand to the bed making me sit there.

"Is that the reason of your....all these?"

He questioned keeping his hand below my cheek, with raised eyebrows as he looked at me sympathetically.


"I'll be leaving after 2 weeks, not 2 days. And....I...hey...look at me...don't cry...."

He lifted my face up wiping my tears away.

Oh Allah he believed me!

What am I doing?

"Plea..se don't worry...I'll be fine.....I..I just need time...."

"Are you scared that......your pa... parents died.....and now if your husband too, you'll not get the chance to be a widow because you'll follow me up in Jannah like your mother did?

Haha okay sorry for kidding.


Come on. Is that not good? Easily settled! Subahan Allah!

How stupid of you!

And my wife,

Death is in the hands of Allah. Why are you worried for that?"

He spoke. I heard it all but I could only concentrate on his voice, lips movements, eyes dance and everything else.

I was destained to be his.

But is it so easy to unlove someone and accept someone else?

"You scared me Thanzia. You cried as if you loved someone else and now you're unable to accept me.

Shukr Allah, it's just about me being a soldier."

He chuckled. His first line made my heart punch me with a painful beat.

How would he react if he gets to know the truth?

He's so innocent.

Allah help me please.

"Heyyy you're crying again!"

I didn't even realize that tears were flooding freely until his finger touched my cheek making me feel an unknown sensation.

"I...I'm not..."

"Hey! You're a daughter of a brave man! A soldier, a martyr, Subahan Allah. How do you fall so weak?"

He whispered taking my hands on his lap. Ya Allah why does he touch me so much! I feel so uneasy.

"I...I'm strong....I...uhh...I won't cry again."

"Good...girl! Well sorry but you look cute while shedding tears."

I looked up at him, confused, he chuckled biting his lower lip.

His eyes define him so perfectly, easily guessable, He's strong, not short tempered, a brave soldier, purified with a pure heart, loving, always happy, tensionless and what not.

Won't it be easier to mend my heart by loving him?

When I have loved his brother from years!


"Knock knock knock knock. Please open, open open open! It's Fatima Al Zahra. Knock knock. Hello, Aani. Ufff no one listens to me. My legs are aching! Knock knock."

A baby voice aroused as she spoke in one breathe, acting as if she's been standing there since hours.

"Zahra!" Thanzia whispered as she jumped on her place. Before she could get up, Tanveer ran to the door and opened it, revealing a beautiful girl as she stood there with a box holding it carefully.

She wore a cute baby jumpsuit while a small hijab is rolled around her neck making her look more appealing.

Her little brown coloured shoulder bag perfectly sat on her back.

She looked up at Tanveer as a beautiful and exciting smile appeared on her maroon shaded lips.

"Hey handsome soldier."

She cutely uttered making him chuckle.

"Hey mini kittie mumma. Come on." Tanveer invited her in as she huffed tiredly and pointed her eyes down to the box in her hands.

"Please hold them. My hands are paining."

She complained cutely handing him the box.

He kept it in one hand and catching her waist, lifted her up on his left arm and shut the door off.

"Such a gentleman you are!"

She said like an adult placing a soft peck on his cheek. Parting his mouth he left a melodious tone of laughter and sat on the bed near Thanzia.

"Aani!" Zahra jumped on Thanzia's lap and begin showering her with kisses all around her face and neck.

"Aani missed you so much baby!" Thanzia hugged her tightly running her fingers through Zahra's open hair.

"I missed you much more. This much." Spreading her hands as much as possible, she showed her the amount with a cute pout.

She turned towards Tanveer and gave him a toothy grin.

"You are now Aani's husband right?" She raised her eyebrows constantly nodding her head with a sheepish smile dancing on her lips.

Tanveer looked at Thanzia for a second and then nodded.

"You will love Aani now? You know before the Nikah Aani wa......"

Zahra was cut off when Thanzia pulled her by her hand not wanting her to say anything to Tanveer.

Zahra pouted when Thanzia glared at her with a secret warning to keep her cunning mind shut.

"Hehe.... she's cute...Zahra...say..what did Aani do?"

Tanveer tried catching Zahra but Thanzia took her on his lap and wrapped her hands around Zahra's waist.

"Mm nothing..she just talks a talk... uselessly."

"Haaawww Aani I was just saying that you cried to me saying you have no one to love...."

"S h u t U p!"

Thanzia closed her mouth placing her hand there at which Tanveer bit his lip moving his gaze to Thanzia.

"Aani so bad!"

"Zahra I'll complain your naughtiness to your Dadda. Be quiet like a good girl."

She scolded her with a low tone while Zahra again pouted helplessly looking at Tanveer.

Tanveer then understood Zahra's incomplete words. He forced a smile and looked at his wife, no doubt, realizing her suffering and loneliness.

"Aani is so strict?"

He questioned sheepishly smiling.

"A lot!" She moved from Thanzia's lap and took the box from Tanveer's hand.

"They are yours?"

Tanveer questioned looking inside the box where 3 kittens stood, roaming around the little box as they kept chirping like birds.

"They were Aani's, but now mine."

Thanzia, who was admiring one of the kitten taking it on her lap, looked up at Tanveer and Zahra with a frown forming on her forehead.

"They are still mine." She exclaimed proudly taking the other two on her hands.

Tanveer chuckled at her cuteness while Zahra angrily breathed and took three of them one by one, placing them back in the box.


Zahra comfortably sat on her lap and hold her face with her tiny hands.

"When you come to home, you'll play with them. But they are mine please. I won't give any to you here."

She shook her head raising her brows as she finished talking.

Thanzia first looked at Tanveer finding him attentively hearing and witnessing their actions and words.

"Why didn't you bring their Mumma? I would keep her and you could keep them with you."

"I can't live a minute without my Mumma, how'll they stay then?"

She questioned making Tanveer widen his eyes with awe and shock.

He couldn't control chuckling at this.

"Uh....give me two of them then."

"Ask your husband to bring you 100. I won't give any of them."

She split with seriousness in her voice keeping the box of kittens behind her back, as if not letting Thanzia see or touch them.

"Ask your father to bring you 1000. They are mine."

"I knew that you don't love me. Selfish woman."

"Zahra! At least give me 1 of....."

"I wonder how are you arguing with a little innocent soul?"

They both moved their gazes to Tanveer who smirked at them.

"Uhh..mm...okay...keep them."

"Thank you! I just brought them to let you meet them."

Zahra moved and begin playing with those kittens while Thanzia stayed silent playing with her fingers keeping her gaze on her lap. She could feel his gaze never leaving her even though he's unable to fully see her face.

And he was shamelessly, carelessly and breathlessly looking at her with a soft and loving smile on his lips until Thanzia jumped on her place and pulled Zahra to her.

"Where are Mumma Dadda?"

"Shahveer Chachu had some work in his collage and Iaan was crying, so Mumma is with Iaan and Dadda is talking to Dadu."

"Uhh ohh..."

"Where are others?"

Tanveer questioned as his face turned pale.

"It's your reception tonight na, so all are busy in works."

Zahra justified with her childish adultness.

Tanveer nodded though he felt really hurt and helpless having no one to support his brother here. It's actually not like that though.

They've their Chachi, a cousin brother and cousin brother's wife living with them. His Chachu died long back. The Villa belongs to both them and Chachu though it doesn't feel to be theirs.

It's not like they aren't good or are envious. They are enough supportive and loving, but their own lives are full of busyness and problems to prioritize others. That's what life is for all.

That's the reason when Tanveer's father requested him to marry, he immediately agreed, praying for someone to not only make his life beautiful, but be a sister to his brother, take care of his nephew and love his sick father.

Only if he knew that his wife will do much more than he ever expected or desired.

Not because she's his wife.

But because she loves his brother.

"Aani you met Iaan? You know again when I tried to kiss him, he tried to suck my face like a cat. Huh he's shameless."

"Hehe.. he's a baby na."


Tanveer raised his eyebrows.

"Uhh...Nahiaan...she calls him Iaan."

Thanzia informed keeping her gaze on Zahra's face as she smiled.

"Ohh Nahiaan! Hehe he's shameless, Zahra? I heard he doesn't like you much."

Tanveer chuckled speaking. He heard from Shahveer that whenever Zahra tries kissing, playing and admiring Nahiaan, everytime whether he kicks her, pinches her, tweaks her or tries to suck her face.

"Haaawwww noo! He likes me! I don't like him."

She exclaimed rolling her arms around her chest with attitude.

"Aani now you have Iaan right? You are his Mumma like he calls you Mummum?"

She questioned.

"Yes baby."

"You'll not love me anymore then?"

"No baby. I love you."

Thanzia kissed her forehead taking her up on her lap.

"She's such a cute baby! Ma Sha Allah."

Tanveer said in awe as he looked at them lovingly.

Immediately Zahra moved and turned her head around to split her words at him.

"Exactly Chachu! I'm a baby. Even Aani calls me baby, Shahveer Chachu calls me baby kittie, Nini (her nanny) calls me Zahi baby.

But Dadda calls baby to Mumma. I hate that. I'm the baby at our home, he doesn't understand that."

Both Thanzia and Tanveer's eyes widened as their mouth opened to an O in shock hearing her words.

Though Thanzia knows that Zahra speaks a lot and says anything, she didn't expect her to say all these at least, that too in front of Tanveer.

Thanzia still sat with the same shocked expression while Tanveer fell on the bed laughing loudly at her words.

"Don't laugh na. I am not lying. Dadda loves Mumma only, not me."

She frowned with jealousy.

"Ssh...don't speak anymore."

Thanzia whispered to Zahra while he continued laughing like a baby.

"Awehh Zahra! You're so cute!"

"I know Chachu."

Now Thanzia also lost her control and begin smiling widely.

"Aani you slept with Chachu yesterday?"


She nodded, looking at Tanveer as he sat up and begin playing with Zahra's hair who is in his lap now.

"Did you sleep with Nini or Mumma?"

"Who's Nini now?"

"Her Nanny."

"I slept with Mumma Dadda. You..you know Chachu."

She turned towards him and hold his face with interest to share yesterday's encounter.

"Yes baby?"

"Both Mumma and I were sad because Aani left.. and..and Dadda brought me to their bed.

He promised that he'll keep hugging me whole night.

Be.. because I always sleep in Aani's chest.

And..and then..."

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