《Universe Of Hearts✓》•18


26th Oct, 2020

Okay Idk why but the upcoming sentences seemed funny to me😂

Sorry if you laugh or don't laugh.


"Good morning and Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Karachi, this is Radia Rahman from All Around Pakistan. Hope your morning went impatient as everyone might be searching for Isaa Ishaaq Ismael's news!

So the matter wit......."

"The UK Medical Authority allowed Neurosurgeon Isaa Ishaaq Ismael to use the recently registered machine which is invented by late Albert D Christen for Colen DI4 's treatment, that too on his wife Mayrah Ismael."

"Being a husband again a surgeon can Isaa Ismael start the therapy to cure his wife?

Or ending up being emotional, he'll let the creator decide her fate?"

"Will Isaa Ishaaq back off with the fear of life time guilt or strongly take his wife, Mayrah Ismael out of this inner hell through the equally heated hell's therapy?"

"So that was it, stay tuned for the upcoming news, till then, do pray for Isaa Ismael and Mayrah Ismael. Allah Hafiz Pakistan."

One news wouldn't end but the other would start with the same topic of surgeon Isaa and his patient Mayrah. Whole Pakistan cheered up with this as today Isaa would be starting his first ever therapy with Mayrah with Colen DI4's treatment machine.

Name, disease, treatment, machine! invented by Scientist+Doctor Me😼]

Unaware of all these news, their family stayed busy with individual worships while Isaa's body is laid on the big bed highlighting his black pair of jeans and t-shirt as the bedsheet is creamy white.

His head is comfortably resting on a soft and little lap whose owner is struggling to come out but failed miserably. Her legs ached unbearably due to having full force of Isaa's head from fazr till now.

"Just remove his head na, later you can't walk." Mahdi suggested again witnessing his sister's pain. She pouted caressing her father's hair.

"But Daadaa's sleep will break."

Her voice came out cutely as she gave up and sat unmoved, again and again wishing him to wake up from own.

"Uffff Mahdia! You're in pain."

"Isssshhh! Pain will end soon but Daadaa doesn't ever sleep this much. So shut up and leave."

Mahdi helplessly sat on the bed staring at his father whose face shined due to the rays of sunlight coming out of the window.

Usually he stays awaken whole night but sleeps 1/2 hours after fazr, yesterday night he slept around 1 and again slept after fazr. It's now 10 but no sign of his complete nap.

Minutes passed as Mahdi kept noting his sister's painful sights for her father's comfort. He couldn't handle anymore as he secretly started pinching on Isaa's waist as the t-shirt moved revealing his stomach.

"Daadaa wake up naaa it's so late."

Even though his voice climbed up softly, it made Isaa awaken as he opened his eyes and digested the surrounding.

"Ufff you idiot." Mahdia scolded Mahdi as she felt Isaa's head moving from her lap.

"You two....uhh... what..." Rubbing his beard, he asked sleepily looking at both of them.

"Ohh 10! Why are you both not in school but in bed?"

"Daadaa you were laying on Mahdia's lap. Her thighs pained but she didn........."

"Shut up you catty. Nothing like tha....." She was about to justify but Isaa realized his deed as he immediately jumped up and pulled his little daughter up on his lap.

"Mahd..iaa...baby...did you get hurt? I'm so sorry baby I really didn't realize. Are your legs paining much? I'm so so so sorry baby. Why didn't you move? You could hav......"


Giving no chance to her, he kept talking while massaging her thighs as Mahdi witnessed their moment calmly sitting on that side.

"It's been so long from fazr. Why didn't you wake me up baby? I'm really so....."

"It's not paining na Daadaa. It's fine. Don't be worried."

She lied even after doubting that she might not be able to walk freely for hours or days now.

Isaa's concern didn't fade as he kept tapping on her thighs while she enjoyed but protested.

"You're looking so fresh today Daadaa." Mahdi half smiled reminding Isaa about last night.

"Mahdi.... Mahdia...are you still sleeping? Get up n....." Isaa's Ammi opened the door before she cut off her own sentence. Seeing Isaa in their room, she happily smiled stepping in.

"You... here?"

"Daadaa slept with us yesterday night."

"In this little bed?" She chuckled pointing at the bed which is half occupied by Isaa's muscular body.

"What happened to Mahdia?"

"Daadaa was laying o....."

"You catty, can't you keep quiet? Shut up!" She yelled throwing a pillow on his face as he laughed and ran out of the room.

"I'm okay Daadaa. Get up now." She hugged his over sized body compared to hers at which he brought her up on his lap and laid down on the bed.

"Ammi you go, we are coming." Isaa said as Hina happily left the room after closing the door.

"Got hurt?"

"A little. Just this much."

She giggled showing the amount with her two fingers. Isaa's legs went up as he hid his daughter on his arms and kissed all over her face.

"You're just like your Mumma."

"Noo! Mahdi is like Mumma. I'm like you."

"Oh really?"


"I love you."

"I love you more."


Isaa put on his white doctor's coat while stepping out of the house. He took longer steps as he reached to the car to go to the Hospital. Fortunately before entering in, his eyes caught the attention of the shaky car. Confusingly he walked turning left and stared at the back side of the car.

It moved as if there's someone in. Unexpectedly it wasn't lock either. He took a long breathe before pulling the door up as his eyes widened being shocked.



Instead of getting out, Mahdi kept mumbling something under his breathe making Isaa more confused.

"Come out. Come on, get up."

Isaa took him on his lap and closed the door again. He walked to the front and made him sit on the hood of the car.

Realizing Mahdi to be worried and scared, Isaa chose to not make him scarier as he pecked his forehead while softly caressing his jawline.


"Hmm..champ...what's wrong?"

"Will you..." He shivered when his voice came out softly with mixed emotions. He hold Isaa's face with his little hands and parted his lips again to speak.


"Will you burn Mumma?"

Shaking eyes of Isaa blinked once before he busily stared at his son's questioning eyes.

"Who... who..told you...that?.."

"Tell me. Will you?"

"No...Mahdi...I...why are you asking? What is happening?" Desperately he questioned patting Mahdi's back while he only sat with curved lips and undefined emotions on eyes.

"Why will you burn Mumma? Won't she get hurt? Look, coffee fell on my finger."

He showed his index finger on left hand which has no scar unlike he's explaining to have.


Isaa softly touched his little hand and brought it near his mouth, kissing there with closed eyes as he controlled his tears.

"Why did you get on the car secretly?"

"I want to meet Mumma."

"I'll take you tomorrow. Okay? Now go an...."

"You didn't answer me Daadaa. Will you burn my Mumma?"

"No..no..Mahdi ..why..why will ...do so....it's nothing like that, champ, don't be worri...."

"Then why are TVs saying that you'll burn her? And I heard you talking to Musa Mama."


"No..she doesn't. She doesn't know."

"Don't tell her anything, okay? And Mumma will be back forever to you after mm...3-4 months?"

Isaa forcefully smiled to satisfy his son but he instead pushed him back changing his expression to an angry one.

"I don't want her if you need to burn her for it."

"Mahdi...listen..listen to me, Mahdi..."

Isaa yelled but he ran away from here.

"I'll not burn her Mahdi.... please...listen to me...." Uselessly screaming, he let fresh drops of tears flow down his eyes.


"Assalamu Alaikum." Softly she greeted as the nurse pushed the wheelchair in, taking Isaa's attention who's well dressed having a scrub suit on. He turned his body around to have a look at her.

Helping Mayrah removing her Niqaab, the nurse stood in between both of them not letting him have her clear look.

"Thanks nurse. Please do close the door too." Isaa gently said as the nurse nodded making her way out and closed the door.

"Assalamu Alaikum." She greeted again.

"Walaikum Assalam. How're you, Mrs.Isaa?" Isaa professionally questioned as if he's nothing but only a doctor to her. Mayrah stood up from the wheelchair and slowly walked to him.

"Careful...." She rested her hands on his chest as his hand securely hold her by her waist.

"Scared, my love?"

"Hmm....we don't have much time." Moving a step back, he removed her Hijab revealing her bald head.

"Uhh..I..I know I look ugly..."

"Wives cannot be ugly, can they?"

"Patients can, my Doctor."

She breathed as Isaa unbuttoned her long kurti.

"Do I have to be naked for it huh?"

"Kind of...now ssshh... Just keep mumbling Ar-Rahman's name."


Making her lay down on the bed, Isaa filled drug on a syringe and looked at Mayrah.

"Will make me unconscious?"



"Sshhh sweetheart. Don't talk much." He sat pulling out a chair and rubbed her right shoulder.

Keeping his fingers and the syringe fixed on her flesh, he leaned his face forward to hers and nuzzled her cheeks.

"Aah... Isaa!"

"Done!" He rubbed there fading the pain within seconds.

"Now listen.... Are you ready? Forgive me for all these....these..Mayrah...I'm sorry...I'm helpless to choose this option...I...I don't know...it's...." He spoke resting his head on her chest.

"Don't be emotional please. I'm fine and I'll be fine."

"I love you." Getting up, he pecked her forehead and next minute pulled the bed on mid of the room.

"Nurse! Nurse, call the doctors please."

Within 3 minutes 5 lady doctors entered with their scrubs on. 2 nurses brought 4 machines in the room and fitted them around her bed.


She mumbled looking at Isaa's back as he's preparing few stuffs kept on the medi-table.

"Don't be scared, okay? You're brave." One of the doctors said kissing Mayrah's hand.

"Won't you.....make me unconscious?"

"Mm...no...I...uhh..." Unable to give any answer, she moved away making Mayrah more tensed.

She felt shy being almost naked in front of so many doctors and her husband. But no one else cared as her therapy mattered the most right now.

"Okay! A second please." Isaa professionally walked to the bed and looked at Mayrah, his body shivered with the thoughts of the upcoming deed. Her eyes blinked assuring him to do it further.

"Shall we start doctor?"

"Y..yeah...yes please."

Everyone gathered around her bed as one of them turned 4 switches on allowing those machines to start their lights.

Her hands and legs aren't tied but still she felt them unmoved, most probably due to the injection's affect.

Suddenly sounds cheered up filling the room as doctors started running it around her bare body. 2-3 minutes passed but she felt no reaction on her body.

Her eyes stayed fixed on Isaa as he stared blankly at her body while his hands simply moved the neck of the machine.

She didn't realize when her body pores started bleeding slowly from everywhere as the doctors started wiping them with cottons.

Realizing the sharp heat on her body, she tried to moan but failed. The feeling turned horrible as she guessed it equally to be fire running inside her body.

Bleeding didn't increase but the temperature of her body rised up which they realized soon. Isaa's eyes landed on the big projector's screen which is showing the inner situation of her body.

Till then he was fine, totally professional, with no feelings except one which is to give his best being the saviour of lives. But now his hands started shivering as he moved the machine around.

Staring there for a minute, he moved his gaze to look at Mayrah which made him weaker as her face looked so pale as if she's dead, only with open eyes.

"May...rah...aah ..." Unwantedly a soft whisper left from his mouth as he helplessly breathed looking at her.

"Huuuummm...hmmmmm.." Her head and chest jumped at which they immediately took action by switching a different light on the machine.

The projector showed her condition getting worsen as the heat increased a lot capturing each and every cell of her body.

She tried to scream, yell, moan, talk to ask for help, but all went in vain. Only her fingers moved and chest rised up and down.

"Next turn please. Soon." Isaa ordered while one of them ran to the side and did something with the machine.

Slowly her body turned red as if truly her body is on fire. She could feel the pain to be unbearable, eating her alive and she cannot even protest to move.

"It's been 25 minutes Doctor. Stop it."

"No!...more to come."

Seconds passed like years for Mayrah. After about 40 minutes, her eyes closed as she lowered the speed of her breathes. Immediately they turned the switches off and started wiping off the blood drops all over her body.

"Exactly like a...burnt..body..."

A doctor couldn't stop herself from uttering those words staring at Mayrah's bare body. Teardrops fell down her cheeks along with 2 other doctors imagining the pain.

"Okay...bring the white sheet."

"Is the AC room prepared?"

"Yes doctor."

"Come on then..."

They shifted her to a big room which has a small bed kept on mid and few machineries surrounded by it.

Everyone left after their jobs while Isaa entered inside at last.

He slowly walked to the bed and sat beside, staring at her really burnt body which is in rest now.

"May...rah..." Softly touching her bare skin, he let tears gather on his eyes as they started to roll down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry....I really am..."


Abu Barzah Al-Aslami رضيا لله عنه narrated

A man spoke harshly to Abu Bakr As-Siddiq رضيا لله عنه and I said,

He رضيا لله عنه said,

Graded Hasan in Sunan an-Nasa'i 4071

The prophet ﷺ said,

"Who is ready to kill Ka'b Bin Al-Ashraf who has harmed Allah and his Messenger ﷺ?"

Muhammad Bin Maslama رضيا لله عنه said,

"Would you like me to kill him, o Messenger of Allah?"

The prophet ﷺ said,

Sahih Al Bukhari 3031

Trust me I pray less for your forgiveness than your punishment, oh France, I wait for your feedback.

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