《Universe Of Hearts✓》•16


16th Oct, 2020

Pulling his hands out of the trousers pocket, he took a step forward and sat on the bed, becoming a barrier between the hot sun rays and his wife's radiant face.

Due to his shadow, her pout vanished as she's half asleep, lazy to get up but unable to fully sleep.

Isaa lovingly ran his fingers through her hair, admiring her exhausted expression.

He leaned forward next to her ear, whispering sweet nothings to wake her up.

"Get up!"

"Where are they?"

"Waiting for you? Get up. Come on." He pulled her up as she sat on his lap, rubbing her eyes to come out of her sleepy sense.

"Mahdi is crying Mayrah. Don't be lazy, get up soon."

"I've fed Mahdia 1.5 hour back, if one gets satisfied then the other gets hungry."

Isaa chuckled as she irritatedly spoke. Finally opening her rounded big sized eyes, she gave him a warm smile as he was scratching his nape with a cute expression admiring her.

"Can we sell any of them?"

"Yeah sure why not? And for serious you just bring them to you for filling their tummies,

other times they stay with their grandmothers.

Thus don't act and for Allah's sake run out now."

Giggling, she got down and ran to the washroom. Isaa stared at the washroom door waiting for her to be back.

He seemed little happy, though full of horror thoughts. Anytime anything may appear, shattering all their happiness. Even if he's prepared, will it be according to his expectations?

"Done? Wait, injection." He stood up seeing her coming out of the door.

Immediately preparing the syringe, he made her sit on the bed as she rested her head on the headboard. He pulled her sleeve up and found for the pulse.

"Looking handsome!"

Her soft voice came out as she wanted to move her concentration from the injection. Even though that's been a regular job, her fear stayed the same.

"How much?"

He huskily asked raising his eyebrows, slowly leaning forward while eyeing at her hand.

"Little less than Uthman Radiallahu Tala Anhu!"

"Wallahi seriously?" He chuckled pushing the syringe in changing her funny expression to a painful one.

Immediately he pecked her forehead making her smile again. As people say about the loving eye contact, they locked their eyes expressing their love for few minutes and then moved back.

As they came down to the hall, finding everything calm and quiet, Mayrah walked to her mothers finding for her babies.

"Asleep!! How are you now?"

"Better I guess." She sat on a chair looking at those snacks hungrily. When she was about to take a sandwich, a soft voice cheered up making her realize that it's her son.


"Feed him first."

"Aaahh what about my hungry tummy?" Running near the little trolly, she took her up on her lap and went to the rest room.

"Stop crying naa, I'm here."

Isaa entered taking a coffee mug on his hand. He walked to the bed sitting near his wife and son. He handed the coffee mug to her and sat on the side chair.

"Would like having 10 more pairs of kids?"

Sarcastically he questioned seeing her unable to handle Mahdi. He again and again moved from her lap making her irritated.

"Very humble of you!"

Isaa moved near her legs side and started tapping them slowly. His magical massage relaxed her as she bowed her head down on the pillow while adjusting Mahdi on her stomach.

"Not again Mayrah, don't sleep. Mahdia might cry anytime soon."

"Aaaaaaaaaa! I never thought it to be this m....."

"Bhabi did Mahdi sleep?" A voice aroused from the door side as Naira asked taking their attention.

Mayrah looked down at her son's face whose eyes slightly closed as he mumbled something moving his lips continuously.

"Yeah I guess, he slept."

"Okay, Ammi said to feed Mahdia, I'll be bringing her."

Mayrah shockingly looked at Isaa who tried his best to control his voice from laughing loudly but failed.

"Just 2 hours! It's been just 2 hours."

"Awhh Mayrah hahahaha I..I'm so..sorry for you. Hahaha..."


After 5 years.

(👀I'm always fast)

"How's she doing now?"

"Worse I guess, can you come to meet her tomorrow? It's been a week Doctor."

Isaa hummed hearing his assistant's words.

His red eyes closed up imagining her smiley face appearing next to him. But that lasted just for a few seconds as that changed to a horrible sight which made him suddenly shook off from her thoughts.

5 years passed very soon, 2 years went quite well. But these 3 years have been a very horrified nightmare which maybe has no end.

Even though he hated to stay far from her, he tries his best to not visit her as she's been in the hospital from 2 years. When he goes to the hospital, he finishes his work and quietly leaves without having a single look at her.

"Ssshh...Nanu will catch us, don't make sound." The little mouth spoke softly as she patted her brother's back. He mumbled sorry and held her hand to walk further.

"But what if Daadaa already is asleep?" He turned back to ask her confusingly. Her lips curved in a pout as she looked down and replied.

"Which night he sleeps?"

"Uh..oh..come on." They both made their way up climbing the stairs.


"Mahdii, look light is on there." Mahdia whispered pointing towards her father's room.

They both started running as if that's any race game. Unfortunately just when they reached near the door, Mahdia lost her balance and fell on her feet.


"Mummaaa..." She tried to control her gasps massaging her ankle. Mahdi also bowed down trying to help her but she lost as tears flowed down her eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"It's hurting."

Mahdi leaned down as he took her feet on her hands and placed a soft peck there.

Few minutes passed with that and then she managed to stand up with her brother's help.

"Daadaa... Daadaa...open.." They started knocking with their little hands for a whole minute.

Hearing that, Isaa opened the door and looked down, finding them staring at him lovingly.

"You..both didn't sleep?"

"Can we sleep with you?"

They asked together making a pleading face.

"Where is your Nanu?"

"She is sleeping. We want to sleep with you, please Daadaa."

Isaa weakly smiled as he sat on his knees looking at his kids in regret.

"I've works na, I won't sleep now."

"But it's 2 now. 4 days back we came at 1, you said you've works, then before that we came at 4, again you said you've works."

Mahdi's words made Isaa breath hardly as he found for an answer to give them. He shook his head trying to give an excuse once again.

"We won't trouble you, promise. We'll sleep soon."

"Look, my bed is so messy, how'll you sleep?" He questioned pointing at the bed which is really dirty, as if it's not been used for years.

"I can clean it Daadaa. Let us get in."

"Don't be stubborn. I need to get up for Fazr, your sleep will break then. Go and sleep in your beds."

He softly spoke pulling both of them in his arms.

They stared at each other questioningly while Isaa again flew up to his wife's thoughts.

"Daadaa. You never sleep with us."

"Tomorrow, promise."

"But Daadaa why no...."

"No need to sleep with him anytime anymore. Let's go."

Suddenly Mahdi yelled coming out of Isaa's grip and dragging Mahdia out by her wrist.

Before their sight could vanish, Mahdia turned her head around to emotionally eye at her father who helplessly sat on the floor unable to react.

"Why are you sending me there? Why can't you do it at home?"

"There's difference between home care and medical care."

"Will you be able to stay without me?"

"I've to, and I can."

"Really Isaa? What about my babies?"

His body shivered as the phone rang making him get up from the floor. He made his way towards there and answered it.

"Doctor she isn't sleeping yet. Shall I....."

"I want to see her. Turn on the video chat."

As they did so, the camera showed a lightless room where she laid on a small bed. Her body again and again moved from right to left.

"Give the phone to her."

"Okay..." The nurse walked in taking Mayrah's attention as she immediately sat up bringing a smile on her face.

"Thank Allah that you came. I'm really not sleepy, let's randomly ta...."

"Doctor Isaa wants to talk to you." The nurse handed the phone to her which she immediately snatched.

"Mayrah...." Isaa whispered her name. His heart started skipping louder beats as he managed to not let those eyes suffer through crying.

"Where are you? Why don't you come to meet me? You're doing it again. You promised to come everyday."

She complained like a kid at which he moved his face from the camera and breathed heavily for a while, his eyes struggled a lot to let tears gather but he disallowed very difficultly.

"Isaa...show your face."

"I..I'm sorry..I was little busy."

"Were you? 2 days back you came, but didn't meet me. Why?"

"I'll come tomorrow."

"With them. I want to see them too."

"Okay....why didn't you sleep yet?" He questioned though his voice started to shatter seeing her face so pale and sick.

"Just..not sleepy.."

They continued talking for about 15 minutes more and then Mayrah went off to sleep while Isaa got busy with his daily schedule, which obviously is suffocating and tormenting.


"Good morning."

Isaa joined the breakfast hall as everyone already started eating. He took his sit opposite to both his kids while they silently continued eating instead of talking anything unlike other days.



"Your class teacher called an hour back. You failed in maths. Why didn't you show me your result card?" He questioned eating a sandwich.

Mahdi looked up at Isaa and gave a fake smile.

"Daadaa did you have time to check that?"

"Huh?" Isaa's expression changed hearing his son's sour reply. He blankly stared at others. Everyone stayed quiet as they really hated his behaviors with his kids.

"Get ready soon. We are going to meet your Mumma."

"I don't want to meet anyone. Mama, you promised to take me to park today?"

Isaa felt strange as his son never behaved like this before. He looked at Mahdia who's also very calm and upset.

"Why don't you want to meet Mumma?"

"When I asked for that, you simply denied. Now I don't want to go there."

Saying so he stood down and walked out of the hall.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Mahdia...don't want to see Mumma?"

"I..I want.."

"Make Mahdi agree for that then?"



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