《Universe Of Hearts✓》•12


19th Sep, 2020

1 year later.

With the passing of time, unusual things became regular causing her believe that the life like this is usual, where she often hallucinates dangerous unrealistic things, bleeds from her ears, nose, mouth and also from the pores of her skin, loose her conscious anytime and so much more.

All these didn't trouble her to the worst as Isaa always managed everything in his way.

Sometimes his medicines helped and sometimes his care for her.

Everyday body massage, having hundred of medicines, getting various therapies, doing exercises kept her so busy to ever realize that maybe the end of her time is near.

In between these they've created infinite moments of memories, some sore, some beautiful.

"Hey you seriously are taking my advantage. Don't touch me like that."

Mayrah frowned upon Isaa's touch on her waist as she slapped his hand and looked up to see him rolling his eyes in disbelief.

"Who's your husband, Ma'am? Just tell me? That's the least of what I touch."


"I was seriously serious, Mayrah."

He shot her a murderous glare to have her mocking with tongue out to him in return.

"I was also serious but your touch was tickling me and I know you were intentionally touching me in the wrong places. Doctors can be so....."

"Shut up Mayrah! We are swimming here. Obviously I'm intentionally touching you to teach you swimming. Being almost 20 you don't even know that."

He seethed in anger rubbing his chin as water droplets travelled down from his hair and beard.

Mayrah sighed in boredom and fell her head in his shoulder, too tired to continue.

"It's been 3 hours so can we concentrate on swimming?"

"What's the need to swim for so long hours everyday?"


She asked in annoyance as he settled her on the water keeping his one hand below her chest and another above her abdomen.

"I don't answer the same question for thousand times."

"Yeah grumpy!"

"Beat harder, lazy brain."

"Though water is softer than you, I can beat you harder."


"Sorry yeeeyyyy!"

She jumped on the water as Isaa supported her with his hands while she began swimming enthusiastically.

"Good girl! Continue."

"Just one more round okay?"

"Just concentrate!"

"Aahh..no more. My abdomen is paining now." She said encircling both her legs around his waist, fully balancing her body on him.

"Come on. Little more."

"Paining badly Isaa...I feel nauseous too and I'm very sleepy..very very!"

"Sleepy? You were sleeping before we started this."

Isaa raised her eyebrows at her as she sheepishly smiled and hid her face in his neck.

"Please..let me sleep."

"We still need to do push-ups, Mayrah. You give this excuse everyday."

"I'm really tired. Change my clothes." She said in her half sense as both of them stood out of the pool.

"Don't be dramatic, change first and then sleep."


She walked out to her room leaving him standing there while wiping his hair.

Hearing his phone ringing he ran to the table to pick it up.

"Isaaaaa my KitKats finished, don't forget to bring that before I wake up."

"Fine." He yelled back.

"Doctor...mm.. that patient died immediately after the surgery." Isaa's eyes widened hearing the news.

"How..how....her con..dition was better....than Mayrah."

He panicked in fear.

He grew hopes to heal Mayrah anyhow believing that a surgery can help, but a girl of 30 couldn't manage to fight with the same sickness being treated in Australia, what about his patient now?


"Hello... doctor."

"Hmm.. anything else?"

"Actually..mm I don't know what to say but.... I mean you know everything about your wife's sickness...then why....mm.."

His assistant searched for the right words to convey a news to Isaa but felt disturbed.

"What Liyaan?"

"She's pregnant."

Isaa heard the words correct but couldn't understand whom he said about.

"Who? That patient was pregnant? Damn it! Despite of knowing everything how could even that....aah! Maybe this was the reason of her death."

"Doctor, your wife is 7 weeks pregnant."


"Mayrah ma'am is pregnant, with your baby...right... doctor."

"Preg...baby...wha...how do you know?"

He asked shutting his eyes off as his breathe got uneven.

"Yesterday while taking tests. I got the reports this morning but then re-examined them. She's pregnant doctor."

"Liyaan please do that again. That's not possible. She can't be...oh Allah!"

"Can you please come to the hospital? Right now please."

"Shall I bring her along with me? We can do the tests again."

"I'm sorry Doctor but I confirmed that. You please come here soon."

Isaa cut the call and blankly looked around, hoping that he soon wakes up and realizes that it's a nightmare.

"Despite of knowing everything how could even .....aah! Maybe that's the reason of her death."

His own words voiced out in his mind making him frightened.

He was trying his best to medicate her in the most possible way. But now he's the reason of ruining her condition through this blessing.



"The fetus isn't fully formed. It can doubly make her suffer."

The lady Doctor informed having Isaa standing on a far distance, checking the reports in and out with his utmost attention.

"Doctor Isaa."


"You're her husband...right?"

Isaa looked up at this, finding the Doctor smiling in guilt and pity.

"What possibly can be the solution?"

"Abortion, though it will still effect her a lot."


"Or else even if she gives birth to the baby, maybe he or she will have same sort of disease......"

Isaa felt his head bursting out in tension and guilt. He never could find any reason worse than this to blame himself for bringing her to this condition.


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