《Universe Of Hearts✓》•11


11th Sep, 2020


As Wania and Warid will be returning back to London tomorrow, Isaa and Mayrah were invited to dinner at their place, having which they all sat in the lawn chit chatting.

It was more of a glancing game than that, which went on between the two couples as they sat on two couches opposite and in a far distance from one another.

Mayrah's gaze stilled at Isaa who, for twice looked up, not at her, but Wania because of feeling her gaze at him unmoved.

And this made Warid fumed in anger. His ears turned red in jealousy having his wife's attention to Isaa but not him.

He leaned forward near Isaa's ear still looking at Wania who for a second stared back at him. He passed her a smile of a dangerous warning which made her smirk in return.

"Doctor Isaa, my wife's eyes are for admiring me, not you hmm?"

Warid whispered to Isaa's ear.

Isaa choked on the air immediately turning his head to him. His eyes rolled noticing jealousy and possessiveness meeting in Warid's ones.


"I hope she forgets you very soon or else I'll not spare you."

He warned gritting his teeth causing Isaa sigh before he nodded his head.

He firmly believes in Wania and knows that she'll be giving the best of her to her Nikah, even though she needs time.

And Warid is fine by that, for he knows that she's his soulmate, she's entirely his, the truth which she accepts wholeheartedly.

Warid stood up and walked to Wania, taking his sit near her he pulled her Hijab from the backside like a kid.

"What are you doing? Everyone's here." Wania tried to move but he glared at her after noticing others not watching them.

"Do not move your gaze to him."



"Uhh..huh...I wasn't looking at him. And leave my Hijab. Move back."

"Why! My wife, my life!"

He smirked.

"My foot." She slapped on his thigh and stood up to leave the place.

Isaa, freed of Wania's gaze and the awkwardness caused by that finally remembered that he needs to have a look of his wife too.

Getting his gaze on her, Maura excused herself and signed Isaa to follow her.

She walked to the gents washroom of the hall making Isaa confused.

He stepped in, locked the door and turned to find her glaring at him.

"Why gents wash......."

Isaa couldn't speak any further when she bent down to take off her heel.

She eyed it to him, smirking.

"Huh? Your...legs are paining?"

Isaa asked worriedly.

Mayrah shook her head and came closer to him.

"Not legs, my hand is paining and it seriously needs to beat you with this heel."

"What love? Are you kidding me?"

"You are kidding me Isaa Ismael!"

Mayrah yelled throwing the heel on the floor as Isaa was about to take it from her hand.

"I'm sorry if I did something, calm down sweetheart."

"You are dead now!"

She grabbed him by his collar to which he held her waist and help her up to match their heights.

"Mayrah, hat's wrong baby?"

He gently kissed her which almost melted the ice of her anger as she smiled.

She shook her head and banged her head on his struggling to get out of his grip.

"Eaayy moody."

"How dare you to look at her like that?"

She grasped his hair in her hand that immediately let him free her of his embrace.


"Astagfirullah! Who does that?"

He muttered rolling his eyes at her as she moved back and took the mug from the washbasin that was filled with water.

"You need to clean yourself."

She splashed water all over him.


"Wash your brain also." Saying, she pushed him back and exited the washroom.

He wiped his face and looked at his reflection from the mirror.

"Allah what a sin I committed!"

There, Mayrah was about to join Wania but stopped as she saw Warid pinning her in between the wall and himself.

She lowered her gaze and was going to move back but blushed hearing his words to Wania.

"You're mine now okay? Better forget Isaa or else I'll take your heart out of this chest and eat it."

Mayrah ran to the kitchen finding Wania's Chachi cleaning dishes.

"Mami, we should leave now. It's already late."

Seeing the time on her waist watch, she said and looked towards the hall finding Isaa coming back there.

"Their flight is early at morning, stay here for tonight please?"

"Isaa will join them in the morning but you know I can't..mm.."

"Okay but stay for a while."

"No Mami, some other day please." Mayrah smilingly said planting a kiss on her forehead and walked out to the hall.

Warid and Wania also joined them as they again started their chats.

Mayrah leaned forward to Wania's ear and held her hand.

"Appi, try to forget this idiot, seriously. You are luckier than me, at least your husband is romantically dangerous. And here my one is exactly a.....uhh...huh...don't just ask, I've limitless bad words to describe this English Cat!"

Wania coughed and tried to maintain her voice as Mayrah passed her a sheepish grin.

"How..do...you..mm..I am sorry Mayrah."

Wania's eyes filled with tears feeling how worse Mayrah must be feeling now.

"Come on! That's fine by me. Concentrate on your hubby okay?"

Wania chuckled nodding her head.

"Okay now let's get up, Doctor?"

"Best of luck with your operation love and wife, Doctor Warid"

Isaa slapped his bicep causing him widely grin in pride.

They both made their ways out biding everyone bye. Just as Mayrah got up on the car, she took her phone out and made herself busy.

"What did I do now, Wallahi I was feeling awkward due to her gaze."

Isaa justified as he started driving but Mayrah ignored that like he doesn't even exist.

"Mayrah! Love!"

"Hmm hmm."

"Mayrah! At least tell me what's my fault?"

"You have no fault but I'm angry with you."


"Because I feel jealous."

She murmured making him chuckle.

He turned his head to her when she also kept her phone down as their eyes contacted.

"I love you, my soul."

He held her hand and kissed her knuckles.

Blushing, Mayrah moved her gaze away to the front that made her smile immediately vanish as she saw someone walking in a long white attire towards their car.

"Would you like to have ice crea...."

"Nooooo! Isaaaa stop the car! Ohh noo!"

She screamed out loud in fear making him afraid but when he followed her gaze to the front, he saw none.

"There's...no...one..." He whispered as he slowed down the car and assured her with a smile.

"Oh...yah..STOP THE CAR!"

She yelled again seeing the car every time crossing someone but still the body came back at the same place.


"Mayrah calm down baby. What happened?"

He stopped driving and pulled her to his arm as she began shivering with her gaze fixed in front, still at that imaginary creature.


"There's no one, wifey. You're hallucinating. Calm down."

He caressed her back as her head rested on his shoulder.

"Why do I....it scares me."

She cried rubbing her face in his shirt.

"Are you okay?" He kissed her head as she stayed silent for a minute finding solace in his hold.

"Sit back." He said removing his arm around her and began driving again.

Mayrah tried to stay calm but couldn't control her heart's unusual race.

Just to be assured, she again gazed up to find none there.

Breathing in relaxation, when she was about to look down, her gaze caught someone standing far from their car, the more the car drove, the more the being felt real.

Her breathe hitched she stayed silent, knowing that it's all her imagination. She tried to move her gaze away from looking there but failed.

"Fine now?"

"Hmm..." She mumbled with her gaze fixed on that person, who only exists in her sight.

'Say stop'

'Stop the car'

'Stop the car'

She heard voices screaming in her mind which made her more afraid. She closed her eyes tightly but that didn't stop the voices.

'Stop the car'

'Stop the car'


"M A Y R A H!"


He was about to take brake but didn't have a idea of how he lost his control and their car bumped with a tree and an accident occured.

Everything happened in a rush that it felt like a nightmare when the car fell on it's back.

In half sense, Isaa searched for Mayrah.


He reached to her hand and held her tight, trying to go closer to her but couldn't move a step.

"Mayrah....." His vision blurred as he fell unconscious.


The morning sun sparkling beautifully, gathered all it's rays to sit to the dark sky lightening it.

Ambulance reached within half an hour when it was informed about the accident.

Their family hurried to the hospital waiting for the doctors to come out as Isaa was treated by one doctor and Mayrah operated by another.

They waited impatiently with prayers never leaving their lips and hearts hoping to not bump with any bad news.

When the doctor who checked on Isaa said that he's fine and will be regaining consciousness within 24 hours, they felt little better but the news of Mayrah's condition ruined that peace.

"She's in coma, it might take days or months or maybe years." Saying so, the doctor walked away.


"My boy."

His mothers hugged him from both sides kissing on his cheeks and checking on his wounds.

"I'm fine na, don't worry."

"How..did it happen?"

Isaa stayed quiet not wanting to tell them that Mayrah was responsible for the accident.

"The car's break failed, mm...I'm sorry. How's she?"

"Isaa... Doctor said that she's in coma."

"What rubbish? Move."

Immediately he stood down removing the syringe pipelines off his hands as he ran out of the room.

"Isaa don't go. You are weak....."

"Where's she? Who checked on her?"

He asked Musa. Getting his answers, both of them walked out to go to Mayrah but when they reached near the door, to not allow him a nurse forced him back with her hand on his chest.

"Mind Your Behavior!" He yelled in frustration and tried to get in.

"You can't go inside. Doctor forbade....."

"I'm a doctor too. Let me...."

"Please mister, any random doctor can't just...."

"Can we talk to the doctor? Where's he?" Musa questioned but the nurse shook her head in the negative.

"He's busy, as he said the patient is in coma, please oblige by the rules." Saying so she walked inside and locked the door.

"Which hospital is it?"

"South City."

"What's that doctor's name?"

"Tasin Zane."

Musa noticed the Doctor coming towards them. He signed Isaa to look at his back.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm a doctor and the patient is my wife. I need to chec....."

"Come on, just studying in medical doesn't say one can be a doctor. Please move."

This made Isaa's blood boil in anger as he grabbed the Doctor's collar murderously glaring at him.

"Neurosurgeon from Oxford, can you just bring me all her reports. That's not a request but an order?"

Gritting his teeth in anger he spoke making the doctor tensed.

He gulped down his saliva and nodded when Isaa let him go.

"But... She's in coma, I've already done all the tes...."

"Doesn't matter. Open the door."

He stepped in the room as his gaze fell on her laying on the bed unconscious, with an oxygen mask on her mouth and several pipelines attached to her hands.

His heart ached seeing her in this state. He believed that she's not in coma but what if she really is?

He felt Musa's hand on his shoulder which brought him back to the reality.

"I'll handle, please just send me her tests reports."


He walked to the bed and gazed at the patient monitor.

"Doctor.....I'm really sorry I didn't know that it's you Isaa Ismael.


Isaa turned yelling on the doctor who just entered with Mayrah's reports.

"Excuse me can you just lower your voice? I'm also a doctor and you can't just....."

The doctor paused when Isaa walked to him and snatched the files from his hands.

As Isaa went through the papers, his face turned red in anger due to the lie the Doctor informed his family.

The Doctor began sweating as he thought of an explanation.

He has lied so that Mayrah stays in hospital for long which would definitely earn him good income but unfortunately he's caught.


"N U R S E!"

Isaa shouted louder.


"Prepare the Operation Theater and take us to his senior surgeon." Isaa heatedly spoke.

"Doctor Isaa..I... please, I'm really sorry. I..uhh... Please don't do..."

"Ohh why? You lost your client, so sad."

Isaa mocked as he patted the Doctor's shoulder.


Mayrah woke up feeling her arm numbed as her gaze fell on Isaa laying beside her with his head resting in her arm, face hidden in her neck.

She looked around to realize herself to be in hospital.

The memories of that day haunted her but she shook them away thankful that there was no loss.


She kissed his head caressing his back which made him groan as he hugged her tighter.

"Mm....hmm how are you?"

He looked up with his eyes still closed.

"Fine, how are you?"

Isaa's lips twitched up to a smile as he nodded and kissed her.

"I missed you baby....so much."

He rubbed his beard in her cheek causing her chuckle as she managed to get on top of him.

"I was so scared, I knew that it didn't exist but.....the accident...mm...I thought I lost you..."

She spoke holding his face in her hands and kissing all around there.

"I wouldn't let you lose me or let myself lose you."

His voice held firmness as he kissed her hand.

"I wish....I wasn't sick."

The thought of leaving him behind if her sickness causes her death scares her so worse that she feels her heart beating no more.

"Don't you fear that I may die?"

Isaa abruptly shook his head at her question.

"As I said...I won't let myself lose you."

"I won't...let myself leave you."

She mumbled resting her forehead against his.

"That's the assurance I need, not that you'll leave me, okay? I love you."


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