《Universe Of Hearts✓》•5


29th Jul, 2020


"Ayyoo! I'll call you Bhabi too then."

Kaira, Isaa's and Mayrah's cousin sister exclaimed in an exciting tone taking Isaa's side with all her other cousins.

Mayrah smirked at Isaa who grinned at her feeling proud of himself.

"But like Isaa is your brother, I'm also your sister." She pouted frowning.

Hamza, who is sitting on Isaa's lap, looked at Mayrah carefully and attentively for a minute. He then stood up and ran near Mayrah seeking her attention.

He settled on her lap and lovingly cupped her face.

"I will call you Aani if you give me chocolates everyday."

"Awwwe! But from where will I get chocolates? Your Isaa Chachu doesn't even give me any.

He says that my teeth will be damaged if I keep eating that."

Isaa smirked and moved his gaze to the other side, finding Wania already looking at him. He passed her a helpless smile and averted his gaze.

They seriously need to talk about it!

"Side affects of having a doctor in our family." Hamza's words made everyone awed.

They continued talking as Isaa's phone rang so he excused himself from them.

Walking the garden's way, he begin talking to someone until Wania stopped her steps near the door, coughing to take his attention.

He turned back and looked at her questioningly.

"If only you had think about me?" She asked in a low voice

Isaa stood silent not knowing what to say.

He cannot blame her no can justify his own points to her.

"Happy Nikah, Isaa."

She uttered the words very difficultly as her eyes teared up, heart burdened with pain.

The next minute she ran away, keeping Isaa standing there expressionless.

"What did I even do Wania!"

Isaa's 2nd Chachu lives in London with his family, Isaa was brought up there for whole 18 years. His cousin brother, Haroon and sister, Kaira became like his own siblings as they spent their childhood together.

But his Chachi's niece, Wania, who is an orphan and adopted by them, could never accept him as her brother.

Wania tried her best to keep distance from him. She didn't want to have any Shaytanic vibes for loving him.

Isaa was aware of her feelings for him but always ignored them as all whom he belongs to is Mayrah.

But Wania waited for him, for long, hoping someday when the right time comes he'll ask for Nikah to her.


Did she know that Isaa's heart always was locked with Mayrah's?

Wania came back to the hall and joined others in their chat.

"Wania will also take Isaa's side right?"

Wania looked up and shook her head, a grin adorning her face as she side hugged Mayrah.

"I'm taking my sister's side. Not Isaa's." Mayrah blushed and showed a winning look.

"He's rude right?"


"Isaa and Wania appi are of same age, right?"

"No, with a gap of 4 years. Both studied medical together."

"So you must know him well right?"

Mayrah raised her eyebrows at Wania causing her immediately nod.

There's nothing Wania didn't know of Isaa, except for that he loves Mayrah.

"Mayrah, come to the room." Isaa called her from the upstairs, immediately making Mayrah groan as she gritted her teeth looking up at him.


"Is it important?"

Mayrah's Ammi and both Chachi glared at her question.

"He called you so go. It might be important."

"Important! Hell important! He just...."

She stopped noticing their glares getting murderous.

"Uhh yeah, sorry." She stood up and left to her room.

Closing the door of her room, she searched for Isaa who's sitting on the couch along with his 2nd wife which is obviously a laptop.


"Can you see the time?"

"Yeah it's 1:30 up."

"Sleepy sleepy time?" Isaa asked raising his eyebrows at her as she took her sit near him.

"Why don't you sleep then?" She asked feeling irritated.

"Sweetheart, you are supposed to sleep at exact 11. I've been waiting for you."

"ISAA! They all are gossiping."

"Isaa please."

"Shall I go?"

"O Doctor"

"I am not sleepy."

"Fine! Stubborn Doctor!"

Realizing that it's useless to argue with him, she gave up.

A smile curved on her lips seeing his vision fixed on his laptop, as if nothing else mattered to him to be attended, not even his wife!

She removed her Hijab and leaned forward near his face. Placing a soft kiss on his cheek, she moved back and again kept gazing at him.

"Thanks for the kiss anyways." He said, too busy to even look at her as he's still gazing on his laptop.

Giggling on that, she gave him another kiss. He didn't react rather concentrated on his job.

Again she leaned forward placing another kiss on the corner of his lips.

When she was about to kiss again, he hauled her over his lap making her laugh loudly.

"Sleep, don't disturb me." He warned settling her head on his shoulder.

"Good night." She whispered and tightly hugged him as he managed to continue working with her on his lap.

She peacefully slept on his arms within few minutes.

Finishing his work after about 2 hours, he yawned shutting the laptop off finally deciding to get some sleep.

He begin caressing her hair and kissing her head till he dozed off.


"Doctor, Doctor Isaa. Wake up." She shook his arm as he opened his eyes finding her on his lap.

He smiled at her before grabbing her face close to his as he pecked her forehead and fell his head off on her shoulder.

"You'll miss fazr, come on get up."

She ruffled his hair adding more peace to his sleepy mind.


"Come on Isaa!"

Groaning, he let her get up as he rubbed his eyes to wipe off his sleep but couldn't control closing his eyes intending to sleep for at least 2 more minutes.


"Yeah yeah ok I'm up!"

He managed to stand up with his eyes still closed as he made his way to the washroom.

Doing ablution he came back reciting the Shahadah and took out his prayer mat to pray, knowing that he's late for Masjid.

Seeing Mayrah sitting there in the couch useless, simply gazing at him, he smiled at her.

"Can you make a cup of coffee for me?"

"Sure." She stood up and grabbed her Hijab. Putting it on, she came out of her room and went to the kitchen.

She found Wania standing near the stove. Lost in something so deeply, she didn't realize that the water is boiling.


"Assalamu Alaikum. Good morning Appi." Mayrah greeted walking next to her.

"Uhh ohh... Walaikum Assalam. You need anything?"

"Isaa wanted coffee, so!"

"Okk, I'm also making that for myself." Wania smiled while pouring more water on the coffee pot.

She took another mug preparing it for Isaa. Mayrah smiled noticing at her actions.

"Isaa doesn't like sugar on coffee!" Mayrah remarked when she saw that Wania didn't add sugar on the mug, as she too knows that Isaa doesn't prefer sugar.

"Yeah, that is why your husband is not sweet." She joked giving her a wink.

"No doubt!"

"How about your health? Do you feel well or......"

"Mm no, Alhamdulillah. I didn't face anything so bad yet and Isaa is there by me."

"You know, he's the link from Allah to grant you cure."

Wania smiled wholeheartedly happy for Mayrah but deep inside she wished if only Isaa was not that one for her but herself.




Mayrah left taking the mug of coffee and entered her room finding Isaa doing something on her dressing table.


"Mayrah throw all your make up stuffs. Don't use anything, no lipstick, cream......in short, nothing, not even any kind of face wash."

He rudely ordered turning towards her, his eyes warning her to even dare to object.

She looked at him confusingly wanting to know the reason for all these but had to nod fearing his seriousness.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. But these can cause serious allergy even if they are proven to be harmless."

"Ok I got it. Now sit, why are you messing up things?" She asked grabbing him by his arm.

They both sat on the bed. Mayrah forwarded him the coffee mug, that he accepted and took a sip of it.

"Wania made it?"

"Hmm." Mayrah hummed and took it back on her hand. She too sipped a little and grinned at him.

"That's yummy!"

Finishing the coffee they settled on the bed and slept in each other's arms.

At around 9 o'clock, Mayrah' sleep broke disturbed by the knocks on the door.

She looked down to find Isaa resting his head on her chest. Hoping to not disturb her sleeping handsome, she slowly moved his head to the pillow and moved back.

"Bhabi! Bhabi!"

"Coming." Grabbing her Hijab she ran to open the door, finding Naira and Kaira standing there.

"You've slept enough."

Mayrah yawned, nodding.

"Bhabi my Mama and Mami are coming and we girls planned to make breakfast. Can you please join us or your husband......."

Kaira smirked.

"No no, I'm coming. Give me half an hour."

She closed the door as they left.

Not choosing to wake him first, she left to the washroom and did her job as fast as possible.

Coming out dressed in an Abaya styled maroon color long Kurta, she made her way towards her husband.

She sat near him and ruffled his hair. Feeling her touch, he settled his head on her lap as she bowed down to kiss his head.

"Good morning." She whispered next to his ear. He pulled the duvet over his face getting disturbed as he nuzzled in her lap.


"Mmm.. Mayrah take your medicines." He mumbled in sleep making her chuckle.

"Isaa, wake up."

"No way! Go away!"

He immediately moved away making her give up as she decided to let him sleep for a more while.

Making her way towards the closet, she took out his clothes along with the towel and placed them in the bed.

She walked to his side and leaned down to kiss his forehead. He tried to pull her to him in the bed but she immediately moved back.

Leaving the room quickly, she found Musa and Haroon having their brotherly chat in the garden.

Only her husband is in sleep at this time!

That's reasonable though, he has sacrificed his sleep for her at the night.

"Ohh Mayrah, come soon." Wania dragged her to the kitchen joining the other girls.

"What's the plan?"

"We all will prepare different snacks that we prefer. Later the elders will judge who cooked the best!"

"That will take a very long time!"

"But we'll eat together when Mama and Mami will come. So we have time. Let's start?"

Wania spoke.

"Okay! Choose your ways!"

They all decided to cook anything that they want. Out of all, Wania chose to prepare Mini cheesecakes while Mayrah chose chocolate brownies.

They all started their work but before they all could finish, the guests arrived so one by one they left to meet them.

"Mayrah, Mami is calling you. Go." Mayrah washed her hands and left the kitchen.

"Assalamu Alaikum!"

She ran towards all.

"Walaikum Assalam. You're so grown, Ma Sha Allah."

She talked to them for a while and then excused herself realizing that she left her brownies in the oven.

"Mayrah Mayrah! Go and bring juice glasses from the showcase."

She ran back and took out the glasses on a big tray.

While returning to the kitchen, she heard something which made her eyes shut, heart cry and smile die.

"Actually I wanted to suggest, if we could have Isaa for our Wania? I mean, they both know each other from childhood and I'll be really relaxed if I handover my niece to Isaa."

Wania's Mama spoke.

Just then all remembered that they didn't inform them of Isaa and Mayrah's Nikah.

"I'm really sorry to say but Mayrah is in Isaa's Nikah. Pardon us please. We couldn't inform anyone in time."

"Ohh..." Both Wania's Mama and Mami looked surprised and a little upset knowing so.

Isaa's Chachi came near her sister in law and took her hands in hers.

"Bhabi I'm really sorry. Even I forgot to share with you."

"Nooo. It's totally okay. You know, we just thought of it. And we are happy because Mairah needs Isaa."

"Actually we were about to inform about their Nikah and also invite you for their Walimah."

"It's really fine. Please don't be upset for that."

Mayrah took a breathe of relief as she walked away.


As Isaa took a bite of the mini cheesecake, his eyes closed as he moaned enjoying it's heavenly taste.

It's not like he didn't love the taste of brownies prepared by his wife.

But just that he loves everything cooked by Wania.

Though he never had any feelings for her.

He looked up and saw Wania smiling at him, then he moved his gaze to his wife finding her smirking.

"All cooked well but I loved Wania's one."

"Wania is always the best in all these."


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