《Universe Of Hearts✓》•4


21th July, 2020


"Go and feed it to Isaa." Isaa's mother said handing the plate of a big piece of cake to Mayrah.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I'm lazy to even eat myself right now!"

She scrunched her nose saying that in a low voice.

"Mayrah....go I said."

"I will give that but what's the need of feeding him Chachi?" She asked taking the plate, annoyed, calling a slap to her head as she huffed at her Chachi's glare.

"Work on your marriage for Allah's sake! Go now."

"Yeah! Going."

Mayrah made her way towards the hall and found Isaa calmly sitting on the couch busy on his laptop.

His expression holding a very serious look, his eyes staring at the laptop as if that's what which only exists to be seen.

Mayrah slowly walked near him and took her sit beside, she kept her hand on his thigh to take his attention.

He still didn't glance at her even for once, lost in his world.

For a minute Mayrah's eyes widened as she gawked at his face gulping down the beauty of his features.

A warm smile curved on her lips looking at his half straight and half curly hair, thin and brown.

Sunnah styled brown beard covered his perfectly shaped chin doubling his charm.

Mayrah leaned forward to peck his cheek, immediately he turned his head to her and found her giggling as she stepped away.

"Huh?" He questioningly smirked at her when she shifted closer to him and brought the plate in between their faces.

"I'm busy, Mayrah." He said denying to eat as he moved his head back to the front side, reading something on the laptop's screen.

Mayrah sighted and took the whole big piece on her hand. Though there is a spoon, she didn't choose to use it.

"Do Aaaaa."

"Wifey, I'll eat later." He moved his face away, groaning.

"Come on it's yummy!"

"I don't eat all these."

"Not even from your wife's hand?"

At this, he turned to glare at her.

The childish and pure smile on her face changed his expression of arrogance as he smiled back at her and opened his mouth eyeing at the piece of cake.

"It's yummy, nah?"

"Not more than you." He winked sallowing it.

His attention again ran to his laptop as she continued feeding him the whole piece.


She wiped the side of his mouth with her finger and stood up to leave.

Walking few steps away, she stopped and turned her head back at him.

Can he even try on working to be her husband or continue acting to be only her Doctor?

She doesn't fear death anymore. The nightmare which always scares her, has faded as he happened to her.

She now wills wants to live her life, happily.

Though she expects to die within few years like the other doctors said, yet she desires to love him with all her heart to the fullest till she lives.


She called in a sweet voice, craving for his eyes to meet hers for at least a second.


"Doctor Isaa?"

"Ooo Mayrah's love."

She giggled as finally he looked at her. His serious mood changed in something loving as he waited for her to talk.

"What? Isaa's little heart." He teased quirking his brows as she bit her lip to control her growing smile.

"Nothing! Keep working."

"Are you looking for my attention or what?"


He smirked, in mood to play.

She frowned annoyed and walked away leaving him chuckling at her.

Minutes passed as he continued to check and research Mayrah's files on his laptop.

Getting tired, he yawned and looked down at his wrist watch.

He stood up making his way to the dining room, stood in front of the washbasin and splashed water over his face to feel fresh.

Turning back to the kitchen's direction, he caught Mayrah talking to both their mothers.

He made his way near them and stood after Mayrah, pointing his Ammi and Chachi to not talk or sign her that he's behind.

She was talking about something in a serious mood until Isaa yelled loudly to her ear.


She yelled back and jumped turning to see him laughing at her. Both the mothers also joined him looking at Mayrah's pale face.

"Huh." She calmed herself patting her her chest while murderously glaring at her husband.

Done with that, she moved back giving attention to the ladies as she continued her gossip.

Isaa listened a little but felt bored as he didn't understand what she's talking about.

Still, he felt his face wet so he wiped his face on Mayrah's Hijaab.

"How cute Isaa! Don't you have towel at home?"

Mayrah's mother asked with raised eyebrows at which he simply denied like it's no big deal.

Mayrah smirked demanding an answer as he again gripped the edge of her Hijab and wiped his mouth with a sheepish smile adorning his lips.

"Love increases like this."

Showing his tongue out, he wrapped his arms around Mayrah resting his head on her shoulder. Mayrah tried to push him back but he held her tightly, rightfully!

"You know Chachi, I wanted your characters on her, I didn't know that she's opposite to you, or else I would have never loved her."

He spoke making Mayrah shocked as her mouth gaped open hearing him. She punched on his stomach with her elbow making him flinch dramatically.

"Uhh...all that I mean is that, I've fallen for the wrong girl!"

He cutely justified moving his eyes to all.

"Who told you to love me then? I didn't! In fact I didn't also say to marry me."

"Ohh please. How crazy you were to just have me returned here, I know!"

Both the mothers by now left to let them continue their romantic bickering.

"You forced me to marry you, ok?"

"Haaaww! You too wanted to be my wife. You were just showing off your rejection!"

He scrunched his nose saying so as she stomped on her feet, very irritated!

"Obviously no. I had someone else in my mind."

"Oh really? Who?"

He smirked, stepping closer to her.

"What'll you do by knowing?"

"Yeah yeah you are.........."

Isaa was disturbed by the ringtone of his phone as he excused himself to answere it.

Mayrah followed his steps and stood behind him who's now standing near the railing of the balcony.

"Did you check the reports?"

He questioned on the call with his eyes on Mayrah who just stood in front of him resting her back on the railing.

"Yes Doctor. Majority of the surgeons were logical. And the research says that not even 1% suffer from this disease, nor it still got any scientific name."

He got the reply, humming in response, he smirked at Mayrah whose gaze is fixed on him, gawking at him shamelessly.

"And about her?" He asked taking his hand up to her face. He softly begin caressing his fingers all around her face while carefully noting the words his assistant is saying.


Mayrah blushed and suddenly sat up on the railing, holding Isaa's hands for support, still it made him frown as he shook his head at her.

"......And as she's yet not enough adult, death is doubted 96% before or during the surgery."

Hearing this, Isaa's heart beat fastened as the smile that was playing on his face immediately died.

"Get down Mayrah." He said heatedly.

"Okay. Mail me those reports. And I want every medical information about the last patient who died."

By now, Mayra understood that she is the topic. She immediately moved back from the railing and left the balcony.

"Always rubbish!"

She's tired of him always talking about her sickness with her and with everyone else as if he has no other work.

He doesn't even talk to her like a husband. Every long conversation they have, it's just about her sickness.

She wants to spend time with him, make her feel loved, make romantic and lovely memories but he does nothing of anything she wills him to do!


Okay then. Allah Hafiz." He cut the call and followed Mayrah.

She left to her room as he came running after her. Locking the door, he grabbed her hand as she bumped with his chest, caged in his arms.

"Why are you always researching about that?

I'm fine, right? I'm alive in front of you. When the surgery time will come, it will be handled. Please stop wasting your time on it."

She spilled out looking up to meet with his intense gaze as her eyes teared up.

He passed her a helpless smile making her sigh.

Her hands reached to his beard as she rubbed her fingers there, soothing his tensed mind.

"I don't like you always working on me."

"Why are you worried? I'm not waiting time baby, not at all."

He leaned down to kiss her as she gave in for few seconds and then moved her face down.

"Why did you marry me?"

She demanded an answer as she held him by his collar causing him roll his eyes at her.

"Why do you think I married you?"

He smirked brushing his nose against hers.

"Because you love me right?"

She smirked back, her fingers playing with his shirt's buttons as she unbuttoned the first one.

"Yeah sweetheart. Because I love you."

With his voice low, he confessed heavily breathing.

"Then why don't you show that you love me?"

He confusingly raised his eyebrows at the question.

"Doesn't seem like you love me. I mean...yeah, but to only the point of taking care of me, curing me."

He sensed pain in her complain.

"Don't you feel like I love you?"

He asked, thinking where he's lacking in loving her.

"I know you love me. But...."

"But what?"

He made her look up at him as their moist eyes met.

"Can't you be romantic....loving... naughty...?"

She gritted her teeth, abruptly making him sigh in relief as he chuckled at her.

"Seriously? I was scared Mayrah!"


She hid her face in the crook of his neck as he lovingly patted her back.

"Didn't I just kiss you?"

He felt her nodding her head at this.

"You can do more things you know."

"As of?"

"You know Isaa!"

"I don't know."

"You do."

"Okay I do! Now shall I do what I know to do?"

"Okkk....... NO!

Mm...I'm going to sleep with Naira tonight."

She made up a lie to play with him.

"You've a husband in your room, wifey!"

"So what? Are you scared to sleep alone?"

"I don't want to stay away from you even for a minute now."

"Ohh for the fear of losing me soon through death?"



"Mayrah, my towel." Isaa yelled from that washroom as he just finished showering.

She took his towel from it's place and walked near the washroom, knocking at it's door.

"Take it."

He opened the door and took it from her hand.

She then brought out a plain white t-shirt and a black pair of jeans for him.

Keeping them on the bed, she begin cleaning her room. Meanwhile he finished his job and came out.

Not choosing to wear the t-shirt, he remained in his pants and got busy scrolling down his mails on the phone.

Mayrah's gaze fell on him as she made walking there, her eyes roaming around his half naked body.

She was about to say something to him but a knock on the door disturbed as she turned back.

"My abs king, wear your t-shirt."

She went to open the door then.


Ilyas Chachu is coming with everyone else!" Naira informed jumping inside their room immediately snatching their attention.

"Huh? With..all? When? But why?" Isaa filled his sister with questions throwing his phone away as his face fell pale.

"For your Walimah, of course. Maybe the next weak. Yeeeyyyy I'm so excited."

"My Walimah? Ohh!" Mayrah looked at overjoyed but Isaa's expression worsened.

"Finally they are coming! I never even met them." Isaa fake smiled at Mayrah's cheery words.

"Don't you miss them, Isaa? You were always with them, right!"


"Yeeyyy I'm so happy! Finally our whole family will be together for the first time." Naira exclaimed.

The girls got busy with their chats not noticing Isaa's tensed appearance.

"Wania Appi is coming too, right?"

Isaa heard Mayrah.

He frowned at the confirmation of this as he rubbed his beard, offended and disappointed.

"I'm going, Mayrah."

"Ok, Fi Amaanillah. Allah Hafiz."

"Allah Hafiz"

Whole day his mood remained spoiled to the news of their arrival.


Death doubt.... After 6 years.

Surgery success.... 5%.

Medicines effect.... 67%, temporarily.

"Aaaahhhh damn it! I can't do this."

How can I go on or give up? My brain is blasting on it. The more I try to know, the more I fall down on my hopes.

I even feel scared to do further research.

Now it seems like all this while I was lying to myself that I can save her.



"What Mayrah? I denied you to shout out like this right? Why do you love to disobey everything that I command?"

I yelled at her losing my temper, that actually is my fear.

I glanced at her angrily, her upset face immediately changed my mood as I felt guilty for my reaction.

Oh come on! Her expressions!

I hauled her over me and leaned forward pecking her forehead. She chuckled, ruffling my hair, back to her cheery mood.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok."

Resting my forehead against hers, I closed my eyes enjoying our closeness.

It feels so soothing to stay near her.

My little heart!

"Silent romantic hubby, they arrived. Come down."

My eyes wide opened, peace long gone.

The feeling of having someone hurt because of you even though you're not at fault is so........hurtful!

We stood up to make our way down to the hall.

She was about to run but I caught her wrist.

"No running around and louder words, ok?" I ordered raising my eyebrows. In return she huffed but respectfully nodded.

"My over protective doctor!"

"My carefree patient."

As we advanced towards our destination I looked down the staircase finding everyone sitting on couches.

Our complete family!

"MY ISAAAAA...." Chachi came running towards me. I let go off Mayrah's hand and made my way to her.

"I missed you, Isaa." Her voice broke as I lightly hugged her.

"I missed you too my queen.

Assalamu Alaikum." I greeted looking at Chachu who nodded in reply and attended back to Mayrah who just sat near him.

"My girl is still not grown. You look like a 10 years old baby." Chachi commented walking to her.

I was going to reply to that but someone grabbed my hand seeking my attention. I looked down and saw Hamza gazing at me with his precious shy smiled.

I bowed down and pulled him to my arms.

"I missed you so much Chachu."

He tightly hugged me wrapping his tiny hands around my neck.

"Chachu missed you too."

"She's Chachi?" He asked pointing his finger to Mayrah who's busy in chatting with others.

"Yes. Did you like your Chachi?"

"But she didn't talk to me, why will I like her?" He asked, pouting.

"Mayrah. Come here." I called her as she excused herself from them and Came to us. She say down near me and made Hamza sit on her lap.

"Assalamu Alaikum prince. How are you?"

"Walaikum Assalam. I like you, Chachi."

"Haaawww! No Isaaa. I'm his Phuppi. He's my brother's son. Don't take him on your side." Mayrah glared at me.

Side effects of marrying your cousin!

I left them talking to meet my cousin.

"Heyy..." Haroon Bhai stood up as we hugged each other.

"Missed me?"

"I did. But getting my sister, you didn't miss me."

I almost forgot someone being occupied with the happiness of meeting this part of my family until my eyes stopped on her.

I immediately lowered my eyes feeling her already hurting me with her wounds though I can still sense her complaining gaze on me.

Come on Wania!

"Isaa.... Isaa..."

"Hmm?" I looked back seeing Mayrah standing there with a tray of juices.

"I won't drink."

"Nor I'm giving you huh.

Mm... I'll sleep with the girls tonight?"

"Mayrah! Nooooo."

I frowned, irritated at the same question which she asks me every day even knowing the answer!


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