《Universe Of Hearts✓》•1 Isaa And Mayrah


14th June, 2020

Doctors Series.

Story 1

The Doctor's Care

Isaa And Mayrah


Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

This story's about a Doctor doing everything in his might for his wife to save her life from a disease .

A disease that really doesn't exist but is shown to work up with the plot.

It's truly, completely, fully and really only based on my imagination.

18 years old Mayrah Ismael with her life tied to a complex disease could only wait for the day of her last breathe, medicines being by her like a ticking clock.

Isaa Ismael, from England, a 28 years old neurosurgeon, owning over renowned hospitals in Pakistan and London returned to his homeland to create a home with his childhood love Mayrah, only to reveal she had no hope of life.

Would they unite!

Both of their parents are siblings which make them cousins from both side.

•Isaa is strict, mature and sensible!

•Mayrah is stubborn, irritating and childish!

They pair the best in their own ways.



Agonized, burdened and beyond repair was his broken heart, yet not a drop drop tear he has allowed to wave in his eyes.

Just an hour back he returned to his motherland after whole 18 years, he was a renowned and successful surgeon now, who'd been studying brain his entire life and now came back to serve his heart in here.

Oh the only reason he has kicked everything off in London is because of his childhood love.

But there he stood, numbed and unnerved. The ethereal heart filled with euphoria was now mauled.


"Why Abbu? Why was I kept in ignorance?"

He couldn't even form the words clearly, his Adam's apple bouncing in his parched throat, immensely distressed.

He was hurt! So hurt that he wished he never came back.

Because the news that his family opened up as a welcome to him was something his dreams opposed.

It was so nightmarish that he wished to run back to where he was surviving before, where with every breathe he took, he dreamt of her.

And here, they tell him she's dying, his purpose of return is dying.

"You'll have been hiding this since the last 2 years! Ho..how!"

None could say anything anymore, his parents, aunt and uncle, his siblings all stood quiet as if they were his sinners.

"Where is Mayrah?"

He looked around, breatheless.

"She's sleeping."

"I want each of her medical reports, NOW."

He looked at Musa, Mayrah's elder brother, his voice stern and enraged.

"Isaa......Listen to me." His Chachi, Mayrah's mother came near him and held his shivering hand in hers, looking up at him tearfully.

"I've listened enough Chachi. No more."

He took his hand back, gritting his teeth to control his rage.

"Isaa don't, don't fo that. You could have done nothing, it would be useless to worry you there for no reason."

"I AM WHAT SHE NEEDS! You all have been consulting every other consultant BUT NOT ME!"

He kicked the tea table in front of him snapping back, unable to hold back any longer.

They were neglecting him! Thinking that he couldn't do anything while the world looked for him when it's about neurology.

"Lower, Isaa, if you are what she needed then they were also what she needed. All said the same and so would you."

Musa said, his intention was to relax him but it instead made him even more furious, wanting to put everything in fire.

"She's dying, Isaa. She's under Allah's mercy now."


He looked at his father to his words, raising his eyebrows in challenge.

"I'll give my life to let her live and then she will be under Allah's mercy."

Responsing, he rushed to his room leaving them all looking at each other, wordless.

They all knew his love for their daughter!


Disturbed by the noise of sobs, Mayrah struggled to shoo away her sleepiness and lazily unclosed her eyes to see her Chachi sitting beside her, affectionately ruffling her hair.

She sat up yawning and smiled at the tears her Chachi was seeping for her.

"You all shed tears so much that at last I don't get to cry at all."

She mocked wiping her tears.

Mayrah knew of her sickness that she was been suffering from the 2 years and it will call her death because none was ready to step ahead for her treatment.

But this little of the detail affected her too little to let her life get lifeless. She didn't care what the future held at all.

What matteres was that she was living the best of her life now, even if it all just was about medicines and rest.

"Slept well?"

Isaa's mother asked, cupping her face.

"Wasn't Isaa Bhai suppose to come? Did he arrive?" She asked.

That was the moment she always and forever waited for!

He came back, finally!

But no, he was a stranger to her now, not the person she grew up dreaming to marry.

After freshening up, she exited her bedroom and ran down the staircase to listen of Isaa from her sisters or steal a look of him.

She had never seen him, not even in pictures. So he was a mystery to her that her heart begged to find for.

Before Mayrah could enter the hall, she heard her father speaking, her step halting at the words he said.

"Marry her, Isaa. I'm selfish as a father that I'm ready to damage your life. But if you claim to give her a life, marry her."

"No never"

"Abbu I won't marry him. What are you talking about? Abbu please. I can't marry him. Forsake me but don't make me a burden on you all, I beg, take your words back."

Mayrah came crying, opposing her father's decision that she knows will destroy both her life and his.

Isaa, who remained silent all the while, slowly turned his head to look at the source of the voice.

It was her, his love!

And that moment, every agony took leave from his heart. His mauled heart was healing when he stared at her.

He was seeing her from the first time and if he knew beauty existed, then it only did, in her.

Her almond eyes bearing the best color of black in her moist eyes, tiny button nose, swollen and fluffy red lips, tender cheeks, every feature she held, he admired.

His love for her was getting wilder and wilder.

Her Abbu and Chacha responded nothing to her. For them, it's enough that they knew her love for Isaa, rest, nothing mattered.

They didn't want her decision because it was obvious she would deny. But they believed, if anything that her sickness caused her pain about, was the pain of losing Isaa.

Mayrah was annoyed at their silence and ignorance. Huffing, she turned to Isaa, her eyes colliding with his ones.

For a moment she was drowned in his gaze, gawking at him without making Amy blink.

He's tenth fold more handsome than she dreamt of him to be! His unruly silk hair hiding half of the forehead, the perfectly shaped jawline adorned with brown beard, she was lost in his flawless beauty, so was he!


"Assalamualaikum. Sorry for the drama. Forget it all."

Mayrah said, forcefully averting her gaze from him.

"None asked for your opinion, Mayrah."

"Oh now you all will forcefully marry me off to your son expecting he'll push away my death?"

"He wants you to prepare for the surgery."

"And I don't want that! Rubbish."

Stomping on her foot, she turned back to leave before stealing another look from him.

His heart bounced hard against his chest in complain, having her out of his sight.

"Take your time and decide, Isaa, will you?"

"I will."

He nodded, relieving them, giving hopes.

"Come for dinner."

"I am not hungry."

They know he needs space so none stopped him.


She's dying.

These words were so dreadful that made his whole inside burning, his heart heaving like it would stop beating unable to bear this agony anymore.

It was as if he himself was experiencing his soul flying away everytime the words rang in his ears.

"Isaa Bhai. Open the door."

And her voice again, magically drifted his pain away!

Not delaying, Isaa ran to open the door to see her standing there with a tray in her hands, a warm smile adorning her lips.


"May I come in, Doctor?"


He went back to sit in the couch as she followed and sat opposite to him, placing the tray in the tea table.

"You don't skip dinner for the family drama."

She advised, pushing the tray closer to his side.

"Take it back."

"Come on! I'm apologizing for what they've welcomed you with. Please now, eat and rest."

Isaa sucked in a sharp breathe, saying nothing, his gaze at the tray in boredom.

"Do you know me anyways? I'm your little sister, Mayrah."

"How are Chacha Chachi doing there?"

She asked, trying hard to form a conversation asking about them whom Isaa lived with in London.

"Hey? Isaa Bhai!"



Isaa said looking up, disgusted at the mention of Bhai. Hi sudden loud voice causing her shiver as she bit her lip looking away.

"So..rry Bhai."

When she looked back at him, he glared even more murderously.

She loves him with all her being! But this yet doesn't change their cousin-ship and now, she loved addressing him Bhai to see him this much agitated.


"Have dinner, please."

"Okay fine! Leave now."

"Arrogant jerk."

Her voice automatically formed the words out loud that she was shocked at her own voice, her eyes widening.

Isaa frowned, questioningly staring at her.


He gritted his teeth at her.

"Who..who? You? No..no sorry. Eee. Ok, good night."

She hurriedly ran away.

For once, she turned back to look at him ruffling his hair in frustration, causing her smile at him.

"Don't make me your burden....I can't destroy your life, my love."

She mumbled, tears filling in her eyes.

If only the situations were different, she'd ask him to marry her right away for that's what she had been waiting forever.


"Plea..please...please...Allah please....please....Allah..."

Isaa mumbled in between his hiccups and uncontrolled sobs, his hand clutching the left side of his chest at the burning sensation inside.

He was sitting in a corner fighting the pain. The more he wiped his tears, the more they shed, his voice got breathy now as he was struggling to even his breathe.

"I love...love her...please...please Allah.."

Words were short to request Allah for what he was asking to get but he knew that Allah was reading his heart and his prayers won't ever go unanswered.

"I love her.....oh Allah...I love her so much....shield my love, please."

Till now the reasons of his tears were only dedicated in the path of Allah. He cried while asking for guidance and repentance.

But today he was crying to Allah to give him his love, to cure her with His mercy and mighty.

He found tranquility and ease bowing to sujod keeping hopes and patience in Allah's endless mercy.

It's most probably a test from Allah to both of them. Maybe he can give her normal life back, he can be the doctor who cures her with his care.

And in the name of Allah, he began.


Isaa entered the garden hastily walking towards Mayrah who was sipping on her coffee while watching the moon. Reaching, he grabbed the coffee mug from her hand and stood in front.


She screamed thinking it might be Musa, her brother.

And indeed there was Musa sitting in a distance, where he could hear them from at Isaa's request as he needed to talk to her in her mahram's presence.

"Don't. Blame. Me. For. The. Consequences. When. You. Again. Call. Me. With. That. Word."

His voice was low yet authoritarian but she still rolled her eyes at him as he took a sip of coffee, it's taste almost causing him to throw up but he gulped it down.


He extended his hand to give it back, sugar in coffee isn't his friend at all, that Mayrah already knew.

She grabbed the mug and raised her eyebrows at him.

"The consequences of calling you what, Bhai?"

Isaa sighed stretching his neck as he gave her a warnful glare and sat in the bench of their garden.

Not wanting to make any moments between themselves and let feelings get deeper, Mayrah turned around to leave, only to halt on her step hearing him.

"I want to say yes to them to marry you. But..not without your decision."

"It's a crystal clear NO from me, Isaa Bhai."

This time she didn't call him that to taunt, but to prove their relationship just as it is.

Isaa mockingly chuckled at her words.

"I'll decide what your decision is, based on how you feel about me."

"Look go back to London with your dominance."

She again began to walk away.

"I love you, Mayrah Ismael."

"I'm dying, Isaa Ismael. Get over me."

"I want to marry you, even if for a day, for an hour, even if there's only few last minutes you get to live. So that if you die, I keep loving my wife rightfully, not my cousin."

He shared his thoughts causing her turn back to look at him with tearful eyes, her legs weakening at the love his eyes showed as he gazed at her with a forced smile.

"I don't..want any of that."

"If I get sure that you love me in return, I'll make you want that. But if not, I'll let you go."

Mayrah remained silent for a minute, her cheeks wetted with endless drops of tears shedding down her eyes.

Gulping down, she looked away to answer him.

"I don't love you Isaa Bhai."

"Say that on my face."

"I don't love you."

She now looked at his arms.

"Eyes on my eyes."

He again said, fearing if she really says so, his heart's already sending him warnings of the consequences.

Mayrah couraged up and finally looked straight into his eyes.

"I never loved you."

Isaa frowned at her words, veins in his neck getting prominent in rage.


"Yes, really."

"You're not lying?"

"I'm not."

"By Allah?"

He demanded.

"By All....."

She paused, startled at the sin she was about to commit.

Isaa laughed out his heart, relieved of the pain.

"We're getting married then."

He chuckled standing up.

"I don't love you I said!"

"Then swear on Allah!"

"Look Isaa Bhai I've feelings for you but I don't love you."

"Bla bla bla! I'll see how you call me Bhai when we get married."


"You have no reason to not marry me."


She shouted throwing the coffee mug in the floor, utterly raged at him. But when she realized what she has just said, her sobs quietened, regretting the words.

"I only heard the I love you part. So, we're getting married."


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