《Universe Of Hearts✓》•Contents•



1st Story.

The Doctor's Care For His Wife.

•Emotional, caring, cousin marriage•

She is treated like an empress in her sickness by Doctor who is her husband.

Though everyone made sure of her death, he returned to her promising that he'll save her at any cost, with Allah's mercy.

Once she had the fear to lose her breathe anytime too, but he was so sure of holding her with him that now she no more thinks of death.

Will his love cure her?

2nd Story.

Keeping Him Closer To Me.


•Love triangle, emotional, step mom•

♡ Shahveer And Thanzia ♡

Special character

She loves him so much that her heart's concern for his baby made her a mother, though being his brother's wife.

She was already broken and lifeless due to the storms and fires in her heart.

Never believing to love someone else again, she unexpectedly fell for her husband, a soldier, Tanveer, at such a wrong time that she lived with the fear of losing him any minute.

Will she get her first love then?

3rd Story.

Linking Our Hearts.


•Rape victim, first sight love, romantic•

♡ Yazan And Sayba ♡

Operating a raped and orphan girl, he didn't realize when his heart linked to hers.

He decided to keep her at his home until the case gets solved but his family misunderstood her to be his wife because of a bitter sweet lie that he told them.

It didn't take long for him to make her his wife for real as soon as he confessed his love for her.

But then he found out her sour past over which he has no right to judge yet faces a hard time to accept it?

Will he win against himself for her sake?


Total 3 stories having 20 chapters in each.

•Though the author will try her best to make the stories Halal, there will be several flaws in the characters•

And Don't You Dare To Steal My Ideas.

I'll send my loving readers to kill you.


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