《Her Choice | ✓EDITING》Hurt.17


We got to the restaurant and I excused myself to the ladies room.

I washed my hands and checked my makeup in the mirror.

Then a girl with a long dirty purple dress comes in.

She's hysterically crying, she runs into a stall and I hear her sobs.

I walk to the stall door and knock.

"Um excuse me, are you okay?" I say.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine sorry." She sniffles.

"Oh no don't be sorry. Obviously you're not fine. Do you want to talk about it?" I say.

She walked out of the stall and leaned on the wall.

"There's a man here who've I been following. I hooked up with him once and I kept on pursuing him but he refused me because he's married. Then his wife found out and he ignored me completely. How does someone just kick someone else out of their life without an explanation?! When I first met him, I fell for his shiny green eyes and great smile. I can't seem to forget him. I love him." She says.

Then I realized who she was. It was the girl Levi cheated on me with.

"I think that you're talking exactly about my husband." I say.

Her eyes widen and starts saying how she's so sorry.

I don't listen to her. All I do is walk towards her and give her the hardest punch I've ever gave anyone.

She started bleeding.

"How dare you do what you did to me?! Do you know how much pain you caused me?! I can't feel the same anymore because of you. You got in the way. You only thought about yourself. Big deal he ignored you, now you want to be a little bitch and cry about it! I hope you rot when you go to hell. And remember that punch when you try to fuck somebody else's husband." I yell at her and spit in her face like the nothing she is.


With that I walked out all flustered.

I saw Levi standing up and smiling.

I walked past him and ignore him when he calls out my name.

I run out the restaurant and start walking to a bus stop that would get me to Jules place.

"Aurora stop!" I hear Levi scream.

"Aurora!" I feel him grab my wrist but I forcefully snatch it away.

"That bitch was in there Levi!" My voice cracked with sadness.

"What? Who?" He says confused and out of breath.

"Your fucking hoe! The girl who you cheated on me with." I start to feel scattered tears on my cheeks and feel a lot of stares.

"Aurora I-I didn't know. I really didn't. I'm serious Rory." His eyes soften when he sees my tears and wipes them off.

"I need to go Levi. I don't want to be here with...you." I say.

"Where are you going Aurora?" He asks.

"I'm going to Jules. This is just all too much drama for me and I can't deal with it." Then I left him there without any goodbye.


++++++++++++512 words++++++++++++

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