《Her Choice | ✓EDITING》Hurt.2


I called Levi earlier and told him about the dinner. Surprisingly he agreed and said he'd try his best to get out of work earlier.

A few hours past and soon it's 7 pm.

My phone vibrates on the dinner table and I pick it up.

"Hey baby, are you on your way home?" My voice is laced with excitement.

"No I'm sorry Aurora. Something came up..." He says.

"Oh...okay. It's fine. We'll just talk when you get home. I miss you." I say holding back on my tears.

"I know I'm sorry beautiful. But don't worry, I'll be in bed snuggling with you in no time." He says.

"Okay well I'll see you later Levi. I love you."

"I love you too sweetie."


I hung up the call and I started to cry.

I didn't know why. My heart just feels broken.

I decide to calm down and lay on the sofa to have some reading time.

I pick out one of my favorite books from the library.

House rules by Jodi Picoult.

Soon enough I doze off.

Later I feel two strong hands pick me up and take me up stairs.

"Levi." I open up my eyes and say with a groggy voice.

"Shhh sweetie. I'm just taking you to our room." He smiles down at me.

Finally he lays me on the bed and starts taking of his suit.

He stays with his boxer briefs and shirtless.

"Come here darling." He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to his chest.

I start dozing off quickly but then I hear.

"I'm sorry for everything my love..."


++++++++++++274 words++++++++++

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