《Forevermore | Hailee Steinfeld》Chapter 33 - Gratitude Is Not The Mention


Hailee and I spent the next few weeks busy with work related matters. However, we were able to work around each others schedules in order to find time to go out and spend time together when possible.

I was even able to visit the set of Hawkeye a few times during those weeks to accompany Hailee in between takes. It was really fun to be in that environment, and also really inspiring to see Hailee do what she loves most, which is acting. Everyone on set was super kind and welcoming on the days when I was there, so I'm glad to have made some new friends.

But most of the time I was focused on Hailee. She looked so beautiful in her costumes, especially when she had to wear the long black and gray coat with her ripped jeans and Doc Marteens. I won't lie, it's a little strange to see her with blue contacts in, and I find myself missing those hazel-green eyes. But by the time we go home, I am met with them again, and I can't help but stare into them to make up for the hours where I couldn't.

Today is the day before Thanksgiving, so Hailee and I are flying back to Los Angeles for the holiday. We haven't been back home since we moved out to New York, and we are both filled with different emotions. Hailee is so excited to go home and see her family, and also being able to sleep in her own bed in her LA home. I on the other hand, am slightly uneasy about Thanksgiving this year, but luckily Hailee said the two of us were invited to have dinner at Cheri and Pete's home, along with Griffin of course.

This year marks the first Thanksgiving without my Mom, and it's definitely a little strange. When I was young, our usual Thanksgiving dinners consisted of just the two of us. I remember she would buy us those frozen meals that had a little bit of everything. We would pop them into the microwave and enjoy them together on our small dining room table. For dessert, we always made sure to buy a mini pie that was just enough for us both.

One year, Lizzie and her family invited us over to their house for Thanksgiving dinner. Of course we were super grateful for the invitation, and it was a great time. However, it was kind of a reminder of the gap between Lizzie's family and mine. Lizzie came from a family that was more than stable, with a married mother and father, along with two twin sister who were very well known for their accomplishments. So when my Mom and I walked into their large, expensive house, we did feel a little out of place. Nonetheless, it was a Thanksgiving I will never forget. Lizzie's parents were extremely welcoming, making my Mom and I feel comfortable in the setting. Since Lizzie and I were only freshman in high school at the time, we ditched the adults and went upstairs to watch TV and just talk.

Now it's 2020, and so much has happened between now and then, but it's safe to say that I'm doing things I would have never imagined. Meeting Hailee changed my life for the better, and I will forever be grateful for that. Despite the challenges, I can't wait to see what the future holds for us both.

I'm taken out of my train of thought when I hear the pilot announce that the plane will be landing soon. I look to my left to see Hailee leaning her head against the window, eyes closed peacefully. She's using my hoodie as a pillow like she always does on flights. I should really buy her a neck pillow or something.


"Hey." I whisper, nudging her knee slightly.

"What happened?" She says groggily, waking up out of her deep sleep. I watch her as she stretches her legs.

"The plane is landing soon, let's get all our stuff picked up."

"Okay." She says, her eyes still closed.

We both put our seatbelts back on, as well as our bags underneath our seats. Since we are in first class, we have more space to put our belongings as well as our legs. I always find myself so crammed in on flights, even in first class. Being taller than average has its disadvantages as well.

Before we knew it, we felt the wheels touch down on the runway, creating a bumpy movement throughout the whole plane. I look at Hailee only to find her laughing while our heads bop up and down. Eventually, the plane's speed reduces exponentially, and we are on our way to the gate. Thankfully we are at the front of the plane, so we are the first ones in and out. Once we are approved to leave the plane, Hailee and I grab our bags and go.

As soon as we step into the airport, there is an attendant waiting for us at the gate we came out of. She is there to transport us on the airport vehicles, that already has our luggages in the back, to a more privatized pick up area. We both hop on the back seat, and from there we are on our way to where Griffin is going to pick us up. As we cruise pass the other people walking around the airport, we get a couple stares from people who recognize us.

The airport employee parks the car right outside a separate door where Griffin is already waiting for us outside. Even though this door will minimize how many regular people see us, paparazzi knows this is the door where celebrities come out of, so of course, they are there waiting for us.

As we exit the automatic doors, we notice a thankfully small group of men with cameras shouting comments and questions.

"Jayden, Hailee, over here!"

"Big smile for me Hailee! Big smile!

"Jayden, is it true that you won't be returning for the upcoming season?" One asks.

How does he know I've had that in mind? I really haven't told anyone except a few friends.

Hailee clearly hears that question, and immediately looks at me with a confused face. Of course we don't answer any of their questions, and we just focus on loading our luggages into Griffins trunk. I allow Hailee to give him a big hug first, since it's been a while since they have seen each other. Once she is finished, I clap him up and embrace him in a hug while we both pat each others backs. I open the car door for Hailee, so the two of us can sit in the backseat together.

"God they're so annoying." Hailee says in disgust.

"I know, wish I could sock 'em all in the face." Griffin replies, and we both chuckle.

Griffin is currently taking us from LAX airport to Hailee's home, where the two of us will be staying for the weekend. It was really kind of him to pick us up, we could have easily found a ride but he really insisted. I made sure to thank him many times along the way, all in between our conversations about cars, but mostly Hailee talking about Hawkeye and her experiences on set so far.


After about a 20 minute drive, Griffin pulls into Hailee's front driveway. He offers to help unload the luggages, bit I assure that I got it handled since he already went out of his way to drive us.

"Well, guess I'll see you both tomorrow!" He says excitedly.

"Yeah, sure will!" Hailee replies as she gives him a hug farewell. "Mom assigned you to bring the pie right?"

"Yep, I'll be getting it tomorrow morning at TJ's." He responds.

"Okay perfect. Thank you again big bro!"

The two of us watch him pull out of the driveway, waving to him one last time before his car disappears into the distance.

"What are we assigned to bring?" I ask curiously as we step inside her home.

"Just ourselves, my Mom didn't want us to have to get anything since we were only flying in a day before."

"Are you sure, I can contribute towards anything if she-" I start, but Hailee cuts me off.

"Relax, it's okay. Just bring your cute self." She tells me with her hand on my cheek. I watch her as she leans closer to the opposite side of my face, giving it a kiss with her lips.

We both set the luggages down by the staircase, avoiding bringing them both upstairs. Mostly me, since I know I'll be the one to bring them up, which I don't mind.

"Ugh I miss Teenie already." Hailee mentions, looking towards me with a big frown.

"We will be back in New York soon. Plus, you already know she's having a great time with Ella." I remind her.

"She better send me pictures every day like I asked!"

Hailee and I proceed to get settled in. We both decide to take a shower to eliminate ourselves from the grime of the airport. Afterwards, we both slip into bed together since we are both exhausted.

It's only approaching 7pm, the light outside dwindling away by the minute. Hailee has her head on my bare chest, her arm placed upwards around my neck. I have my arm around her back, rubbing it slightly while I feel her breaths hitting my skin.

"Feels good to be home right?" I mention, trying to break our silence.

"Definitely." She responds.

"Almost forgot how comfortable your bed is. I could fall asleep right now if I could."

"Mhm. But we can't or it will mess up our sleep schedule."

The two of us fall into silence again, the only sound able to be heard is the sound of our breaths colliding in the air.

"What was it that guy said at the airport? Some rumor about you not playing next season?" She brings up, and I gulp. Since I don't know how to answer, I decide not to answer at all.

"I don't even know how they come up with these stories, it's ridiculous. Most of the time they aren't even true!" She continues, growing angry at the fact he asked me that in the first place.

Hailee raises herself off my chest to look at me.

"It's crazy, right?" She says, now looking at me and waiting for my agreement.

"Um, yeah. Totally." I say apprehensively.

"You don't sound very... sure." She points out, and I sigh.

"I don't know I mean-" I start off, trying to find the right words to say. Instinctively, I turn my head away to stare at the floor.

Hailee quickly realizes that the rumor might not be a rumor after all, and she fully sits up to prepare herself to actively engage in listening to what I have to say.

"You can talk to me my love." She reminds me, and I bring my eyes back up to look at her.

"I know." I reply.

"How long have you been thinking about this?" She asks.

"Um, a while." I tell her honesty.

"Oh." She says, surprised by my response. "Okay, um, what made you feel like that?"

"Lately I've felt myself pulling away from basketball. It's been really hard to deal with and I've been trying to repress those feelings to the back of my mind but it keeps trying to push itself back up, urging me to feel those feelings." I begin, and Hailee nods.

"Yeah, I kind of noticed you haven't been using the apartment court lately." She mentions.

"I've played basketball my whole life. Literally since I learned to walk. It's the only thing I know. Feeling love for that sport is the only thing I know, so now when I start to feel these emotions that differ so greatly from what I was taught to do, I don't know how to process it. It feels-"

"Wrong." Hailee says, finishing my sentence.

"Yeah, exactly." I say, always impressed by how well she knows me. "I just feel, unhappy with it. It's slowly become a chore, a job I don't want to do."

"That's totally okay love. I support you in whatever you choose." She reassures me, and I smile for the first time during this conversation.

"Thank you, um, that means a lot." I reply.

"So what are you going to do?" She asks.

"I don't know exactly. I still have so much unfinished business in basketball, I know I want to win the championship at least once."

"Well, just know with or without the trophy you are still my champion." She tells me, and I make a smile so large my nose scrunches up.

"I love you." I tell her, placing a kiss on her lips.

"I love you most." She replies, giving me a kiss of her own.

"Now come on let's order food in tonight." I suggest, and we both get excited.

"Come on!" Hailee shouts at me from downstairs.

"Just a second!" I reply back. For some reason tonight my tie isn't tying like it's supposed to.

After a few moments pass, Hailee decides to come upstairs to see why I'm taking so long.

"Need help?" She offers, and at first I'm hesitant, wanting to do it on my own, but eventually I give in, letting her tie it for me.

I feel her hands graze my neck as she lifts the collar of my button up shirt, starting the process all over again. Our bodies are inches apart as she runs the loops of the satin tie around my neck. She gives it one last pull before it falls into place perfectly.

"Thanks, I'm not sure why I couldn't do it tonight, guess I'm just nervous." I tell her, and she looks at me in disbelief.

"Don't be, we've been over to my parents house like a million times now. Just treat it like any other time." She tells me, and I blow air out of my mouth.

"You're right."

"Alright come on." She gestures me to follow her back down the stairs.

I grab my keys off the counter, opening the front door for Hailee, then locking the door behind us once we are both outside. Once we reach my car, I open the passenger seat for her, closing it once she's inside. Shortly after, I get into the divers seat to turn on the engine.

"God I missed driving my car." I say, and Hailee laughs.

"You and your car. It's like the car is your child." She jokes, and I chuckle.

Hailee and I begin to make our way to Cheri and Pete's house, but soon we are met by the typical Los Angeles traffic. Thankfully we left a little bit earlier to accommodate for the traffic delay. At first Hailee and I don't engage in conversation, just letting the music play softly throughout the car. Since we are stopped in traffic, I look over to Hailee to see her looking out the window.

"Whatcha thinking of over there?" I ask, and she turns to look at me.

"Just thinking about our conversation from earlier." She mentions, and at first I don't know how to feel, but then I remind myself that she's just trying to process the information.

"Any thoughts in particular you would like to share?" I ask, trying to promote a conversation.

"I'm not sure. I guess I'm just wondering what you would do if basketball wasn't your career anymore."

"So you're asking if I have a plan B?" I clarify, and she nods. "Well, of course I do. I would want to do music.

"Really?!" Hailee says excitedly. "Why did you leave that part out of our conversation?"

"Because I knew you would freak." I tell her.

"Oh my gosh Jay that's so amazing. You play piano and guitar so well, and you don't believe me when I tell you that you can sing but you can, you need to start believing it."

"Also producing music too. I mean, it runs in the family." I add on, and Hailee looks at me confused.

"Oh um, my dad. My dad was a music producer in the 90's." I explain, and she looks at me in an expression I can't describe.

"That's really cool." She replies, giving me a warm smile at the fact I mentioned something about my dad. "I'm sure you'll be just as great, if not, greater.

"Thank you." I answer back with a smile. "I've always loved it. When I was younger he would take me to his studio sometimes. And it also helps I was surrounded by music since I was friends with Tyler and all his friends when we were younger."

"Oh yeah Tyler. You haven't seen him in a while no?"

"Yeah it's been a while. He's really busy though trying to write and create his next album."

"Can't wait to hear it." Hailee responds, giving me a smile while moving her hand on top of mine.

Once the traffic cleared up, we were finally able to take the exit off the highway which would lead us to Hailee's parents house. After about 10 more minutes of driving, we pulled into their driveway right behind Griffin's truck.

Hailee and I walk hand in hand to the front door, and Hailee walks in first since the door was unlocked as they were waiting our arrival. Hailee immediately hugs her Mom and Dad, so happy to see them. I greet Griffin with a hug while Hailee talks to her Mom. Cheri notices me, and leaves Hailee's side to embrace me in a firm hug that lasts a while.

"We are so glad you're here Jayden." She tells me, and I start to get a little emotional but I hold it back. I make sure to greet Pete as well.

The five of us make our way outside to where we will be having dinner tonight. I am always amazed whenever I step outside to their backyard. The pool is beautiful, and the landscaping the yard has is just amazing. The lighting surrounding the yard gives it such a nice feel, along with the string lights that are hung above the porch cover. It makes eating indoors boring.

"You all can sit out here while I bring the drinks out. Sounds good?" Cheri says, and we all agree.

"Are you sure you don't need help Mom?" Hailee asks, but she assures her daughter that she's okay.

Hailee, Pete, Griffin and I begin to talk and catch up. The conversation mostly revolves around Hailee's time on set, as they are eager to know how the new project is coming along. I also am able to contribute to the conversation, telling a few stories of my time on set.

Shortly after, Cheri comes outside with the wine glasses, along with a nice bottle of red wine. She pours the wine into everyone's respective glasses, and we thank her.

"Okay, what did I miss!" She asks, and we all laugh. We quickly catch her up so she can be involved in the conversation.

They continue to ask us questions about New York, and how it's like living together.

"So Jayden, I except you do a lot of cooking." Pete asks jokingly, and we all begin to laugh since we know Hailee isn't the best cook.

"Yeah I do, but I don't mind it though, I love to cook. Sometimes she does help me with the small tasks like cutting the garlic or cutting the vegetables. Mostly just cutting things." I tell them, and I look over at Hailee and she's rolling her eyes with a smile.

"We recently got an air fryer." Hailee mentions. "You can pretty much cook anything in there so I've been using it to the best of my ability.

"Remember that one time you put the potato peels in the water?" I bring up, and Hailee's arm nudges my side.

"That's so embarrassing stop!" She replies, and we all giggle together.

After talking outside for a while, Cheri brings out the food with the help of Hailee. We begin to dig in immediately since we were all starting to grow hungry. The Thanksgiving spread is amazing, with every side dish you can imagine.

"This is all amazing Cheri, thank you." I tell her, and she looks at me in an appreciative way.

We all continue to talk while eating. I notice how much I am really enjoying myself here, and I truly feel like apart of this family. Once we all finish eating, Cheri comes up with an idea.

"Let's go around the table and share what we are thankful for!" She suggests, and everyone nods.

"I'll go first." Griffin says, and we all turn to give him our attention.

"Right now I'm most grateful for my family of course." He begins, and Cheri pouts her lip and his response. "I am also thankful for my new puppy Dwight, he's slowly becoming my best buddy. Lastly, I'm grateful to be healthy and able to race and do what I love!"

"That was good Griff." Pete tells him, patting him on the back.

"Mom?" Griffin says, motioning for Cheri to go next.

"Oh boy, let's see." She says in thought. "Of course I'm thankful for everyone at this table. Thanksgiving dinners have been a table of four for a few years now, and to have someone new at the table is something I'm extremely happy about, especially since that someone makes my daughter so happy."

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