《Forevermore | Hailee Steinfeld》Chapter 25 - I Bet With Every Wind That Blew


Today is Wednesday, the day before my 26th birthday. Hailee and I get to spend the whole day together today just relaxing and doing whatever we please. I'm currently awake, scrolling on my phone until Hailee gets up. I usually am the first to wake up, and I don't think I'll ever get used to finding her asleep by my side when I open my eyes first thing in the morning.

As I scroll through TikTok on my secret account, I see Xochitl posted a tiktok doing a dance with Benedict Wong. Meeting her yesterday was such a delight. She's so kind, and such an amazing person. I can tell she's going to bring a refreshing energy to the MCU once Doctor Strange comes out. Also seeing her get to meet Hailee was adorable, the joy in her eyes was indescribable.

I begin to feel Hailee stir next to me, and I turn my attention towards her now, lightly rubbing the surface of her skin. She wraps her arms around my torso as she stretches her body.

"Hello." She says, her eyes still closed.

"Hi. Good Morning." I reply, smiling at her.

She is now upright, stretching her arms out once again. Before she gets out of bed to go to the bathroom, she gives me a kiss on the cheek. I stay in bed, still on my phone checking social medias and my email. Hailee returns to bed, her hair a mess, but she's still beautiful. I watch as she sits in front of me.

"Sleep okay?" I ask, and she nods.

"What about you?" She turns the question to me.

"Pretty good."

Our conversation goes silent as we both scroll through our phones.

"Um, what do you want to do today?" I throw out, breaking the silence. She thinks for a moment before answering me.

"I don't know actually, maybe we can figure it out as we go along." She suggests, and I agree.

We both go back to our phones, and I'm confused when I see her hand gravitate towards the power button on the side of my phone, turning it off. She grabs my phone and throws it gently to the other side of the bed.

"Hey, I was using that." I tell her, and a devious smile plasters across her face.

"I know." She answers slyly. "I just want your attention."

Once she admits what she desires, our eyes alternate between our lips and eyes, every passing second making the tension grow higher. Since she's seated in front of me, she starts to slowly creep forward, my body naturally moving backward until I hit the headboard of the bed. My hands latch on to her waist, pulling her closer so she can sit in between my legs. I look up at her, since she's slightly elevated, our breathing increasing by the second.

"So this was your plan all along?" I ask, and she chuckles.

"Got a problem with it?" She responds, and I shake my head no. Ever since our first time a while ago, Hailee has grown to be more and more dominant, and I'm not complaining.

Her hands make their way to cup my cheeks as she brings her face closer to mine, our lips inches apart. As she looks into my eyes in a questioning manner, I nod, knowing that she is communicating consent to me. Like a traffic light that turned green, she connects her lips to mine, starting slowly, then increasing the speed at which our lips move.

While we passionately kiss, my hands slowly begin to push her hips back and forth, creating a rhythmic motion as she gently rides my lower area. The longer we continue this movement, the more my pants begin to rise up, and it doesn't take long for her to notice. She pulls away from the kiss, looking down at the bulge in my sweatpants, then back up at me with a smile as if she was proud of what she just did.


"Someone's excited." She blurts, and my cheeks turn red.

Within seconds our lips connect again, and I feel her hands slowly run from my cheeks down to my abs through my shirt. She moves her lips away from mine, instead, connecting them to my neck. As she suckles the skin around my pulse, I can't help but close my eyes in pleasure. She pulls her lips away, making a pop sound as the skin retracts back to its original place. When she brings her face back to face mine, she gasps quietly at what she just did.

"What?" I ask, confused as to why she made that reaction.

"We're gonna have to cover that up." She responds, telling me everything I need to know.

"Hailee!" I say through my teeth, partially joking partially not. She's right, there is makeup.

"Sorry. I can stop if you want." She tells me with this mischievous look in her eyes, like she knows what she is doing.

"I think we are a little too far into this to stop." I suggest, looking back down at my pants.

"Hmm." She hums. "You're right. I can help you fix that if you want."

I feel her hands trace the hems of my shirt, slightly bunching it up so she can grab it in order to raise it off of me. Catching on to her rhythm, I raise my hands enough so that she can slip the shirt I was sleeping in off my body, revealing my toned stomach and tattoos. Her hands make their way across my body, feeling every inch of it.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that." She mentions.

"Get used to what?" I ask, wanting her to say it out loud.

"Your body. It's so... hot." She answers my question, and I pull her back in, our lips finding their way to each other.

At this stage, both of us are half naked, since I think Hailee decided to take her pants off in the middle of the night, leaving her in just a shirt. Sometimes either one of us does that if we get too hot throughout the night.

As I'm seated with my back against the headboard, my legs extended out to the end of the bed, Hailee sits on my lap, her knees bent at my sides. She pulls away from kissing me to tug at the hems of my sweatpants, pulling them down enough to reveal my boxers. With each layer she peels off, I get more and more turned on.

She feels me around through the last bit of clothes that covers me, and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. She looks up at me once more, and I nod, giving her the clearance to remove the last item of clothing left. Once she does, we both look towards the same spot, and she smiles at the sight of it.

She brings her hips up higher, using her own hand to move her underwear to the side. I feel her line herself up, then lower herself, sinking onto me. She gasps at the contact, bringing herself forward, closer to my face, with both her hands on my chest. Our heightened breathes mingle together in the air. She begins to slowly move herself up and down, our bodies working together in unison.

I can feel a volcano beginning to form within.

Not much is said between us, our bodies and eye contact doing all the communicating. Not very long after, I can feel my core tighten, so I quickly remove myself from her. Since it was just a morning quickie, we chose not to carry it out like we usually do, which consists of going at it for longer periods. I stand up, walking towards the bathroom to clean up, and I feel something hit my back. I turn around quickly, realizing she threw my shirt at me, and she's looking at me while laughing.


I close the bathroom door, giving myself some privacy to clean myself up. I come back out with my shirt back on, grabbing my sweatpants off the bed, putting them on while I sit at the edge of the bed. While I do, Hailee takes a seat next to me, placing her head on my shoulder.

"You're so good." She whispers into my ear, and it sends shivers down my spine.

"Um, I- I didn't do much there." I respond honestly.

"I don't care. It's still always good with you." She replies, her mouth still by my ear.

"Feelings mutual."

We both get fully dressed, still in our nighttime clothes, and we head downstairs to finally eat something. Hailee must have been hungry, because she went straight to the fridge. She pulls out the small container of grapes we bought, popping them in her mouth one by one. I squeeze by her, reaching into the fridge to get us two water bottles. I hand one to her, and she immediately opens it, almost chugging the water.

"Woah there, slow down." I tell her, and she pulls the bottle away from her mouth, sighing once she does.

"I was just really thirsty after all that." She replies, and we both laugh.

"Come on, let's have a proper breakfast. Let's go somewhere." I suggest, and she seems to be on board.

We both head back upstairs, changing into an outfit that's more appropriate for walking around, and I call an Uber to take us to this small plaza that has different restaurants. The ride gets here pretty quick surprisingly, and we both hop into the backseat. While we look out the window together, Hailee places her hand on my knee, her head on my shoulder. We arrive to the restaurant after about 10 minutes.

"Hi table for two please?" I ask the hostess at the front, and she shows us to a nice table for two by a window. The two of us look over the menu, trying to decide what to get.

"We should try this, Florence was talking to me about it!" She suggests, pointing to the item with her finger.

"Um, yeah sure, fine with me. That looks big enough to share though, you down?" I ask, and she nods. The waitress comes promptly with two waters, and we decide to place our order then so it can come out quicker. We both make conversation while we wait for our food.

"Excited for your birthday tomorrow?" She asks while I take a sip of my juice.

"I have mixed feelings." I tell her truthfully, and she tilts her head in confusion.

"Tell me about it then."

"Well, my past birthday's haven't really been that special. Most of the time it was just my Mom and I." I answer, and the thought comes to me that this will be my first birthday without her. I look to the side, out the window, to try and block my eyes from watering and I do so successfully. Hailee reaches her hand out on the table, motioning for me to grab her hand as if to tell me it's okay to continue talking.

"This year is different though, for many reasons. I'm excited for it, don't get me wrong. This is my first birthday with you, and I get to spend it with my friends, and even some new ones. And we are in another country so that's different." I ramble on.

"But sometimes my birthday makes me uneasy, I don't really know how to deal with being that much in the spotlight, you know?" I answer, and she nods.

"I understand my love. I feel the same when I'm filming, or when I used to perform, it's a weird feeling." She replies, and I can't help but love the fact she understands some of my worries. Just like her, my career also involved performing in front of not just thousands in the arena, but even more people who watch from home.

"But it's going to be fun regardless, I'm looking forward to it." I tell her, closing off my little rant.

"It is, and I can't wait to give you your gifts."

"Gifts? As in more than one?" I ask, and she nods, smiling so wide her eyes are squinting.

"Yeah of course more than one! You deserve it." She tells me, and I can't help but smile too.

"You didn't have to my love, just being with you right here right now is the best gift I could ever have." I tell her truthfully, but its clear she doesn't care and still believes that I need these gifts. Ultimately I lose the battle, and accept the fact she is going to give them to me tomorrow.

"You're cute. I'll give them to you tomorrow. Maybe I'll give you one of them at midnight tonight." She suggests with an eyebrow raise.

"Noooo." I plead. "Give them to me tomorrow night." I suggest, and she agrees.

The waitress brings out the large plate with multiple things typically seen included in a full English breakfast all over it. We thank her, and we begin to dig in right away. We must have been hungry, because we don't even talk through our meal like we usually do, meaning the food was absolutely delicious. We both put our forks down in almost perfect timing with one another.

"That was..." I begin.

"So good." She replies, finishing my sentence.

We pay quickly, wanting to move on with the rest of our day as quick as we can. I call us another Uber, and over breakfast we decided we wanted to go into the main area of London, even though we said we wouldn't since we've both seen it, but we thought it would be fun to do together. As we walk through the different streets and landmarks London has to offer, Hailee gasps when she sees something that intrigues her.

"The London Eye! We have to go on it!" She squeals, grabbing my wrist pulling me towards the direction of the attraction. I reluctantly pull away, knowing I hate heights, and she knows this too.

"That thing is so high, no way." I reply, and she rolls her eyes.

"Come on, I'll be next to you the whole time, and the view is so amazing!" She tells me, trying to convince me.

"When I was here for Summer League, I didn't even ride it, I was the one that stayed at the bottom holding everyone's bags while the whole team went on it." I tell her, and she laughs.

"Well, not happening this time. Come on, it will be fun." She tries again, and I slowly begin to start walking with her. If there's one thing about Hailee, it's that she will do whatever it takes to get me to loosen up, and most of the time it works.

We make the line that leads towards the loading area, but one of the ride workers pulls us through a different line, allowing us to cut most of the people that are there waiting.

"Hailee Steinfeld and Jayden Carter, big fan." The young girl tells us, and we thank her for allowing us to cut, even though we felt kind of bad.

We are put into one of the pods by ourselves, giving us a lot of room. Thankfully this is the case, because if I would have had to ride this thing packed with people, I probably would have lost it. The wheel begins to move slightly, slowly raising off the ground. My eyes grow wide when I feel the movement, and Hailee begins to laugh while she watches me stay seated on the small benches they have in each pod. My hands are trying to grip at anything they can, meanwhile Hailee decides its the perfect time to pull out her phone to start recording me.

"Stop!" I tell her, while slightly laughing. "This is so embarrassing, delete that!"

Still recording, I realize I have to get up in order to even make an attempt to stop her, so I get up slowly. I march my way towards her, trying to shield the camera from my face, the both of us giggling so hard we can't even breathe. I manage to grab her phone out of her hand, placing it up high so she can't reach it since I'm taller than her. I laugh loudly at her attempts to jump up and grab it.

In the moment we are both having, we don't even realize that we are basically at the highest point on the wheel. I slowly start to walk towards the edge, Hailee following behind me. We both look in awe at the view around us, a 360 optical view of London right in front of our eyes. While we both look out, Hailee places her head on my shoulder, and I place my arm around the crook of her back.

"You see, it's not so bad." She brings up, and I roll my eyes even though I do agree.

"You're right. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone." I reply.

"That's part of what relationships are for you know, pushing each other to be the greatest we can be. The best part about that is, is that we both get to witness it."

I can't help but think about what she said, knowing its true. In the time that we have been together, we have both grown so much in so many different ways.

"Smile." Hailee says, now that I gave her phone back. "I want to take a picture of you."

I pose with the view of London behind me, doing different poses with peace signs and thumbs up. She browses through the photos, smiling at each one.

"Do you want me to take a picture of you?" I offer, and she agrees.

I do the same for her, except she does her usual poses that she does, like the over the shoulder or the candid looking away. I can't help but stare at her beauty through the phone.

"These are so cute, I want to post them. Thank you baby." She tells me while flipping through the pictures I just took, giving me a kiss on the cheek when she's done.

She places the phone on the bench, flipping the camera to selfie mode and putting a timer on it so we can take pictures of the two of us. We sit on the floor of the pod side by side, smiling for the camera while her phone automatically takes pictures of us.

On the way down, I can see Hailee on instagram creating a new post. I watch as she selects her favorites giving it a cute caption.

jay + haiz london take over

She presses post, and instantly it's liked by hundreds, the comments flooding in. We read through a few of them, smiling at the support form her fans.

The ride comes to a stop right where we started, and we get off. We continue to walk around the area a little bit more until we get hungry enough that we decide to pop into the first restaurant we see. We continue to talk and joke around like always.

While we wait for the food, I scroll through the comments of Hailee's post.

We eat our lunch just as fast as we ate breakfast, wanting as much time together as possible. Once we pay and finish up at the restaurant, we continue to walk around aimlessly with no plan or specific route. Just the two of us deciding to walk wherever our hearts desire.

The sun is almost going down now, having us both in shock that we walked so much. On our walk we saw so many cool things and cool places, that the time went by in a flash. Another thing about Hailee, is that when I'm with her, time seems to evaporate into thin air. While we are walking back to where we started, Hailee spots and ice cream stand.

"Ice cream!" She shouts, grabbing my wrist to pull me closer to it.

"Do you want some?" I ask, even though I already know the answer to her question.

"Yes please." She replies cutely, and with her answer I now bring my attention to the man behind the stand.

"Hi can I have a scoop of chocolate for the lady please?" I request, and the man nods. He hands me the scoop and I hand it straight to Hailee.

"You're not getting anything?" She asks me, and I shake my head no.

I hand the man the pounds needed to fulfill the price, and we walk to where the Uber is going to pick us up. The app says our driver is 15 minutes away, so we decide to sit on a vacant bench. While Hailee is eating her ice cream, I watch as she observes the people of London walking around.

"A lot of people smoke here." She brings up.

"Yeah, guess it's just an English thing." I reply, not knowing what to say.

"Have you ever smoked before?" She asks, and my heart almost stops.

"Um, smoked what exactly?" I ask, and she turns to look at me now.

"I don't know, just anything."

"Yeah, um, I have." I awkwardly reply.

"Oh, I didn't know."

"I um, used to a lot a few years back." I admit, and she turns back to look at her ice cream.

"Like, weed?" She curiously asks.

"Mostly, yeah. But I stopped." I tell her. "What about you?"

"Never smoked before." She tells me honestly.

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