《Forevermore | Hailee Steinfeld》Chapter 24 - I Asked No Other Thing


It's the next day, and Hailee and I got to sleep in this morning, thankfully. We woke up with our bodies connected, not even inches apart as we lay on the small, but big enough bed together. The bed is right up against the wall, so the light of the window is flowing and cascading onto the white sheets. While Hailee is still half asleep next to me, I play with her hair, grabbing a couple strands at a time and combing my fingers through them.

"Good morning." She says in her sleepy voice, turning over to face me.

"Top of the morning." I say in a British accent, and she giggles while I kiss her forehead.

Hailee begins to tell me about the crazy dream she had, and I lay there listening to her intently.

"And then you were there and we were in this weird rainbow place, and then Martini was there too but she was like huge! Like a dinosaur!" She tells me, and I smile at her cuteness.

Eventually, we get out of bed since our hunger cannot contain itself much longer. We make our way downstairs to the kitchen so we can whip up something for breakfast. I offer Hailee some eggs and toast, and she agrees. I make both meals pretty quickly, placing the plates down on the table, but Hailee looks to me like I'm forgetting something.

"Is it okay? Is the toast to toasted I can do it again?" I suggest, and she laughs at my worry.

"Can you maybe grab one of those pastries... and put it on the plate?" She asks, and I smile now knowing what she was thinking of.

"Hailee Steinfeld! Chocolate for breakfast?" I ask jokingly, and she giggles at me. But of course, I go back to the fridge and pick out one of the few pastries left, placing it on her placemat so it doesn't touch her food.

We eat together, making comments every so often about yesterday and last night. While we are eating, my phone begins to buzz and I see Lizzie's contact photo come up on the screen.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey good morning, how was your first night?" She asks.

"Um pretty good, I think we are finally on London time now." I tell her laughing slightly.

"Awesome! Just calling to let you know that one of our drivers is going to pick you both up in about half an hour is that okay?"

"Yes of course, thank you." I reply. "So will I be seeing Wanda soon?" I ask, teasing Lizzie.

"Cannot confirm or deny. Bye!" She hangs up quickly before I ask anything more.

I tell Hailee what Lizzie said, and we both head back upstairs to get ready. We sort of need to be incognito today, since the world still doesn't know Hailee will play Kate Bishop in Hawkeye, even though some fans have already caught on or just plain guessed it. We settle for some jeans and simple graphic tees; Hailee with her hightop Docs and me with my Converse of course. While Hailee is placing the finishing touches on her makeup, I alert her that our ride is here and she comes down a few moments later.

The two of us get in the back seat of the car, the driver alerting us its a 10 minute drive. The whole ride we both look out the window together, watching the scenery change at every street we drive by. As we get closer and closer, I pit starts to grow in my stomach out of nervousness and extreme excitement.


The driver pulls in through these big gates, leading us through a long driveway until we reach the main lot where they are filming. There are different sections: buildings, tents, and trailer cars. I guess Lizzie was told we had arrived since she was outside waiting for us when we pulled up to where we needed to be dropped off. She's wearing normal clothes surprisingly, I guess I was expecting her to be full Scarlet Witch.

"There's my best friend." Lizzie shouts as I step out of the car, Hailee following behind me.

"Hi Lizzie." I reply, pulling her into a hug. Once we pull apart, she greets Hailee as well.

"So, are you freaking out yet?" Lizzie asks me, and the answer to that is yes, but I'm keeping my composure.

"Freaking out? Me? Nah, not yet." I reply, and Lizzie smiles knowing that will change soon.

The two of us follow Lizzie until we reach the lot where all the trailers are, and she takes us to hers first. On the outside door, there is specific lettering on it.

E. Olsen

Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch

I look at the paper and smile, knowing Lizzie has come such a long way and I can't help but be proud of her. The door opens to the trailer, and we are both surprised as how spacious it is. There is a small kitchen and living room area, along with a little bathroom and bed. The trailer is decorated very Lizzie-like, with picture frames and decorations all around.

"Hey it's us." I mention, picking up the frame of Lizzie and I at high school graduation.

"Oh I need to see that." Hailee says, almost pushing me out of the way to see the picture herself.

Lizzie continues the quick tour, showing us all the different spaces the trailer has to offer.

"So how come you aren't in costume?" I ask curiously.

"Oh well I don't have to change until later, I got to set earlier so I could hang out with you guys before." She answers my question, and I nod.

"I think I want to stay in this trailer for the whole day..." I say sarcastically.

"What! Why!" Hailee asks in disbelief, not catching onto the sarcasm.

"I don't know how I'll react to seeing all these Marvel things, this is a dream come true."

"Come on, you're not staying here. Let's go." Lizzie says, adamantly grabbing my wrist. She leads us towards another trailer.

Xochitl Gomez

America Chavez

Lizzie knocks on the door a couple times, until it creeks open, revealing a young girl.

"Hi Lizzie!" She exclaims, excited to see her co-star.

"Remember that one time I told you I'd have a special someone visit set?"

"Yeah!" She replies, getting more excited by the second.

"Well today is the day. Hailee?" Lizzie calls out, opening the door fully to reveal Hailee so Xochitl can see her.

"No. Way." Xochitl says, almost speechless. She closes the door to hide her flustered state.

"Girl get out here, our characters are friends." Hailee shouts, and Xochitl comes back out finally, giving Hailee a big hug.

"It's so nice to meet you, I'm such a huge fan! I can't wait to see Hawkeye." She compliments Hailee.


"Oh and this is my girlfriend, Jayden." Hailee introduces me, and I wave.

"You don't have to introduce her, she's great. Hi Jayden!" She shouts, now facing me, walking closer to give me a sweet hug.

"I can't believe I'm looking at the Young Avengers right here." I mention, earning a laugh from everyone.

"Well, there's two more here today also." Lizzie teases, and I already know it's the twins.

We say bye to Xochitl, even though we will probably see her again later, and the three of us walk towards the main set.

"Feige is in there, he wants to see you both, just a reminder." Lizzie says in an almost whisper as we walk through the double doors into the large studio area.

"Kate Bishop has arrived everyone!" Feige announces as we walk through the doors.

"Hi Kevin, nice to see you again." Hailee tells him, shaking his hand.

"It's a pleasure Hailee. And look, just the person I wanted to see!" He replies, talking about me.

"Oh, um hi Mr. Feige, it's really an honor to meet you, I'm Jayden." I introduce myself in shock that I'm shaking his hand.

"No introduction needed, I could say the same about meeting you. Follow me this way." He motions to Hailee, Lizzie and I, and we do so.

We go through these different hallways and routes, until we are lead to a small meeting room. Laying on the table is a small gift basket, and a larger one against the wall.

"What is all this?" I ask, looking to Lizzie and she smiles at me, telling me she already knows what this is about.

"It's your birthday in a couple days isn't it?" Fegie brings up, and I nod. "Well, someone told me you were a huge Marvel fan so here's a gift to you from Marvel Studios." He explains, and my mouth hangs open in surprise.

"Oh wow, um, thank you so much, I- I don't know what to say." I tell him truthfully, as I am left without words at the kind gesture.

"Open it." Hailee suggests, and I look at her while I grab the paper that holds the gift together.

I begin to unwrap the first part of it, revealing a black hat with the Marvel logo on it. I continue to dig into the box, pulling out a Spider-Man hoodie, an official Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness shirt, and a Scarlet Witch crewneck hoodie.

"This is all so cool Kevin, thank you so much." I tell him, but he just points to the box.

"There's one more thing in there." He mentions, and I look in and he's right.

I reach my hand in, and I pull out two hats with the purple Hawkeye logo on it, one for me and one for Hailee I'm assuming.

"Hawkeye!" Hailee shouts, and I go to put one of the hats on her head, and I put mine on. I can't help but get a little sad, knowing in a few months Hailee will be in New York for filming, and I'll be the one visiting. Hailee looks at me, and her smile fades slightly, almost reading my mind to what I'm thinking.

"Come on, there's more I want you to see." Lizzie tells us, breaking the somber moment Hailee and I were sharing.

We follow Lizzie back out the hallways, until we reach a door titled Studio B. Lizzie opens the door for us, and we walk into one of the sets of the movie. A few feet away stands Benedict Cumberbatch, and Benedict Wong. Lizzie introduces us to him, and they are both so welcoming and nice. I can't help but look straight at the Eye of Agamotto around Benedict's neck, since he is in full costume. I guess he catches that I was staring at it, since he does the hand motion that Doctor Strange does to open it, and I look at him in awe.

"The actual opening of it is special effects, but it would be cool if it opened." He tells me.

"You can hold this though." Benedict Wong motions to me, holding out a Sling Ring in his hand, and I take it from him, slipping it on my own knuckles. Jokingly, I make the hand motion used to create a portal, and Hailee laughs at my silliness.

Lizzie mentions that we are going to go back to the trailers, since it's almost lunch time. I notice Hailee staying behind though, but I don't think much of it. I follow Lizzie back to her trailer, glad to get just some one on one time with her to catch up.

"So..." Lizzie begins, and I look up at her. "Hailee's leaving for filming soon, how's that going to work?" She asks, and I sigh.

It's a topic I don't really want to get into now, but its something we do have to face, and I know Lizzie just wants the best for me.

"Um, we've talked about it, yeah." I reply in an unsure tone.

"That doesn't sound very... certain."

"I mean, I can always go and visit when I can you know. Season doesn't start back up again for months." I mention to her.

"That's true, but you guys haven't been away from each other for that long... practically ever."

"Yeah." I respond dryly, my head running through what life would look like.

"I'm sure you guys will figure it out though." She tells me sympathetically, patting my shoulder.

"I hope so."


I nervously walk back through the hallway to where Feige was, last I saw him. I've been meaning to talk to him about this, and I thought it would be best to do it in person. I take a deep breath before I enter the small conference room. I notice he's there talking to someone else, so I step aside until he finishes.

"Hailee, what's up?" He asks, now giving me his attention.

"Hey Kevin, can I talk to you about something?" I ask, and he nods.

I explain to him my situation, everything that's happened in these last months, bringing up my concerns about how life will look when shooting for Hawkeye begins.

"Um, I was just wondering if it would be okay if she could maybe..." I begin, not knowing what to say.

"Come with you?" He says, finishing my sentence.

"Yeah, come with me." I reply firmly, and he smiles at me.

2203 words

I ASKED no other thing,

No other was denied.

I offered Being for it;

The mighty merchant smiled.

- Emily Dickinson

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