《Forevermore | Hailee Steinfeld》Chapter 23 - I Know a Place Where Summer Strives


It's the third week of August, the week Hailee and I are going to London to visit Lizzie and to celebrate my birthday. The both of us packed last night, and now we are on our way to the airport. I couldn't be more excited, not only since it's my birthday soon, but this will be Hailee and I's first trip together. This morning I woke up happy, a feeling and emotion I've been longing for ever since last month.

The car pulls up to LAX and we get out swiftly, thankfully not being noticed by many. However, I'm not looking forward to when we arrive, since by then the word will be out that Hailee and I will be at the London airport, but I quickly throw it to the back of my mind. Hailee and I are walking together to enter the surprisingly short TSA line, passports and ID in hand. I'm standing behind her, both our luggages at our side. Since I'm taller than her, I lower my head to place my chin on her shoulder.

"Excited?" I ask in her ear, and she turns around to face me.

"Super." She replies, and we both smile at each other.

The TSA woman at the end of the first part of the line asks us to take off our glasses and hat, so she can match our passport pictures to our faces. Once we are cleared, we head through to the next section where our bags will be checked.

"Nice passport photo." Hailee giggles at me, and I roll my eyes. I've had the same photo for years, thankfully it's expiring soon so I can take a new, more dated photo.

I help Hailee put her luggage on the metal table, followed by mine right behind her. The security guards motion for us to pass through, and the two of us go through the metal detectors with no issue. Once we are cleared through TSA, we meet up with one of the airport representatives who will take us to our gate in a more privatized manner, rather than through the busy airport where we are more likely to be seen. Another representative takes our bags for us, making sure they get checked in for the flight so we don't have to carry them. This is one of the advantages of being a celebrity, traveling is always made easier for us.

We arrive at our gate with about a half hour until boarding, so Hailee and I discuss our plan of action.

"We have some time to spare, what do you want to do?" I ask, and she looks around in thought.

"Well, we already have snacks, so how about bathroom?" She asks, and I nod. This flight is ten and a half hours, so we should probably utilize the restroom here.

We spot the nearest bathroom, but there's a long line and I frown. However, I feel Hailee grab my wrist, pulling me to the family bathroom that she spotted where it's a bit more private. I walk in behind her, following her inside. Once the door closes, I gasp as Hailee slightly pushes me up against the door, kissing me passionately, her hands running up and down my chest. I pull away after a moment to question her unexpected act of intimacy, but she just flashes me a wink and a shoulder shrug.

"I've been wanting to do that all day." She tells me, and I smile awkwardly. While she washes her hands, I look down and notice a tent forming in my pants.


The two of us walk out of the bathroom back to our gate, and we are both able to go through priority first before the other passengers. We find our seats in first class, and since it's a long flight there is a curtain that gives us some privacy.

"This is pretty roomy, don't you think?" I ask, looking around at all the amenities we have.

"Although roomy, I'm not sure how good we are going to sleep." She mentions, and I nod, thinking about how much I don't like overnight flights. The good thing however is that when we wake up, we will pretty much be close to touching down in London.

We close the curtain while all the passengers board and the flight attendants do their routines. Hailee and I listen to music together with one AirPod in each ear. For most of the boarding process, Hailee is looking out the window at the sunset, contemplating. I can't help but stare at her from my aisle seat,

"Penny for your thoughts?" I bring up, curious as to what she's thinking so hard about. She replies to me while still staring out.

"Just life lately, everything has been filled with ups and downs, but I wouldn't have it any other way." She tells me, now moving her head to look at me.

"Everything happened for a reason, my love."

"It did, and out of everything I'm most grateful that I met you." She says, lifting both her hands to cup my face, placing a small kiss on my lips.

From my bag I take out a pair of wired headphones, one for each of us to plug into the seats so we could watch movies. I look over to Hailee while she scrolls through the different options, and I notice she chooses Parasite.

"That's a good one, I watched it the other day when you weren't here." I tell her, and she fake gets mad at me.

"What! We could have watched it together." She says, playfully crossing her arms.

"I couldn't help it." I reply.

"What are you going to watch?" She asks me, and I point to my screen.

"The Amazing Spider-Man again?"

"Never gets old." I reply, smiling at her.

We both put our headphones on, each watching our respective movies. About 15 minutes into my movie I turn to the side to see what part of Parasite Hailee is on, but when I look to her, she's passed out with her head against the window. I don't blame her, it's been a long day of traveling, so I carefully remove the ear buds out of her ear, and I take off my hoodie, placing it gently on her chest as a makeshift blanket.

And although I love this movie, I've seen it a thousand times, and I quickly follow Hailee's actions when my eyes begin to close until they shut fully, sending me into a deep sleep.


My eyes begin to creek open, trying to adjust to the morning light that is now seeping into the plane. This signals to me that we have been flying for a while now, since when we took off it was night. I open my eyes completely, adjusting to my surroundings. I try to look to my right to check on Hailee, but I notice her head is laying on my shoulder, she must have moved that way throughout the night. I look down at her lap, and she's hugging my hoodie while she sleeps against my body.


On the flights TV system, I check the remaining flight time to see where we are. The plane is located just above Ireland with only 30 minutes left until we touchdown. My mission to keep Hailee asleep ultimately fails, as she wakes up when I stretch my legs slightly. I look at her while she yawns, stretching her arms above her head.

"Good morning sleepy." I tell her, and she smiles, placing her head back on my shoulder.

"You're a nice pillow." She mutters, and I giggle. Sure I can barely feel my shoulder now from having her rest on it for hours, but do I care? No.

The flight attendants do their rounds through the isles, making sure everyone is okay. I ask for two cups of water, so Hailee and I can rehydrate. The two of us just talk and joke around like we always do as we feel the plane descent by the minute. Before we knew it, the plane touched down on the runway in a bumpy fashion. When it does, Hailee and I both smile at each other, our smiles doing all the communication between us, like as if to say how happy we are to both be doing this trip. Once our phones regain connection, and our data successfully connects to the international plan we got, I send Lizzie a text to let her know we have arrived.

Jayden: just landed!

Lizzie: yay :) can't wait to see you guys tonight!

Lizzie offered to pick us up at the airport, but it was just much easier for us to take a car back to our flat that we rented for the week. The plane taxies to the gate, and Hailee and I are the first to leave the plane. We are quickly greeted by representatives from the Heathrow airport, along with a couple security guards, who notify us our bags are already in the car that will be taking us to where we are staying. While we walk through the airport, we begin to get recognized, and I already notice people pulling out their phones, some whispering to each other.

However, when we exit the main doors of the airport, we see the crowd of paparazzi with cameras and all sorts of devices. The security guards push through them, making a gap that will allow us to get in the car. But security can't do much to stop what is being said to us. I try my best to shield Hailee from all the flashes.

"Hailee! Is Kate Bishop going to be in the new Doctor Strange? Is that why you're here?"

"Jayden Hailee look over here smile!"

"Hailee if you're dating Jayden what's your sexuality?"

"Jayden will you be staying with the Sparks for next season?"

Eventually the sea of never ending questions stops when the car door shuts, but they still try and take pictures through the tinted windows of the car.

"God I hate them." I whisper.

"Me fucking too." Hailee answers back, and we take a sigh of relief when we finally are able to drive away.

The drive to where we are staying is nice. Hailee and I both look out the window for most of it, every so often one of us points to something for the other to look at. I always find it so funny how the steering wheel is on the opposite side here, and so is the direction of traffic.

We arrive to our flat after the long drive, since we chose a place that would be closed to where Lizzie and the Doctor Strange crew is staying, which is on the more outskirt parts of London. The both of us have seen the main parts of London before, so it will be nice to explore some places we haven't seen.

I take the keys out of my pocket, unlocking the door to our place. We are welcomed with a super cute little place with big windows, a small little kitchen and living room area with a bedroom on the second floor. It's small, but it's perfect for just the two of us.

"This is so adorable." Hailee says, as she walks around taking it all in.

I watch as she goes around to each detail of the house, feeling all the different textures she can.

"When we live together, we should get a couch like this." She blurts out, and then turns around to look at me after what she just said.

"Live together?" I question with my eyebrow raised playfully.

"I- It just came out, I mean in the future of course, if um, that's something you want." Hailee tells me nervously.

"Hey, slow down." I tell her, placing my hands on her shoulders. "I'd love to share a home with you some day, maybe sooner than you think." I tell her calmly, and she smiles.

"Really?" She asks in awe.

"Yes really." I tell her confidently, pulling her into a hug. We stay hugging for a little while.

"I love you." She whispers into my chest, and my heart flutters at the three words. I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

"I love you more." I reply as we pull away.

The two of us head upstairs with our luggages, unpacking some of our things.

"Martini." Hailee says randomly.

"What about her?"

"You'd be okay with Martini right?" She asks me.

"You mean when we live together?" I ask, chuckling at her question.

"Yeah, she's apart of the package too."

"Martini is the size of an ant, and she's so quiet you forget she's even there sometimes. Yes of course Teenie will come with us wherever we go, she's like my dog too now." I tell her, and she smiles widely at the fact I consider her dog like my own now.

"You've never told me if you've ever had a pet before." Hailee brings up.

"Oh, well, I had a fish once. That's all my Mom would allow, she didn't like animals too much." I tell her, reminiscing my memories with my mother.

"A fish! What was it's name?" She asks curiously.

"Kobe, after Kobe Bryant of course. He was a little goldfish who lived on top of my dresser. Died after a few years, but he kept me company." I recall, and she laughs at the story.

"If you could have had a pet though, what would you have wanted?" She asks me.

"I've always wanted a cat. I love cats so much, it's my dream to have a kitten and watch it grow up to be an adult cat."

"Interesting, I'll keep that in mind." She tells me cheekily.

"Hey don't be giving me no kitten in a box for Christmas now..." I tell her, and we laugh.

After we settle in, we decide to take a walk to explore what surrounds out little home for the week. After walking a short distance, we come across a little market.

"We should go inside and get a few items!" Hailee says excitedly, playing with my arm. I agree, and we walk hand in hand into the small marketplace. We each grab a basket, and we go around picking out a few necessities like bread, eggs, milk, cheese and more. When we reach the dessert aisle, Hailee gasps out loud, and I already know most of the basket will now be filled with chocolates. If I know one thing about my beautiful girlfriend, it's that she loves her sweets; especially anything chocolate.

"Look at this!" She says, motioning for me to look at this small little assortment of chocolate pastries. "Can we get it?" She asks me, as if she were a little child and I was her parent. It's hard for me not to disagree, so I grab the tray of treats and I place it in our basket.

Once we check out and pay with the pounds that we converted earlier, we walk back to our place each with plastic bags in our hands. The weather is really nice here surprisingly, as we both expected it to be cloudy and muggy as it usually is. I unlock the door with one hand, placing the bags down quickly so we can unpack the items we got into their respective places.

Hailee and I grab a quick snack from one of the items that we purchased, so our stomachs aren't completely empty until dinner with Lizzie tonight. Of course, Hailee tears into the pastry tray, trying one of them for herself.

"Come on, we have to start getting ready." I remind her, and she puts the tray back in the fridge, even though I know she's going to steal another one on the way out.

Lizzie is going to pick us up in about an hour, which gives us more than enough time to get ready. While I sit on the bed picking out my outfit from my luggage, Hailee gasps as if she saw a monster.

"I forgot to tell Florence we arrived!" She says, her hand over her mouth. She quickly pulls out her phone, pressing the FaceTime option on Florence's contact. The phone rings for a little while until the blonde picks up.

"Hellooo!" She answers, and Hailee smiles back at her.

"Hi Flo!"

"I'm so glad you guys made it here okay, show me your flat!" Florence says, and Hailee flips the camera angle, revealing me sitting on the bed. I flash the phone an excited wave.

"Is that the almost birthday girl?" Florence questions jokingly, and I smile brightly. I can't help but notice how vibrant she is.

"That would be me. Nice to see you over the phone." I tell her, waving again.

"Well, I'll be seeing you both soon, I can't wait." She replies and I smile back at her.

I excuse myself as I step into the shower, and Hailee gives me a thumbs up while she is still on the phone with Florence. I begin to undress in the small bathroom, putting my clothes neatly on the sink. I look at myself in the mirror, running my hands over my tattoos, wondering about what my next one is going to be of and where it would be placed on my body. I pull back the curtain, stepping in carefully to test the temperature of the water. As I begin my normal shower routine, I hear the bathroom door open. I peek my head out of the curtain, to see Hailee undressing herself as well.

"What are you doing?" I ask, still in the shower.

"Getting in with you, duh." She replies, stepping into the shower herself.

The two of us shower together, sharing cute moments together. I hop out first, since I got in before her, and I move onto getting dressed. The both of us unintentionally picked out an outfit with black and denim, and we were too lazy to change. The place we are going to dinner is pretty casual, so I though just a simple black long sleeve shirt and jeans with my Converse would do.

Once I'm done changing, Hailee steps out of the shower in a towel, drying herself off so she can change as well.

When we are both ready to go, we take a quick mirror selfie together, which Hailee puts on her story on Instagram. After waiting a few minutes, Lizzie texts me that she's outside and we both do a check of our pockets and belongings to make sure we aren't forgetting anything.

The two of us walk out the door, noticing a small grey car parked outside the street in front of our place. From inside, I notice Lizzie's side profile, her face illuminated by the blue light shining from her phone. When she hears the door close, she turns to look at us, a smile immediately growing over her face. She gets out of the drivers seat, coming around the car to greet us. She runs up to me with her arms open, giggling with that infamous laugh she has.

"Jay!" She shouts, engulfing me into a hug, which I return, squeezing her tightly.

"Hi Lizzie." I reply, still hugging her.

"I missed you so much I feel like it's been forever." She tells me while we pull apart, and I nod agreeing with her.

"Hailee! Hi!" She says, now greeting Hailee with a hug, which she also reciprocates. I stand close by, watching them hug and it makes me smile. The last time the three of us were all together, it wasn't this jolly.

"Nice little car you got here." I motion, pointing to Lizzie's car.

"This is my little temporary car while I'm here working, she's cute isn't she?"

I hop in with Hailee in the backseat, leaving Lizzie alone in the front. Hailee mentioned for me to sit at the front, but I didn't want her to be alone in the backseat. The three of us chat on the ride to the restaurant, all of us sharing stories and laughing together. We arrive at this cute restaurant with outdoor seating, decorated by lots of plants and lights in different forms.

"Hi we have a reservation for 8 o'clock." Lizzie tells the hostess at the front.

"Yes of course, under what name?" She asks, and I'm thrown off by the British accent. I almost forgot we are in a different country.

"It's going to be under Chase, table for three."

"Right this way." The hostess says, pulling three menus out from under the stand.

"Still using the middle name huh?" I ask Lizzie, nudging her side while we follow the young woman.

"What do you want me to do, say table for Olsen?" She jokes, rolling her eyes playfully.

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