《Forevermore | Hailee Steinfeld》Chapter 20 - The Day Came Slow, Till Five O'clock


It's next day, and Hailee and I are going to spend most of the day at the hospital visiting my Mom. I told Hailee she didn't have to come but she insisted. After last nights game, I came home with Hailee since I didn't want to be alone. I woke up before her this morning, like I do most of the time. Waking up beside her is one of the best feelings I could ask for.

I turn to my side to grab my phone from the nightstand to check the time, and it's about 7am. We had an alarm set for 8am, so I just let Hailee sleep in for another hour even though I really want to wake her. Sitting on the edge of the bed now, I stretch my back a little until I decide to walk to the bathroom as quiet as possible.

Once I shut the door, I place both my hands on the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. It takes a lot in me to keep it together, as looking in the mirror is a reminder that everything that is going on is real. Before the thoughts get too bad, I turn the faucet on in the shower, hoping the warm water will help me feel a little better.

While I let the water run over my face, I think of the events of yesterday and the day before. Sure I'm happy with the outcome of yesterday's game, but it doesn't even feel significant when my Mom isn't doing too well. I carefully open the door, still finding Hailee asleep in the same position she was in.

After tip-toeing down the stairs, I make it to the kitchen to make something to eat for the both of us. I scour her fridge until I find some eggs and fruit. I get a little carried away in my thoughts while cooking, zoning out every once in a while. I'm pulled out of it though when I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"Hello there." I tell her, acknowledging her presence.

"Hi." She whispers lightly.

"Sleep okay?" I ask and she nods, now standing beside me helping out with the food.

"Yeah, you?"

"Um, I slept okay." I reply, slightly lying since my worries kept me up.

"Here, go sit. I'll finish up here." She offers, taking the utensils from my hands. I follow her orders and I take my seat at the small table in her kitchen. Shortly after, she comes to the table with two plates, silverware, and two glasses of water.

"Thank you love." I tell her and she smiles.

"Any word from the doctors?" She asks while we eat.

"Um, they said she was really tired, not speaking much, which is really unlike her." I tell, and she listens to me wholeheartedly.

"Hopefully she can get some sleep today, it'll be okay." She reassures me, but it's hard for me to accept.

"I, I don't know. The doctor didn't sound too sure on the phone."

"Well, we are visiting today I'm sure that will lift her spirits." Hailee replies, and I agree.

When we finish breakfast, I put the plates back in the sink. The two of us head back upstairs to change out of our pajamas into something more appropriate. When I notice Hailee taking off her shirt, I turn around on instinct.

"You don't have to turn around, it's nothing you haven't seen before." She mentions, and I turn back around slowly, her toned back coming into my view.


She looks at me from over her shoulder, her eyes beckoning me to come closer. I wrap my arms around her from behind, just like she did to me earlier. I move her hair to one side, freeing her neck to allow my lips to kiss it and she gasps at the contact. I pull away after a few kisses, allowing her to get back to getting dressed. Once the both of us are ready to go, we start to head to the hospital.

The whole ride there, Hailee holds my hand which is placed on her thigh. The ride is mostly quiet, except for the low sound of music in the car.

"Whatever happens..." She begins, breaking the silence. "I'm here for you."

"I know, thank you um, it means a lot." I reply, my voice cracking slightly.

"We are in this together." She reassures, and I look to her while we are at a red light, the look in our eyes doing all the communication.

I let out an exhale when we pull into the parking garage of the hospital. Hailee and I take the elevator to the ground floor so we could walk to the main lobby. Thankfully the hospital is not very full this morning, giving us a less chance of being seen.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" The woman at the front desk tells us.

"Yes hi, um, we are here to see Josie Carter. Room 1026." I tell her. "I'm her daughter, this is my girlfriend. She is expecting us."

"Right this way." A nurse says motions for us to follow her. "Last time we checked she was sleeping, so she might still be asleep." She tells us as we walk to the room.

As Hailee and I approach room 1026, I look to her with a look of worry. Hailee nods to me, easing my nervousness. The nurse opens the door for us, and we both walk in.

"Thank you." Hailee tells the nurse.

I now stand in front of my Mom as she lays in the hospital bed, IVs attached to both arms with a breathing tube connected to her nostrils. She's looking out the window, laid flat on her back, her skin pale as ever. The room is filled with the sound of the beeping machines and my mother's shaky breath. I'm filled with mixed emotions, not sure what to feel. At the end of the day, she has been lying to me for years about smoking, which fills me with anger. But I can't help but feel empathetic when it's my own mother.

The both of us walk closer to the bed, and I place my hands on the rail.

"Mom." I call out, and she turns her head to us both.

"Hi baby." She greets me, coughing shortly after.

"Hi Mom, how was the night?" I ask.

"Ugh horrible, there were so many people coming in and out."

"I'm sorry Momma. But I'm sure they were just doing their jobs." I tell her, and she nods, now looking towards Hailee.

"Look who we have here!" She says excitedly.

"Hi Josie." Hailee says, giving my Mom a small wave. We both take our seats on the small couch they have in her room since we were able to get her a suite, so it's bigger than most rooms.

The three of us engage in conversation, telling stories and jokes to try and distract my Mom from the fact that she's sick.


"Hand me the remote." My Mom orders, and I pass it to her. "I want to get good use out of this TV, let's watch a movie." She says, and I look at Hailee with a smile.

"Okay, um, what movie do you want to watch Mom?"

"Put me one of Hailee's movies." She suggests, and Hailee's eyes grow wide. I know she hates watching herself in her own movies, but it's not like she can say no in this situation.

"Which one do you think she'll like?" I whisper to Hailee, discussing the movie choice.

"Um, Bumblebee maybe?" She suggests, and I go to type it letter by letter on the TV.

"They don't have it."

"How about The Edge of Seventeen?" She proposes, and to our luck, they have on the TV's Netflix.

"Want to watch this one Mom?" I ask.

"Any of them, I know they are all good if she's in it." My Mom tells us, and Hailee smiles.

The three of us watch the TV, going through the whole story of Nadine Franklin. While watching it, I can't help but feel so lucky to call Hailee mine. She's so talented and special, especially in this moment when I'm here watching her work with the two most important people in my life. Throughout the movie, I hear my Mom laugh and make comments about the film, and I'm filled with warmth at the fact that one of Hailee's movies is giving my Mom the comfort she needs right now.

As we approach the pool scene at Erwin's house, I look to my Mom for her reaction.

Do you wan't to have sex right now?


I'm just kidding! I was just- You know that I was just- I was just playing out the movie scene.

My Mom breaks out into laughter after Nadine just played Erwin, but her smile quickly fades when she sees how hurt he is by it.

We continue the rest of the movie until the end, when Nadine goes to the schools film festival to support Erwin's animated short film, my Mom looking satisfied at the cute ending the movie has.

"That was so amazing, you're such a talented young woman." My Mom compliments Hailee, and I turn to her to catch her smiling, thanking my Mom.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick." Hailee tells us. "Do you wan't anything to eat or drink?" She asks me, but I shake my head no. Once Hailee leaves the room, my Mom and I are left alone. I look to my Mom and she's smiling brightly.

"What's with the smile?" I ask.

"Because, I'm happy. Mostly from seeing you happy." She begins.

"I mean, I wouldn't consider the last few days happy if that's what you're talking about."

"No baby, I'm talking about your girl."

"Oh." I reply, now knowing what she's talking about.

"You love her, don't you." She asks me.

"Um, I do, yeah."

"I know you do, I can tell." My Mom begins. "Have you told her?"

"I haven't, no."

"Figures." My Mom replies, chuckling. "You're scared?"

"A little." I admit.

"There's nothing to be scared of baby. If I were you, I'd be telling her you love her every chance you get." My Mom tells me, and I know she's right.

"Listen, time is limited sweet cakes. I'm not going to be here on this Earth much longer, there's only so many more times you'll get to tell me you love me."

In this moment I can't look my Mom in the eyes, fearing it would only make my tears flow harder.

"So whether you show her you love her, or tell her verbally, you do it every time you get the chance."

"You're right Momma, I know." I reply all choked up.

"Promise me one thing." My Mom begins, and I finally have the courage to look at her.


"Promise me that when I'm gone, you save me a seat at the wedding."

"What? Don't say that Mom. You can beat this. No, don't say that you're going to come home." I tell her, tears streaming down my face.

"All roads must end someday sweetie. I'm just glad to have seen you find someone who makes you happy before I go."

Before I can respond, I hear the door open. I quickly wipe my tears, picking my head up to see Hailee returning from the bathroom.

"Look what I got!" Hailee says excitedly, a small package in her hand.

"What is it?" I ask.

"They gave me a little Jello, I got it for you." She tells me, placing the Jello container and spoon in my hand.

"Oh um, thank you." I reply smiling. I look over to my Mom and she's smiling too, flashing me a wink.

Hailee, my Mom and I talk for a little while longer until my Mom notifies us that she's tired, and we decide to let her get some rest. Hailee and I collect our things, and I go to say bye to my Mom. Hailee gives her a hug goodbye the best she can from the hospital bed, then walking backwards towards the door.

"I'll be right outside." Hailee tells me, giving my Mom and I some space.

"Bye Mom, get some rest. Text me or call me if anything okay?" I tell her, the tears welling up again. I can't help but think if this is the last time I'll be seeing her.

"Bye sweet cakes. I love you."

"I love you more Momma, be strong okay?"

"I'll try." She responds giggling softly. I begin to walk to the door slowly. I turn around to give her one last wave, shutting the door behind me. Once the door is fully closed, I immediately fall into Hailee's arms, sobbing softly into her shoulder.

"It's okay." She soothes. "I'm right here, it's okay."


I close the door to her house behind us, breathing a sigh a relief that we are finally home. Hailee's house has sort of become my second home over the last few months. I place my keys on the dish next to the door, and I follow her into the kitchen.

"I know it's still a little early for dessert but I got us something." She begins, and I curiously look to what she is doing.

She turns around with two bags of chocolate melts in her hands, one vanilla and one chocolate.

"Chocolate?" I ask.

"To make our own chocolate covered strawberries!" She says excitedly, and I begin to smile.

"Oh my gosh, you didn't have to." I tell her, giving her a hug.

"Only the best for my baby." She tells me in my ear, and I freeze at the name she just called me. It's like she didn't even notice she said it, like it came naturally to her.

"Do you want a drink?" She asks me.

"Like a drink drink or a drink."

"A drink drink. It's been a long day." She brings up, and I can't help but agree.

"Oh um, I don't really drink much anymore, but yeah I'll take whatever you have." I respond, thanking her. She goes to the small liquor cart she has by the table, taking a minute to select what she's going to use. After choosing, she brings the ingredients to the counter, pouring a couple different things into these nice, short glasses she has. The places a final garnish of lemon on the glass, then slides it over to me.

"So, tell me bartender. What's this?" I ask, inspecting the cocktail.

"Here we have the Steinfeld Special." She tells me giggling.

"Mmm and what goes into this, Steinfeld Special?" I play around, doing air quotations.

"Just a little gin, club soda, lemon juice, and some strawberry syrup. Nothing fancy."

"Well, let's give it a try." I tell her, raising my glass. We both clink our glasses together, taking a sip at the same time. My eyes widen at the taste.

"Damn, that's really good." I tell her and she smiles. "If this whole career thing you got going on here doesn't work out, let's open a bar." I joke.

"It can be right next to the pizza restaurant we said we would open when we made pizza that one time, remember?" She recalls.

"Of course I do, I'm still counting on it." I reply, taking another sip while I watch her laugh.

Once we finish our drinks, we make our way to the sofa. Hailee offers to make us both another round of her specialty drink, and I agree. By the time we finish the second drink, we are both feeling a little funny.

"I haven't drank in a while." She mentions while giggling.

"Yeah me neither, guess that's why I'm already feeling it."

"How are you-" Hailee begins, but is interrupted by a hiccup.

"Did you just hiccup?" I ask, and she bursts out into laughter.

"Maybe." She admits. "Anyways what I was going to ask you was, how are you feeling about tomorrow's game?"

"Um, good question actually. I haven't really thought about it to be honest. I'm just going to go out there and do what I always do." I say honestly.

"And you're going to do amazing, like you always do." She replies, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

To make our lives easier, we decide to order take-out, which we should have done earlier before we had the two drinks. I eat it pretty quickly, since I was hungry, sort of forgetting to eat with everything going on.

A few hours later, the two of us decide to get ready for bed, both doing our night time routines. We talk a little more as we lie in bed together.

"Thank you for um, letting me stay at your place these last few days. I don't really want to be alone you know."

"You don't have to thank me for that my love, this is your home too now, you're welcome any time. Plus I like having you around." She tells me, and I smile at her.

I plant a few kisses on her face, beginning from her forehead, to her nose, to her lips. She scrunches her nose at the contact. In that moment right there I just want to tell her, but something tells me there will be a better moment. We drift off to sleep pretty soon after that, her head laying on my chest and my arm wrapped around her back.

The next morning however, I turn over to check my phone and I notice several missed calls.

They are from the doctor.

2922 words

THE DAY came slow, till five o'clock,

Then sprang before the hills

Like hindered rubies, or the light

A sudden musket spills.

The purple could not keep the east,

The sunrise shook from fold,

Like breadths of topaz, packed a night,

The lady just unrolled.

- Emily Dickinson

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