《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》88. Yvonne


"Come on baby, get out!" Katherine moaned and rubbed her belly.

"Can we like smoke it out?" Emil spoke up.

"You watch too much Friends" Anna told her brother in law.

"Come on baby!" Leo yelled.

"Leo, shh, shh. I wanna sleep" Tony shushed his godson.

"I want to see the baby!" Leo jumped up and down.

"We all do kid" Clint mumbled.

Galilea entered the room with an old looking teddy bear. One of those bears that look to be from the 1800s.

"For my godchild" she gave the bear to Katherine. She gasped and moved its legs and arms.

"That's like a five hundred dollar teddy bear" Bruce observed.

"For my godchild. Now listen to me baby" Gali sat down next to Katherine and lowered her head to the baby bump "this is your godmother speaking and I want you out now. I got this adorable little onesie that I want you to wear and I got a matching one. So we're going to be matching, alright baby? Please come out! This is the most excruciating wait of my life!" She whined and slumped in the chair.

Everyone was quiet and waiting for something to happen but nothing did.

"Come get me when this baby arrives" Tony mumbled as he stood up and grabbed Leo's hand "let's get a cheeseburger" Leo cheered on the way out.

Fortunately they didn't have to wait any longer. Twenty minutes later Katherine was taken to the delivery room. Everyone was anxious, waiting to hear news about Katherine and the baby. Emil was the only one in the delivery room, he's the only one who knows what's going on.

They tried to pass the time by watching tv but their minds went back to the baby. Finally, after what seemed to be hours, they were able to see Katherine, Emil and the baby.

"Hi" they whispered when they entered the room.

"Hi" Emil and Katherine whispered back.

Galilea noticed the bundle of pink blankets in Katherine's arms and she gasped "it's a girl!"

A flash blinded her for a moment and she blinked to clear her vision. Emil took a picture of Gali and everyone entering the room.

"She's so beautiful!" Anna cooed.

"Here" Katherine handed her daughter over to her sister so she can hold her. Emil took another picture.

"Okay, less flash please" she blinked.

"Sorry" Emil mumbled.

Anna cooed and admired her niece and Giovani was getting inpatient "I want to hold my goddaughter"

"Why is Gio her godfather?" Gali asked Emil and Kathy.

"I don't know" Emil shook his head.

"Because I didn't give them any other choice" Giovani smugly said.

"It's true" Kathy nodded.

Giovani held his goddaughter for a couple of minutes. It seems that everyone wants to hold her but they held back, she's not a doll.

"It's amazing, I mean, one minute she's inside you, and then 48 hours later, here she is" Bruce smiled.

Emil took pictures of everyone holding the baby and Katherine began to cry "what's the matter?" Anna softly asked her sister.

"Nothing. I'm sorry. I just can't stop crying" she wiped her eyes.


"It's completely normal. You're all hormonal. Remember how you were after you had Leo?" Pepper reminded. Katherine began to cry even harder

"What's wrong now?" Steve asked.

"I remember when I had Leo" she cried.

"Okay, okay, can I hold my goddaughter now?" Galilea spoke up.

"Careful" Kami softly said as she handed over the baby.

Gali held the small baby in her arms. Warmth spread across her body and her heart swelled up. She stared at her little nose and closed eyes, her soft pink lips, the pink hat on her head. She remembers the first time she held Leo in her arms. It was just like that but he had a blue hat and blanket.

"Hey, hey, happy birthday baby girl" Gali whispered.

"I wanna see!" Leo stood on his tiptoes to try to sneak a peak at his sister but he can't reach. He's too short. Gali sat down in a chair next to the bed and Leo scurried over "can I kiss her?" He asked his mom.

"Yeah" she nodded. Leo planted a soft kiss on his sisters cheek. Everyone awed at the loving gesture.

"My godson is going to be a heartbreaker" Tony proudly said and placed a hand over his chest.

"Oh my god" Bruce sighed and rolled his eyes. The last thing the world needs is another Tony Stark.

"Do you know what you're going to name her?" Gali handed Kathy back her baby.

"Well we've narrowed it down to two names" Emil began.

"Yeah, and you know what, I love them both. So why don't you just pick one and that'll be it" Kathy told her husband.

"Wow. Okay" Emil was touched by that "Well everyone, this is... Audrey" he smiled.

"Aww, Audrey!"

"I love it"

"It's beautiful!" They cooed.

Kathy whimpered.

"What?" Emil asked.

"That's not her name. I'm sorry, she doesn't feel like an Audrey"

"What was the other one Em?" Pepper asked.

"Uh, Delilah"

"Oh great, suddenly she sounds like a biblical whore" Kathy groaned. Everyone shared a look.

"No, hey, what about the song? Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City?" Kami began to sing.

"No. That's not her name!" Kathy shook her head.

"Well, I guess it's just baby girl Rosenthal" Emil shrugged.

"I can't believe she doesn't have a name" Kathy cried.

"It's okay Kath, you'll find a name" Gali assured.

"Easy for you to say, you already know what your kids names are gonna be" Kamilla rolled her eyes. Everyone looked up at Galilea in confusion.

"I thought you said you weren't going to have kids because of me" Peter spoke up.

"Well I was, but then you came around and crushed my dreams" Gali answered. Peter gave a sheepish smile.

"You already have your kids names picked out?" Bucky questioned, trying to clarify what he's hearing.

"Yeah, I had them picked out since I was seventeen" Gali answered.

"Seventeen? What were you doing when you were seventeen?" Rhodey asked.

"Who was she doing" Kamilla corrected. Gali smacked the back of Kami's head.


"Come on, tell us. What are they?" Kathy said with a smile.

Galilea looked around the room and saw their expecting looks. She sighed and began "take in mind that I picked the names that best fit with Stark"

"Of course" they nodded, knowing how self centered the Stark's can be at times.

"Okay, if it's a boy, it's Asa"

"I'm sorry, are you having a kid in 1950?" Tony joked. Gali chuckled and playfully shoved her brother.

"And if it's a girl?" Kathy asked, waiting for a answer.

Gali looked down at her hands and smiled nervously "I don't wanna say"

"Oh come on, tell us! I'm not going to want it" Kathy assured.

Gali took in a breath "fine, okay. It's from Casablanca"

They scrunched their eyebrows in confusion "Ilsa?" Giovani asked.

"No" Gali shook her head "it's Yvonne"

Kathy gasped loudly "Yvonne" she bit down on her bottom lip and looked down at her sleeping daughter "see I don't want it"

Gali smiled small and looked down at her goddaughter "take it"


"Take it. I mean she is clearly an Yvonne"

"But you love that name" Kathy said.

"It's my birthday gift to baby Yvonne" Gali whispered.

"Yvonne Rosenthal. That's cute" Kamilla smiled.

Galilea got a hold of her goddaughter and sat in bed next to Katherine. She held Yvonne in her hands and stared lovingly at her goddaughter.

"Yvonne" she whispered "you are probably one of the luckiest babies in the world. You get to have me as your godmother" Gali smiled.

"There are so many things I want to teach you, as do your parents but I get to teach you the fun stuff. I'll take you to Disneyland and we can dress up like a princess or a prince, let's break the gender barriers. I'll teach you how to fight. I'll teach you the Tortoise of Fury. If you ever want to run away, I'll run away with you. I have experience in that field" she chuckled.

Gali brushed her fingers across Yvonne's soft skin and held her tiny hand "your first boyfriend, or girlfriend, I'll be there. Your first heartbreak and I'll be the first one to go after the kid because no one hurts my goddaughter" Gali began to tear up.

"When you become a crazy fangirl, I will fangirl with you. I will buy you the merchandise, the albums, I'll take you to their concerts, because I know how it's like to be a fangirl"

"NSYNC fangirl" Kamilla spoke up but Gali ignored her.

"When you're grounded, I'll sneak food in your room. If you're fighting with Leo, I'll relate because I know how it's like arguing with your older brother. There may be times when you don't want to see him, or you want to smother him in his sleep" Tony gasped "but you'll love your brother no matter what. There will never be a better big brother anywhere" Gali sniffled and wiped a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Now I know you have your uncle Giovani but he's no good"

"Hey!" Gio glared at Gali.

"Same goes to your aunts, Anna and Kamilla" they glared at Gali "okay they're great in their own way but let's face it, they're not me" Gali smugly smiled. Yvonne yawned and Gali smiled at the cuteness.

"You're going to be a smart kid, Yvonne. I can get you into Harvard if you want, I have pull there. I have pull in all the Ivy League schools in the country. And if you wanna go to school out of the country, then you can go there. I also have pull in schools in Britain. You can thank my aunt Peggy for that. She's great" Gali let a couple tears fall and she wiped them away and kept staring at Yvonne.

"You're going to be alright, kid. You'll do well. I just want you to do something for me. Never take your parents for granted. Tell them everyday how much you love them because you'll never know when's the last time you'll say 'I love you mom. I love you dad' And I wish and hope that you'll never have to worry about that. Knock on wood"

Several knocks on wood were heard. Tears freely fell down her face and everyone else in the room got emotional.

"You're just a couple hours old and everyone here loves you so much. And soon you'll know how that feels like. You'll experience the wonders, joys, mysteries, sadness and angers of life. Everything will be new and a challenge and when things seem to be dark and you feel trapped, just know that you are not alone. I'll always be there. Pick up the phone and call me. It doesn't matter if it's the middle of the night or we're in different parts of the world, I'll always be there, because Yvonne, I love you" she clicked her tongue twice.

Gali wiped her tears and took in a deep steady breath "this is ridiculous. She's not even mine" fresh tears filled her eyes.

"I'm not crying, you're crying" Clint cried and turned around to face the wall.

"It's not ridiculous" Kathy sniffled and smiled at the woman sitting next to her.

"No?" Gali asked.

"No. It's beautiful"

Gali smiled and looked back down at the baby in her arms.

Steve stared at Gali with a warm smile on his face. The way she told Yvonne how she'll always be there and everything that they're going to do when she's older, he thought it was beautiful.

He saw her interact with Yvonne and heard everything she said. Everyone heard what she said. It pulled on their heartstrings. They teared up and felt the love Gali has for the small baby.

Steve didn't think it was possible but he fell in love with Galilea all over again. Everything she said reminds him of every little thing he loves about her. And that's why, during that speech he came to a life changing decision.

Gali glanced up at him and smiled lovingly at him. He returned the smile before Gali turned her attention back to Yvonne.

I want to marry that woman.

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