《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》84. Ohana


Loki and Galilea continued to give out the lily and gladiolus bouquets. After they left Steve's room (he laughed at Loki's appearance just like Sam had done), they made their way to the break room the Avengers had claimed as their own when Galilea was there.

Clint, Thor, Rhodey and Bruce are there and they burst out in laugher when they saw Loki. He simply glared at them "guys please, don't laugh at Loki" Galilea kindly told them but they continued to laugh.

Loki turned around and ducked his head "do I really have to go through this?" He whispered in Gali's ear.

"Yes" she answered.

Loki threw his head back, the hat not falling because Gali made sure to hold it down with bobby pins. Loki walked over to the table where the men are gathered and handed them the flowers.

"I don't know you but Galilea said that I have to give out flowers. So here" he handed a bouquet to Rhodey.

"Thanks" he smiled although a bit confused as to why Loki is doing that.

"Clint, I'm sorry I had you under mind control" Loki smiled as he said that.

"Mhm" Clint hummed as he took the flowers and smelt them.

Loki approached Bruce with hesitation "Bruce, I'm sorry I called you dull creature"

"Thank you puny God" he kindly took the flowers from Loki. Galilea smiled at the guys.

"Thor" Loki approached his brother "brother... I'm sorry you were born" he handed him the flowers.

Thor glared at his brother while Galilea covered her mouth with her hand. Something heavy fell on Loki's foot and his eyes went wide and he made a whining sound of pain.

"Thor come on!" Galilea called when she saw Mjölnir on Loki's foot. She grasped its handle and easily lifted it off his foot. Loki took a wide step back and glared at his brother "this is not a toy" she held up the hammer and scolded Thor.

"It's mine! Why are you worthy?" Thor whined like a child.

"You are such a child sometimes"

"You see? You see what I had to put up with for one thousand years?" Loki spoke up.

"No wonder you turned out the way you are" Galilea said in realization.

Loki gave her a look "what is that suppose to mean?"

"That you're a diva" Clint answered.

"I'm not a- why do I even bother?" He shook his head. Clint sniggered and put a flower behind his ear.

"Listen, you two have to start behaving. You know what my mom did when Tony and I weren't getting along?" She asked the brothers.

"What?" They asked.

"She made us do garden work- but she also made us hug it out. So you two- hug it out" The brothers made a face at that "now!"

They gave Galilea wary glances and slowly wrapped their arms around one another. They had an awkward brotherly hug but it was a hug nonetheless. Galilea smiled, satisfied with them.


"See, that wasn't so bad" they grunted in response "I will make you do garden work. Shut it" she hissed. They did so and Thor took the flowers from his brother "thank you brother"

"You're welcome"

"Okay, see, brotherly love. You-" Gali looked down at Clint with the flower behind his ear "never change Francis, never change" she patted him on the back.

Her and Loki left the room and searched for the rest of the team. They found Kamilla and injured shoulder Natasha walking down a corridor, Loki gave them flowers.

"I'm sorry for almost killing your brother" he apologized to Kamilla "I'm sorry for what I did" he told Natasha.

"I still want to slap you" Kamilla glared at the god.

"Same" Natasha agreed with a straight face "but if you let me take a picture of you then I'll let everything slide" she smiled small.

Loki rolled his eyes "go ahead" the girls pulled their phones out and took various pictures of Loki. Galilea dragged Loki out of there because he was beginning to pose.

They soon found Tony, Nick and Phil and they also laughed at Loki's attire. Tony took various pictures from different angles.

"I'm sorry for what I did, please accept these flowers as an apology" Loki gave Nick a bouquet "I'm sorry for destroying your home and for trying to control your mind" he gave flowers to Tony.

"Thank you reindeer games" Tony smiled and dramatically smelled the flowers.

"I'm sorry for killing you" he gave a bouquet to Phil.

"Well that's a first" Tony and Gali muttered.

"Hello frien- woah ho ho!" Peter laughed when he caught sight of Loki.

The god sent him a death glare and Peter bit down on his bottom lip and crossed his arms across his chest.

"You look- you look nice" he nodded and tried hard to hold back a smile but the corner of his lip curled up.

"Can I take this off now?" Loki turned to Gali.

"No" she shook her head.


"You said please!" Gali gasped and placed a hand over her heart "still no. Now give Peter and Happy their flowers"

Loki sighed and handed them the flowers "I'm sorry for what I did"

"Thanks, I'll give these to May" Peter looked down at the flowers.

"Who are the others for?" Happy motioned to the remaining flowers in the basket Loki is still carrying.

"Jane, Pepper, Darcy, Selvig" Galilea listed off.

"There's still one more left" Phil pointed out.

"Ah yes" she picked the bouquet and placed a gentle hand on the flowers "these are for James. He's in his room, yes?" She began to make her way to Bucky's room "keep an eye on Loki"

Galilea turned a corner and saw a door at the end of the hall, closed blinds on the window blocking the view to inside the room. He probably doesn't want to be bothered. She thought. But too bad because I'm not backing away.


Gali walked down the corridor and knocked three times on the door "James, it's your best friend. I hope you're dressed because I'm coming in!" She opened the door and stepped inside the large room.

Shield gave Bucky a bigger room than the others but if it were up to them they would've placed him in a more secure room. But after Gali was pretty explicit on how she would kill them and hide their bodies, they gave him a simple room, but it's still secured.

Galilea spotted Bucky staring out the window. She closed the door behind her and walked over to her friend. She joined him on looking out the window. The view of the beautiful garden where her and Phil took walks when she was there.

"Wanna go out? It's nice and sunny outside, let's go"

"Am I even allowed to go out?" Bucky continued to look outside the window.

"Don't know" she shrugged. Bucky turned to face Gali and spotted the flowers in her hands "to brighten up the room" she gave him the flowers "and make you smile. Loki and I have been handing them out, well actually Loki is the one who's been handing them out" she explained.

"Is that why you're dressed as a Candy Striper?" He observed. Gali stuffed her hands in the pockets of the pinafore.

"There aren't any Candy Stripers today. So a touch of old fashion will bring a smile to people's faces" she then scanned Bucky's face and tilted her head slightly "why do I have a feeling that you dated a Candy Striper?"

Bucky shrugged "I wouldn't remember. Everything is still fuzzy" Bucky walked around her and set the flowers beside his bed.

"Don't worry. Your head will clear up. Everything will eventually come back to you, but what if in the meantime you make new memories while the old ones come back?" Gali suggested.

Bucky sat down on the edge of his bed "what kind of memories?" He looked up at his friend.

"Well" Gali went over and sat down next to Bucky "we can go take that walk. Or if you want a snack we can get something from the vending machine. You can meet the others. It really is up to you"

Bucky looked up at the closed door and considered his options. He doesn't really feel like going out and meet the team but he has to meet them one day. Better now than in two weeks, it'll just make everything weird.

"Alright" he nodded and stood up.

"Alright to what?"

"To everything"

"Really? You sure?" Gali asked.

"I'm sure" he nodded.

She smiled and stood up and flattened out the pinafore "alright let's go" she made her way to the door and held it open for her friend.

They walked down the corridor and before they turned a corner, Gali stopped and warned Bucky "just to warn you, my brother is out there, if you think I'm weird then Tony is like- eh, you'll soon see how he's like"

So Galilea introduced Bucky to everyone and they were nice and welcoming. Peter was still admiring the metal arm and kept asking questions until Gali shooed him but he stuck to them.

They then went to the break room where most of the Avengers are located. It was rowdy, food was flying across the room, the tv was on and by the looks of it, Thor and Sam are in the middle of a very intense Mario Kart race on Rainbow Road.

Peter was surprised to see how well Thor got on the game and ran in to cheer him while Sam loudly expressed his disappointment on the others not supporting him. The cheering got louder and people jumped up with their arms in the air.

"I am the champion!" Thor boomed, arms in the air and the steering wheel still in hand.

"You cheated!" Sam accused.

"I did not cheat!"

Galilea swept her eyes across everyone in the room and noticed that the remaining Avengers are all there. The only ones missing are Tony, Phil, Nick, Loki and Happy. But that all soon changed when hey all ran into the room and stared at everyone.

"What the hell is going on here?" Nick demanded.

"I won!" Thor grinned.

"He cheated!" Sam spoke up. They got into an argument and soon everyone else joined in.

"They were playing Mario Kart" Gali quietly informed the guys.

"They are the protectors of Midgard?" Loki said with disdain "no wonder your world is how it is" Phil, Tony, Nick and Gali glared at him.

"Is this how it always is?" Bucky whispered to Gali as he witness the Avengers arguing about a game, food flying across the air and Clint accidentally breaking a mug.

"You'll love them" Gali smiled warmly "I know I do" she looked out at her weird, loud, annoying, pain in the ass, friends. Friends she wouldn't change for anything in the world.

They are my Ohana.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

It's December 24th. Merry Christmas Eve! I hope you're all having a wonderful time.

Also, I am sad to say that this story is coming to an end. But don't worry, there will be a sequel! I still have about four or five chapters to post before it ends.

So my Christmas present to you guys will be the last chapters. So this story will most likely end tomorrow.


So I don't know if I'll post the remaining chapters tomorrow.

But in the meantime enjoy your Christmas food and music. Perhaps some of you are like this,

But please don't steal Christmas. I actually did steal Christmas one year. My cousins were on the verge of tears but they were annoying me so they deserved it.

Happy Holidays!

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