《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》83. Candy Striper


"What? It wasn't enough that I had to tend to your girlfriend but now I have to tend to you too?" Doctor Olivia Grey shook her head, a small smile on her face.

She held a clipboard in her left hand and a pen in her right. Her black hair is tied up in a high ponytail, her black framed glasses on her face. She's wearing a white doctor coat and her phone is in one of its pockets, the screen shining through it since she's getting various text messages, but it's on vibrate.

"Is that why you stuck me in her room?" Steve asked Olivia.

She giggled as she wrote something on the paper "yes" she nodded.

"What are you talking about, this is a great room!" Galilea spoke up from where she's sitting next to Steve on the hospital bed.

She has a laptop on her lap and is typing and clicking and didn't look up when she spoke "I have to admit that I didn't expect to be back here so fast. But it's a nice change that it isn't me this time. Sorry babe"

She blindly reached her left hand out to grab Steve's hand and give it a gentle squeeze, but when she did that she immediately pulled her hand away, her eyes still on the screen "woah, that wasn't your hand"

Olivia sniggered and immediately clapped a hand over her mouth to restrain herself. Steve went deep shades of red and pulled up the covers of the hospital bed to cover himself.

Galilea bit her bottom lip and also blushed but not as red as her boyfriend. Well this is awkward. She thought. She looked up to see Olivia hiding her face behind the clipboard, her shoulders shaking in silent laughter "I'm sorry" Galilea apologized to her boyfriend. He only hummed in response.

Olivia slowly brought the clipboard down and bit her tongue to keep from laughing but when she saw Steve's red face and the bunched up covers, she snorted and quickly looked away from her patient and stared at a wall.

"Sorry" she managed to say but laughter was evident in her voice "I'll- I'll leave" her voice was strained "I'm more than confident that- I'll be leaving you in- gre- great hands!" She let out a small laugh before composing herself "I-I'm sure Ga- Gali will be able to han- handle your... growing problem!" She wheezed out and covered her mouth with her hand.

Olivia took in deep steady breaths but once she was calm she dared glance over at the two blushing people in bed with the bunched up covers, she began to laugh again "I-I'll be ba- back i-i-in an hour..." Her hazel eyes glanced back over at Steve and Galilea and she looked away.

"Maybe two. Hopefully you'll be able to ride it out- gaah, I mean, figure it out!" She shut her eyes and shook her head. A blush of embarrassment creeping up her face "oh god, I'm leaving. I'm going" Olivia walked over to the door and didn't dare look back as she said with laughter "just don't go to fast!" And slammed the door behind her.


"Hello Samuel"

Sam looked up from his book and up at the open door of his hospital room. He let out a loud laugh when he saw the girl standing at the door.

"Did we travel back in time?"

"Cool huh? I found it down at storage" Galilea looked down at herself and she smoothed down the red and white striped pinafore.

"Are you trying to make Steve feel back at home?"

A faint tint of pink spread across her face "maybe" she mumbled.

Sam laughed loudly but then abruptly stopped "wait, storage? You went down to Shield storage?"

"Yeah. They have cool things down there. I found a box full of candy stripper uniforms. That's where I got the one I'm wearing" Galilea explained.

"Uh, it's Candy Striper" he corrected.

"What did I say?"

"Candy stripper. You're not stripping"

"Not to you I'm not" she mumbled before stepped out of the room for a second and called someone.

Sam's jaw dropped and he stared at Galilea in disbelief "outrageous! The one thing I can't do right now"

Galilea snapped her head at that and raised a threatening finger at the man in bed "you stay away from him. If you kiss him again I will beat your ass!"

"You wouldn't"

"Try me bitch" she glared at him "my poor innocent little Steven"

"If he's dating you he's no longer innocent" Sam mumbled. Luckily Galilea didn't hear him and so he went unhurt.

"Come on Loki, we don't have all day. We're just starting!" Gali yelled out the door.

"I don't want to do this!" He whined from outside.

"Get in here" she said more firmly.

Loki sighed and entered Sam's room. Sam let out a loud laugh and Loki shot him a death glare. Sam covered his mouth to suppress the laughter but couldn't. He dropped his hand and laughed out loud.

"I need a picture! Where's my phone?" Sam looked around himself in search for his phone.

"I will kill him" Loki growled.

"What did I say about killing people?" Galilea smacked him on the arm.

"It's not nice" he mumbled and looked away "can I hurt him a little?"


"What if I scare him with one of my illusions?"

"I will lock you in a room with Bruce"

A click was heard and the two turned their heads to see Sam with his phone in hand "this is great. Oh I'm keeping this forever" he chuckled "why is he dressed like that?"

While Galilea is wearing the traditional Candy Striper uniform, a white blouse, a red and white striped pinafore, her brown hair tied in a bun and a hat resting on her head. Loki is wearing the male version of the uniform. They are normal scrubs but they have the classic red and white stripe design like Galilea's uniform.


And although the mens uniform doesn't require them to wear a hat, his black hair is tied in a bun like Gali's and he's sporting a nice hat like his friend. He's also carrying a large basket full of flowers.

"Because we're Candy Stripers" Gali answered. She turned to Loki and nodded her head to Sam who's in bed.

Loki resisted an eye roll and walked over to the man. He picked up a bouquet of white lilies and colorful gladiolus. He gave it to Sam with a forced smile on his face "get better soon"

"Aww, thank you Loki" Sam took the bouquet with a smile.

"What the hell is going on here?"

They all turned to see Maria Hill standing at the door with a confused look on her face.

"Agent Hill" Loki walked over to Maria and headed her a bouquet of lilies and gladiolus. They're all the same "I'm sorry for trying to take over the world"

Maria took the flowers and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion "thanks...?" She glanced over at Sam silently asking what's going on and he simply shrugged.

"We should get going. We have more flowers to deliver. See you two love birds later" Galilea smiled brightly at Sam and Maria before grabbing Loki's arm and leaving the room.

"That was awful" Loki commented once they were out.

"You secretly enjoyed it"

"No I didn't"

"Mhm. Come on, Steve is next" Gali pulled Loki towards Steve's room.

"If you two are going to... do things, I would rather be out here"

"We're not going to do anything... Not here anyway" she mumbled the last part but Loki heard and shook his head.

They entered the room where Steve just walked out of the bathroom, a hand gingerly pressed on his healing wound "what are you doing up?" Galilea became panicked.

"I- I had to use the restroom" he answered.

Gali quickly rushed to her boyfriend and gently led him back to bed "Gali, Gali, I'm fine" Steve sat on the edge of the bed and looked up to the brown eyes he loves. Galilea took in a deep breath and nodded.

"Kay" she breathed out.

"Now can you lean down and kiss me, my ribs hurt" Steve pouted.

"You don't get to use that. That is mine" Gali tried to scold but the puppy eyed look he's giving her melted her heart and forgave him anyway. She began to lean in to kiss him and he tilted his head up but their lips never met because a flower bouquet was shoved in their faces.

They blinked and turned their heads to see a look of disgust on Loki's face. Gali chuckled and stood up straight.

"Who are these for?" Steve eyed the flowers Loki is holding out.

"For you" he strained out.

Steve raised an eyebrow "for me?" He glanced over at Gali and she smiled sweetly. He turned back to Loki and carefully took the flowers from him.

"Get better soon" Gali cleared her throat and Loki pursed his lips "I'm sorry for fighting with you in Germany" he added.

Steve smiled small "thank you"

Loki hummed and looked away, that's when Steve got a look at him and his girlfriend. He was momentarily confused but then the uniform seemed oddly familiar.

"What are you- are you dressed as Candy Stripers?"

"Yes we are" Galilea nodded.

He eyed her up and down and noticed that the skirt is short on her, ending a good three inches from her knees "where- where did you get the uniform from?" Steve didn't take his eyes off of Galilea's legs.

"The storage room. Ahem!" She grabbed his face and pulled his head up so he can look at her.

Steve blushed lightly at being caught. He bit down on his bottom lip, placed his hands on Gali's hips and pulled her down to sit on his leg. She let out a small yelp and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Do you think you can wear it one day– or night"

Gali blushed lightly and smiled "I can arrange that. But it has to be after you're better. We don't need a repeat of what happened" she means about the grabbing and squeezing incident when Olivia was in the room.

"I'm fine. Nothing happened" Steve's lips brushed against Gali's cheek as he held his girlfriend close.

"Well I wouldn't say nothing happened. Something big definitely happened. I mean it took a while but we got there" Gali softly said.

"Oh my god, you two are disgusting!" Loki yelled.

The two lovebirds jumped back and blushed furiously once they remembered that Loki is it the room with them "I forgot you were hear" Galilea began.

"Clearly!" Loki scoffed "now if you've forgotten we have flowers to deliver, unless your burning loins can't wait"

Galilea blushed "damn you Loki" he smirked "he's right, we have flowers to deliver. See you later alright?" She grabbed Steve's face and kissed him deeply.

Loki rolled his eyes and turned his back to them. He does not need to see that. They pulled away from the kiss and said "I love you" at the same time. They smiled and Loki groaned loudly.


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