《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》81. The Revengers


The Avengers and Hydra stared at Loki in shock, that they didn't notice when a spiderweb hit the panel and another and another. The shield that's holding back the Avengers began to weaken.

Everyone looked up and saw Spider-Man on the ceiling. Underneath his mask, Peter gave a small smile, it could be seen by the way the eyes on his mask moved. The boy gave a small wave and swung to the other side of the room.

"Hello!" He brightly said.

A loud laugh was heard from outside, Hill, Phil, Bucky and a laughing Galilea walked in "that was great. You have to do 'get help' more often"

"I hate it" Loki grumbled.

"It's fun" Thor grinned.

"Gali?" Tony called. She turned around and smiled at her brother.


"What the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay at Shield!"

"Yeah well since when do I ever listen to you?" Gali shrugged.

"What the hell is going on?" Richard demanded.

"What the hell is going on, Dick, is that we came to get James and save those idiots" Gali jabbed a thumb over her shoulder.

"So what, you're the Avengers 2.0?" He sarcastically asked.

"No. We're the... Revengers" Thor informed. Galilea resisted the urge to facepalm.

"The Revengers?" Richard repeated unamused.

"Yes" Thor nodded.

"I like it" Spider-Man spoke up.

"Yeah!" Thor gave the kid a high five.

"Oh my god this is it. This is how we're going to die" Clint said from behind the shield.

"You know we can hear you" Phil told the archer. He glared at the agent.

"Everyone shut up!" Richard yelled.

"No Dick, you shut that hole in your face! I listened to you for a month and now it's my turn to say something" Galilea snapped "I don't feel like fighting, Richie Rich. So please surrender, we will take you in, lock you up for the rest of your life and we will never see each other again"

"What's the hard way?" Richard stepped down, trying to get closer to the girl but the Revengers got in defensive mode. He saw it and stopped walking.

"Face Loki's magic tricks. Thor's magic hammer. Two Shield agents. Spider-Man's new web shooting combinations. James and I" Gali pointed at everyone when she said their names.


"And us!" Happy loudly said as him and Kamilla entered the room. Heads snapped their direction and Gali facepalmed.

"What part of 'stay in the fucking car' did you not understand?!"

"Steve doesn't like that kind of language" Natasha spoke up. The Captain glared at the assassin.

"Hey, Christopher Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, get the hell out!" Galilea yelled at her two friends who just walked in. Happy went to protest but didn't get to say anything because someone spoke up.

"You should do what Galilea says. She can get a bit feisty. I still think it's the hottest thing I've ever seen" Gali tensed up and closed her eyes. Oh no. She took in a deep breath and slowly turned in place.

There's another door at the other side of the room which she failed to notice. It's open and standing there is none other than a young Jude Law. His hair is still perfectly coiffed despite what's been happening down there. He has a couple of scratches and his shoes are dusty, but he's still the same Castiel.

Galilea didn't know how she would react if she saw the man again. She thought that perhaps she would punch him, or kick him, shoot him, but she didn't. She stood frozen in place and stared at the man who she formed a bond with.

She knows that he's the bad guy. She knows everything he's done but there's the voice in the back of her head that tells her that Castiel is her friend. That he is nice and should trust him. She's trying hard to fight it off but the more she stares at Castiel the more she realizes that she missed him.

"Hello Galilea" Castiel gave her a charming smile.

"Cas- Castiel" Gali breathed out.

"How are you little Galilea? It's been so lonely around here without you. I missed you" Castiel slowly walked in the room.

"You had Mariana" Gali pointed out.

"True. But I like you better"

"You like controlling me"

Castiel chuckled "I never controlled you little G. We're friends. I would never do anything to hurt you. You said so yourself, remember?"

His stupid smile, his sparkling green eyes, his laugh. Gali just wants to punch him and hug him. She's conflicted on how to react. So far the trigger words Castiel is saying aren't working on her because of the words she programmed in her earpiece. But if Castiel keeps it up then who knows what'll happen.


"What do you want?" She asked the man.

"Come with me"

"No thanks"

"Come on little G"

"What part of no thanks did you not understand? I'm not going anywhere with you, Jude" she glared at the man.

"It's like she's back in the cell" Richard sighed with a roll of his eyes.

"Hey, mommy and daddy are talking. Shut it Rich!" Galilea glared at the older man as she tried to use her mind powers on him.

"Your powers don't work on me" he smirked.

"True" suddenly a spiderweb was clasped over his mouth and he stumbled back at the force it hit him "but his do" she nodded at Spider-Man.

"Hey, Gali, forget about him alright? It's just you and me. Let's go" Castiel grabbed Galilea's attention.

"Hell. No!"

"I said let's go Little Galilea!" He emphasized the nickname.

Something clicked inside of her, she felt vulnerable and wants to be near Castiel. Gali took a small step forward and then another one and another. At the same time Castiel walked closer to the girl and the others are calling out to Galilea to stop her.

The Revengers tried to hold her back but they found themselves frozen in place. Galilea held them back with her powers.

Cyclone. Shield. Museum. Line. Howling. Alley. Rogers. Two. Sneak. Stark Expo.

The words echoed in her head, reminding her of who she is, still she reached out for Castiel and felt some sort of relief when she was with him.

"I'm- I'm sorry" she found herself apologizing.

"It's alright Little Galilea. We can leave now" Castiel kindly told her.

"I'm sorry" she apologized again and wrapped her arms around him for a hug, her fingers threading themselves in Castiel's hair.

"What are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry you're still a trusting idiot, you goddamn little fruit!" Galilea kneed Castiel and he doubled over in pain.

She quickly grabbed his arm and flung him over her and he landed flat on the ground. She got on top of him and pinned his arms down on either side of his head. Her face is inches away from Castiel's face, her brown eyes staring deep into Castiel's green eyes.

"What the-" he began to question.

"That, Jerome, was Edwin Jarvis' patented Tortoise of Fury. And you do not get to call me little Galilea anymore. There's only one person who calls me little Galilea and that's Jarvis!" She angrily yelled. She turned her head to her right where the panels and the people are "now Loki!"

Loki appeared behind the panel and placed a hand on it. With his magic he finished breaking the panel. The lights on the panel flickered and electrical noises were heard.

Everyone was confused when they saw Loki up there when the man is standing in the middle of the room with the Revengers. But when that Loki suddenly disappeared they realized that it was one of his tricks.

Thor who was nearest Richard, landed a punch on him and he fell back, the spiderweb still covering his mouth. A small fight broke out between the Revengers and the Hydra people.

Phil and Maria began shooting, Loki fought off the guys that are trying to get him, Peter flung from wall to wall as he shot spiderwebs. Gali is still straddling Castiel and she got off him and sat him up.

"Kid!" She yelled. The kid saw what Gali was trying to tell him and wrapped Castiel in spiderweb, he then placed it over his mouth for good measure.

Gali pushed Castiel toward the Avengers. The shield that was holding them back was gone as soon as Loki destroyed the panel. They were too shocked to move but when they saw Castiel slide in, they went to leave the area but they couldn't move.

"Let us go!" Natasha yelled at Galilea.


She saw Kamilla and Happy through the corner of her eye and telekinetically pushed them in with the group. They let out words of protest but they went ignored. Gali placed a new protective shield on the Avengers and let them go. They groaned and yelled as they pounded their fists against the smooth barrier.

"Let us out, please! Kamilla and Happy smell!"

Kami and Happy weren't lucky with the sewage walking. They didn't have protection like the others so their feet got wet in the poo water.

"Deal with it!"

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