《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》80. Get help


A small bug-like droid inconspicuously flew in the large room. It took a visual of everything happening and scanned the room for any doors and escape ways. The seven people stared at the video hologram of the room.

The Avengers look beat and exhausted. They're held back at the back of the room, they look more like trapped. The Hulk is pounding on the purplish, transparent shield that's holding them back, but he can't break it.

Tony and Rhodey are trying to shoot at it but nothing is happening. A couple of Hydra guys are on the other side of the room, controlling something on the panels. Richard Roman is there and overseeing everything.

"What the hell can be that strong to hold back that beast?" Loki questioned as his eyes stayed on a more than pissed of Hulk.

"Galilea's shield" Thor noted. Everyone turned to the girl.

"They must've taken some of my blood while I was out of it. They got my shield power, it's the only way to explain it" Galilea felt sick.

Hydra using her powers to hurt her friends... Only they would do that. Sure she sometimes uses her powers on them but it's in a playful way. To put invisible barriers and see her friends get frustrated. Move things around from another room. Get a guy to dress up as a Disney princess, that kind of fun.

"Let's just hope they don't have the other powers because then we'll be screwed" Phil commented. Let's hope so. Gali silently agreed.

"How do we bring the shield down?" Peter asked.

"It looks like they're controlling it from that panel right there" Maria pointed at in the hologram "but we can't get near it without getting hurt"

"I can come in from up top and bust the panel with my spiderweb" Peter suggested.

"That will work" Thor nodded.

"Then we fight them off?" Bucky was unsure.

"Yes but, it might be tricky. They know the Avengers' moves. They know their tricks" Gali began.

"You said that they don't know our tricks" Loki interrupted Galilea "we're at an advantage here. You say that you fought with him" he pointed at Bucky "for weeks and came up with secret fighting moves. They're not familiar with Spider-Man's technique and he has new web combinations"


"That'll be a surprise" Peter pipped in.

"The last person they expect to see" Loki pointed to himself with a smug smile "and they don't know about your new trick with the-"

"We don't need to go into specifics" Thor shook his head.

Loki raised an eyebrow and turned from his brother to his new friend. He wondered whether if they told anyone about the hammer but by the looks they're giving him, he says no. Loki shrugged and let it go.

"Hate to say it but the diva is right" Maria nodded.

Loki glared at the woman "I'm not a diva" he growled "and I know I'm right" Maria rolled her eyes.

Gali thought about it. Loki is right. That's the whole reason she formed the group in the first place. But now that she's there things seem different. Still they need to save their friends and beat the bad guys in the process.

"Fine. We'll do that. Peter you sneak in and bust that thing- but we need a distraction. We can't afford them catching Peter in the act before we're even in there"

They thought about it for a moment. A distraction so they won't catch Peter. Something that will have them completely baffled and unable to move in shock.

Thor slowly turned his head to his left and his eyes landed on his brother. A small smirk appeared on his face and he got an idea "I know" he spoke up "I know of a distraction"

"What is it?" Phil asked.

Thor turned back to his brother "Let's do 'get help'"

"What?" Loki was confused.

"Get help" Thor repeated.

"No" Loki shook his head.

"Come on, you love it"

"I hate it"

"It's great. It works every time"

"It's humiliating"

"Do you have a better plan?" Thor questioned.

"No" Loki answered.

"We're doing it"

"We are not doing 'get help'" Loki firmly told his big brother.

The others just watched the brothers exchange and wondered what 'get help' is. But Thor thought it was a great form of distraction and didn't back down.

"We're doing it. Peter get in position. Brother, come with me" Thor stood straight and wrapped an arm around his brother. Loki groaned and dropped his head.


"I hate this" he quietly muttered. He went to join his brother while Peter climbed the wall and sneaked inside of the room.

"Kami, have there been any changes?" Thor asked.

"No" the girl answered.

"Great. Loki and I do the distracting while Peter gets the control panel. You four rush in and we fight them off" Thor explained.

"Easier said than done, but we'll try" Maria nodded.

They took a minute to load their weapons. Once they were loaded and everyone was in position, that's when Thor and Loki did their routine.

The Avengers sat on the ground all injured and exhausted. They thought back on how it could've ended like that but they can't seem to think straight.

They're frustrated.

It was a simple plan, get it, get Bucky, shoot a couple Hydra guys along the way and get out. But somewhere along the way Natasha got shot, then Steve and Sam. They tried to snap Bucky out of Winter Soldier mode but then they lost sight of him and now they're stuck in a large room with Richard and a dozen Hydra agents.

The three wounded Avengers sat against the wall and winced at every move they made.

"Stop moving!" Rhodey told them for the millionth time.

"It hurts!" Sam moaned.

"We need to find a way out" Steve groaned.

"Green has been trying for the past seven minutes. The only way out is if someone messes with those panels" Natasha pointed ahead of them.

"Fin me a hole and I can get this shield down" Clint muttered as he readied an arrow in his bow.

Tony tapped the shield that's holding them and it became familiar to him "I think... This is just like Gali's shield"

"It is her shield" Richard spoke up from the other side of the room. He smiled smugly at them "amazing what a couple vials of her blood can do"

"You got the forcefield power from her blood?" Tony was angry.

"Great, innit?"

"It's not great, it's horrible! You hurt her and you took her blood to experiment? You guys aren't all there" the billionaire shook his head and turned to the team "there must be something that can bring the shield down. Have we tried Thor's Thunder?" He looked around for the God of thunder "mean swing? Shakespeare?" He called out but Thor didn't answer. "Is Thor not here?"

The team looked around and shook their heads "come to think of it, I haven't seen Thor in like an hour" Rhodey spoke up.

"Same" Clint nodded.

The team was quiet again as they began to think about Thor. Where could he be and why did he leave them? Richard took notice of Thor's absence and opened his mouth to ask where he is but the doors slammed open.

Thor has an arm around Loki's waist and his other hand is holding Loki's arm that's wrapped around his shoulders. Loki is leaning against his older brother, head thrown back and his eyes closed, his feet dragging on the side.

"Get help! Please! My brother is dying!" Thor dramatically yelled as he entered the room, holding/dragging Loki "get help! Help him!" He picked up his brother and threw him at the men.

Loki spun in the air as he crashed into the people and brought them down. The Avengers were surprised and glad to see Thor but then their happiness turned to confusion and shock when they saw Loki stand up and adjusted his clothes.

"Ah, classic!" Thor grinned widely as he stood in the middle of the room.

"I still hate it. It's humiliating" Loki commented.

"Not for me it's not" Thor stood next to his brother.

When they spotted Loki, they all stood frozen in place. Even the three Avengers that were on the ground found strength to stand up and stare incredulously.

"Surprise!" Loki grinned and opened his arms, slowly turning in a circle so everyone can take in his glory "yes it's me, Loki of Asgard. Avengers do not worry, your salvation is here!" Loki caught sight of the Hulk and he flinched, jumping back.

Thor pursed his lips and smacked his brother "ow!" Loki glared at Thor.

We're doomed.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

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