《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》77. One of us


"We gotta hurry. The team got themselves in a tricky situation" Kamilla hastily explained as Gali slid open the car door and practically shoved Peter inside.

"But you were giving them directions" Galilea pointed out as she shut the door close behind her.

"My directions pretty much go to crap after Tony decides to do whatever the hell he wants to do" Kami noted.

"True" the brunette nodded.

Happy drove off and began to speed. Peter shoved his backpack off and said hi to everyone "you must be Loki. Not a fan of yours"

"Evidently nobody is" Loki answered "who are you?"

"I'm Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man" Peter smiled.

Loki furrowed his eyebrows "who?" The boys smile dropped.

"Don't get offended kid. You weren't even in town when the aliens attacked" Maria spoke up. Peter grumbled under his breath and sat down in his seat, facing the front.

"I suggest everyone should get ready. We'll be at our destination in approximately three minutes" Happy said from the front as he took a sharp left without warning. Everyone turned along with the car, hitting themselves.

"Ow" they groaned.

"Sorry" Happy mumbled a quick apology.

The force of the turn caused something to slip out of his pocket and Kamilla was first to see it "what's that?" She pointed at the small shiny object laying between the two.

"What- nothing, nothing" Happy quickly answered as he reached for it but Kamilla was quicker. She held up the object and inspected it.

"Is this a ring? Is this a ring, Hogan? An engagement ring?" Kamilla questioned with a smile.

"It's not mine. It's Tony's" Happy explained.

"Tony's?" Kamilla and Galilea gasped.

"Let me see!" Gali took the ring from her friend and inspected it.

The large princess cut diamond with three smaller diamonds on either side of it. The angle the light hits it makes it sparkle like it right out of a movie.

"This is my mothers engagement ring. Why is Tony making you carry this arou- nooo!" Galilea gasped as it hit her "Anthony is going to propose to Virginia?!"

"I don't know" Happy answered.

"You don't know?! Why are you carrying it around then?" Galilea shrieked.

"I've been carrying it around since 2008! You know how your brother is. He's unpredictable half the time" Happy took another left but everyone saw it coming and were able to hold onto something.

"I never took Tony to be the kind to settle down" Maria mused.

"I kinda did" Phil commented.

A teary eyed Galilea still held the ring in hand and was overcome by warmth and happiness "my brother is getting engaged!" She cried.

"He's not- he doesn't even know-" but Galilea ignored Happy's protests and cried.

"He's getting engaged!"

"Odin's beard" Loki rolled his eyes and looked out the window, anything to keep him from witnessing the sob fest of Galilea Stark.

Suddenly the car came to an abrupt stop and everyone flew forward. The ring slipped out of Gali's grasp and before it got lost in between the seats, a spiderweb shot out of Peter's wrist and caught it.


"I'll take that" Happy reached for the ring "listen, Tony has been seriously considering this for a month now but he isn't ready for anyone to know. Now you six know and Gali is a tear fest" Gali sniffled and wiped the tears from her face "don't say anything about this, alright?" They nodded but Loki remained still.

"No promises that that lame-o will be keeping secrets" Kamilla jabbed her thumb over her shoulder.

Happy sighed and shook his head. He mumbled to himself as he got out of the car and everyone followed. They're in an abandoned lot, no people around them or anywhere near. They're approximately twenty minutes from where the Avengers are at, but by the path they have worked out, they'll quickly reach them.

"Let's go Loki Charms" Gali hurried.

"Don't hurry me!" He growled.

Phil opened the back door of the car and pulled up the secret screens. Images from the underground hydra base were shown on the screens and from outside the building as well. A secret stash of weapons opened up and they got loaded.

"You guys are serious" Peter chuckled when he saw the weapons.

"Oh, here" Galilea handed an already costume changed Peter, two new web shooters "your new web shooters"

"Cool, thanks so much!" Peter jumped at the excitement.

"Why does the kid need web shooters? It already comes out of his wrist" Happy pointed out.

"Yes but the web shooters give it an extra kick. Web grenades, taser web, raining web" Gali listed off a couple of combinations "Peter and I have been working on a couple of combinations for over a year now. We have 576 web shooting combinations but I'm starting him small"

"How many do these have?" Peter adjusted the web shooters around his wrists.

"23 The ones you've been practicing with lately" Galilea answered.

"Awesome!" Peter began to play around with the shooters.

"Is he still on the training wheels protocol?" Kamilla leaned in so Peter won't hear.

"Yeah" Gali nodded "okay, listen here Loki" the Stark girl began "we are going in, doing our thing and then get out"

"Is that what you tell the man out of time?" Loki smirked.

Galilea gasped "how do you- how- did you just...?" She stumbled over her words.

Happy bit down on his fist and turned so Gali won't see him laughing. Kamilla snorted and covered her mouth with her hand to muffle the laughter. Maria Hill has a look of amusement while Phil seemed a bit uncomfortable. Peter was too busy throwing webs at the wall to even pay attention to them.

"I'm not getting into this with you" Galilea mumbled as she tapped the screen and brought up the tunnel plans "Peter come here!" The kid ran over and stood with the group.

"Remember the plan. We're going down that manhole" Gali pointed at the manhole a couple feet from them "and we take a left. We go straight until we come to that rainbow graffiti and take a right. The watches will beep when we're near the hidden passageway to the tunnels, that is when we go in and Thor will be meeting us and take us in" Galilea explained.


They nodded as they understood the plan "take these" Kamilla handed them earpieces "I will be that little voice in your ear. I will be guiding you"

"I thought you were guiding the Avengers?" Loki spoke up.

"They're doing their own thing right now" Kamilla waved it off.

"Actually, I will also be the voice in your ear" Happy spoke up. Loki made a face at that.

"The voice recorders. Remember, you see him, you press play" Phil reminded as he passed out the recorders.

"What exactly are we going to encounter in there?" Peter curiously asked.

Galilea stared at his teenage face before sighing and sitting on the trunk of the car "it's Hydra, you know and seen what they're like. Loki, this is your first time encountering them, they are pretty badass but we are badasser"

"Is that even a word?" Happy questioned.

"It is now. Listen guys, I know there are a lot of problems here with Loki, but we have to trust each other. We have to work together. Put your differences aside, after we're done here you can go back on hating Loki and he can go back on hating us, I would prefer if you wouldn't but it's on you guys" Galilea sincerely began.

"So please Loki, don't pull any stunts or tricks against us. Hydra sure, you can use any kind of tricks on them but don't do anything that will hurt anyone in this group or the Avengers. Remember, Heimdall is looking down and most probably your parents as well" Gali pointed at the sky.

"They are not my parents" Loki glared.

Galilea rolled her eyes and sighed "I do not need to go through this again. Yes they are, Loki. I told you in Asgard and I'll tell you again. They are your parents. It doesn't matter if you're adopted. They raised you and loved you. You grew up with Thor. He is your brother-"

Gali stopped herself from going on another rant like she did back in Asgard. It just brings back the memory of her arguing with Odin about that exact thing. She passed a hand through her hair and stared at the man before her.

"Look, you may think that- actually I don't know what the hell you're thinking, but I'll tell you this. The person we came to save today, he is troubled and confused. He might try to kill you- the team might try to kill you once they see you- but this person might try to kill me, or Phil, or any one of us. But he is not the bad guy. He might act bad but he's not. He's good. He's one of us" Galilea stood up and slowly stepped closer to Loki.

"We don't have time to go over Bucky's story, so listen to me and listen to me well... I need your help. If I didn't need you then I would've spared myself the time and voice on yelling at Odin. I need your help Loki Charms. Hydra has learned the Avengers' moves. They know their combinations, strengths and weaknesses, but they don't know yours. They don't know ours as a team"

Loki stayed quiet and stared at Galilea with a blank expression "look if you don't want to do this then I can hold up a sign for Heimdall so he can take you back. But if you do this you have to play by our rules and be one of us. Don't think yourself as Loki of Asgard, burdened with glorious purpose" she mocked him from the first time she encountered him.

"You are Loki God of Mischief. You are dressed ready to fight and you may not have your scepter but-" Gali went back into the car, pulled down a seat and grabbed something golden.

Loki's eyes widened when he saw it. Last time he saw it was in New York when he crashed through the window of Stark Tower. He didn't have it when he went back to Asgard so he assumed it was still on earth. His assumption was true. Galilea had the golden horned helmet.

"You have your reindeer helmet. So will you, Loki, help me, your friend Galilea Stark?"

At first Loki didn't want anything to do with the Midgardian girl. As soon as he saw her in Asgard he wanted her gone and out of his life. But she crept herself in and now he's back on earth, helping her and her friends save their lost friend.

He was planing on betraying them the first opportunity he could get, but after Galilea's long an touching speech, he thought it over. There is something about her that makes him want to change. Like when she hugged him after all the damage he caused, after he killed her friend, Galilea hugged him and smiled brightly at him.

That's what she's doing right now, holding the golden helmet in her hands and smiling brightly up at him. Loki sighed and nodded "very well. I will help you and your friends on this mission"

Galilea grinned and jumped in excitement "thank you!" She wrapped her arms around the tall man and gave him a tight hug.

Loki didn't hug back because he's still handcuffed, but rested his head on Gali's shoulder, indicating that he enjoys the hug from his friend.

"Betray us and I will kill you" Galilea threatened in his ear.

Loki grinned and laughed "there it is! There's the threat! Alright, now I will help" the others stared at Galilea and Loki in shock and confusion.

"What the hell just happened?" Maria Hill quietly asked.

"I have no idea" Phil shook his head.

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