《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》76. Diva


"What exactly are we doing up here?" Happy looked around the roof of Stark Tower.

"Waiting for reinforcements" Maria answered.

After the Avengers left, Gali, Phil, Maria and Kami quickly left Shield base and went to the tower. Gali got a hold of Happy so he can be the getaway driver.

The five people stood on the roof as Gali held up a sign for Heimdall.

"Are you sure he can see it?" Kamilla asked from the chair she's occupying, an open laptop on her lap as she's helping the team. They don't know about what they're doing, only Thor knows.

"He can see and hear everything in the Nine Realms" Galilea clarified as she kept holding up the poster she made. It reads in big bold letters ''

"Do they know that we need Loki today?" Phil asked.

"Yes. Thor told Heimdall yesterday and he told Odin. The chain, Phillip. Follow the chain" Galilea dropped her tired arms.

Without warning a deafening sound was heard and a bright flash of light was seen. They covered their eyes for a moment and then it was gone.

"I am not a diva" Loki coldly said.

"Yeah right" Gali snorted. Her eyes went down to his handcuffed wrists "do you come with a note or something?" She eyed him up and down and circled him.

Loki rolled his eyes "I'm not a dog"

"So yes?"

Loki groaned and handed her a folded piece of paper. Gali took it and read it. It's a message from Frigga that tells her that Loki has been warned. If he tries to take over the world again or betrays her or anyone, there will be consequences.

She also warns Gali that even tho Loki is there to help, she should still keep a watchful eye on him. He likes to play tricks.

"Heimdall is going to keep an eye on us? Geez, that won't be fun" Galilea muttered.

"You tell me" Loki mumbled in agreement. Gali folded the paper and stuffed it in her pocket.

Loki's eyes scanned over the faces of those on the balcony. He's never seen those people before but then his eyes stopped on a familiar face "you. I killed you. Why are you alive?" He tried to make a move towards Phil but Galilea held the Asgardian back.

"Easy Lucky"

"Nice to see you again Loki" Phil nodded. Loki grumbled. He can't believe that Phil is alive. He killed him. He drove his scepter right through him, he should've died but he's right there. Living, breathing and all.


Galilea turned over the poster and held it up to the sky. It reads '' "We'll take care of the diva!" She shouted.

"I'm not a diva!" Loki argued "and who are these people?"

"This is Agent Maria Hill with Shield. That's Happy, head of Stark security. The girl on the laptop is my best friend Kamilla and you already know Agent Coulson" Gali introduced "people this is Loki. Certified crazy and class-A diva" Loki threw a death glare at Galilea.

"Yeah, I know who this punk is. I would slap you if it weren't for the fact that you're helping us" Kamilla glared at the green clothed Asgardian.

"What's her problem?" Loki raised his handcuffed hands and pointed at Kami.

"Well you know, her brother was caught in the middle of the New York battle. But who knows why she's mad at you" Gali sarcastically said.

"We should get going. We still need to pick up the kid" Maria informed.

"Right. Let's go Beyoncé" Phil grabbed Loki's arm and began to walk. The others laughed at that. Gali and happy began to sing Diva by Beyoncé.

"Why are we in a minivan? I feel like a soccer mom" Happy commented from the front of the car.

"We need to blend in. Besides we need a big car to fit us all" Maria explained.

"But a minivan?" Happy whined.

"Hey, shush!" Kami hissed as she was communicating with the team. She mutes her radio so they won't hear what's going on but when she's talking to them she needs silence.

"Sorry" Happy whispered.

Loki sat at the back in between Phil and Maria. His face makes it clear that he dislikes the seating arrangement. Galilea sat in the middle of the car and tapped the screen on the back of Happy's seat, as she went over the plan before going over it with everyone else one last time.

"We're almost at the high school. So you tell the team that they can't have Peter help them, but as soon as you make your own plan, the kid is helping?" Maria asked Gali.

"He's under my supervision. I know him better than them" Gali didn't look up from the screen.

"What kid? Is someone else helping in this rescue mission?" Loki questioned. The car came to a stop and Happy looked into the rearview mirror.

"We're here" Gali opened the door and got out. She stuck her head inside and gave Loki a look "behave" he made a face at her and slid the door close.


Gali turned on her heel and came face to face with the high school. Happy stopped right in front of the front entrance so Gali didn't need to walk through the football field to reach the entrance. She went up the stairs and pushed open the doors.

Students roamed the large hallways, they were at their lockers, or talking with their friends or making their way to the cafeteria since its lunch time.

When the students saw Galilea Stark walk by, they stopped what they were doing and gawked. They can't believe that Galilea Stark is at Midtown School of Science and Technology. She waved at a few kids and made some comments as she passed classrooms and kids.

Walking through the hallways brought back many many high school memories. Not from that school but from her high school. She went to private school her whole life but high school life if pretty much the same. Same kind of people everywhere.

"Miss Stark, hello, hi" Principal Morita called. Gali turned to see the school principal in his pristine suit.

"Heyo Principal Morita!" She grinned.

"Looking for Peter?" He inquired.

"Yeah. You didn't give him detention, did you?" Gali curiously asked.

The principal smiled and shook his head "no, not at all. I know it's just the beginning of a new school year but there have been no problems with him at all. He hasn't skipped any classes"

"I'm glad" Gali nodded "but you know I called you yesterday saying that he's going to miss the rest of his classes today. I already talked with his aunt, she knows I'm picking him up" Galilea lied.

Well she did tell May that she will be taking Peter out of school early but it was going to be part of some internship. Principal Morita thinks the same.

"Right, the internship. Although I don't understand why it has to be today. It's Friday, can't it be on the weekend?" the principal began.

"We'll Tony and I are very busy this weekend and today is the only time we have" Galilea explained "uh, do you have any idea where Peter might be?"

"Well it's lunch time so the cafeteria is a pretty safe bet" Principal Morita nodded.

"Right" Gali chuckled and they both made their way to the cafeteria.

They entered after three cheerleaders and they scanned the room for Peter. Gali's phone vibrated in the pocket of her hoodie and she quickly pulled it out to see that it's Phil. Rolling her eyes she stuffed her phone back in her pocket and searched for Peter.

"There he is" Principal Morita motioned to a table towards the middle of the room.

Peter sat next to his best friend Ned, both with lunch trays in front of them. They seem to be in deep discussion about something "Peter!" Gali yelled as she approached the table.

Peter looked up and froze for a second "Gali" he breathed out "what- what- oh my god, I- I completely forgot. I'm so sorry" he apologized as he gathered his things.

"It's fine. But we should get going" Galilea rushed a bit as she felt her phone vibrate again.

Many heads turned and were flabbergasted when Galilea Stark talked to Peter as though they are old friends. Ned let slip out- more like practically yell- to the whole P.E. class that Peter knows Spiderman, therefore he's close with the Avengers.

Some also know about Peter's, Stark internship, but they don't believe that he knows the Starks or the Avengers. But now that Galilea is there and talking with Peter, then the rumors are true. Peter Parker knows the Avengers.

"Hi Ned" Gali smiled at Peter's best friend.

"Hi. Would you like a jolly rancher?" He pulled a jolly rancher bag from is backpack.

"Oh yes, thanks. Steve took my last jolly rancher" More like Sam. Ned gave the woman some candy and Peter cleared his throat "right. We should get going" Gali stood straight and pocketed the candy.

Before she could make any sort of move, a boy stood up and loudly said "you really do know Peter?"

Gali quickly turned to Peter and he mouthed 'Flash' She knows who the kid is. Peter tells her everything or she finds out about it "of course I know him. He has an internship with my brother and I. The kid is great" Galilea smiled proudly.

"Now we should get going. Bye children, stay in school, don't do drugs and don't be jackasses!" Galilea waved "bye Principal Morita. I'll be in touch. Bye Ned!" Galilea waved as she walked out of the cafeteria.

"Bye!" Ned happily waved back.

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