《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》75. Sam the boyfriend stealer


"Asgard huh? How was that like?" Phil asked.


"It must've been. What's that on your neck?" Phil brushed Gali's brown hair out of the way as he tried to see the large purple spot on her neck.

"It's nothing" Gali blushed and swatted Phil's hand away.

"Apparently the Captain has a thing for Lea in Asgardian clothing" Kamilla whispered to Phil. The Shield agent was slightly taken aback by that answer.

"You, shush!" Gali glared at her best friend "or I will tell Phil what you do with Bruce"

"I do not need to hear this, alright? I did not fake my death for this" Phil told the girls and they giggled.

"If you girls are done gossiping" Clint began "we have a good solid plan on how to retrieve Bucky"

"Already? That was fast. What are you guys planning on doing, barge in there and ask for Bucky back?" Kamilla laughed.

"Yes" the Avengers nodded and her smile dropped.

"You're serious?" She asked seriously. They nodded.

"You're going to get yourselves killed" Phil told them.

"No we're not" Tony shook his head.

"Alright, what's the plan of attack, what am I going to do?" Galilea stood straight and waited to hear the plan.

"You are going to stay here under the protection of Phil" Tony told his sister.

"What?" Phil and Galilea gasped. Kamilla laughed.

"What are you laughing about Freckles, you're on computer duty" Tony said.

"Better to be on computer duty than being here stuck with Phillip. No offense Phil" Kami smiled at the man.

"I am not the official babysitter to the Stark siblings" Phil spoke up.

"Yeah, I don't wanna be stuck here with dad!" Galilea motioned to Phil. The team gave Galilea strange looks and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion "why is everyone staring at me?"

"You just called Phil 'dad'" Rhodey said.

Gali's eyes widened a bit at the slip up. Oh my god "no I didn't" she quickly denied it.

"Do you see me as a father figure, Gali?" Phil has a small proud smile on his face.

"No. If anything I see you as a brother figure 'cause you're always bothering me"

"Hey, show your father some respect!" Sam called. Gali stuck her tongue out at the man.


"Okay, can we go over the plan?" Natasha asked the group.

"You may proceed" Phil nodded.

"Thank you. Now-" Natasha began.

"Wait remember that Peter is off limits. Alright? He's a kid. He doesn't need this" Gali softly told them.

"He's almost seventeen" Clint tried to reason.

"He does not need this. I have been looking after Peter for over a year now. I do not need a bunch of reckless adult children to get him into government related trouble"

"Peter will not be involved in this. I promise" Steve promised. The others nodded in agreement. Satisfied with the answer, Gali let them proceed.

Rescuing Bucky is going to be one hell of a mission.

The Avengers suited up and armed themselves as they prepared to leave. The plan was simple. Divide in teams and infiltrate the building through different tunnels. Find and rescue Bucky and find and capture Richard, Mariana and Castiel. Along with any other Hydra members.

There are details in the plan but nothing Kamilla and their pals back in Shield can't help with. Galilea saw flaws in their rescue mission but they assured her that everything will be fine. Still she knows Hydra and that's why she has her own plan.

After the Avengers had everything planned out, Galilea gathered Phil, Thor, Maria, Kamilla and Peter. They met up at the cafe where Gali meets up with the kid. Her and Thor told them the plan and they were iffy about it. Loki is not a popular person amongst them. But after hearing everything they agreed.

So now they're all at Shield base, preparing for the mission.

"Oh, look at all the pretties!" Natasha gasped when new and improved weapons were wheeled in the room.

"Can you please stop talking about guns the same way you talk about shoes" Clint told his girlfriend.

Natasha leaned in and whispered something in his ear. He blushed a deep red and has a goofy smile. Galilea raised and eyebrow. What in the world? Natasha equipped herself with a couple guns and Galilea sighed as she sank in her seat and sucked on the apple jolly rancher.

She's bummed out that she won't be joining them but on the inside she's smirking and taunting the team.

"Well?" Sam sat next to Gali.


"Well what?" She was confused.

"If we go save Bucky, will I be disbarred as Steve's best friend?" Sam asked in all seriousness.

Galilea blinked and a second later burst out in laughter. Everyone in the room turned their heads at the two who are sitting. They haven't heard Galilea laugh that loud in a while and they couldn't help but smile.

"Oh my god Sam. You're so cute" Gali said after her laughter subsided "how is it that you haven't been able to hook Maria?" Sam shrugged.

"Don't worry Samuel. You won't be disbarred as Steve's best friend. You two will forever have those morning runs" Gali smiled "actually I think I should be the one worried here. You're slowly stealing my boyfriend from me"

Sam smiled and shrugged "girl I treat him better than you do" he stood up and walked away.

Gali gasped and stared at Sam's retrieving back. What an ass.

"What was that about?" Steve sat where Sam previously sat.

Gali turned her head and grabbed Steve's face before crashing her lips on his. He was taken aback but kissed back. His large hands cupped Gali's face and deepened the kiss. Tongue swiping occurred and for a moment they forgot about everyone else in the room until Sam began to heave.

"I'm gonna- I'm gonna get sick- heee... heeee" he heaved and clutched his stomach. Gali bit Steve's bottom lip before pulling away.

"What was that?" Steve asked a little flushed.

"Proving something" she answered.

"Proving what? That your tongue can go down his throat? Ow- why must you always do that?!" Clint rubbed the back of his head and glared at Natasha, Rhodey and Kamilla.

"Clinton, I am this close on punching you in the throat" Gali used her fingers for emphasis, holding them apart slightly.

Clint placed his hands over his throat in a protective manner before hiding behind his girlfriend "you'll have to go through Natasha first!" He yelled from over her shoulder.

Natasha winced at the loudness and took a step to the side, allowing Galilea to go after him. Clint gasped and threw Natasha a look of betrayal "you betray me? Me, your loving boyfriend?" Clint dramatically placed a hand on his chest.

"Stop being a little perv and I'll love you again" Nat answered. Clint sighed and began to have a hushed discussion with Natasha.

Gali turned back to Steve who's sitting next to her "how are you feeling?" She asked.

"Fine. Why?"

"You're about to go and save your childhood best friend, who in turn might want to try to kill you" Steve made a face at that "and if he fights you, you now know who he is so it'll make the fighting that much harder" Gali explained "unless you're me and don't give a crap and kick his ass"

Steve shook his head in disapproval "hey, he started it! Well actually I hit him first- but it was only that one time!" Gali defended herself "oh shit, he's going to tell you everything I did. Maybe he can stay there?" She offered. Steve gave her a 'don't even be joking' look and Gali smiled.

"I'm joking" she leaned in, placed a soft kiss on his cheek and then leaned in and whispered in his ear "I really like it when you wear the Captain America suit" She sat back down to see a blushing Captain America.

"Alright team, we are ready to go!" Kamilla announced loudly.

"Here you go, Merry Christmas" Tony handed the earpieces out like chocolates "and remember, anyone sees Richard Roman he is mine to deal with" Tony grumbled.

"Also take these!" Gali pulled out small voice recorders from her hood pocket and passed them around.

"Voice recorders?" Rhodey inspected. He pressed a button and the ten words Galilea says on repeat were heard.

"For James. You see him, you play it" Galilea explained. They nodded.

Steve tasted something in his mouth and moved it around with his tongue "I wasn't eating candy" Galilea looked away when she felt eyes on her.

"Sorry, that's mine" Sam stepped up and kissed Steve, taking the candy from his mouth.

Everyone stood frozen in place with wide eyes and jaws dropped. Steve blushed a deep red, his blue eyes wide in shock. Sam casually walked away with a smirk as he ate the hard candy. Galilea gasped loudly and glared at the man.

"You bitch!"

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