《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》74. Pizza


"Don't worry Chris, I won't tell anyone about the hammer" Galilea patted Thor on the shoulder.

"I can't believe that happened" he grumbled.

"Me and you both buddy. But can you turn that frown upside down? Last thing we need is for the team to be asking why you're grumpy"

"They will be more preoccupied about our whereabouts than why I'm grumpy. But I will try to forget about that" Thor nodded.

They stood in silence as they stared at the closed elevator doors. They're making their way down to the main floor, hoping to scare and possibly anger their friends. They have their pouches and satchels with them, filled with goods from Asgard. Galilea's phone with about a hundred pictures and a couple videos of Asgard.

"Thanks Thor. You really are a good friend"

Thor gave her a heartwarming smile "you're welcome. You're also a good friend Galilea" they shared a friendly hug and the elevator stopped. They pulled apart and the doors opened.

They stepped out of the elevator and stood frozen in place when they saw the floor. There are monitors and screens everywhere. Holograms pulled up, the team walking up and down the floor with tablets and phones in their hands. They all look worried and angry and sad. Galilea only imagined that's how the team looked like when they were searching for her.

Thor and Gali walked right through the bustling team, not even one glance at them "should we say something?" Thor asked as his eyes followed an angry looking Natasha on her phone.

"Nah, they'll see us eventually. Let's just rest" Gali waved him off.

"What about Bucky?"

"Shit you're right. We should probably get on that" her stomach grumbled and she placed a hand on her tummy "we should do that while the frozen pizza heat up in the oven"

Thor nodded in agreement and they made their way to the kitchen and Gali snatched a laptop from a nearby table. No one will miss it. She thought. They got the pizzas in the oven and Galilea has a view of the building Bucky is in on the laptop.

She has many cameras pulled up from different angles and has blueprints of the building pulled up. She saw that there are underground tunnels and came up with many possible scenarios on saving Bucky. Her and Thor discussed their views and plans and the timer dinged.

"Pizzas are done" Thor announced as he put on oven mitts and pulled the hot pizzas out and set them on the table they're sitting at "let them cool down. Something to drink?" Thor asked.


"Already got it covered buddy" Galilea said as she typed on the laptop. With her powers, she's pouring coke in two glass cups. Thor watched in amusement.

"Evacuation plan?" Thor asked as he sat back down.

"There will be Shield agents who will be evacuating the people who live there and nearby. Hopefully the pigeon statue will survive the ordeal. And in case of property damage, Shield will pay for all expenses" Galilea explained.

"Nice" Thor was impressed.

"Unfortunately this is not my first rodeo"

"We will need bigger screens for those plans" Thor pointed at the underground tunnels.

"Yeah. Jarvis is working on that"

"Jarvis knows we're back?" Thor looked up at the ceiling "hi Jarvis!" He smiled.

"Hello Thor" the A.I. replied.

"It's been pretty hectic, huh?" Thor referenced to the panic room outside.

"There have been worse" Jarvis replied.

"There have been indeed" Galilea agreed as she remembered the recklessness of her brother a couple years back when he thought he was dying. Thor and Gali began to eat pizza and talked about the rescue plan.

The Avengers who were outside, smell the pizza wafting through the air. Their stomach growled in hunger since they haven't eaten anything since they noticed that Thor and Galilea are gone.

When they first saw that they were gone, they called them to ask where they are, but when they didn't answer they began to panic. They automatically thought the worst and set up a search party.

Their stomach growled in hunger and like hungry school kids, they entered the kitchen and were shocked to see Thor and Galilea eating pizza and working on a laptop.

Thor glanced up and smiled at the team "oh hello, we heated up some pizzas. Hungry?" He casually offered.

"Where the hell were you guys?!" Tony demanded.

"Searching for Bucky" Galilea answered through a mouth full of pizza, not taking her eyes off he computer screen.

"Where, at a renaissance fair?" Bruce sarcastically asked.

The two friends furrowed their eyebrows and looked down at themselves and saw that they're still wearing their Asgardian clothing "no we went to Asgard. Pizza?" Thor offered again.

"Asgard?!" They shrieked.

"Ow" Gali flinched and rubbed her ears "please don't yell. I've been around Asgardians the whole day. They're really loud. My ears kinda hurt"

Thor snorted in laughter "especially after that heated exchange with my father"

"Oh god" Gali rolled her eyes "we don't speak of that if we don't speak about that other thing" she told Thor.


"Deal" they shook on it.

"Don't speak of what? Where the hell have you been?" Steve demanded.

"Is there still ice in your ears? We were in Asgard. Where do you think I got this fancy getup?" Stood up and showed off the blue dress she's wearing and the blue shawl around herself "look, we know where Bucky is. He-"

She felt a warm soft pair of lips on her own. Her eyes went wide in surprise but then they fluttered close as she kissed Steve back. Her hands snaked up and around his neck, her fingers threading themselves through his soft blond hair.

The kiss is much different than the others. That one was hungry and passionate and desperate. She kissed back with equal fervor and Steve's hands began to roam up and down her body. The kiss was getting deeper and hotter until Kamilla gagged.

"Go get a room!" She made a face of disgust.

They both pulled away flushed and out of breath "we have one" Galilea answered, a faint blush across her cheeks.

"Then use it"

"No, no! There will be no using of rooms. Not until those two explain!" Tony angrily yelled.

"We went to Asgard and asked Heimdall to locate Bucky. Then Galilea met my parents and my friends and they showed her around" Thor quickly explained "and she got kicked by a little boy"

"That little punk. He kicked me hard and he took my chocolate bar" Gali rubbed her leg as she remembered the pain of the kick.

"You were trying to take his ball" Thor reminded.

"He took my chocolate bar" Galilea grumbled as that was the only thing she could focus on.

"How long have you been back?" Sam spoke up.

"About an hour. We would've said something but none of you saw us when we walked in. We wanted to see how long it would take you to notice that we're hear" Gali explained.

"So you were the one who took my laptop" Bruce mused when he saw his computer on the table.

"Yeah" Gali took a bite of pizza.

"What's this?" He stared at the screen.

"That my friend, is where Bucky is at" Thor proudly said.

"You found him?" Bruce looked up, his glasses slipping off his nose.

Gali looked down with closed eyes and has a hand over her forehead. She muttered something in Italian before looking back up at the team "that's what we've been trying to tell you!" She yelled.

"How did you find him?" Rhodey looked down at the screen, unimpressed by Galilea's anger.

"Again, we went to Asgard and asked Heimdall to look for us" the Asgardian explained once again.

"Heimdall?" Clint was confused.

"Does no one listen to Thor's stories?" Gali questioned. They all shared the same look.

"Not really, no" they answered.

"I do" Jane said from beside her boyfriend.

"Of course you do. He's your boyfriend. Heimdall is this guy up in Asgard who sees and hears everything in the Nine Realms. He's the Gatekeeper of Asgard. Guardian of the Bifrost Bridge. I asked him to locate James and he did. He's there" Galilea pointed at the building on the computer screen "well he's underground but that's the location"

"So this Heimdall dude is watching us right now?" Clint asked for confirmation.

"Yes" Thor nodded. Clint warily looked up at the ceiling.

Tony shoved his way through and gave his little sister a hug "you scared the crap out of me. I thought Hydra took you again"

"I'm fine. My ears are ringing a bit and my sides hurt from all the laughing. But I'm fine. Better than Thor that is" everyone turned to a frowning and crossed armed Thor.

"She turned my friends against me and she-" he couldn't even bring himself to finish the what he was trying to rant about. The team turned from Thor to Gali.

"What did you do?" Jane asked.

"I said some things to his mom. Like the hammer on the toilet lid, that kind of stuff"

"She snitched on you? Yep, I feel your pain" Tony placed a hand on Thor's shoulder.

"I too feel your pain. I'm sorry Gali is your little sister" Thor began and Galilea glared at him. The room was quiet for a minute until Jarvis spoke up.

"Miss Stark, the plans you asked for, they're ready"

"Thanks Jay" Gali smiled.

"What plans?" Steve asked his girlfriend.

"The underground tunnels. Thor and I mapped out some possible routes" Gali grabbed the laptop from the table, grabbed a slice of pizza and left the kitchen.

"And attack tactics" the demigod added as he followed after with a pizza plate.

The team shared the same look before quickly walking out and hearing the two adventurers plans.

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