《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》73. Loki Charms


Thor found himself shocked for two reasons. The first one was that the plan includes his brother Loki. The same Loki who tried to take over the world and had control over his friends Dr. Selvig and Clint Barton.

The second reason is that he found his father's behavior extremely unusual. He didn't lash out or say anything rude, it was as if he was restraining herself. His mother must've told something to Odin to keep him calm and from scarring Galilea. That's the only explanation Thor can come up with.

When Galilea was done talking, Thor could only stare at his friend incredulously "Loki?" He asked again.

"Oh my god!" Galilea rolled her eyes.

"Father you cannot agree with this" Thor turned to his father.

"I don't"


"I would never allow it to happen. Loki should be locked away. But it is your mother who went ahead and made this decision"

Thor turned to his mother "are you really letting Loki out?"


"Do you know how much destruction he caused on earth? Do you know everything he did?"

"Yes, I know" Frigga nodded.

"Then why-" Thor was cut short as the large doors opened and heavy footsteps where heard, along with rattling of chains.

Two guards held the heavy chains in their hands as a dressed in green diva Asgardian was handcuffed, walking in between them. Loki swept his eyes over his brother, mother, father and then smirked.

"Oh, a family reunion. I do so love those" Loki stopped in front of Odin's throne. Frigga, Thor and Galilea standing near him "Thor" Loki coldly addressed his brother.

"Loki" he replied in the same manner.

"Mother... Father" Loki was nicer to his mother than his father.

Galilea stepped out and smiled widely "Loki Charms!"

Loki did a double take when he saw Galilea. His eyes widened and he took a wide step back "what are you doing here? No, no, no. Get off this planet. Get her off this planet!" He turned from Galilea to his father.

"Come on Loki. We're friends you and I"

"We are not friends. We're not even acquaintances!" Loki hissed "get this mortal woman out of here!"

"He's afraid of me" Galilea informed with a smile.

"I'm not afraid of you"

"Right, not me" Galilea nodded "he's afraid of Bruce"

Loki groaned loudly and Galilea brought her hand up to her mouth to muffle her laughter "I never thought I would say this but take me back to my cell" he told the guards.


"You are not going anywhere" Odin spoke.

Loki stared at everyone and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "what exactly is going on here?" He questioned.

"Congratulations! I'm your get out of jail free card" Galilea began "you're going to help me Loki. We're going to be best friends"

"You must be truly desperate to come to me for help" Loki gave his trademark smirk.

"I am"

"Horses?" Galilea looked up at the beautiful creature.

"Don't be afraid" Fandral smirked.

"Have you never rode a horse?" Sif asked Gali.

"No" she answered.

"It's quite easy"

"If you say so" Galilea muttered unconvincingly.

Thor and Galilea got ready to leave Asgard. She doesn't want to leave, it's a beautiful place, but after the showdown she had with Odin and Loki she's glad to get as much space between her and them as possible. Leaving the planet should do.

Lady Sif and the Warriors Three are accompanying Thor and Gali to the Bifrost. They came to like Gali in the time she was there and want to hear the details of what happened in the throne room.

Galilea eyed the brown horse they've given her to ride and felt a chill go down her spine. She's never been on a horse before, she's never been so close to a horse before. Cars and race cars, sure, but horses no.

Galilea brushed her fingers across the beautiful flowers when a soft voice caught her attention "beautiful, aren't they?" She looked up to see the Queen of Asgard.

"Yes. They are" Galilea nodded. Frigga approached the girl and smiled sweetly at her "I'm sorry if I caused trouble" Gali began to apologized.

"You didn't cause trouble. On the contrary, I believe you made my husband think things over"

"Well it's not everyday a mortal girl comes to Asgard and... proves him wrong?" Galilea asked "I don't know how that happened"

"That doesn't need an explanation" Frigga kindly said.

"Did that happen with Thor?"

The women turned to the blond man who's tying a pouch on the saddle of his horse. He saw the women staring at him and he huffed "he will get over it" Frigga assured.

"I know" Gali nodded.

"Thank you" Frigga smiled small.

"For what exactly?" Gali furrowed her eyebrows.

"Not many would give Loki a second chance"

"If you ever meet my brother then you will know that he's a second, third, fourth, fifth chance kind of guy" Frigga giggled "but I'm sure the last thing the Allfather needs is another Stark on his world" the Stark girl joked.


"Once you find your friend, you must come back with your brother and friends. You will all be very welcome"

"Seriously? Me? Even after what happened back there?" Gali nodded to the palace.


"Thank you. I would like to come back. Assuming that Thor won't be grumpy by that time" the demigod huffed when he heard his name but nonetheless approached the women.

"We should get going"

"Yeah" Gali pouted.

"Goodbye mother" Thor gave his mother a hug and she hugged back.

Gali stepped aside, letting the mother and son say their goodbyes as she picked flowers. When they were done, Frigga said bye to Gali and then they were off.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna die" Gali cried as she tightly held onto the horse "Tori, tell Steve that I love him, and tell Tony that he was an okay brother"

"You are not going to die" Thor said with a roll of his eyes.

The Warriors talked with Galilea and they were curious as to what happened. She explained to them and they were shocked to hear that she needs Loki's help and that the Allfather had actually granted her request. In no time they made it to the observatory and got off the horses.

"Thanks Charming" Gali smiled at Fandral.

"Charming?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"Prince Charming from Once Upon a Time. Don't let it get to your head" she patted his shoulder and the others laughed. Galilea skipped over to Heimdall and smiled brightly at him "hello Heimdall"

"How was your visit?" The orange eyed man asked.

"Don't act like you don't know. You saw and heard everything"

Heimdall smiled small "Loki was a surprise" he admitted "so, ready to leave?" He went inside.

They all followed the man and Galilea looked around the dome before she goes back home "how's Jane?" Thor asked the all seeing man.

"She has been searching for you and Galilea. Along with the others"

"Oh god. How's my brother? How's Steve?" Gali snapped her head to the man in golden armor.

"They have been frantically searching for you"

Gali made a face and threw the strap of the satchel over her head and rested on her shoulder. She got a satchel and a couple things from the market she went to. The flowers she picked when talking with Frigga, she gently placed them in there "hey Heimdall, is Bucky still there?"

Heimdall looked into the distance and nodded "he's still there"

"Thank you. If I come back I'll bring you something from earth" she smiled.

"If you come back?" Sif raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think Thor wants me back. Especially after what happened" Thor frowned and crossed his arms across his chest.

"What happened? Why is he acting like a child?" Lady Sif eyes the man child. Galilea simply smiled.

"Oh, before you go" Volstagg called as he entered the observatory again. He held something silver in his hand as he threw it from hand to hand "we got this for you. We know how much you like it" he held out the ball Galilea liked so much.

She gasped and took it on her hands "you got me a ball? Thanks guys!" She gave the Warriors a hug "aww, this is awesome. Wait, did you take it from the kid who kicked me?"

"No this is a new one" Hogun spoke up.

"You should've taken that little punks ball" Gali muttered under her breath.

"It's time to go. Goodbye friends" Thor said bye to his friends as did Gali.

"Bye new friends, I really enjoyed my time here in Asgard. And if you guys ever go back to earth I will show you great places. Oh, and Heimdall, you probably already heard but Thor will call you sometime this week about Loki"

Heimdall nodded "I heard"

"Of course you did. Tell me, how did we look? I wish we had a picture of our expressions"

"We don't talk about that" Thor mumbled.

"Of course we talk about that!"

"Heimdall, please" Thor told his friend.

Heimdall inserted the sword in the opening like a key, and the portal opened "what happened?" Fandral continued asking.

"Apparently I'm worthy!" She yelled over the noise.

"Worthy of what?" The Warriors asked back.

Galilea held something up and grinned. The Warriors stood frozen with jaws dropped "guess who's worthy?" She sang as she waved Mjölnir.

Thor abruptly took the hammer from her grasp and grabbed her arm before walking into the portal. Galilea waved one more time before disappearing in rainbow portal.

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