《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》72. Lady Sif and the Warriors Three


"Hey Chris" Gali smiled as she joined Thor at the stone banister, overlooking the training pit.

"Hello Gali" he turned his head when he heard his friend and did a double take.

"Yeah, your mother gave me some dresses and this pashmina or shawl, whatever it's called" she played with the large light blue shawl around her body.

After Galilea talked with Frigga, the Queen then gave Gali a couple of dresses so she can change. Galilea found the dresses to be beautiful and didn't know which one to wear. At the end she picked out a navy blue dress with intricate designs and beautiful style. It also has armor around the chest area and arms.

"I feel like that mother of dragons" Galilea mumbled.

"Mother of dragons?" Thor quirked an eyebrow.

"From that show. Look, I don't know. Everyone talks about it. It's like you can't have a conversation with anyone these days if you haven't seen Stranger Things or Game of Thrones. I've only seen Stranger Things so I'm halfway there" Galilea noted. She placed her hands on the stone and looked out to the people training "so this is where you train, huh?"

"Yes. This is it" Thor nodded. Gali's scanned the area.

Many people fighting, weapons stacked on racks, palace guards walking by. The weapons they're using for the fighting glow at the ends. Like electricity glow. Asgardian weapons are dangerous.

"How did you know where to find me?" Thor faced the brunette.

"Your mother told me"

"Were you with her the whole time?"

"Yep. She's nice. Are you sure she's your mother?" She joked. Thor gave her a look "I did notice something tho" Galilea turned back to the trainers ahead of her.

"What was it?"

"Adopted or not, your brother takes after her... He must be a real mamas boy" she sniggered "like Tony. I wonder if they've noticed that we're gone?"

"Possibly" Thor nodded "they might think that you were taken once again. And if they do and we go back something tells me we will not be well received"

"Agreed" Gali agreed with her friend.


Both Thor and Gali turned their heads and saw four people happily making their way to them. Three men and a woman.

The blond man carries himself in an important, cocky manner. His hair is perfectly coiffed and his beard neat and trim. He's smiling widely and has a sword on his side. The second man is Asian and has his dark hair tied up in a fanned out manner. He's wearing armor, like the other three, and has a smile on his face.

The third man is large with long bushy curly red hair and beard. The smile on his face shows how happy he is to see his friend. Lastly the woman with her long black hair and sparkling blue eyes. Galilea can tell that she's a fighter and a pretty good one at it.


"Friends!" Thor boomed and greeted his friends with bone crushing hugs. Galilea's eyes widened the slightest but went back to normal. Thor greeted his friends one by one with the same enthusiasm "my friends, I've missed you so much"

"We heard you were back" the bushy red haired man said.

"A short visit" Thor nodded "I came with my friend. Gali, come" he waved the girl over. Eight eyes were on her as she approached them. She gave them a small smile.

"This is my friend Galilea Stark. Gali this is, Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg and Lady Sif" Thor motioned to each person as he said their names.

"Lady Sif and the Warriors Three" Gali smiled.

"You know of us?" Hogun asked.

"Thor tells stories. A lot of stories"

"What kind of stories?" Lady Sif asked.

"Careful Sif, that may be an answer we may not want to hear" Fandral laughed.

"Well if you want I can tell you stories about Thor from back home" Galilea offered.

"No!" Thor cried.

"Okay I won't tell them... I'll show them. I have my phone" she went to pull her phone out a pocket the dress has. She's pretty sure that pocket is for knifes but what kind of knifes are big enough for her phone to fit in its hole? Asgardian knives, that's what.

"Can we please go through this visit without you embarrassing me?" Thor sounded a bit annoyed.

"He's annoyed because I told some things to his mother" Galilea told the Warriors "and because he claims that I turned Heimdall against him"

"I don't claim. I know"

"As you can see this man has totally lost his marbles. He needs to spend time with his friends. Now, go along with you friends, Tori. Go and play" Galilea gently pushed Thor towards his friends.

"Tori?" They questioned.

"A silly name she gave me" Thor quickly explained.

"Now if any of you would be so nice to point me in the direction of food. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything all day" Galilea rubbed her stomach.

"Oh I am famished" Volstagg agreed with Galilea.

"Nooo! Really?" Fandral grinned.

"Come with me, Lady Stark. I shall show you where the food lies!"

"Lady Stark. Haven't heard that in a while" Galilea smiled at the memory of Thor calling her Lady Stark at the beginning of their friendship "hey thanks, Vol... demort. Now I would like to know more about yourself because all Thor says is that you eat a lot. And apparently my brother Tony reminds him of Fandral because they're both 'narcissistic'" at that Fandral gasped "His words, not mine" Galilea quickly said.

"Well tell us, Galilea Stark, what else does Thor say about us?" Fandral began to walk with Galilea, Volstagg on her left. Lady Sif and Hogun also joined them and then shot Thor some looks after Galilea told them something.


"Come on!" Thor moaned like a child as he followed them.

Thor stared at his father in confusion. Odin sat in his throne with his scepter in hand, looking down at his son and his mortal friend. After Thor and Gali ate with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three (she understood that everyone in Asgard is loud and break their cups when they want another drink. The cup selling people must have good business here. She thought), they showed Galiela around and she was amazed by everything.

She saw life on Asgard. They took her to a market where she was like a child at Disneyland. She nearly got in trouble of couple of times but her new friends were there to help her and stop her from getting into further trouble.

The one thing she found absolutely amazing was a ball. It was floating above her and she just stared at it. It kinda reminded her of the Snitch from Harry Potter. There's a golden ball in the middle and its encompassed in some silver spiral and triangular pieces of metal are floating around it. It looks like a ball magnet. The way they're arranged and move around as they're pulled by a magnetic force. The pieces then came together and formed a ball. But it was not smooth like average balls, it had sides, like a shape from a geometry book.

She wanted to take the ball home but it belonged to some children. The five Asgardians stared at Galilea in amusement as she tried to bargain with the little boy.

"I will give you this chocolate bar in exchanged for this ball" Galilea pulled out a Snickers from her dress.

"No thank you" the little boy shook his head.

"Hey, this is a delicacy on earth– Midgard. You know Midgard, right?" The little boy nodded "well I'm from there and let me tell you kid that this chocolate is awesome. Now if you give me this ball, this whole chocolate bar will be for you" Gali waved the Snickers bar in his face.

"Don't listen to her. Take your ball and go" Thor told the boy as he leaned in. Galilea elbowed him in the stomach and he groaned.

"Okay, I know he's your prince and all but don't listen to this doofus" she pointed at Thor who has an arm around his stomach.

She continued to negotiate with the little boy and his friends but somewhere along the way the kids outsmarted her. The boy snatched the chocolate bar and another kid kicked her on the shin before running away. Galilea groaned and rubbed her leg as she jumped up and down.

"This is not over!" She yelled after the giggling kids "I know where you live!"

An hour after that encounter, a palace guard came over and told Thor and Galilea that the Allfather requests to see them. They were confused but went with the guard. And even tho they've been in the throne room for nearly ten minutes, they still don't know what they're doing there.

"I still don't understand why you called us" Thor told his father.

"Is it because of that kid, because he was the one who kicked me and took my chocolate" Galilea spoke up.

"You are here because of her" Odin motioned to Galilea "it's what she wants"

"Fine. I won't take the ball" Galilea shrugged.

"I don't think it's because of the ball" Thor quietly told the girl "father if this is about Galilea asking Heimdall for help-"

"It's not about that!" Odin interrupted his son "it's what she told your mother"

Thor looked down at Galilea "what did you say?" He asked.

"I don't know how things work here on Asgard, but on earth when you meet your friends parents you usually say embarrassing things about them and the trouble they've gotten into. Especially after they have begged and bribed you to not tell anything to anyone" Galilea spoke.

"Oh my god" Thor sighed and nervously glanced over at his mother who is standing next to his father.

"Relax, I told her what happened and I explained to her the plan" Gali waved her hand around to try to calm Thor.

"Alright. But I still don't understand why we are here. What could Galilea's plan do with you?" Thor asked his father.

"When it involves Loki" Odin leaned in and kept his eye on his son.

"Loki?!" Thor chuckled "the plan does not involve Loki"

"It does. She told your mother, your mother told me"

Thor turned to his friend and she gave a sheepish smile "Loki? Loki?" He questioned "Loki who went to earth and unleashed war in New York?"

"Do you know any other Loki?" Galilea slowly asked.

"Why-why?" Thor continued to question.

Galilea's brown eyes traveled from Thor to Odin to Frigga. Her heart sped up and she didn't want to say anything, but Frigga sent her a small encouraging smile and found strength to explain.

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