《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》71. Asgard


"What are we doing up here? And why did you tell me to bring Mjölnir?" Thor looked over the building and down to the street where cars are bustling through and people walking on the sidewalk.

Thor turned around to face Galilea standing a few feet from him. The Stark girl has come up with a plan and needs Thor's help. The whole plan consists of Thor's help. She just hopes that the Asgardian Prince agrees.

"I have a plan to find Bucky and I need your help" she said.

"My help?" Thor furrowed his eyebrows and pointed at himself "not the others?" He inquired.

"It's more of uh, only you can help me with this sort of thing" she scratched the back of her head.

"What is it then?" Thor asked.

Galilea didn't know how to say it so she just let it out without a stutter "we need to go to Asgard"

If Thor had been drinking water or eating something, he would've spit it out or choke. But instead he choked on air "I'm sorry, you want to go to Asgard?" Thor was perplexed.

Galilea explained to Thor her plan and he followed. He has to admit that he feels a bit stupid for not thinking about Heimdall at first, but he's happy that his friend listens to his stories. Once she was done, Thor stood in silence.

"Come on Thor Odinson, I don't have all day" Galilea spoke up after two minutes.

Thor looked around the empty roof. There are a couple of chairs and a small glass table. There are marks on the ground that appear to be scorch marks. Something in Thor's head told him that Tony has something to do with it.

There's also a shed by the door that contains blankets and more chairs. He knows that because there have been times where the whole team would hang around on the roof. They looked out into the city, the lights shining bright and the distant horns of cars could be heard from up there.

Everything looks so small from up there, especially at night. The first time he was up there at night he understood why the Stark siblings like it so much. It's peaceful and they're provided with fresh air. Thor turned over to his friend who is staring at him with a hopeful look.

"We should go now before the others find out and try to stop us" Thor told the girl.

Galilea was taken a back by the reply. She didn't expect Thor to agree so quickly, not after the team has been keeping her at arms length with the Hydra search. She thought that she would have to further convince Thor but there was no need. Galilea smiled and gave a small jump in excitement.

"Grab my hand" Thor extended his hand "or just hold onto me. We don't need for you to get lost in the Realms and then have an angry Tony after me"

"Uh- I think I'll just grab your hand- no- that sounds werid. Um, how the hell do you hold onto your friends boyfriend?" Galilea questioned "you shouldn't, that's the answer. So how about if we just tie a rope around our waists and you pull me up and- oh my god I'm gonna die!" She yelled as Thor grabbed her and held her close as he looked up to the sky.

A deafening whoosh was heard and they were pulled into the air. Galilea closed her eyes. She can feel herself flying upwards and oddly enough her hair isn't flying all around her. She dared to open her eyes and saw a flurry of rainbow colors around her.


It's like if rainbow road became a see through tunnel. She thought. Gali caught glimpses of pink, blue, purple, green galaxies out the rainbow tunnel. Up until that day the only galaxies she's seen are the ones NASA post on Instagram. NASA will have to step up their game if they want to impress me.

Galilea found herself smiling and staring in awe. She continued to admire until suddenly she felt her feet hit ground and she stumbled a bit before straightening up.

"That was so cool" the wonder and amazement evident in her voice.

Galilea looked around the golden observatory, the beautiful galaxies can been seen through it. Her brown eyes landed on the man in a golden armor and mystifying orange eyes "hi" she smiled at the man who's wearing a horned helmet.

"Welcome to Asgard" the man welcomed and gave her a kind smile.

"Thank you" Galilea kindly smiled back.

"Heimdall" Thor smiled at his friend.

"Welcome back" Heimdall gave a courteous nod, a small smile grazing his face.

"Heimdall this is my friend-"

"Galilea Stark" Heimdall nodded.

"Please don't tell me that the Stark reputation has reached Asgard" Galilea pleaded.

She can't even begin to imagine how it would be like. Everywhere she goes back home, she is recognized. And sometimes when people hear her name, it's sometimes followed by something about Tony.

"Don't worry. No one here knows about the Starks" Thor assured.

"Oh thank god" Galilea sighed in relief "you have no idea the trouble I go through back home. Having Tony Stark as a brother can come with some serious PR issues"

"I'm still not completely familiar with Midgardian speech" Thor confessed as he was confused with thee meaning of 'PR issues'.

"When you talk to people on earth, don't they usually follow up with a question or comment about Loki?" Galilea asked her friend.

Thor didn't have to think about the answer "yes" he nodded "the New York incident is all they can talk about"

"Mhm. Well that's me with Tony. Keep in mind that we are from earth so everything my brother has done... Well it's not exactly a secret" Galilea explained. Thor made a face of 'oh shit' "yeah" she nodded.

Her eyes scanned the golden observatory and she let out a squeal of excitement "I still can't believe I'm in Asgard. I mean I am literally on another planet. And this is coming from a girl who wasn't allowed to cross the street until she was eight"

Thor chuckled but quickly masked it with a cough. This didn't go unnoticed by Galilea and she glared at him "just curious Heimdall, if I hit Thor will I be thrown in prison?" She asked the Gatekeeper of Asgard.

"Not if you're not seen" he answered. Galilea smiled and Thor threw Heimdall a look of betrayal.

"Just do what you came to do before you turn more of my friends against me" Thor mumbled as he crossed his arms across his chest and turned around. Galilea giggled at Thor's childish actions and turned to the Guardian of the Bifrost Bridge.

"Um, Mr. Heimdall, sir. I know we just met but I was hoping you could help me with something" the Stark girl began.

"Your friend James" Heimdall spoke in his deep rich voice. Galilea nodded. Wow, this guy really sees and hears everything.

"We don't know where he is and we've- well the team- has been trying to locate him for weeks"

"You want to know if I can see him" Heimdall finished.

Galilea stared at him "wow, you're like the biggest eavesdropper in the world- universe. Whatever the hell you wanna call it. I'm sorry. Yes. I would like to know if you can see Bucky"


Heimdall turned to face the portal opening and stared out into the distance. Galilea stared at him in curiosity. Can he see Bucky?

"He's out of the ice. They're fixing his metal arm and preparing him for-"

"A memory wipe?" Galilea interrupted.

"Yes" Heimdall nodded.

"Is he okay?"

"It depends of your definition of okay" the orange eyed man remarked "your friend although stuck with those dangerous men, is as well as he can be"

Galilea sighed in relief. That's all she wanted to know, well aside from his location that is "James is underground" Heimdall observed.

"I had that part pretty much figured out" Galilea bit her bottom lip and nodded.

"He's in the city. He's under what you midgardians call apartment buildings"

Galilea hummed. The city huh? I can see why they changed location from the woods to the city. They probably thought that we would search all abandoned buildings in the woods. They were right.

"There's a statue of a bird across from the building and the statue is surrounded by birds. There's a fountain on the other side of the building" when Heimdall began to give out the details, an image conjured up in Gali's head and it became clear. Just then both Heimdall and Galilea said the name of the street and Thor was perplexed.

"I know where that is. I took Steve to that pigeon statue once to feed the birds" Galilea said in realization "thank you Heimdall. Thank you. Thank you" Galilea jumped up and gave the man a hug.

Thor opened his mouth to say something about it but only squeaking noises came out. He waved it off and laughed at his friends reaction. Galilea let go of the man and turned to Thor.

"We know where Bucky is" she smiled.

"Great" Thor grinned "shall we go?" He motioned to the portal. Galilea's smile fell.

"What?! You don't wanna go see your friends- your parents?" She began to walk to the entrance "what kind of a son are you? Let's go see your parents. Let's- Oh... My... God" Galilea breathed out as she saw the beautiful kingdom ahead of her.

The sun shining off the gold color of the kingdom. The water sparkling. The two pillars standing on either side of the rainbow bridge standing tall and what really caught Galilea's eyes was the palace. There are mountains in the distance and the sky is so clear, she saw a couple of planets up there. Thor and Heimdall stood on either side of Galilea as she continued to stare in awe.

"We have got to go now" she told the blond on her right.

"Fine. I suppose my father knows I'm here" Thor gave in.

"How?" Galilea asked.

"He's the king. He knows everything" he shrugged.

"That's where we're going, right?" She pointed at the palace.

"Yes. That's the palace" Thor nodded.

"That's- that's where you grew up? It looks like the top of a church organ. Come on, come on, come on, we get to walk over rainbow bridge! All we need is a race kart and we can race to the end" Galilea began as she walked with Thor.

She turned around and smiled and waved at Heimdall "see you later Heimdall. And thanks for the help"

"Enjoy your visit" the man smiled.

Galilea turned back around and continued walking "let's go Toad"

During the whole walk, Galilea stared at everything, from people's clothing to the trees. Everything is different and advanced and at the same time old. She has her phone with her so she took multiple pictures. When they reached the palace, Gali looked up at it, her head tilted all the way back so she can see its magnificence.

"Do you think this is wrong?" Galilea began as she held her phone in hand.

"What's wrong?" Thor questioned.

"That I meet your parents before your girlfriend does" she told the man.

Thor opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a female voice "I think it's lovely that I get to meet Thor's friends" Thor immediately recognized the voice but Galilea was slightly started.

Her and Thor turned around and Galilea saw a beautiful woman in a blue dress with pieces of armor an her chest and arms. Her blonde hair twisted and braided into an intricate and beautiful hairstyle.

"Mother" Thor smiled and gave his mother a hug.

Galilea observed the mother son embrace and felt a tang of jealousy and hurt. She doesn't have a mother to hug her like Thor's mother. For a moment she felt like Harry Potter when Mrs. Weasley hugged him in what he assumed was a mother hug.

"Galilea Stark, please meet Frigga, Queen of Asgard. My mother" Thor turned to his friend. Frigga smiled kindly at Galilea and she stood there, dumbfounded.

She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She mentally kicked herself and forced herself to say something. A hi, hello, nice to meet you "H-H-hi" it came out like Stitch when he says hi to Lilo and gave a small wave. Thor held back his amused smile.

"I- I mean, hello" Galilea composed herself.

"Welcome, it is very nice to meet you. Thor told me about all his friends from Midgard" Frigga kindly told Galilea.

"I really hope he said nice things about us and if anything sounded bad then it was a lie" Gali said.

"No it wasn't. It was all the truth" Thor spoke up. Galilea gave him a side glare.

"Well you know what, maybe I'll tell your mother some things about you. Like you placing that stupid hammer on the toilet lid when people really need to go. Or singing annoying songs- well that's Tony's fault but you still sing them. Being loud when people have hangovers- when did you have time for an outfit change?" Galilea questioned when she saw Thor dressed like the first time she met him. Except that he's not wearing the red cape.

Thor gave a nervous laugh after he saw the look his mother is giving him "That's not true mother- You shush!" He glared at Gali "and I magically changed when we were on the bridge" he added.

"Hmm. Well I can go on"

"Please don't" Thor pleaded.

Frigga smiled at the exchange. The first time she meets one of her son's friends from another planet and she can tell from that exchange that they joke around a lot and are good friends.

"Where's father?" Thor asked his mother.

"Where else would he be?" Frigga told her son. Thor nodded and turned to Gali "go son, I'll look after her" Frigga told her son.

Thor looked from his mother to his friend who gave her a sheepish smile "don't break anything"

"Don't break anything?" Galilea gasped "who do you think I am, Clint?" Thor shrugged and walked away. Galilea glared at his retrieving back.

"Galilea" Frigga addressed the mortal girl "would you like to accompany on a walk?"

"In Asgard? Yeah" Galilea smiled widely and nodded "I mean, sure. A walk sounds lovely" she felt herself blush lightly and walked with the Queen of Asgard.

"May I ask, what brings you to Asgard?" The Queen curiously asked.

Galilea sighed "it's kind of a long story"

"We have time"

• • • • • • • • • • • •

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