《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》68. Expired food


It's been four days since Galilea's painful memory. Olivia was called to the tower and talked with Gali about the whole thing. The Stark girl felt better after the talk and Olivia slowly began to explain to Galilea that Castiel isn't the good guy.

The doctor told the team how they can help the second youngest Avenger. So they talked with Galilea and carefully and slowly told her how Castiel looks from their point of view. They were careful as they spoke, they don't want Galilea to shut them out or to become defensive like she's done in the past.

Slowly Galilea began to see things clearly but there's still something on the back of her mind that tells her that Castiel is her friend. She's trying hard and the team knows it. Also what they're trying to do is to keep themselves under control. They don't want to overwhelm Galilea with all their craziness like last time.

So they're all casually sprawled around the floor, either on their computers or phones, sitting at the table eating and playing cards. It was extremely calm for the Avengers.

"What's wrong? What did you guys do? What did you break?" Galilea narrowed her eyes at the team.

"Nothing's wrong" Sam spoke up.

"Nothing's broken!" Clint hastily replied "why- why would you ask that?" He nervously chuckled. Galilea eyed the archer but said nothing.

"Why is everyone so calm? It's weird. It's... Unnatural" she concluded.

They all glanced at one another "we don't want to upset you" Rhodey told the girl.

Galilea smiled "guys you don't need to change your ways to make me feel better. You don't need to walk on eggshells around me. Anything can trigger a memory. I mean the cards" she pointed at the cards on the table "Castiel and I used to play all the time. He let me win a couple times. And then one time I got mad at him because he beat me three times in a row and I crushed his pretzels" Galilea smiled as she remembered that occasion. She saw the looks everyone is giving her and dropped the smile.

"Sorry. But look, you guys be you. I miss the noise. It's too quiet" Galilea told the team and began to walk towards the kitchen "but hey" she stopped and faced them again "if you want I can tell you guys about the time I kicked the Winter Soldier where the sun don't shine" she tried to lighten up the mood, even if it is with a story about her hurting her friend "but then he took a swing at me. I think I got a concussion that day" Galilea rubbed her head and walked over to the kitchen.

The team was left in confusion "did she take more than two puffs of her inhaler?" Jane questioned, trying to figure out why Galilea casually began to tell them stories about her time with Hydra.

"I think she was eating those grapes that went bad" Bruce muttered.

"No that was us" Kamilla reminded her boyfriend "oh right" he nodded.


"It's probably the pain medication she's been taking" Natasha suggested as she ate a mixture of dried fruit with almonds.

"Or she's finally opening up to us and feels comfortable enough to tell us about her time with Hydra" Steve optimistically said.

"Sure" Rhodey nodded "why not?"

Galilea walked out of the kitchen and clicked her tongue as she tried to get a disgusting taste out of her mouth "Gosh, when was the last time you guys checked the fridge?" She asked the team.

"I don't know" Tony shrugged "why?"

"Everything in the refrigerator is expired" Galilea pointed a finger at the direction of the kitchen.

"No it's not!" Sam waved her off.

Galilea dropped her hand and stared at Sam "it's like Joey and Chandler's refrigerator from Friends. Expired products everywhere!"

"Egh!" Kamilla made a face of disgust.

"When was the last time any of you went grocery shopping?" The brunette asked.

They were quiet for a moment before Clint answered "A while I suppose. Look we've been living off of take out since you came back home. None of us really felt like cooking"

"Well you know, some of us want orange juice. Orange juice is life" Galilea informed "I'm just gonna go to the store and buy edible food!" She yelled at the end as she grabbed her car keys from the little hooks on the wall.

"I'll go with you!" Steve stood up, the purple bruise on his jaw clear for everyone to see.

"I can go on my own" she told her boyfriend.

"What if you have an episode at the store, then what?" He asked.

Galilea babbled before saying "no I won't" He gave her a look "Fine. I'll take Thor. Come on Tori" Galilea waved her friend over.

"Tori?" They questioned.

"See, this is why Bruce and I talked about giving Thor a middle name. Brandon and Christopher didn't pan out so I resorted to shortening his name. What's short for Thor, Tori" Galilea explained.

"I'm not sure if I like it" Thor confessed.

"Want me to call you Chris?" Galilea shot.

"I rather you call me Thor" the Asgardian said.

"We better be grateful that Thor isn't being all cocky and demanding that we call him, your highness" Kamilla spoke up. Everyone quietly agreed and Galilea turned around "let's go Chris!" Thor grumbled under his breath and followed Galilea.

"Thor- Thor, go get two lemonade samples. I'm getting some more pasta" Galilea went over to the pasta stall that's crowded with people. She reached over the kids that are trying to get free food and took two samples. She rushed back to the cart where Thor was returning with two small cups.

"You know what this is, Thor?" Galilea asked as she set the food in the seat of the cart, along with the other free samples they've been getting "this is called eating in style"

"We eat and we shop?" He questioned.

"Exactly" Galilea nodded as she slipped two plastic boxes of chocolate chip cookies in the cart "if you like any of these samples we can buy the real thing" Galilea took a bite of the giant ravioli in the paper cup.


She pushed the cart and Thor walked beside her as they both ate and looked around "so Thor, do you like earth?" Galilea asked her friend.

"Yes. It's nice. It's much more different than Asgard and other worlds" Thor picked up a large piece of ham and set it in the cart.

"Ham?" Galilea tilted her head slightly.

"I like ham" Thor shrugged.

Gali shrugged as well "I like it too" she smiled and went over to the meat section "do you miss Asgard?" She asked.

"Sometimes. But earth is better, despite humans being-"

"Being what?" Galilea raised an eyebrow.

Thor gave a nervous smile "so great for this planet?" he lamely offered. Galilea hummed and picked different kinds of meat and set it in the cart "don't you miss your friends? Lady Sif and... the other three guys? Sorry, I forgot their names" she apologized.

"Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg" Thor told her the names of the Warriors Three "of course I miss them. I trained and fought with them"

He then proceeded to tell her stories of the five of them going to battle and the feasts back at the palace when they were successful. Galilea intently listened to Thor's stories. It was a nice change from the World War Two stories she grew up hearing. One can only take so many Captain America and Sergeant Barnes stories, before cracking.

Thor was in the middle of recounting the time when him, Loki, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three went to Jotunheim and were fighting Frost Giants, when he suddenly got cold and stopped mid story "what is this place?" He looked around the four walled room with bags of salads and lettuce.

"The refrigerators. Yeah, I don't like them either" Galilea pulled her arms inside her shirt and looked down at the packages.

"They keep a separate room for the lettuce?" Thor questioned.

"And the milk and eggs" Galilea informed "can you grab two of those blue ones and three red and uh, one green" Thor grabbed the bags and they walked back out to the warmth. Galilea stuck her arms out of her shirt and placed her hands on the handle of the cart.

"Thanks Tori" she smiled up at the tall man. He smiled back and looked down at the seat to find that they ate all the food.

"The food is gone... Should we go get more?"

"I say yes" Galilea agreed.

They parted once again to get food and when they were done, they sat in the patio furniture that's on display "Loki's in space jail then?" Galilea ate a dorito from a bag she opened and threw her leg over the arm rest of the chair.

"It's not space jail. It's a prison in Asgard under the palace" Thor explained.

Galilea gave him a blank look "it's still in space" Thor cracked a smile "I don't really know Loki but the time he spent here he wasn't the best person around. He caused a lot of destruction and hurt a lot of people... I actually don't know where this is going but uh, I hope he's doing okay" Galilea said.

"Loki is fine. He can look after himself" Thor assured.

"Oh I know" Galilea nodded as she remembered how well Loki can fight.

"What about Tony? What kind of trouble has he been in?" Thor curiously asked.

Galilea threw her head back and rolled her eyes "oh my god, where do I even begin?" Thor immediately knew that by Galilea's simple head throw, her stories about Tony are going to be long and plain out weird.

People like Anthony Stark, make earth interesting to him.

"We're baaaaack!" Thor and Galilea sang as the elevator doors opened.

Everyone's heads turned and they saw a grinning Thor and Galilea, holding a strawberry sundae each. The groceries are scattered on the floor around them and by the looks of it, they bought a lot of food.

"You two were gone for hours. What gives?" Bruce asked the duo who came out of the elevator. Galilea pressed a button to keep the doors open.

"We were feasting!" Galilea grinned.

"You two had a whole gourmet meal at Costco, didn't you?" Kamilla crossed her arms in front of her.

"Yes" they nodded.

"And we bonded and talked about our brothers" Thor added.

Tony perked up at the mention of brothers "I'm sorry what? Y- you two were talking about brothers? Wha- what did you say Galilea? What did you tell mean swing?" Tony quickly asked as he maneuvered his way to his little sister.

Galilea took a scoop of the ice cream and shrugged "nothing much. You getting in trouble with mom and dad. Your lady friends sneaking out of the house at eight in the morning-"

"The walk of shame?" Clint interrupted.

"The walk of shame" Galilea nodded "and Thor told me about Loki. You know he sounds like a nice guy"

"He tried to kill me when we were children" Thor spoke up.

"You're alive aren't you?" Galilea exasperatedly said "anyway, Thor and I did the shopping, the rest of you can put the food away" she made her way to a couch and sat down.

Thor followed her "yes, put the food away"

The team stared at the pair in slight shock "it's like Regina George and Gretchen Wieners came to life" Clint mumbled.

"Why am I not surprised that you've seen Mean Girls?" Kamilla shook her head. Clint shrugged.

The team began to put the food away while Thor and Galilea sat on the couch and ate ice cream "why is this bag of Doritos half empty?" Sam held up an open blue bag of Doritos.

"We were hungry" Galilea replied.

"The women didn't want to give us anymore food because we went back multiple times" Thor added.

"You two are unbelievable" Tony shook his head.

"Thank you" they grinned.

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