《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》65. Chips and asthma


"Don't take this the wrong way, Tone, but don't you have other people to annoy?" Galilea tiredly asked her brother.

"Not until four" he answered.

She let out a breathy laugh and rested her head on Steve's shoulder, who is sitting next to her on her bed "when can I go home?" She asked.

"When Dr. Grey clears you" Steve answered. Gali whined.

"I brought you something to stop your whining" Tony handed her a paper coffee cup with a lid "cocoa" he smiled.

"Thank you" Galilea gingerly held it in her hands and the warmth spread through her body. She brought it up to her mouth and she caught a whiff of something "cinnamon?"

"Yeah" her brother nodded.

She got a sudden flash, it was so powerful that it flickered to reality. She shut her eyes and saw herself in the middle of Castiel and Mariana as they took her to her cell.

"Castiel" a weak Galilea whispered "you smell like cinnamon"

Gali turned her head and saw herself on the ground, curiously staring into the Winter Soldier room. She turned her head again and she was helped up by Castiel and Mariana. She's still looking in the room and saw the Winter Soldier stand up and caught a glimpse of his metal arm.

The memory flickered and it was Castiel carrying Galilea in his arms and she remembers smelling cinnamon on him as she weakly sang "hey Jude, don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better..."

"Every second I spend with you, I lose my will to live" Castiel muttered.

"Aww, don't say that" Gali cooed and continued to hum the song.

"Gali... Gali" she was gently shaken back to reality and she fluttered her eyes open.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"You were... zoned out? You had some kind of trigger" Steve told his girlfriend.

"The cinnamon" Gali looked down at the cup she's still holding.

"Yeah, apparently this Castiel guy smells like cinnamon" Tony nodded.

"I'm sorry" Gali whispered.

"Why are you apologizing? Things will trigger you now and then" Steve softly said.

Gali groaned and took a sip of the cocoa "I wish they didn't"

"Well you know what we can watch that'll make you feel better?" Tony began as he turned the tv on and got on Netflix "Bob's Burgers!"

"Bob's Burgers?" Steve questioned.

Tony rolled his eyes "what do you teach this man. He needs to get more in touch with the twenty first century"

Gali opened her mouth to say something but Tony held his hand up "never mind, I don't want to know" Gali and Steve blushed.

"It's not like that" Steve mumbled.

"Sure it's not. I just hope you're using protection" Tony commented as he scrolled through the episodes of Bob's Burgers.

"I might have two broken ribs and an injured wrist, but I can still beat your ass" Gali threatened her brother.

"Are you going to shoot me with the G.M.S.?" Tony joked.


"W don't even know what the G.M.S. looks like"

Tony pursed his lips and his brown eyes moved around, thinking "I'll look it up" he mumbled as he pulled his phone out. His thumbs flew across the screen and then he stopped and squinted his eyes slightly as he looked up at his little sister "J.H. 47" he whispered.

"Come again?" Gali was confused.

"J.H. 47. Galilea Stark, please tell me that you did not name a Stark Industries weapon after your former boyfriend"

Gali felt the heat spreading across her cheeks. She snatched the tv control from her brothers hands and pointed it at the tv "let's watch that Bob's Burgers episode about the community garden" she said as she searched through the episodes.

Tony grumbled under his breath and stood up. He made his way to the door but stopped, turned around, opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it and turned back around to the door. Tony left the room and closed the door behind him. Even through the closed door, Gali heard her brother say "I hate Justin Hammer"

"Yeah who doesn't?" Galilea muttered as she struggled to open a bag of chips. Steve smiled small as he saw Galilea struggling, and opened the chips for her "thanks" she smiled.

"So, why 47?" Steve questioned.

"The 47th weapon I designed" Gali nonchalantly replied.

Steve's blue eyes widened slightly "I'm sorry what? 47?"

"Well Anthony isn't the only Stark! I mean it's the family business. Or was. You knew my dad. You know how us Starks can get" Galilea shrugged.

Steve nodded, remembering how Howard was and how his children act like him. Gali furrowed her eyebrows at her boyfriend "what is that suppose to mean?"

"I didn't say anything!" Steve defended himself "you were the one who pointed it out. I simply agreed with you"

Gali huffed and munched on the chips with a frown. Steve let out a breathy chuckle as he wrapped an arm around Gali's shoulders and leaned in to place a kiss on the side of her head.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Eh, you know. It's been two weeks and I'm still in here. My wrist-" Gali looked down at her right wrist that still has the sleeve "is slowly healing. My ribs-" she placed a tentative hand on her side "are still busted but healing. I'm tired of this place and I wanna go home. Fortunately I have stopped throwing up but little things are triggering me. I can't stop thinking about James and how he's still stuck with Hydra. And to top it all off, Phillip is alive after months of thinking he was dead. I swear, if I hadn't missed him so much, I probably would've killed him" Galilea exasperatedly said.

Steve gave her a wary look "is that all?"

"...Do you think Peter should take AP classes this year?" Galilea questioned.

"Oh my god" Steve quietly mumbled and rolled his eyes "Gali, you have got to stop worrying about Peter. He's sixteen-"


"He's just a baby!" Galilea noted "Ariel thought she was old enough to do whatever she wanted because she was sixteen. No honey, you're just a kid. You don't know what love is"

"First off, Peter isn't a mermaid. Second... Alright, I see your point there but Ariel did marry Eric at the end and they had a baby. So..." Steve shrugged. Galilea threw a small punch at him and he laughed "Peter is one of us now. The whole team is looking after him. Especially Clint. That kid is going to be just fine" Steve assured.

"Steve, honey, my brother is in the team. He is also looking after Peter" Galilea said clearly.

Steve processed what Gali said. She's right. Tony is part of the team. The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Although the only thing flashing in his head in big red letters is the word Playboy.

"You're right. Tony is probably going to give him dating advice. Your brother has no filter" Steve nodded in agreement with Gali.

Galilea smiled and giggled at Steve's reaction. She set the bag of chips aside and patted Steve on the thigh.

"Kay. Now help me out here. I gotta go to the bathroom" Gali threw the hospital blanket to the side and sat on the edge of bed. She moved her legs around, trying to feel her slippers on the floor but can't reach the floor.

Gali groaned and leaned over but immediately sat up straight and wrapped an arm around her ribs. She moaned in pain and Steve quickly got up and went over to Gali "here, let me help you" Steve helped Gali with her slippers and getting her to stand up without hurting herself.

Galilea hates that she needs help to do the simplest thing. Going to the bathroom for example. But at the same time she likes the fact that other people do things for her. Wow, her Stark is showing.

Steve helped Galilea back to bed after she walked out of he bathroom "this is ridiculous" Gali panted as she sat down on bed.

"What's ridiculous?" Steve sat down next to his girlfriend.

"That I can't do a single thing without the help of someone else. Maybe that was Hydra's plan, to make me dependable of people" Gali mused "like Castiel" she mumbled as she reached for her inhaler and shook it before using it. She took two puffs before setting the blue inhaler down.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked softly.

"I'm fine. It's just a precaution I guess. Olivia says that my lungs aren't that bad but that there's room for improvement. Fancy way of saying that my lungs are crap" Galilea explained.

"Aww, I'm sorry" Steve cooed as he rubbed Gali's back.

"My time with Hydra messed up my healthy lungs. I can't believe I'm using my inhaler again. I feel like that kid from IT. I'm just going to be randomly pulling this out and taking a puff of it so I won't have trouble breathing" Galilea explained with a frown.

"Yes, it must be hard living with asthma" Steve dryly and sarcastically said.

"Eh what do you know about the struggles of asthma now. You're literally the healthiest person in the world" Gali grumbled as she laid down in bed.

Steve smiled small and laid down next to her "I'm sorry. You're right. What do I, a former asthmatic, know about asthma? What am I thinking?" Steve shook his head.

Gali closed her eyes for a second and blindly reached over for his hand "I'm sorry. I just really want to leave this place" she apologized.

Steve reached over and brushed strands of Gali's brown hair, away from her face. He placed a kiss on her forehead and looked down into her eyes "it's okay" he smiled small.

They stared at each other and Steve softly brushed his fingers over Galilea's face. His fingers traced every curve and edge. Her nose, her mouth, her cheeks, her jaw, everything. It's like he's trying to memorize Galilea's face. Every single detail of it. The color of her eyes, the shape of her lips, the tint of pink across her cheeks when she tries to fight off a blush.

Gali did the same to Steve and they simply stared at each other in silence. They would smile and silently laugh and just have silent conversations. They didn't need to say anything out loud for them to understand that they love each other.

They were like that for almost an hour until eventually they fell asleep in each others arms. Pepper went into the room to ask the pair if they want anything to eat, but as soon as she opened the door, she was greeted by the sight of a sleeping Steve and Galilea. She smiled sweetly at them and before she could close the door Sam stuck his head in and groaned.

"Is it possible to feel physically sick when I see those two together?" He questioned.

"I don't know. What are you doing here?" Pepper asked.

"I left my bag of chips in here earlier. I just wanted to-" he gasped when he saw the bag of chips open on the bedside table "she ate them!" He hissed "I will not stand for this!"

"Yeah, okay. Here are two dollars, get yourself another bag of chips" Pepper handed Sam two one dollars bills and grumpily took them.

Pepper closed the door to Gali's room and Clint ran over to the two of them, a excited look on his face "guys, I just found like three dollars in quarters. Let's go rave at the vending machine!"

"I got two dollars" Sam proudly held up the green bills.

"Let's go!" Clint jumped in excitement. Sam and Clint ran down the corridor and turned a corner. Pepper just stared at the two grown men in disbelief.

"And I thought Tony was a handful"

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