《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》64. Tablet


"Why is she throwing up so much?" Natasha asked the doctord.

"Hydra had her drugged the whole time. That's why she felt woozy when she was out of the cell for long periods of time, that's why she couldn't use her powers" Dr. Grey explained "her body is adjusting to the changes, hence why she's throwing up so much"

"Can you give her something to get her to stop throwing up?" Steve asked.

"I can but I don't know if it'll do much good. I'll see what I can do" the doctor said before leaving the avengers.

Tony paced up and down and clenched his fists "when I get my hands on those Hydra guys" he began.

"Get in line" Steve mumbled.

"You know I actually got a look of this Castiel guy" Clint spoke up.

"Really?" Tony pipped up.

"Yeah. Gali is right. He does look like a young Jude Law"

"Oh my Jesus" Tony sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Clinton!" Everyone turned their heads to the strawberry blond woman at the end of the hall.

"I didn't do it!" Clint tried to hide behind his girlfriend.

"Is this the tablet that you found on Gali?" Kamilla held up a black tablet.

"It wasn't on her, she was clutching it- yes that's the one" Clint confirmed when he saw the look Kami is giving him "why?"

"Was it on when you found it?"

"I don't know, maybe. I didn't pay much attention to it, I was more preoccupied about Galilea and my bleeding arm!" he pointed at his right arm.

"Well I can't turn it on" Kamilla said "I charged it and even tried to hack into it but nothing works"

"Sometimes things break" Tony slowly said to try to get Kamilla to understand that sometimes there aren't explanations as to why things break.

"No there's something else. Gali had this on her, she knows how to work this thing" Kami said before making her way to Gali's room.

Galilea was sitting on her bed, legs hanging on the side. She's rubbing her neck and has a look of pain on her face "I'm dying" she croaked out.


"You're not dying" Steve said.

"If I die young, bury me in satin. Lay me down in a bed of roses-"

"See if this is all you did with Hydra, it's a miracle you're still alive" Kamilla interrupted Galilea talking in song lyrics.

"What do you mean? They loved me over there. They'd love to see me dead, but still" Galilea smiled. Kamilla rolled her eyes and handed Gali the tablet without a word. She immediately recognized it and took it in her hands "hey, the tablet. How did you get it?" She looked up at her best friend.

"You were holding onto it when I found you" Clint explained.

"I can't turn it on. I thought you could" Kamilla told her friend.

"Oh no I can't turn it on" Gali shook her head "not without the smartwatch"

"The smartwatch?" Tony questioned.

Gali nodded "Yes. I need the smartwatch I connected to the tablet so I can turn it on"

"Do you have it?" Kamilla asked.

"I had it on when I was with James but that's when he saw me and took me back to my cell. If they didn't take it then it must be laying around in my cell somewhere" Gali explained "unless Castiel took it when I was unconscious" she mumbled.

"Castiel?" Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"It was his watch I stole. Idiot didn't realize it was missing. Eh, he never wore it" Gali shrugged "without Castiel's smartwatch it can't be turned on" she told her friend.

"Then I'll just have to go down there and see if it's still there" Kamilla casually said.

"Go to the underground bunker?" Galilea raised an eyebrow, knowing that it's a bad idea to go down there "can I come?" She quickly asked.

"No you won't go" Tony firmly said.

"Why not?" Gali whined.

"Because I don't want you back there and because you need to rest and worry about healing" Tony told his sister. Steve nodding along in agreement.

"Come on, I can use those healing vapors to get better in a jiffy" Gali tried to reason with her brother.


"Who says in a jiffy?" Clint mused out loud. His eyes landed on Steve and it made sense "oh" Steve frowned at that.

"You know Galilea, I agree with Tony and say you shouldn't go" Dr. Grey spoke up.

"Can someone write that down?" Tony looked around the room "someone actually agreed with me" They rolled their eyes at the billionaire.

"Those healing vapors quicken up your healing process. If you use them frequently then your body will depend on it and won't heal properly when you don't have it" she explained. Galilea grumbled under her breath and Dr. Grey gave her a pill "this should help with the vomiting"

"Thanks doc" Gali took the pill and the glass of water she was handed. She drank the pill and set the glass of water down.

"So you can take your pills now. What happened to Tony hiding them in your food?" Clint questioned.

Gali furrowed her eyebrows "how do you know about that?"

"Well- uh- you know..." he stumbled over his own words.

"You played a memory while we were all in here. When the social workers where taking you" Natasha spoke up.

"Huh" Gali breathed "alright. Hey where's Bruce?" They shrugged "I gotta ask him a science question"

"Are you going to ask him a stupid science question that Bill Nye can answer?" Kami crossed her arms across her chest.

"Maybe" Gali mumbled.

She began to get in bed but had difficulty. Steve went over to help her and Tony got the tv control.

"Let's just watch Bill Nye on Netflix" he turned the tv on and it was breaking news. The Winter Soldier is out in the city.

"Not this dude again" Clint moaned.

"Is no one out there?" Steve questioned.

Agent Phil Coulson rushed into the room and stared at the four avengers "The Winter Soldier is in the city"

"We know" Natasha pointed at the tv.

They looked back up just in time to see a spiderweb hit the Winter Soldier "Why does that boy never listen?!" Galilea angrily asked.

"Fury wants you to go" Phil spoke.

"Alright" Galilea made to get out of bed but Steve gently held her back.

"Not you, Gali. Them" he motioned to the four avengers in the room.


"Don't worry, we'll take care of the kid" Clint assured before running out of the room. Although that reassurance sounded more like a threatening 'take care of'.

"We'll protect Underoos from Legolas" Tony said before walking out along with Natasha and Phil.

"No, wait" Gali called but Steve kept her put.

"He'll be fine. I promise" he leaned in, kissed Gali and left.

"I don't want them to get hurt" she quietly said.

"It's okay, they know what they're doing" Kamilla assured as she sat down on the bed with her friend. But James doesn't.

Galilea and Kamilla stared at the tv. They saw the Winter Soldier fighting with Spider-Man and then about twenty minutes later, Steve, Tony, Nat and Clint appear. The five fought the Winter Soldier.

They tried everything to stop him and at some points overpowered him but he would get back in the game and take them down. Galilea was getting worked up. She doesn't want anything to happen to them. Not the avengers and not the Winter Soldier.

"Don't hurt him" she quietly said "don't hurt him. I have to- I have to stop them" Galilea threw the covers off her and swung her legs over the bed.

"Woah, calm down" Kamilla stood up and tried to calm her friend.

"I got to stop them, Kami. He's gonna get hurt"

"Peter is going to be just fine"

"No, not him! I have to stop them!" Galilea yelled.

"Hey, calm down" Kami tried to get Gali to sit back down but she wouldn't. She was getting more hysterical. Kamilla pressed a button and Dr. Grey ran in the room "you gotta calm her down doc" Kami said.

The doctor ran over to her patient and Galilea got even more worked up. The doctor sedated her and soon Gali was knocked out.

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