《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》63. Inhaler


"Oh my god" Peter breathed out. Now that he's spent time with the Avengers and has gotten to know them personally, he now realizes that they are just a bunch of teenagers like himself. The only difference is that he's going to school and they aren't.

"Now that you're one of us, kid, you'll find that there'll never be a dull moment around here" Clint told Peter.

Peter's face lit up "do you mean it? Am I an avenger?" He happily asked.

"The day you become an avenger will be the day May knows about your identity!" Galilea told the boy. He pouted and crossed his arms across his chest. Clint laughed and patted the kid on the shoulder. "So tell me guys" Galilea adjusted herself on bed and winced a little "what's been going on while I was gone"

Suddenly a strong smell wafted through the room and took everyone by surprise "oh god, what the hell is that?" Natasha scrunched her nose. She got hit by the wave first since she's nearer to the door.

Gali began to cough "smells like chloroform" she coughed. Steve looked down at her weirdly, silently questioning how Galilea knows what chloroform smells like.

Natasha stepped out and Galilea kept coughing "some idiots dropped some chloroform bottles and the fans caught it" Natasha informed as she stepped back in the room.

"Wow that's a strong smell" Steve waved his hand around for the smell to dissipate.

Galilea kept coughing and she felt her chest tighten and her breathing quickened. Oh no. She thought. She tried to take in a breath of air but she struggled. She feels like she's drowning in air.

Tony took notice of it and reacted quickly "oh my god Gali, oh my god breathe" Tony told his sister. She gave him a look as she was struggling to breathe and continued coughing.

"You can't tell a person who's having an asthma attack to breathe!" Kamilla yelled.

"Right, right. Here" Tony dug through his pocket and pulled out an inhaler. He shook it before bringing up to Gali's lips and pressed it. Gali inhaled once, twice... She was beginning to feel better.

"Thanks" she took the inhaler and took steady breaths.

"You have asthma?" Steve asked his girlfriend.

"When I was little. Why are you carrying this around?" Galilea asked her brother and leaned back against the pillows and placed a gentle hand on her tender sides.

"You never know when you'll need it" Tony shrugged "and you should've seen her, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff" he waved his hand around.

"I hardly believe she was a puffer" Rhodey spoke up.

"You make her sound like a pufferfish" Jane smiled.

"I called her Mrs. Puff once, she did not like that" Kamilla shook her head.

"Mrs. Puff?" Thor questioned.

"Oh Thor, I gotta show you SpongeBob one of these days" she said. The group laughed and Steve turned to Gali to see her sleeping.

"Well she's passed out" he commented.

"What kind of drugs are they giving her?" Tony checked her chart.

"Let's go then. We should let her rest" Pepper spoke up.

They began to stand up and Kamilla grabbed her laptop which was still on Gali's lap. Tony reached for the inhaler and set it on the nightstand next to Gali. When he took the inhaler his hand brushed against Gali's hand and her dream suddenly changed. Not just for her but it was witnessed by everyone in the room.

When Howard and Maria Stark died, Galilea was just beginning her teenage years. She was thirteen. An awkward age. She was becoming a young woman and she didn't have her mother to help her and guide her. She had Tony.


Her brother was the one who gave her the talk. It was awkward for both of them. Galilea knew what she was taught at school but still, it was uncomfortable. Finally aunt Peggy came to the aid, along with Kamilla's mother. But there was an astronomical chance that none of that would've happen, to have the help and support of Peggy and Mrs Rosenthal.

It wasn't enough that Tony and Galilea were mourning their parents, but the social workers had to make sure that Anthony Stark could take care of his little sister. She was 13 after all and he was 18. He was already gaining the reputation of a playboy and social services did not like that very much.

They paid many visits and told Tony that if he doesn't change his ways and take full responsibility of his sister, then they will be forced to take her. Anthony was young, he wanted to have fun, but he loves Galilea very much. She's the only family he had. They are all they have.

He tried to change his ways but it was difficult. Social services were on them like hounds and they were getting irritated. It wasn't until Tony and Gali had that horrible fight, the one where she ran away to Brooklyn, did social services had the last straw. The Starks were back home and they showed up. They knew it was something bad, they could feel it. Jarvis was with the Stark children and tried to reason with the social workers but they had their minds made.

"You can't take her!" Tony yelled.

"You have failed to change your ways" Tom, one of the social workers, told Tony.

"I'm trying. I really am"

"It's been five months and Galilea ran away. It took you days to find her" Daisy, the second social worker, told Tony.

"I found her, didn't I?" Tony snapped.

"She's thirteen. She needs to be in a place where she can be looked after, where she can be safe and have a steady life. This is the best thing for her" Daisy tried to reason.

"The best thing for her?" Tony scoffed "her staying with me is the best thing for her. She's my little sister. You don't know crap about her!"

"Tony" Jarvis calmly said.

"You just can't come here and tell me what's best for Gali. You can't take her because of my stupid mistakes"

"We've told you countless times that if you don't change and act more responsible then we'll have no choice but to take Galilea. You have not changed, therefore we are forced to take her" Tom slowly explained.

"Can't you just place her with her next of kin?" Jarvis asked.

"No" Tony shook his head "Galilea is not going anywhere. She's not going with Jarvis, she's not staying with aunt Peggy, she's not going with Kamilla. God please don't take her with Kamilla. Gali is staying with me. I am her brother. I am the only one who can take care of her!" His throat tightened and tears gathered in his eyes.

"You may be her brother but at the end of the day it's about Galilea's wellbeing. Tell me, do you really think she'll be alright with your lifestyle?" Daisy softly asked.

"We lost our parents five months ago. You can't separate us. She needs me" Tony tried to reason.

"It sound like you need her more than she needs you" Tom said.

Tony clenched his jaw "that's not fair"

"Life isn't fair. Galilea needs to be placed somewhere else until you become responsible enough to take care of a minor" Daisy informed.


"We'll be back on Friday to pick her up. Please make sure that she has her things packed up" Tom said before him and Daisy left the house.

Galilea was listening in from the other side of the wall. She was sitting down, knees up to her chest and silently crying. She doesn't want to leave. She doesn't want to be taken from her brother. Tony was trying, he really was but he made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes.

Gali wiped the tears from her face and stood up at the same time Tony appeared around the wall. They stared at each other for a couple seconds before she threw her arms around her brother.

"I'm sorry Gali. I'm so sorry"

"I don't want to leave. I want to stay here with you" Gali cried.

"I don't want you to go either but there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry. It's my fault" Tony cried.

"It's not your fault and I know you did your best. You're my brother and I wouldn't change that for the world"

Galilea packed her things. She only packed her clothes and a couple of other things. Tony and Galilea were miserable. They had cried and spent a lot of time together. Galilea had written a letter for her brother and he did the same for Gali.

Friday had come sooner than expected and Kamilla was there to say bye to her friend. Tom and Daisy were waiting for Galilea to finish her goodbyes with Kamilla and Jarvis. Tony walked over to the social workers with some papers in hand.

"I uh- I wrote you guys a list of Gali's likes and dislikes. She likes cheeseburgers, mustard, anything sweet, well you guys can read the rest. She doesn't like tomatoes on their own so you'll have to mix them up with something. Cherry tomatoes she likes those. I don't know why but she does" Tony shook his head at his little sister's logic.

"Uh, this is what she's allergic to" Tony pointed at the allergy section "Bananas. If she eats them or anything that has bananas her throat will close and she has to go to the E.R. – Flowers. Now she's not allergic to pollen but I just don't want to take the risk of her getting an attack. And if you can keep her away from strong odors that would be great" Tony flipped pages.

"She's not allergic to any medication so you'll be good there. I give her vitamins, don't get her Flintstones vitamins, there's nothing wrong with them but I prefer dinosaur vitamins. They're much cooler. Tea. Well she only drinks hot tea when she's sick but otherwise she's a big fan of iced tea. Okay the coffee"

Here he looked up at the social workers and leaned in to speak quietly "she thinks she's old enough to drink coffee but I give her decaf she doesn't know the difference. Oh and when she's sick she doesn't like to drink pills so I sometimes hide them in her food"

"What?" Galilea asked.

"Nothing!" Tony said and turned back to the people who are going to take his little sister "this is a list of her interests and hobbies. Oh, very important, school schedule. She goes to school from 8:10 to 2:40. She comes home, eats and does her homework for about an hour to an hour and a half. She doesn't play any sports but she likes to go to the high school games. She has a couple of friends there and she goes with Kami to the games. However she is in a couple of school clubs so sometimes she'll be out for the whole day, that also includes weekends. Also she's a bit of a nerd and sometimes will get ahead of the class. She doesn't want to skip grades, she could be in high school right now but she wants to have a normal education" Tony informed.

"She's also a bit of a backtalker but Kamilla has her under control. They're best friends after all"

"Did I hear my name being taken in vain?" Kamilla called.

"No you didn't! You're hearing things!" Tony yelled back and looked down at the papers in hand "she's still a little sensitive about our parents death but her therapist is helping her with that"

"She's seeing a therapist?" Tom questioned.

Tony looked up at the man "Yeah. Actually we both are. Jarvis' idea" Tony informed "oh I forgot, sometimes she goes to the high school and tutors kids. I told you she's a nerd. And uh, well you guys can read the rest" Tony handed them the papers and they looked down at them. He personally wrote them himself.

Tony and Galilea hugged each other and said their goodbyes. Tom grabbed her suitcase and they made their way outside. Gali is crying softly and followed Daisy to the car. Tom set the suitcase in the trunk and Daisy opened the door for Gali. She shrugged her backpack off and put it in the backseat.

Tony stared at his sister from the open door with red teary eyes. He can't believe it actually came to that. Just a couple of month ago their lives were great. They had their parents and they didn't worry about being apart but now it's all crumbled down. Their parents are dead and they're about to be separated for who knows how long.

Tony wiped a tear from his cheek and dropped his arm to the side. His hand brushed against something in his pocket and his eyebrows furrowed. He felt the object through outside his jeans and his eyes widened "wait, wait!" He yelled as he ran down the steps and to the car "here. I almost forgot to give you this" he handed Gali her blue inhaler. She took it and stared at it in confusion.

"What's that?" Tom asked.

"My inhaler" Gali answered "Tony, I haven't had an asthma attack since I was seven"

"Eight actually" Tony corrected "just take it. Please"

Galilea stared it it and shook her head "I don't need it" she handed it back to him.

He looked down at it and gave it to Daisy "Take it. Please. You never know"

She took it and looked up at Tony. "You've had this for five years?"

"I always carry it around in my pocket. One never knows" Tony shrugged and Gali and Tony shared another hug. They cried and the hug was much longer than the last.

It was at that moment that the social workers realized that Anthony Stark is probably the most dedicated brother in the world. He takes care of his sister more than he takes care of himself. That just goes to show that Tony Stark really is the best big brother.


In case you're wondering, this chapter was inspired from an iCarly episode.

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