《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》59. Doctor Grey


"It's been three days and she hasn't woken up" Steve spoke as he stared at the sleeping Galilea through the window of her room at Shield headquarters.

As soon as the Avengers brought her in, she was rushed to the medical team and they did full body scans and checked her vitals and everything. She wasn't well. Two broken ribs, hairline fracture on her right wrist, bruising on the head, concussion, cuts and bruises all over her body and slight swelling in her brain, and her heart rate is still low. Not dangerously low like when they found her, but it could be higher.

"Doc said that she'll be okay" Peter spoke up.

Sam scoffed "Physically. What about mentally and emotionally?"

"Don't worry, she's a tough cookie. Besides, she has people who care about her" Kamilla assured.

The doctor walked out of the room and the avengers waited to hear what she has to say "So?" Tony asked.

"The swelling in her brain has reduced completely, so I believe she should wake up in the next 24 hours" the doctor informed. They heaved a collective sigh of relief "her heart rate is still low and we're doing our best to get it back to normal" Doctor Grey added "you know I'm actually surprised she's in this condition"

"What do you mean?" Rhodey asked.

"Well you say Hydra has had her for a little over a month, and when you brought her in she had fresh bruising but the oldest ones I could find were no longer than six days old. So they either didn't hurt her until recently or, well who knows what Hydra did to her" Doctor Grey admitted.

They casted wary looks at each other and couldn't help but come up with bad scenarios in their heads "but she will be alright" Steve tried to sound reassuring, more so to himself than to the others.

Dr Grey took in a deep breath and nodded "physically yes" she fixed her glasses before continuing "she's also talking in her sleep"

"Gali doesn't talk in her sleep" Steve said. Everyone gave him questioning looks and he blushed lightly.

"There's a kid here!" Kamilla covered Peter's ears and he frowned at the treatment.

"What I mean is that Galilea is calling out for a James and Castiel" Dr Grey said.

"Castiel? Like from Supernatural?" Kami snorted in laughter.

"Why is she calling out for a tv character?" Peter asked.

"Beats me. I wanna know why she isn't calling out for her boyfriend" Kamilla turned to Steve.

"I wanna know why she's calling out for James" he turned to Rhodey.

"Why are you glaring at me?" He asked the Captain.

"Your name is James. What other James is she calling out for? James Franco?" Clint sarcastically said.

"It could be!" Rhodey nodded.

"In case anyone is interested" Doctor Grey interrupted the light arguing "she's also saying this" she pulled up a video of a sleeping Galilea on her tablet and showed it to the Avengers. She's whispering the ten words her and Bucky came up with "any idea as to what it means?" The doctor asked.

"Well Rogers is the last name of her boyfriend" Thor said.

"Stark Expo. Why would she say Stark Expo?" Tony questioned.


They began to discuss what the words Gali said, mean and it slowly became an argument. Everything with the Avengers slowly turns into an argument. Peter sighed and rolled his eyes as he stepped away from the arguing. He stared at Galilea's sleeping form through the window and saw her moving her lips.

His Spidey senses perked up and focused on what she's whispering "Cass-tieelll... Cassstiel"

"Who the hell is Castiel?" He muttered under his breath. He then heard something else. She sounds afraid, betrayed, angry but mostly afraid.

"No Castiel... please don't-" Peter saw the room... glitch. Like it was going to change but it didn't. He saw it again and took a step back from the window.

"Guys, guys look!" Peter pointed at the room. The avengers shut up and stared at the glitching room in concern. It went from bright to dark and they caught glimpses of people.

"What's happening?" Thor asked.

"Her powers. She's too weak to use them" Tony explained.

Galilea became distressed and Doctor Grey went inside and injected something in the tube that goes into her arm. Galilea calmed down and was soon fast asleep. Dr. Grey walked out of the room and to the hallway to join the Avengers.

"I sedated her. She should be asleep until tomorrow. You should get some rest. I'll call if there are any changes" Dr. Grey smiled and walked away.

"Like hell I'm leaving my sister" Tony scoffed as he entered Gali's room, pulled up a chair next to her bed and sat down.

"I'm going to get something to eat" Thor made his way to the break room they've been living out of for the past three days.

"I'm going to shoot something" Natasha headed to an elevator to go to the shooting range.

"I'm gonna go throw up. I shouldn't have eaten that sandwich" Kamilla scrunched her face in disgust and rubbed her stomach.

"I'm going to hold her hair" Bruce mumbled as he followed his girlfriend.

"I have summer homework. Come on Steve, I need your help. Tell me everything you know about World War Two" Peter flung his backpack over his shoulders and headed to the break room.


"You want me to start school on the wrong foot? Galilea would not like that" Peter waggled his finger at the tall blond man. Steve seeing that he has no other way around it, sighed and followed the teenager to the break room.

Clint, Sam and Rhodey laughed at Steve "you also might want to shave, Captain" Clint began as the three men followed Steve.

"You kinda look like a teddy bear. I have the sudden urge to hug you" Sam admitted.

"Huh, I thought I was the only one" Rhodey chuckled.

"Oh god" Steve rolled his eyes.

Beeping. Pen scratching against paper. Tapping. More beeping. Bright lights. The smell of disinfectant.

Galilea slowly opened her eyes and groaned when the blinding light hit her eyes "good god" she shut her eyes again and turned her head to the side.

"Galilea?" She heard a soft voice.

Gali opened one eye and saw a woman smiling sweetly at her. She opened her other eye and saw her clearly. Her black hair just pass her shoulders, her hazel eyes sparkling behind her black framed glasses and a kind smile on her face.


Gali's eyes trailed down to the white lab coat and that's when she panicked. Her heart leapt to her throat and she sat up and pressed herself against the wall, ignoring the pain on her sides.

"Please- please don't do it. Whatever it is please don't do it!" She cried and began to hyperventilate "Castiel, where's Castiel?" She frantically looked around the room "Castiel!" She yelled "Castiel!"

"Hey, hey, it's alright. It's okay!" Dr. Grey reached out to the girl and tried to calm her down.

"No!" Gali tried to scurry to the other end of the bed but the tubes in her arms prevented her otherwise. She then winced and clutched her sides.

"Easy there. You're safe. You're not with Hydra anymore, you're at Shield" Dr Grey softly said. Gali clutched onto the blankets and stared at the woman wide eyed.

"Shield?" Gali softly asked.

"Yes. The Avengers brought you in four days ago. You're safe"

Gali let the blanket go and she dropped on the bed "The Avengers. I think I- I think... I don't remember" Galilea whispered.

"It's alright. You were really weak when they brought you in. You've been sleeping for four days" the doctor explained.

Galilea passed a bandaged hand through her brown hair "four days?" She whispered "Four days?" She said loudly.

"It's a lot to swallow. Now can you come sit up here so I can run a check up?" The doctor patted the pillow. Gali nodded "I'm Doctor Grey by the way" the doctor smiled kindly.

"Grey's Anatomy?" Gali chuckled. Dr. Grey laughed.

"I get that a lot"

She did the basic tests. She checked Gali's eyes with the flashlight and told her to follow her finger. She checked her reflexes and her vitals and asked her a few simple questions to make sure she knows what year she's living in.

Doctor Grey was writing down her final notes and Gali looked down at her bandaged hands "My hands look like the hands of the Michelin Man"

Dr. Grey giggled. Gali then noticed the wrist sleeve on her right wrist "hairline fracture. You'll have to wear that for six weeks. Seven tops" Doctor Grey informed. Gali nodded slowly "I know you just woke up, but I would like to ask you some questions later"

"Okay" she gave a short nod.

Dr. Grey smiled "well Galilea it looks like you're going to be fine. You'll heal, slowly but you will" Gali got more comfortable in bed and winced "you have two broken ribs so you have to be more careful" the doctor said.

"Anything else broken" Gali grunted.

"No. Just a lot of bruising. Okay, well," the doctor sighed "would you like to see your brother?"

Gali looked up with big eyes "my brother? He's here? I wanna see him. I wanna see my brother" she nodded.

"I'll call him" the doctor left the room.

"Pipsqueak?" Tony softly called from the door. Gali looked up with a wide smile on her face but when her eyes landed on Tony, she flinched. This didn't go unnoticed by him and took a step closer to his sister "Gali?"

"No" she turned her head and shut her eyes.

"Gali it's me. It's your brother" Tony softly said. Gali whimpered but didn't look at him.

"I can't... I don't want them to hurt me"

"No one is going to hurt you I promise. Will you please look at me?" Tony sat on the chair next to her bed and stared at his sister with sadness. Galilea shook her head, eyes still shut "why not?" He asked.

"Because if I do they'll hurt me. If I say you're name they'll hurt me. I don't want to get hurt" Her voice trembled. Tony angrily curled his hand in a fist for a second before letting it go "did they only do it with me?" Tony asked.

Gali shook her head "with everyone else"

"Everyone? The whole team?" Tony asked.

Gali nodded "yes... No, not everyone. Peter. Not with Peter" she informed "they didn't show Peter's face. That means... that means that they don't know who he is"

"Your protection for the kid worked" Tony smiled small.

Galilea felt bad. The one thing she wants to do is see her brother but she can't without the fear of getting hurt. She tried so hard to not break. She faked being broken because she wanted to know more of Hydra's plans but at the end she broke.

"I'll get the kid then" Tony mumbled as he stood up and left the room.

Gali's heart sank when she heard the hurt in his voice. She doesn't want to hurt her brother but she doesn't want to feel scared of being shocked the minute she sets eyes on him.

"Hello" Peter's cheery voice filled the room.

Gali opened her eyes and smiled widely when she saw the teenage boy "Peter"

The Avengers watched the happy exchange and Tony was livid "I'm going to kill them! I'm going to kill them all and I'll start with Richard Roman!"

"At least I hit the two people that were in Gali's room" Clint mumbled.

"What did they do to her?" Natasha questioned "I'm going to talk to her later today. Hopefully I will have the answer to that question" Doctor Grey informed.

"Can we be there when you do?" Steve tentatively asked.

"Not in the room but you can be next door" Doctor Grey opened the door to the room right next to Gali's and flicked the light on. There's a table and chairs and a large mirror against the wall.

"One way mirror" Doctor Grey tapped the corner of the mirror. The reflection changed and they could see inside Gali's room. She's still happily talking with Peter.

"It's like an episode of Law and Order" Pepper mused.

"It's like when I got arrested" Kamilla looked around the room.

Bruce who was drinking water, choked and stared at his girlfriend wide eyed "You got arrested? For what?"

"Assaulting a police officer" Kami sheepishly said.

Tony gave an echoing laugh "that was great"

"How old were you?" Sam asked.

"I was 18. And I didn't assault him, I just fell on top of him"

"She means that she jumped on him after she stabbed him" Tony explained.

Everyone stared at Kamilla wide eyed "what he stabbed me first!" She yelled.

"Okay now I'm afraid of the German girl" Clint said with fear in his voice.

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