《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》58. Papa bird


They all broke up once again and Kamilla and Peter tried their best to keep eyes on everyone but they're too much "hey, any of you lame-o's want to help over here?" Kamilla told Nick, Hill and Phil. Maria took the empty spot next to Kamilla and began to guide the team.

"Baby avenger!" Clint yelled as he opened another door and let an arrow go, hitting a man on the chest. He searched the room and punched another guy "not here" Clint marked the metal door so the others know that it's already been checked "baby avenger!" He yelled as he entered another room.

"Anyone come across the Winter Soldier yet?" Thor asked.

"Nope" they collectively answered.

"Thor you idiot, you just jinxed it" Kamilla muttered.

"What?" Thor asked confused.

"Woah, okay" Sam said from the floor as he ducked some bullets.

"Winter Soldier up ahead Sam" Peter informed.

"You don't say?" Sam sarcastically said and hid in a nearby room "anyone have any ideas on how to approach him?" He fought off the man who launched at him.

"Kick him between the legs. Men always seem to forget to protect that area" Maria spoke up.

"True" Natasha and Kamilla agreed.

"Even during times like these the women team up against us" Tony shook his head and shot people.

"Alright... I'm going out" Sam bravely said and as his hand touched the doorknob, a loud roar was heard outside and the room shook as Hulk smashed through walls "eh, the big guy can handle him" Sam waved it off.

"Woah, woah, Cap!" Peter cautiously said and almost stood up from his seat "there are like 15 guys on your left and they are all super armed. You know if I were there, I could've helped you and-"

"Shut it Parker" the avengers collectively said. He huffed. Peter helped Steve around along with the others. That is until the Winter Soldier appeared.

"Oh crap, Natasha" Hill breathed out "the Winter Soldier is right around the corner"

"I got him" Nat confidently said before running around the corner and fighting with the soldier.

"You know, if you can hit his metal arm then maybe that can slow him down-" at that moment Thor appeared and punched the solider in the gut. They began to fight "and once again the mighty Thor has come and saved the day" Kamilla narrated.

"And on the other side of the compound we have Colonel James Rhodes and Clint Barton bringing down a dozen Hydra- ooh, that arrow went straight through the eye" Peter grimaced.


"You're gonna give the kid nightmares" Rhodey spoke up.

"Please, I'm tougher than I look" Peter defended himself.

"That's big talk for someone who wears underoos" Tony remarked. Peter gave a dry sarcastic laugh.

"Who's singing?" Thor asked.

"Sorry" Kamilla meekly apologized "it's just that song fits this moment"

"Come together by The Beatles?" Tony questioned.

"The Michael Jackson cover"

"Alright" they nodded.

They continued fighting and searching, and more fighting. They're not sure how long they've been there but it's been too long. Gunshots and explosions were heard. Peter, Maria and Kamilla with eyes everywhere. The Winter Soldier trying to bring down every avenger he encounters.

Tony knocked a door down and stared at the ten Hydra agents in there. His suit already planing an attack on the men "hello" he said "do me a favor, why don't you guys take your ten minute coffee break, while I go find my sister" they did the exact opposite and launched at him "well I tried to be nice" he shrugged before shooting them all.

Kamilla is working hard on trying to bring up the cameras that are down but then she saw something odd. One of the cameras flickered and then another and another "Oh no. Oh fuck. Oh shit fuck" Kamilla breathed out.

"Nice sentence enhancers Kamilla" James teased.

"Hydra is trying to gain back control on the cameras. No- don't you dare you little shit!" Kamilla shouted and furiously pressed the keys on the keyboard.


"Sorry green" Kami apologized to her boyfriend.

"Hey" Peter turned to the girl next to him "what about that virus you designed. It can hold them back" Kamilla nodded.

"Yeah, it can. Phillip!" She called to the man in the room "check my backpack. The front pocket. There's a flash drive there" Phil zipped open the front pocket of the green Invader Zim backpack. He stuck his hand inside and pulled out an impressive display a different shaped and colored flash drives.

"Which one is it?" Phil asked shocked "the dog, the banana, minion, cat, the little bread with a face, the pig, the hamburger-"

"Jesus Kami, how many flash drives do you have?" Clint asked.

"I am a hacker. That's my equipment" Kami answered Clint's question "and the one I need is a teddy bear. It must be in with my laptop" she told Phil.

He opened the main pocket and saw a small stuffed teddy bear. It's brown and it has a red shirt "this one?"Phil held it up.


"Yes. Thank you Phillip" she kindly took the bear and roughy pulled the head off it and sticking the body in the port "aggressive" Phil muttered.

"You wanna play rough? Say hello to my little friend" Kami pressed a button and in less than a minute, Hydra's system failed completely "no chance of them getting control of the cameras anytime soon. Or anything really" Kamilla informed.

"Damn!" Steve punched a door after several minutes of fighting "she's not here"

"We'll find her. Don't worry" Natasha assured.

Clint ran down a corridor, bow and arrow ready. He turned a corner and saw no one. He slowly walked through and checked the rooms before going on his way. He poked his head around the corner and spotted two male Hydra agents. He let two arrows go and they were brought down. Clint ran over to them and looked down "sorry gentlemen, but you took my friend" he went on his way and spotted a metal door up ahead.

He ran up to it when suddenly two people came out. Mariana and Castiel. They all stared at each other and they pulled their guns out and shot at Clint's direction. He shot an arrow and it hit Mariana on the leg. She pulled the trigger on her gun and the bullet grazed Clint's arm.

"Son of a bitch!" He winced as he touched the bleeding graze on his arm.

"Barton, what's wrong?" Natasha asked her boyfriend.

"I got shot"

"Oh my god"

"No it's fine. It's just a graze" he looked back up and shot an arrow at the running figures of Castiel and Mariana. They turned a corner but not fast enough. The arrow hit Castiel's arm.

Clint ran into the room the agents ran out of, his bow and arrow aimed and ready to fire. His sharp eyes scanned the room. The screens on the wall are off, the control panel is not working, due to the fact that Kamilla, Peter and Maria basically have control over the whole compound. The table on the far left has board games. Some playing cards, papers scattered over the table.

Clint turned to the right and his eyes landed on the glass cell. The glass is cracked, and there's blood smeared on the inside of the cell. A bloody handprint clear and haunting. He took a cautious step towards the glass cell and noticed that it's open. That's when he saw her. She's laying on the ground, barley moving. It looks as tho she tried to crawl out. Clint put the bow and arrow away and jogged up to Galilea.

"Hey, hey, it's me" he softly said and turned Gali over. She's clutching something in her bruised arms. He brushed the brown hair out of her face and gasped "what did they do to you?"

Anger bubbled up inside him when he saw his friend in such horrible conditions. He checked her pulse. It's faint but it's there. Clint heard Gali mumbled something under her breath but he can't make out what she's saying.

"It's okay. I got you" he told his friend and put one arm under her legs and the other under her back "guys I found her. I got Gali" Clint announced.

"Oh my god" Kami gasped and placed a hand over her mouth. Galilea continued to mumble under her breath "it's okay baby avenger, papa bird has you" Clint softly said.

His voice vibrated down her eardrums and she recognized him. Clint. She thought. They're here. They came... Bucky. I need to get Bucky.

"B- b-" she tried to say.

"Shhh. Don't talk" Clint jogged down the corridors as he looked for the others.

"J- Ja-messs" Galilea whispered "James"

"James?" Clint furrowed his eyebrows.

"James" she repeated "Cyclone. Shield" she began and suddenly passed out.

"Gali hey wake up!" Clint looked down at the girl in his arms.

"Clint!" Sam ran over to the pair and looked down at Gali "oh man" Sam grimaced at the sight of her.

"Check her pulse" Clint said. Sam pressed two fingers on the girls neck.

"It's low. Really low. We need to get her out now" Sam said.

"Get her on the jet. The sooner you bring her back, the better" Nick ordered.

"How many Hydra people left?" Phil asked the trio on the computers.

"Uh-" they checked the security cameras.

"There doesn't seem to be be anymore Hydra guys" Hill spoke up.

"Damn, typical. I got through the cameras that are down just as Galilea is found" Kamilla shook her head in disappointment "but it's clear"

"We have Shield agents on their way to secure the compound. Avengers come back" Nick ordered.

They began to make their way out of the underground compound when Natasha nearly tripped and used a colorful word "for gosh sake watch your language!" Tony scolded.

Steve sighed "that's not going away anytime soon"

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