《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》57. Let's go find Gali


The avengers had the element of surprise... for a while. They attacked a couple dozen Hydra agents and Natasha took one of their large cars and Clint was throwing arrows left and right. Steve was on his motorcycle and threw his shield like a frisbee. Tony, Rhodey and Sam are flying over everyone and went ahead to the buildings and shot down the agents there.

Thor was throwing lightning and acting like it's another day at the office and Hulk... he was smashing and roaring. Kamilla and Peter are back in Shield, guiding them and warning about nearby attacks.

"Are we any closer to the factory?" Steve asked as he threw his shield and bounced off trees, hitting Hydra agents.

"Almost there. You got exactly- seven Hydra guys- no wait, five. Clinton took down two" Kamilla informed.

"Eyes in the sky kid. What do you see?" Sam asked Peter.

"Watch out on your five o'clock. Guy on the roof" Peter warned.

"Got him" Sam swooped down and took care of the guy with the gun.

"Can someone take care of that bunker?" Natasha asked. The Hulk growled and smashed through the bunker, bringing down the large machine gun and Hydra guys around it "thank you" she said.

"Hard left Clint" Kamilla quickly said and the archer let an arrow go in the direction he was told. A body fell to the ground.

"You guys are good" Clint complimented.

"Thanks" Peter and Kamilla said at the same time.

Tony flew over the warehouse and got hit "oh shit!" He cursed.

"Language" Steve said in a warning tone.

"Kid, you were suppose to be the lookout!" Tony told Peter.

"You refused my help!" Peter argued.

"You did" Rhodey and Thor agreed.

"Whatever just keep your eyes open kid" Tony said.


"Yeah, you too" Peter mumbled.

"Hello there" Natasha said before shooting down a guy "goodnight"

"You can't tell a guy goodnight after you shot him" Kamilla said.

"Why not? He won't know" Nat answered. Kamilla silently laughed.

"Rhodey, one, two, three, right!" Peter loudly said. Rhodey shot the people on the right and continued flying.

"And Thor will have the pleasure to- never mind. Cap, Thor, Liberty Bell at three..." Steve jumped off his motorcycle and positioned the shield above him. Thor stood next to him, Mjölnir, in hand "two... one!" Thor slammed his hammer against the shield and the force that bounce off it hit the Hydra guys to the ground.

"Liberty bell?" Rhodey asked.

"Don't question me James!"

"Wait a second, no one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said language?" Tony said in disbelief.

"I know. It just slipped out" Steve panted.

"Well you can tease him about that later because you guys are now clear to enter the buildings" Peter informed the team.

They broke off in two groups of four. Rhodey, Steve, Clint, and Sam went to the factory while Tony, Natasha, Thor and Hulk went to the warehouse.

"I don't see anyone on the infrared but be careful. Who knows if those places are boobytrapped" Kamilla warned the teams.

"We can always send in the big green guy" Tony began.

"Kill my boyfriend and I will kill you" Kamilla threatened Tony in German. Nat and Clint chuckled and Tony mumbled under his breath.

They were all careful as they checked their respective buildings. Tony and Rhodey pointed out some traps and they kept their distance from them. Clint spotted a shooter at the top and shot an arrow at the guy. Kamilla and Peter keeping an eye on everyone from the screens. Nick, Phil and Hill watched everything on the screens.


The avengers have small cameras on them, so they can see everything the avengers see "Wilson, go back" Nick said. Sam turned around and walked back, not sure what Nick had saw "alright stop. Is that a door?" Nick questioned.

"Uh, yeah. Looks like it" Sam passed his hand over the wall and tried to push it open but couldn't. Then he tried to slid it open and nothing happened "hey, Rhodes, some help" Sam called. Rhodey went over and brought the door down.

"And if you had checked then you would've seen the hidden keypad" Clint narrated and pointed at the hidden keypad.

"Shut it" Sam mumbled.

"Guys, we found the underground compound" Tony said, an alarm is heard in the distance.

"Yeah, us too" Steve nodded.

"Guys be careful" Maria told the team.

"Who has the flash drive?" Kamilla asked.

"I do" Natasha answered.

"Alright. Remember, first computer you see you stick that baby in"

"First one, huh?"

"Don't give me a dinosaur Natasha" Kamilla said with a hint of an attitude.

"Don't worry. Oh hey- found one!" She plugged the flash drive in, tapped a few things on the keyboard but Kamilla is the one who did all the work.

"And I have eyes" Kami happily said.

"Woah!" Peter and Kami said slightly wide eyed.

"What is it?" Thor asked.

"A lot of ground to cover and it's all one level so I guess it'll be easier?" Kamilla shrugged.

"Can you see Galilea?" Steve asked.

"Uh" Kamilla and Peter checked the camera feed from the underground compound "No. There are a lot of cameras and some are down" Kamilla explained.

"Alright, can you do something about the alarms?" Clint rubbed his ears as the loud alarm resonated through the compound. They were gone in two seconds "thanks"

"How many Hydra people down here?" Thor questioned.

"A lot" Kami said.

"You guys can handle them" Peter checked the footage and saw agents running around and preparing for a fight. His heart sank when he saw the ass kicker from tv "oh no" he breathed out "guys, the Winter Soldier is there"

"Are you serious?" Rhodey asked in slight annoyance.

"Yeah and he's loaded" Peter whistled when he saw how many weapons the man is carrying. He's full on Winter Soldier mode, he has the mask but not the goggles.

"Listen to me, approach with caution and find Galilea" Nick told the team.

"And you might have to do some room to room searching. I can't bring up the cameras that are down" Kamilla informed.

"Right. Everyone ready?" Steve asked over their line.

"Ready" they answered.

"Let's go find Gali" Steve said before walking out into the chaos.

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