《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》56. Coordinates


"This is so cool!" Peter was practically bouncing as he walked through SHIELD headquarters.

"Why did we bring the kid?" Rhodey asked.

"We didn't. He snuck in the car" Clint informed.

Peter paid no attention to them as he looked around. He's beaming with happiness and can't believe that he's actually at SHIELD headquarters. The boy has never been to a place like that. It all seems like a dream.

Fury guided the avengers to the room that Agent Hill is guarding. He punched in the code and got a finger scan. The door slid open and agent Maria Hill was checking the equipment.

"About time you guys got here. Kamilla sent me everything and I got visuals all around the area and I found you a secure entrance to both buildings" Hill told the group.

"That was fast" Tony noted.

"You guys took your time to get here" she shrugged "who's the kid?"

"Hello, I'm Peter Parker" he smiled and shook Hill's hand.

"He's Spider-Man. Don't be fooled, he's just a kid" Clint informed.

"A kid who helped you solve this whole thing!" Peter said slightly offended.

"Excuse me, I don't believe we've met. My name is Sam Wilson" Sam shoved his way through the crowd and flashed Maria a charming smile.

She let out a breathy laugh, said "yeah, I know who you are" and walked away.

Sam was left confused "what is that suppose to mean?"

"I think it means that you have no moves to play" Steve smiled.

"Sorry man" Clint and Rhodey patted his back in comfort. Even Thor joined. "Now I'm sad" Sam pouted.

"Alright losers!" Kamilla loudly said and faced the team "this is our ticket in their security system. Don't fail me" she handed Natasha a flash drive.

"What are we waiting for. Let's go!" Peter began to walk out of the room but Steve and Tony held him back by the hood of his sweater.

"Hold it there Underoos" Tony began.

"You're not going anywhere" Steve said.

"What, why not?" Peter whined.

"Because you're a kid" Steve noted.

"And because Gali said to protect you. She doesn't want you to get hurt, kid. You're staying here" Tony explained.

"But I wanna go. I want to kick some ass!" Peter complained.

"The only ass kicking you'll see is the one you'll receive from me. Now sit down and don't leave this room!" Steve loudly said. Everyone stared at him in surprise.


"Captain Rogers has spoken" Kami nodded "loudly might I add"

"Hey James" Gali opened the glass door to Bucky's glass cell.

"What are you doing here, what happened to you?" Bucky eyed the bruised and limping girl.

"Don't worry about me. Look I sent out a message to Steve with the coordinates of this place. I told him not to answer because I didn't want Dick to find the tablet but I'm sure him and the team will be here soon" Galilea hastily explained.

Bucky was confused but didn't question anything. He heard that Steve is coming to rescue them so once again he placed his trust on his childhood friend.

"I don't know when they'll be here but when they get here I'll come and get you, alright?"

"But what if you can't get me? What if they say the words and-"

"Listen to me Bucky" Gali grabbed his face and made him look at her "I will get you out of here. I promise"

"Okay" he whispered.

"What in the hell are you doing here?!" A loud booming voice said from the door. Gali and Bucky turned and saw Richard Roman and two other guys.

"Oh shit" Gali breathed out.

"How did you get out?" Richard demanded.

"The door was open?" Gali offered.

Richard pressed his fingers to his ear "We have a breakout. Castiel, Mariana, get your asses down in the Winter Soldier room" he looked back up at the girl in the glass cell "how long have you been sneaking out?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" Gali smirked.

Richard stalked over to the cell "How. Long?"

"Fuck. You" she glared at the man "you don't get to act tough. You don't get to demand anything from me. You threatened to kill my brother, you broke into my home, you kidnapped me and broke me in so many ways... No way in hell am I telling you my dad's greatest creation" Galilea firmly said.

"Oh I think you will" Richard nodded "you will tell me. One way or another you will tell me"

"You're gonna get me, get me, get me, get me?" Gali sang.

Castiel and Mariana ran in the room and frantically looked around. Their eyes landed on Galilea who's in the cell with Bucky "What he hell?" They stepped closer to the cell.


"What have you two idiots been doing? You were suppose to look after her!" Richard yelled at the two agents who just entered.

"We've been looking after her" Mariana said.

"Really? Then what is she doing here with him?"

"Hey, he has a name!" Galilea yelled.

"I don't care about his name! I want to know what are you doing here!" Richard demanded once again, a vein popping in his forehead.

"Keep that up and you're gonna bust a gut" Gali observed.

Richard took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled "get her out" he told Mariana and Castiel. They walked over to the cell and Galilea tapped something on the smartwatch on her wrist. They couldn't open the door.

"Where did you get that?" Mariana pointed at the watch around Gali's wrist.

"That's mine!" Castiel said.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she hid her hands behind her back.

"You are in so much trouble little Galilea" Castiel shook his head.

Gali shut her eyes and turned her head away. The name. When he calls her 'little Galilea' something clicks in her head and she can't help but be submissive "I'm sorry" she meekly whispered.

Bucky looked down at the girl and up at Castiel who has a small cruel smirk on his face "come on little Galilea, let's go" Gali looked up at Castiel's green eyes and nodded softly "okay"

"No" Bucky grabbed Gali's arm with his real hand "No. What did you do to her?" Bucky asked Castiel.

"What do you care?"

"She's my friend"

"You have friends now? Last time I heard, you were on your own Soldier"

"Don't call him that!" Galilea defended her friend.

"Let's go little G!" Castiel yelled.

Gali slowly looked up at the young Jude Law "can we play cards?" She softly asked "yes" she tried to walk forward but Bucky is still grabbing her arm.

"No Gali, listen to me" Bucky grabbed her arms and looked down at the girl "he's controlling you like they do with me. You need to snap out of it" Bucky looked into the girls brown eyes.

"Castiel would never do that. He's nice to me" she said like a child.

"Listen to me, please"

"I want Castiel"

"Gali please" Bucky begged. The words suddenly popped into his head "Cyclone. Shield. Museum" he whispered only loud enough for them to hear "Line. Howling. Alley. Rogers. Two. Sneak. Stark Expo"

Mariana and Castiel are trying to get the door open while Bucky is trying to get Galilea back to normal. Galilea isn't as brainwashed at Bucky so maybe that's why she was able to snap back into herself in a few minutes. She stared at Bucky and he could see that it worked but it was too late. Mariana and Castiel got the door open and pulled Gali from Bucky's grasp.

"No, no, let me go!" She yelled.

"Let her go!" Bucky went for her but Richard loudly said "Longing. Rusted. Seventeen"

"No!" Bucky yelled and shut his eyes "stop!"

"Daybreak. Furnace"

"Bucky?" Gali called out.

"Get out" he told the girl "get out now" she can see that she's struggling, inside and out. The words are triggering him and are changing him to Winter Soldier mode. A dangerous assassin.

"Nine. Benign. Homecoming"

"Bucky!" Gali yelled.

"Go!" His metal hand balled up and he punched the glass. Castiel and Mariana dragged a away a screaming Galilea. Bucky slowly snapping into Winter Soldier mode.

"No Bucky! Please don't" she opened her mouth to say the words but it was too late.

"One. Freight Car" Bucky stopped struggling and suddenly became very calm and dangerous looking. He isn't Bucky anymore.

He's the Winter Soldier.

Galilea was screaming. She was getting her mind wiped and it's a painful procedure. She focused her energy on keeping the shield up so her head won't be damaged with all the shocking. She doesn't want to lose the memories and hopefully the shield she put around Bucky will keep up. She can't afford to lose all the progress they've made so far.

She was taken back to her cell where she didn't receive any nicer treatment. She was beaten for hours and she couldn't fight back. She's exhausted. Physically, mentally and emotionally. She couldn't take it anymore. She can't keep it up. It's too painful. She finally gave the final crack and broke.

That's when the alarms went off.

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