《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》55. B.A.


Fourth of July's were great parties in the Stark household. If there's one thing the Stark's know how to do is how to throw a great party. Friends and family were invited. Great food and music. Fun and games. Fireworks at the end of the night.

Galilea would bake cookies with Jarvis. They would spend the previous day baking and decorating cookies. She would always, no mater what, end up with flour in her hair. And one thing that never changed when Galilea was decorating the cookies was the overuse of sprinkles. Jarvis would warn Gali about cavities and her answer would be her tilting her head back and spraying whip cream in her mouth.

Tony entered the kitchen and would stop dead in his tracks when he saw his little sister "Jarvis... cavities... really, again?" Tony sighed in exasperation.

"She needs to learn" Jarvis said.

"I never will" Gali's words where muffled as she ate the whip cream.

Tony chuckled and sat across them on the kitchen isle. He grabbed an undecorated cookie and looked around for the frosting "can you pass me the frosting?" Tony asked his little sister.

Gali looked down at the container and an evil smile spread across her face. She inconspicuously covered the bottom of the container with red frosting and handed it over to her brother "here you go fruitcake"

"Thank you shrimp. Aah, you gooped me!" He dropped the container and stared at the red frosting on his hand. Galilea laughed "this isn't funny!" Tony glared at his sister.

"No, it's hilarious!" She continued laughing.

"Here you go young Tony" Jarvis handed Tony a dish towel and he gratefully took it only to drop it.

"Gah, goop again!" Tony yelled and Jarvis laughed "there's a special place in hell for you two" Tony muttered as he washed his hands. The young Stark girl and the butler shared a high five.

"You know Jarvis," A teenage Tony Stark began "our countries have come together despite what happened in 1776"

"Oh my god" Galilea rolled her eyes as her brother began another lecture about the English and the Americans.

The following day was the Fourth of July. People began to arrive with food and drinks. Galilea was with Kamilla, running around the house and playing with the other kids. Gali would sneak into the kitchen and eat the food Jarvis would be preparing. He gave Galilea a look and she acted innocent.

He laughed and handed her a fixed plate "here you go little Galilea"

She gasped and the butler a kiss on the cheek "thank you Jarvis" she ate in the kitchen and spent some time with her favorite butler.

She went back to the party and played games and annoyed her brother like any little sister would do. Galilea saw her dad sneak away from everyone and she followed after him. She was curious about why he was sneaking out of the party, but then remembered something, kind of like their tradition.

"You don't need to follow me like a thief at night" Howard said over his shoulder. Gali blushed in embarrassment at being caught. He turned around and smiled at his daughter "come" they made their way to his home office.


"Can I light the candle this time, dad?" She asked her father.

"Just don't burn the house down" he joked. He handed her a lighter and she lighted up the candle.

The fire flickered and burned the wick. Gali set the lighter down and stared at the flame "Happy Birthday Captain Rogers" she whispered.

"Happy birthday Steve" Howard whispered and sat down next to his daughter.



"Do you think we can light a candle for Sergeant Barnes?"

"But it's not his birthday" Howard pointed out.

"I don't think he would mind. They were best friends" Gali explained with a smile.

Howard smiled at his daughter's logic "alright" they lit up another candle and Howard Stark began to retell another story about Captain America and Bucky Barnes.

When he was done with the story, Gali pulled out some gummy worms from her pockets "do you want some?" She offered her father.

"Do you keep them in your pockets?" He asked with an amused smile as he took a gummy.

"Don't tell mom. You know how she gets" Gali whispered.

"How do I get?" Maria Stark asked from the door. Howard and Gali jumped back and stared at the woman wide eyed "Gali, how many times have I told you to not keep gummy worms in your pockets. They melt and it's difficult to wash off" Maria told her daughter.

"At least one more time" Gali mumbled. Howard and Maria laughed at that.

Shortly after they rejoined the party and Galilea sat next to her father as they prepared their sandwiches. Suddenly Jarvis rushed out of the house.

"There's a slight problem Mr Stark" Jarvis quietly began.

"What is it?"

"The oven is broken"

"What? The oven is broken?" Maria asked as she approached them.

"Yes and uh- the cake is in there and I'm afraid if the oven doesn't get fixed then there will be no cake" he explained. Galilea would normally gasp in horror at the idea of no cake, but her and Howard's mind were set on something completely different.

"We have bigger problems than that. Jarvis where's the mustard?" They both looked up at the butler.

"Oh god the mustard lovers" Tony mumbled "hey pipsqueak, can you pass me the ketchup?"

"Of course buddy" she handed over the bottle of ketchup and Tony made a face when he got it "Goop!" He dropped the bottle and frowned. Gali laughed.

During the fireworks, Galilea sat on the grass and her dad sat beside her, her mother on her other side. Tony being the annoying big brother, stood in front of Gali and blocked her view. She ended up kicking him behind the knee and he fell to the grass.

"Ow" he lamely said. He then really cried in pain when Kamilla launched herself on him.

Every Fourth of July party was different, and Galilea treasured every single one of them. She hopes she can treasure more with the team and the two people she light up candles for when she was a kid.

Peter Parker sat on the couch at Stark tower. He stared a his watch with a sad look on his face. The Avengers have been checking out abandoned buildings and warehouses in the forest and the city. They haven't come across any Hydra bases. They've been looking for days and are tired but they won't give up until they find their missing member.


Peter wanted to go but they didn't hear any of it. They left him behind and to make sure that he doesn't sneak out, Kamilla was in charge of him. Kami tried to cheer him up by saying that he gets to help behind the scenes. She's the computer expert and has been guiding the team through their searches. He was happy to help but he wanted to go with them.

The avengers are at Stark tower, talking about which places to search next. They need to narrow down the search areas and keep preparing for what they might face when they find Hydra. Steve sat down next to Peter and the boy let out a heavy sigh.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked the boy.

"Nothing" Peter shook his head.

Steve's blue eyes trailed down to the watch on Peter's wrist "nice watch"

Peter smiled small "Stark made"

"Tony" Steve inquired.

"Gali" Peter said "after she found out about me being Spider-Man, she made this watch for me. Web shooting combinations and such. And the suit, she also made that. Said that if I wanted to save New York then I should train and be properly equipped" Peter explained.

"She trained you?" Steve asked.

Peter sighed and put a hand to his forehead "she can beat ass. Oh my god. Took me forever but I was able to fight back"

"Hmm, I did the same with her" Natasha spoke up "she was a good fighter when I met her, but then I taught her some moves and she became an even greater fighter"

"Oh so you're the tyrant!" Peter said in realization.

Natasha's face dropped "what? She called me a tyrant? That's it, she's staying with Hydra" Natasha threw her arms in the air.

"If she gets kicked out of the avengers, can I join?" Peter asked in a whisper.

"No you can't join!" Clint yelled from across the room. Peter grumbled under his breath and crossed his arms.

"Did you ask Gali if you could join?" Steve asked the frowning boy.

"She said no" Peter pouted "actually her exact words were 'get out of the car and don't get detention'... I got detention" he mumbled the last part.

"Why did you get detention?" Steve questioned "I got in a fight" the Captain shook his head.

"Ah, high school. Those were the days" Sam reminisced his high school days.

"I don't know why Gali gives you such a hard time on not getting detention. It's not like she didn't get in trouble when she was in school" Kamilla spoke up.

"Are you seriously exposing my sister for who she is when she has been kidnapped by Hydra? Unbelievable" Tony shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"What about you Tony, did you get in trouble in high school?" Bruce asked the billionaire.

"I was abroad" Tony hastily replied.

"That means yes" Rhodey said.

Steve heard his phone ding and pulled it out. He saw a text from an unknown number and opened it. He was even more confused when he saw coordinates and random letters "Guys. Guys!" Steve called. They turned to the Captain "I just got a text form an unknown number. Kami, can you put in these coordinates?" Steve gave the girl the coordinates and the computer did its work on finding the place.

"There's nothing" Kamilla said.

"What do you mean?" Steve sat up.

"I mean that something is blocking it, whoever did it is a real pro... but they haven't dealt with me so... There. It looks like an abandoned factory" Kamilla scrolled around on the map.

"And that's an abandoned warehouse" Natasha pointed at the building next to the factory.

"Who sent you that text?" Clint asked.

"If I knew then the number wouldn't be unknown" Steve smartly replied. Clint held up his hands in surrender "it just has the coordinates and B.A. and underneath it D.N.R." Steve read the message.

"That makes no sense" Peter shook his head.

"I'm sorry, it says what?" Clint looked at the message and a grin spread across his face "B.A. It's Gali. Galilea sent that"

Everyone jumped to their feet "what? How do you know? Are you sure?" Tony questioned.

"B.A. Baby avenger. D.N.R. Do not respond. Guys it's Galilea" Clinton confidently said.

The avengers were ecstatic. They know where Galilea is, they know she's alive because she sent the message. They couldn't believe that they finally found her. Now all they have to do is save her.

They called Nick Fury and Phil and told them about Galilea sending coordinates to where Hydra has her. They spent nearly two hours on discussing a plan. A plan of attack, the plan on finding Gali, a plan to try to bring down Hydra.

"Hammer said that Galilea is underground" Tony began.

"Yes but where, the factory or the warehouse?" Clint pointed to the buildings on the screen.

"Maybe they connect. The buildings aren't that far apart and who knows what Hydra has down there. They need a lot of space" Natasha inputted.

"We should split up. Half of us go to the factory and the other half to the warehouse. Once they're cleared out we'll go underground" Rhodey suggested.

"If we split up then we'll be more vulnerable to attacks" Thor spoke up.

"No" Kamilla said "one of you get me in a computer and I will have eyes everywhere. I'll direct you all from here-"

"No not here" Nick interrupted "we have a secure room in SHIELD, Agent Hill is setting everything up and has the room secure. Anyone tries to get through her will have serious problems" Director Fury explained.

"That sounds like one tough woman" Sam smiled.

"She can bring us all down if she wanted" Clint muttered.

"So, SHIELD?" Peter brought everyone's attention back to the main point.

"SHIELD" they all nodded.

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