《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》54. Ten words


Galilea saw Bucky again the following day but it was only for an hour. She didn't see him very often after that. Bucky would be in Winter Soldier mode and he couldn't fight that. All they needed to say we're those ten words and he would change. He told her that and Gali told him that they would come up with something to get him to snap out of Winter Soldier mode.

In the meantime they were to act like they don't know each other. Bucky was the Winter Soldier and she was just another person he was suppose to fight when they would be put in the fighting cell. Richard continued with the torture sessions. Gali would still say that Tony Stark is her brother and that would receive an extra charge in the shocking. They could see that when a picture pulled up, Gali would flinch, awaiting the shocking. They saw that as good news and only tried harder.

Truth is, Galilea acting broken was slowly becoming her actually being broken. She was slowly breaking and she couldn't help it. She was also becoming attached to Castiel, not the romantic way, but the dependable way. Maybe it was because he's the only one who's nice to her, because he doesn't hit her like Richard and Mariana do. He takes time and plays cards with her. Gali would sit inside the cell and Castiel outside and they would play for pretzels.

Sometimes Gali would sing and dance goofily in the cell as she tried to annoy the Hydra agent. He found her actions amusing more than anything, but on some level she trusted him. Yes, he was nice to her, but Castiel is the one who drugs her. He's the one who can keep her under control, he's the one who's actually hurting Galilea the most without her knowing it.

The times Gali would sneak into Bucky's cell, she would try to help him remember. Some words triggered memories. Like, Cyclone. The time Bucky and Steve where in Coney Island and he made Steve ride the cyclone and he threw up.

Shield. Steve's shield that's made out of the strongest metal on earth. A shield Galilea's dad designed. The shield Bucky picked up and used to protect himself. A shield he used against Steve when he was out as the Winter Soldier a couple days ago. He was under Hydra's control and didn't know what he was doing. Richard forced Galilea to watch the fight on tv and it hurt her even more because she doesn't want Bucky or the team to get hurt.

Howling was another word. The Howling Commandos. His time with them until his 'death'.

Alley. That's where he would find Steve getting a beating.

Rogers. The last name of his best friend.

Stark Expo. Because that's where Bucky saw Howard Stark for the first time. And because Stark is Gali's last name. His new friend.

Two. Because they're both going through so much and are trying to get out of there. Because they are now friends and will both get out.


Line. Because 'I'm with you till the end of the line'.


"They opened a Captain America museum?" Bucky asked in amusement.

"Yeah. I heard its okay" Gali giggled "actually Tony wanted to donate Steve to the museum as a 'very important historical artifact'" she mocked her brother "then he tried to ship him off to the Smithsonian as a fossil"

"You guys give him a hard time" Bucky said with a hint of a laugh.

"It's because we love him. He's part of the group" Gali answered.

"So tell me, how did Steve managed to get someone like you?" Bucky asked his new friend.

"Oh you know, he was his charming self" Gali grinned. Bucky chuckled "the team set us up. They couldn't handle our silent suffering anymore and wanted us to be together" Gali gave a short explanation.

Bucky smiled small "I'm glad at least one of us gets to have a normal life" he muttered.

"Hey, you'll get a normal life. I promise. When they come I'll bring you with me" Galilea softly said.

"I don't think you can do it. What if they say the words. I can't control what I do when I'm the Winter Soldier" Bucky gloomily said.

"I told you, Buck, we'll find a way to snap you out of that. And then you'll have more control over yourself" Gali placed her hand over his metal one "this is where Steve would say 'I'm with you till the end of the line'" Galilea smiled.

Bucky chuckled and smiled "line" he whispered. He then began to whisper more words and Galilea listens to him curiously "Cyclone. Shield. Museum. Line. Howling. Alley. Rogers. Two. Sneak. Stark Expo" he whispered it again.

"What are you whispering?" Galilea asked.

Bucky looked down in embarrassment at being caught "it's uh- it's just some words that help me remember" he stuttered.

Galilea smiled. She understood the meaning of every word. They were taken out of the stories they shared. Ones that show who he really is "why sneak?" Gali asked when she noticed that that word didn't bring any stories to mind.

"Because you sneak in here and try to help me. You could be caught but you still sneak out" Bucky explained. Gali smiled.

"You know" she began "maybe those words are the ones that can help you snap out of Winter Soldier mode"

"No. Really?" He asked unsure.

"If they mean something to you and they help you remember then yeah. I believe they do" the girl said. Bucky smiled small and they both repeated the words.

"Cyclone. Shield. Museum. Line. Howling. Alley. Rogers. Two. Sneak. Stark Expo"

"Let me ask you something Dick. Why am I here?" Galilea asked the man standing in front of her.

"For this" he tapped something on the glass of Gali's cell and pain coursed through her body. She screamed and dropped to the ground.

Richard has been hurting Gali in her cell all day. He needs to break her. She's been there for a month and she's not nearly as broken as he wants her to be. He's hurting her through the cage and when he doesn't like Galilea's attitude he slaps her across the face. But that's more of Mariana's area.


"Why aren't you broken?" He asked once he stopped the pain in Gali.

"I told you Richie, I'm not most people" she panted.

"You need to break!"

"Why?! You've had me for so long I've lost track of time. I don't even know if it's day or night! You've shocked me, you've tortured me. I've been slapped around like a fucking rack doll, you make me fight against the Winter Soldier, you wiped my memory all for what? What do you want? Tell me what do you want?!" Galilea shouted. Her fists pounding against the glass, her face bruised and tear stained.

She finally cracked. She let it out. Her rage, fear and more rage. Gali hugged her knees to her chest and rested her chin on her knees, she's so emotionally drained she doesn't know if to cry or be angry.

"Because my dear Galilea, I need to know about your father's creation" Richard spoke.

"What creation?" She dully asked. Richard kneeled down to her level.

"His greatest creations" he whispered. His greatest creations? "He never stopped talking about them. I've never seen him so proud about them. He said they were the greatest thing he ever created and would not shut his mouth about it. I tried. I really tried on finding them but I never did. Tell me, Galilea, what are Howard Stark's greatest creations?" Richard asked Gali.

She stared at him with a blank look. He can't be for real, is he? My dad's greatest creation? Howard Stark's greatest creation isn't a machine, it's his children. Tony and I are dad's greatest creation. He said so in the video we saw. Imagine how disappointed Richard will be once he finds out that Howard's greatest creation are his children? But Galilea decided to have a little bit of fun with the man and teased him a bit.

"My dad's greatest creation?" Gali asked.

"Yes" Richard nodded.

"I don't know"

He slammed his hand on the glass "you need to know Galilea! I need to know! I searched for years. In his company, his lab, that's when I found out about your powers. That's why I took you. I would've return you to him in exchange for his 'greatest creation'. I didn't care about you. I took the blood sample, I was done. But then you killed me and things changed. I found a way your powers won't work on me. I got myself some protection from you but I was still searching. I even searched the damn car after I was done with your parents. But all I found was a briefcase with the super soldier serum" Richard yelled.

After I was done with your parents? What the hell does he mean by that? Galilea stared at Richard in confusion "I'm sorry? Done with my parents?"

"Eh, why not?" Richard shrugged and grabbed his tablet from the floor "just so you know, your mother was out quick" Richard warned before showing Galilea old security footage of a road at night.

"Wait a minute, I know that road" she stared at the tablet.

There were two cars, the car at the back pushed the car in the front and caused it to swerve left. The car crashed into a tree and the car at the back stopped and Richard came out of the back.

"Oh my god" she stared in horror as she saw her dad stumble out of the car and Richard killing him and then her mother. He frantically searched the car and she could see the displeasure on his face. He took the super soldier serum but he was still discontent. Some other guy shot the camera and the video ended.

Galilea sat frozen. She just saw her parents get killed. They didn't die in a car crash, they were killed. Richard Roman killed Howard and Maria Stark and made it seem like a car accident. Her vision was blurry with tears and her blood boiled. Her nails dug into the skin of her hands, she began to bleed.

"You killed my parents?" her voice broke.

"It was an accident" Richard smirked "a horrible unfortunate accident"

Galilea screamed and slammed her bloody hand against the glass. Tears ran down her face, angry and sad, she screamed and shouted. She tried to break the glass but she only hurt herself. Galilea had never experienced such a surge of emotions, such power inside of her that wanted to blow. She let out a horrible scream. Her powers that were held back because of the drugs Castiel has had her under, they showed themselves. The glass cracked but it didn't come down.

Richard stepped back as the glass cracked, Castiel and Mariana who were also in the room, backed up, even if they weren't close to the cell. Gali finally gave up and she laid on the floor crying "why don't you think it over, my dear. I'll give you, uh let's say three days for you to tell me Howard's greatest creations. Three days because I'm being considerate about your feelings. You just found out what really happened to your mommy and daddy and I want you to know that if you don't tell me what I want to hear, then your brother might end up having an accident" Richard taunted before leaving the room, Castiel and Mariana right behind him.

Three days for me to plan your death, sadly not long enough for me to carry it out. Galilea crawled over to the mattress and threw the blanket over herself. She grabbed the tablet and finally sent out a message to the Avengers so they can find her. Hopefully they'll get there in less than three days because Hydra had finally succeeded on something.

They finally broke her.

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