《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》53. Do you remember?


The day she got engaged was one of the happiest days of her life. It was three months after Tony Stark returned home from being held captive by the Ten Rings. He returned a changed man and designed his Iron Man suits.

During the three months Tony was gone, Galilea was worried sick about her brother. She didn't sleep, she didn't eat. She couldn't take over Stark Industries because she was too worried. Too worried to even notice that the company's manager, Obadiah Stane, was arms trafficking to criminals around the world.

Of course Galilea had Pepper but she was only Tony's personal assistant during that time, but they were good friends. There was also Happy. And then Kamilla who finally drugged her after five days of not sleeping. She also had Justin. He was there for her. Sure Justin and Tony don't like each other and they're business rivals, but they both cared for the same person very much. Galilea.

Tony wasn't very keen on the idea of his little and only sister to be dating his rival, but he saw how happy she was with him and agreed to try to be nice with him on the condition that Justin would be nice to him as well.

They dated for three years, six months. Galilea's most serious relationship. They had a beautiful, strong relationship. But like every couple they had their arguments, their issues, nothing they couldn't work out. Still they loved each other very much.

Justin decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Galilea and so began to look for rings. Kamilla had spotted him looking up rings on the Internet and that's when she helped him. It took them a couple days to find the perfect ring and he had the perfect idea of how he was going to propose.

They lived in California at the time, and because they both have a sweet tooth, they went for some ice cream... in Italy. Galilea really didn't think much of it because they would often go out of the country to get away from things. But that was the first time since Tony came back home, that they took a small trip.

She remembers what kind of ice cream she had. Mint chocolate chip, her favorite. Justin was having the classic vanilla and chocolate ice cream. It was in a bowl, and it had whip cream and the classic cherry on the top.

He didn't do anything cheesy, he didn't put the ring in the ice cream, nor in her food, especially not in the bottom of her champagne. He had casually slid the box across the table when Galilea wasn't looking, he was hoping that she would see it when she turned around but she didn't. Sometimes she's just as observant as a brick wall. He kept glancing at the box to make sure she doesn't accidentally knock it off the table, but she never noticed the wary glances her boyfriend was casting.

"Gali" he spoke up.

"Hmm?" She looked up at the man sitting across from her.

"I've been waiting for twenty minutes for you to notice the box"

"What box?" She asked. His eyes trailed down to the small black velvet box by Gali's right elbow. She looked down and stared at it in confusion "what-" her heart fluttered and she let out a small gasp. Her eyes locked with Justin's and he smiled.

"Galilea" he began "will you marry me?"

"What, no speech?" She smiled "no highlights of our time together. No cheesy one liners?"


"Well I had a speech but you know I'm not really good at that stuff" Justin admitted.

"No you're not" Gali said with a chuckle and a slight shake of her head.

"But I do love you very much, I hope you know that" Justin reached across the table and grabbed her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers.

"I love you" Gali said with all her heart.

"So will you marry me?" Justin asked again.

She smiled and nodded "Yes"

The ring was rose gold, cushion cut halo ring. They didn't tell anyone. Kamilla already knew but no one said a thing. They wanted to keep it a secret and it was. Nobody ever found out that Justin Hammer and Galilea Stark were engaged to be married. They didn't need to know because a week later, exactly one week after they got engaged, they broke up.

She told Tony that it was because they argued a lot and thought it would be better to break up. He took his sisters word for it and disliked Justin Hammer even more. If only he knew the real reason, Gali thought, he would kill Justin in a heartbeat. So for Justin's sake, and the love she still had for the man, she lied.

"Little G? Wake up little G" Castiel whispered said as he softly shook Gali's shoulder. She hummed and stirred on the mattress "Come on little G" Castiel said a little louder.

Galilea fluttered her eyes open and her heart leapt to her throat. She turned over and slammed Castiel on the floor. She pinned him down, one hand holding down one of Castiel's arms and her right foot is on his other arm, her free hand around his neck. She squeezed hard.

"Little... G" he wheezed out.

Gali stared into his green eyes and her face softened once she recognized him. She scrambled off him. Castiel coughed and rubbed his neck "I'm sorry" she whispered as she hugged her knees up to her chest.

Castiel sat up and stared at a frighten Galilea. He squinted his eyes and tilted his head to the side "what's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't- I- I don't know" she shook her head "I think- I think I'm scared" she whispered.

"Scared of what?" Castiel asked.

"I don't know" she cried and buried her face in her knees.

Castiel stood up and looked down at the girl "don't worry little Galilea, you won't be out today" he assured before walking out of the glass cell.

Galilea waited a couple minutes after Castiel left the room, and looked up to see that the room is empty. No one is there. She looked down at her hand smiled at the last thing she needed. Castiel's smartwatch. She scrambled to her mattress and pulled out the tablet she snagged a while back.

For days now, Galilea has been picking up things that might help her contact the Avengers. At first she was looking for a way out, but then things got complicated and when she saw Bucky who knows how long ago, she decided to help him. She needs to know what's going on, she needs to save Bucky, she needs to know why she was taken in the first place.

With the tablet Galilea stole, she was able to access their database. She hacked into the cameras and was able to control them, put footage on the loop and shut some cameras down and passing them as 'technical difficulties' Gali checked the schedule of where they're keeping Bucky. He's not in ice, so he should be awake and brainwashed. She made sure that no one will be there for hours, she assigned fake tasks and timed fake log-ins for later. She did the same with her schedule.


She spent about ten minutes on the tablet, making changes, connected the smartwatch to the tablet and then she was done. Now the only thing she has to do is leave a memory of herself. She did a neat little trick she learned from Loki. Her memory power can leave a memory of herself in her place. It's just like when she's reliving memories around her, they transport them to that event. She left a memory of herself being scared like she was when Castiel woke her up.

It's true, she is scared and she doesn't really know about what exactly, but she is. Maybe it's the uncertainty of everything. Will the Avengers find her? Will she even make it out of there alive? She has to play it safe with Hydra, but she also has to be tough.

The watch on her wrist beeped and she tapped the screen to open the door to her cell. Time to go. She quickly walked out of her cell, closed the door and gave the memory of herself one look. Everything will be alright as long as they don't touch memory Galilea because their hand will go right through her. She silently thanked Loki for showing off his tricks in New York, and left the room.

Galilea looked down at the watch on her wrist to check the cameras on the hallway, before she walked down a corridor, she put the footage on a loop and quickly made her way across. She would stop to listen for any agents and hide around corners. The sneaking around reminds her of her teenage years. She gave her brother trouble but he would find a way to keep her under control.

Galilea made it to the large metal door and swiped the card she stole from one of the bow tie nerds. She scanned the room to find it completely empty. She walked along the shadows to stay away from sight, she doesn't want to freak him out. She spotted a glass cell at the back, similar to hers but that one looks more reinforced. Bucky sat on a metal wall bench and slowly approached the glass and stepped out to the light.

"Hello?" She spoke up.

His head snapped up and his eyes landed on the girl out of his cell "who are you?" He asked.

"You don't- you don't remember me?" She softly asked "you threw me around like a rag doll several times a couple days ago. We met twice and on that second time I accidentally ripped the mask off your face" she took another step closer "Bucky"

"Bucky?" He scrunched his eyebrows.

"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes, but everyone called you Bucky" Gali explained "your best friend is Steve Rogers. Remember he was a frail scrawny little guy" Thank god he's not hear to hear this. Poor little Steve. "Then he wasn't frail and scrawny, he was quite the opposite actually. Captain America" Galilea explained.

"Steve?" Bucky mused.

"Yes uh-" she looked down at the watch and tapped the screen for the pictures. She involuntarily flinched when she pulled up Steve's picture.

The shocking sessions really got to her. She wasn't acting that much when Mariana and Castiel showed Richard that she had cracked.

She held up her wrist to show Bucky the picture "Remember him? Steven Rogers"

Flashes went through his mind and he shut his eyes as they came back to him. Bucky took a step back and tried to make sense of it all "Bucky, are you okay?" Gali asked in concern.

"Bucky" he whispered "Bucky" Memories of the war came back. Him and Steve back in their school days. He was confused and angry. He looked up at Galilea and he got flashes of her. They were mostly of them fighting but then it was her talking to him, when she got through to him "is your name... Galilea?" He asked.

"Yes" she smiled "my name is Galilea"

"Stark. Howard Stark. Your dad" Bucky slowly said as he tried to piece the memory.

"You remember?" Gali asked.

"A little" Bucky nodded.

Gali smiled in triumph. She can't believe she managed to get through to him. Not fully but at least a little. Gali got closer to the cell and wobbled a bit. Her vision got a little blurry and she placed her hands on the glass to steady herself "oh no" she breathed out. She took in a deep breath and looked up at Bucky who's staring at her "can I ask you something Bucky?" Gali asked "what did they do to you?"

Bucky looked down and his metal arm and moved his fingers "I don't know. I- I mean- it's-"

"Hazy?" Gali finished. He nodded "I know the feeling. After they wiped my memory everything was hazy for a while, but I found a way to protect my mind I guess?" she wasn't sure on how to explain it "but you fell out of a moving train. Everyone thought you were dead"

"I remember blood and snow" Bucky spoke as he remembered the flashes "my arm was gone. They gave me this one and they put me in ice"

"They kept you in a cryostasis chamber so you wouldn't age and you could do Hydra's dirty work" Gali explained "they also wipe your memory after every mission so you won't remember anything"

Bucky stared at her impressed "how do you know?" He asked.

"I read your file" she answered "look, I can do something for you Bucky, I can help you keep your memories after they've been wiped, even after they put you back in the ice box" Galilea told the man.

"How?" He asked.

"With my power. I can put a shield around you, well inside you. Like a mental shield" she explained.

"This is-"

"I know it's all so complicated and sudden and you don't even know me, but I want to help you" Gali rushed out.

Bucky thought about it for a minute "why are you here?" He asked.

"I wanted to see you" she said.

"No, I mean here. You said your name is Stark. Why does Hydra have you?"

Gali took in a deep breath "Hydra took me a couple weeks ago. They threatened my friends, they threatened my brother. I didn't want anything to happen to them and so they got me" she shrugged.

"You have a brother?"

"Anthony. Everyone calls him Tony. He's my big brother"

"And Howard, your dad?" Bucky asked, wanting to know if the great Howard Stark is still alive.

Gali's face dropped a bit "he's dead. Him and my mom died in a car crash when I was thirteen" she softly explained.

"I'm sorry" Bucky looked down.

"It wasn't your fault. So will you let me help you?"

"Why do you want to help me?" Bucky asked confused and with slight disgust. He doesn't understand why she wants to help her. She doesn't know him and all he does is kill people under Hydra's orders. He doesn't deserve her help but she wants to help him.

Gali bit her bottom lip and stared at him in compassion "because I grew up hearing stories about you and Steve, which quite frankly was a bit annoying. I have a Bucky bear that my dad got me when I was born. Because you don't deserve to be here. You're a good person and a good friend and Steve would be so happy to see you" Gali explained.

"Steve? He's alive?"

"He is. So will you please let me help you?" Galilea asked once again.

Bucky stared at the girl who seems so genuine, who reminds him of Howard Stark, a girl who sunk out of her cell to see him. How can he refuse after everything she's done "alright" Bucky nodded.

• • • • • • • • • • •

Galilea's engagement ring Justin gave her.

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