《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》52. Bucky


Mariana ran down the corridor. There's a door in the middle of the corridor and she pushed it open, ran down and took a right. Two men in white lab coats came from around the corner and Mariana narrowly avoided slamming into them. She continued running without giving the men a second glance. The large metal door is up ahead. She swiped her card, punched in the code and ran inside.

The screams of the Winter Soldier echoed around the room as he's getting his memory wiped. Mariana paid him no attention and ran up to Richard who's overseeing the Winter Soldier mind wipe.

"What is it Mariana?" Richard gave her a quick glance.

"We broke her" she panted.

"What?" Richard looked over to her.

"We broke her" Mariana repeated, a Margaery Tyrell smirk on her face.

The door to Galilea's room slid open, Richard and Mariana stepped in.

"Is it true?" Richard asked Castiel who's sitting on a chair by the monitors.

Castiel stood up with his tablet, a picture on the screen. He went over to the glass cell where Galilea is sitting on the mattress. She has a blank look on her face. Her shiny brown eyes are dull, her brown hair is in knots, her head is slightly tilted to the side. She looks like a damaged, haunted, porcelain doll.

Castiel approached the glass and lightly tapped the glass "little Galilea?" He called softly.

Her eyes flickered up and a small smile appeared on her face "hello Castiel"

"Can I show you something?" He asked. She nodded.

Richard and Mariana stood at either side of Castiel and held up his tablet, a picture of Clint Barton on the screen. Galilea flinched and blinked hard "do you know who he is?"

She thought about it for a moment "Hawkeye" she answered.

"And this?" He swiped left.

She flinched again. "The Hulk"

Castiel nodded and showed another picture "him?"

Gali whimpered and looked away "Captain America" she whispered.

"Last one, okay? Who is he?"

Galilea backed up in her bed, fear in her eyes "no" she shook her head.

"It's okay, little G" Castiel softly said "who is he?"

"...Iron Man" she looked away "please stop" she whispered.

Castiel put the tablet down and walked away with the other two Hydra agents "how did you do it?" Richard asked.

"Well you have been shocking her to no end" Castiel began.

"And the fighting with the Winter Soldier and the smacking around. She was bound to snap" Mariana finished.

"Have you been giving her her dosages?" Richard asked Castiel.

"Haven't missed one" Castiel said.

Richard nodded, glanced over at the broken Galilea sitting on the mattress and turned back to the two young agents "we'll continue with that" he pointed at the tablet "more fighting with the Winter Soldier and get some of her blood. She trusts you, we need her to keep trusting you" Richard told Castiel. He nodded.


"Have her healed, cleaned up and get her something to eat. We need her at her best for him" Richard said.

Galilea stared at the backs of the three Hydra agents. She can't hear what they're saying but she figures they're planning out what to do with her next. None of them are paying attention to her so she slid onto the mattress with a small smile on her face. Suckers.

"Why are you taking me back to him? Last time I got a concussion"

"You need to train" Mariana answered.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because you do, now shut it!"

Gali raised her eyebrows "alright Meg" she muttered. Castiel held back his amused smile.

They made it to the fighting cell and the Winter Soldier is already there "ah, Winter Soldier, we meet again" Galilea smiled "why do you have that mask?" she tapped the mask covering the bottom half his face "it's like Loki" she mused. She looked up at him, into his blue eyes. He stared right back into her big brown eyes "who were you?" She whispered.

"A casualty of war" Castiel said as he dragged Galilea away from the Winter Soldier.

"What do you mean?" She was confused.

"Nothing" Castiel shook his head.

Richard entered the room "are we ready?" He looked around the room.

"What, to die? Sure" Gali nodded "no handcuffs this time, huh?" She smirked.

"Don't make me regret it" Richard muttered.

"Kidnapping me was your biggest regret. I can see it in your eyes" she smiled.

He took in a deep breath "Soldier" he nodded to Gali and he wasted no time on launching at her.

She let out a small scream and stepped aside just as his metal arm threw a punch. His metal arm went through the bars of the cell and it hit Castiel in the guy. Galilea let out a loud laugh "that was great! Can you do that again?" She asked the Winter Soldier.

He pulled his arm back in and slowly turned to Galilea. Her smile dropped and her eyes widened when she saw the look of death in his eyes. She might not be able to see his whole face, but the emotion in his eyes can be seen as bright as day. She ducked a hit and punched him in the stomach. She rounded him and stood on the other side of the cell.

She doesn't know what to do. What is one suppose to do in that situation? The light casted a shine on the metal arm and Gali panicked. She crossed her arms in front of her and pushed the Winter Soldier back. She went at him but he blocked the punch.

"Can't you just let me get one punch in?" Galilea asked in exasperation. He didn't say anything and advanced on her "not much of a talker, huh?" She let out a deep breath "it's the quiet ones with the darkest secrets" she let out another small scream and ran around him.


The fighting went on for another ten minutes. It was mostly Galilea talking and avoiding getting hit, but then he would hit her and she would strike back and they got in a well fought hand to hand combat. She used some Black Widow moves, the ones Natasha taught her a couple years back.

She was doing well, overpowered the Winter Soldier a couple times but he would strike back "Castiel get your pen out!" Galilea shouted as she kicked the Winter Soldier to the ground "you're writing my will- ah!" She was swooped off the floor and quickly got up.

She's getting tired and bruises are forming on her face and body, she wants everything to end. An idea popped in her head. One special movement that works every time and Natasha wasn't very fond of. Galilea ran at the Winter Soldier and latched herself onto him. She's on his back, her legs wrapped tightly around his torso and her arms wrapped around his neck.

"What is that idiot doing?" Mariana asked. Castiel groaned in response. She glanced down at the man sitting on a chair, a hand over his stomach and a frown on his face "actually that was kinda great" Mariana smiled as the image of Castiel getting punched in the gut, played in her head. He flipped her off.

"Hee hee hee!" Galilea chuckled "try to push me off now"

The Winter Soldier slammed his back against the bars and Gali winced but she didn't let go. He tried to pull her off but she tightened her grip around him. He struggled for a minute with the girl until finally he was able to pull her off.

Galilea felt herself being pulled off the tall man and she tried to hold onto him but she was thrown across the cell. She heard a clank against the bars and turned her head to see the mask laying on the ground. Galilea quickly looked up and saw the man's face.

He's a couple feet away from her and she stared at the man. Something about him seems familiar. She scanned his face, his hair, his blue eyes. If his hair were shorter then he would look just like... Oh my god... It can't be.

Galilea has seen pictures of him, she grew up hearing stories about him. The only Howling Commando to give his life in service of his country. That's why she was hesitant to even consider it but she can't deny that it's him.

"Bucky?" She breathed out.

He stared at Galilea hard and in confusion "who the hell is Bucky?" He questioned.

"Y- y- you're Bucky" Galilea slowly stood up "James Buchanan Barnes" he stared at Galilea in confusion.

Richard who's outside the cell with everyone else, abruptly stood up "get them out!" He ordered. The people around the cell tried to get the door open but it got damaged because of a miscalculated punch by the Winter Soldier.

Galilea took a small step towards Bucky "how are you alive? You fell out of a moving train" Bucky eyed the girl in front of her. The back of his mind is itching. There's something about her...

"Get the damn door open!" Richard yelled.

"It's stuck!" They yelled back.

"You're Steve Rogers best friend. Captain America" Galilea softly said "you knew my dad, Howard Stark"

Richard was getting impatient and everyone was trying to get the cell door open. They pulled and pulled but it only moved a bit.

"My name is Galilea Stark" she pointed to herself and took another step closer to him. He stared at her with uncertainty "Steve is alive, Bucky. Remember him? You two are childhood friends. You were together in the war"

Something flashed before Bucky's eyes. An image of a blond man in a blue uniform yelling out "Bucky!" And Bucky falling into the snow. Another image of a tan man with dark hair and a mustache. Brown eyes like Galilea's. He vaguely remembers the name Stark, but something deep inside him clicked when he heard the name.

"S-Steve?" Bucky asked.

"Yes. Do you remember?" Gali smiled small.

"I- I-"

The door was pulled open and agents rushed in and pulled the two away.

"No! No! Leave me alone!" Galilea struggled in the arms of the agents holding her back.

"Wipe them now!" Richard ordered.

"But-" Castiel went to protest.

"NOW!" He gave a short nod and got hold of Galilea.

"No, wait, Bucky! Buck! You have to remember Bucky!" Gali yelled as she was being taken away, staring at Bucky the whole time. He was confused but for some reason wanted to fight back.

He was being dragged out of the room from one end while Galilea was being dragged out of the opposite way. She screamed and fought the whole way but she was dragged to a room where her memory will be wiped. She was forced into a chair and Galilea's heart raced.

"No, no, what are you doing? What are you doing?" She looked around at the men in bow ties who are preparing the machine.

Her chest heaved as she breathed heavily, her eyes wide and horror filled. She doesn't know what's going on but she has the feeling that it's going to be bad.

"Castiel! Castiel!" She yelled out for the man "please, Castiel!" She screamed and something was shoved in her mouth. Before she could process what was happening, her head fell back and two metal pieces attached themselves on either side of her head and she screamed.

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