《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》51. Justin Hammer


"When is he going to call? We're just wasting our time waiting for this guy" Steve said in exasperation as he paced up and down the living room "it's getting late. How are we even sure Justin is going to pull through"

"Well if what I've heard about Justin is true, then we can trust that he will... pull through" the last words Kamilla made them sound dirty and flirty.

"Oh come on. I'm eating!" Tony dropped the cookie on his plate.

"How do you know?" Rhodey asked in disgust, his hands moving around like a disgusted 12 year old girl.

"Oh like you guys don't talk about your sexual encounters!" Kamilla sarcastically said.

"You do?!" Clint shrieked in horror.

"All women do!" The women yelled.

"We talk about everything" Natasha nodded. The women turned to Clint and smiled "everything" Kami wiggled her eyebrows.

Clinton became a deep shade of red "if you excuse me, I'm going to throw myself off the balcony" Clint muttered.

Sam eyed the archer up and down "what did you do?"

"What didn't he do?" Pepper smirked. Sam's jaw dropped and his eyes widened.

"I hate you guys" Clint is still beet red. Light chuckling was heard around the room.

"Look, it's already 11:28" Steve pointed at the clock.

"Will you relax? He's gonna be there. You can always trust on Justin Hammer to be punctual" Kamilla assured.

"I hate him for that" Tony muttered.

"You hate Justin Hammer for being punctual?" Natasha asked in disbelief.

"Partially. He's just so cocky about it"

"Well thank god you're not like him" Pepper sarcastically said. Tony agreed with his girlfriend.

"Unbelievable" Phil sighed.

"I know. Clint, what did you do?" Peter curiously asked.

"Shut up kid" Clint shoved Peter to the couch.

Kami let out a small gasp "he's on. See, what did I say?" She smiled at the tall blond man standing next to her. She connected the call and Justin came on screen.

He looks just as he looked like the last time they saw him out. Same black framed glasses, blond hair perfectly coiffed, and he has a lollipop in his mouth "Hello!" He waved.

"I can't stand his face. Shut him down!" Tony told Kamilla.

"Woah, woah, woah, Anthony, please" Justin held his hands up in surrender "I'm here as a friend"

"You're not even here! You're in the tv!" Tony pointed at the tv.

"Well I wouldn't be here if Virginia and Natasha hadn't called the cops on me!" Justin defended himself.

"You tried to kill me!"

"I didn't do it. It was Ivan!"

"Oh my god, shut up!" Kamilla yelled "this is the whole zoo fiasco all over again"


"No it's not!" Tony and Justin yelled.

"Will you two dimwits stop arguing? We have more important things to worry about than who tried to kill Tony! Which by the way, is a lot of people" Natasha spoke up.

"Are you on my side or his?" Tony questioned. They began to argue and Nick pulled out an air horn to settle everyone down.

"You're not here five minutes and already you've caused trouble" he told Justin.

"It's not my fault" he said.

"Why don't we all calm down and let Justin tell us what he knows" Phil spoke up.

"Thank you Agent Coulson. Nice seeing you by the way" Justin smiled.

"Let's get to the big question then. How the hell do you know about Hydra?" Nick Fury asked.

"I know people who knows people. I'm in prison, there are a lot of different guys here. Trash talk Anthony and you'll get in" Justin explained. Tony glared at the man.

"Okay, but you dated Galilea, the whole country was up in your beeswax, how do you get the information?" Kamilla questioned.

"I wouldn't say the whole country-"


"Hey trust me, alright. If Lea can why not you guys? Look, I don't have much time. I got two guys outside keeping watch incase anyone gets near" he hastily explained.

"Go ahead then" Peter ushered the man. He scrunched his eyebrows when he saw the boy but said nothing. He pulled out the lollipop form his mouth and sighed.

"A while back I heard whispers about Hydra. They wanted to get Galilea. I didn't know who or why so I kept an ear out for more information and that's when I sent a letter to her"

"Telling her to be safe and to not do anything stupid" Rhodey said.

"Exactly. But you know Starks, they do the stupid thing anyway"

"Hey!" Tony glared at the man.

"You know it's true!" Pepper called him out.

"Yeah, but still" he mumbled.

"I told Gali that I would write back when I was for sure who wanted to get her. I had a theory but it didn't pan out at first, but as I kept hearing more things then things began to make sense" Justin said.

"You know who took her?" Steve asked "and why?"

"Ah you must be Captain America, so nice to meet you! I'm a big fan"

"Hammer!" Tony yelled. He gave Tony a look.

"Yes I know who took her. Richard Roman" the name didn't ring any bells to the Avengers, well not all of them.

Tony dropped his plate and it broke on the floor. Cookies and pieces of the porcelain plate scattered around the floor "he's dead" Tony said.


"Nope. He's alive and kicking" Justin put the lollipop back in his mouth.

"I'm sorry, who's Richard Roman?" Phil asked.

Tony walked over to the table where they have the screenshots of the men who took Galilea. He showed the picture to the group "Dos Equis man?" Clint furrowed his eyebrows.

"This is the man who kidnapped Gali and me. He's the one who betrayed my dad and forced Gali to use her powers" Tony explained.

"But you said that they all died, including Gali" Bruce spoke up.

"I'm sorry, what?" Sam, Rhodey and Peter were confused.

"The man has been working for Hydra all his life. Waited a couple of years and found a way for Gali's powers to not work on him" Justin explained.

"That's why nothing happened to them when they where here!" Pepper said in realization.

"And now he has her and who knows what he's doing to her" Justin softly said and shook his head.

"Do you know where he has her?" Steve asked.

"Underground. Exact place I don't know. Somewhere in a forest in New York. Or an abandoned building out in the woods. All I know is that it's underground... I also have some information on your little ass beater with the metal arm" Justin added.

"What?" They deadpanned.

"Oh yeah, I saw you guys get hilariously beaten on tv" Justin laughed.

"What do you know about him?" Nick demanded.

Justin took in a deep breath before answering "Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exist, the ones that do call him the Winter Soldier. He's credited with over two dozen assassinations over the last 50 years"

"So he's a ghost story" Steve concluded.

Natasha proceeded to tell them about a mission she was on five years ago and how the Winter Soldier was there. She showed them the scar of the bullet he fired and went straight through to her "I can assure you" she began "he's very real. But going after him is a dead end. How do you know about this?" Natasha asked Justin.

"Trust me. That's all I ask"

"How can we trust you when you've tried to ruin me for years!" Tony yelled "you got my best friend on your side, you broke my sister's heart, you've tried to steal my suits, you hired the man who tried to kill me!"

"That's all in the past" Justin slowly said.

"Oh what, you've turned over a new leaf?" Tony scoffed.

"You could say that"

"I don't believe it"

"If you don't believe me then why are you here? You just don't like the fact that you need my help" Justin smiled.

"No, it's because I know you. You want something in return. What is it?" Tony crossed his arms.

Justin sighed, the white stick of the lollipop sticking out of his mouth "just bring her back safely"

The room was quiet for a minute.

"Oh my god, you still love her" Pepper breathed.

"Maybe" he muttered.

"Forget it Hammer, she's moved on" Tony said.

"I know. But that doesn't mean I don't want her to be happy. God knows she deserves all the happiness after our horrible break up" Justin looked down at his hands.

"Well with the arguing towards the end who can blame you" Clint nodded. Justin's head snapped up, eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"Arguing? Gali and I didn't argue to the end of our relationship. Well, I suppose that's better than what actually happened" Justin shrugged his shoulders. This piqued the Avengers curiosity.

"What actually happen?" Tony slowly asked. Justin bit the inside of his cheek and looked away.

"They were engaged" Steve spoke up. Heads collectively turned to Steve to see if he's just joking, but when they saw that he's serious they turned to Justin and the look on his face confirmed it.

"She told you?" Justin asked.

"She did. She told me everything" Steve nodded.

Justin smiled small "she must really love you"

"Hold on a minute, you were engaged to my sister?!" Tony yelled.

"For a minute. Kamilla was the only one who knew" Justin informed.

Everyone turned to Kamilla and she smiled small before glaring at Justin "that's what I get? After I helped you pick out the ring you throw me under the bus the first chance you get?"

Pounding on the door was heard on Justin's side "hurry up. The guard is near!" a gruff voice said.

"If I find anything else I'll let you know. Bring her home. And Captain... don't lose her like I did" Justin told Steve.

"I won't" he said. Justin gave one last smile before ending the call. The room was quiet for a moment.

"Well you heard the man, check for abandoned buildings in the forest!" Phil loudly said "and the city, we can never be too careful with Hydra. Let's find out more about this Richard guy. Kamilla can you find him?" Phil asked the girl with the laptop.

"Trust me, now that I have a name I will find him" she confidently said and began to type on her laptop.

Everyone began to do their searching and felt much more confident that they will find her soon.

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