《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》50. Handcuffs


"It's not... going... to... work"

"How do you know?" Mariana landed another forceful slap across Galilea's face.

"Trust me" she panted "I know"

Mariana landed another slap on Galilea "I don't like you" she told the bruised girl.

"Aww, and I wanted for us to go to Disneyland and ride the teacups" Gali pouted. Enraged, Mariana punched the girl and she fell to the ground "oh Mary" Gali chuckled.

"Why aren't you fighting back?" Mariana kicked the girl on the ground "fight... back! Do, some... thing!" Mariana grunted as she kicked Galilea.

The girl, no longer messing with Mariana, grabbed her leg and dropped her to the ground and held her down "whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, it's not going to work!" Galilea hissed, anger flashing in her eyes.

Mariana flipped the girl and pinned her down "yes it is" they had a fierce staring competition and neither of them noticed when the door to the room opened.

"Well hellooo" Castiel bit his bottom lip and stared at the two women on the ground "shall I bring some jello?" He asked "or oil?"

Mariana got off Galilea and glared at the man "you're such a pig"

"Woah, you were the one down there with her" he noted.

Galilea got the sudden urge to throw up. She quickly turned and emptied the contents of her stomach onto the floor "oh come on!" Mariana yelled in frustration.

"Okay, back to your cell" Castiel walked over to the girl and helped her up.

"I'm dying" she wheezed out.

"You're not dying" Castiel shook his head.

"Sadly" Mariana muttered.

"I may be sick, Mary, but I can still beat your ass" Galilea was beginning to get woozy.

The black haired woman snorted and Galilea threw a punch at her. She stumbled back and held her nose. Mariana went to strike back but Castiel held his hand out "you already had your fun" Castiel helped Galilea back to her cell.

"Why are you so nice to me Jude?" Galilea softly asked.

"Just doing my job" he answered. He pushed a door open and continued to walk down the corridor.

Gali's legs began to shake and she took small shaky steps, her energy levels declining and she felt the vile rising in her throat "bathroom" she gagged.

Castiel quickly turned a corner and kicked the door to the bathroom open. Gali heaved over the porcelain toilet and let it all out.

"You know" Gali began as she sat beside the toilet "if you ever want to conquer a woman's heart, then you can at least hold her hair back when she throws up" Castiel narrowed his eyes at the girl.

They're making their way back to the cell, Galilea feeling better but still a bit woozy "this way" Castiel turned a right.

"I know where my glass cell is" she mumbled and followed the tall man. The brunette fell in step with Castiel and as they turned a corner, she bumped into something hard "ow!" She rubbed her forehead "I already have a splitting headache, this does not make it better"


"Watch where you're going girl!" A man hissed.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Galilea glared at the man.

"Cell. Now" Castiel grabbed Gali's arm and pulled her away from the group of men.

She looked over her shoulder to the backs of the men and her eyes landed on one who is also looking over his shoulder. Her brown eyes locked with his blue ones. She noticed the black mask over his nose and mouth and her eyes trailed down to his metal arm. He turned his head back and she came to a stop.

It's him. The Winter Soldier. The one who nearly killed my brother.

Blinded with anger, she ran to the group of men and jumped on the Winter Soldier. He was completely taken off guard but he pushed the girl off him.

"Galilea!" Castiel yelled.

She stood up and faster than the Winter Soldier could react, punched him on the eye. He grabbed her arm and threw her against the wall. She winced. The Winter Soldier approached Gali and she swooped her leg under his and he fell to the ground.

"No one" she began and he kicked her leg. She dropped but landed another punch on him "messes with my family" they stood up and the Winter Soldier pulled his left arm back, the metal one, and Gali got it just like Peter had the previous day "and get away with it!"

With all her strength she pushed the man and he slammed into the wall "no one" the Winter Soldier went to attack but was stopped.

"Down soldier!" Richard yelled. He stepped back from Galilea "dear Galilea" Richard stepped closer to her "how did you do that?"

She punched him on the face "like that"

"Oh little Galilea" Castiel sighed as he stepped closer to the girl he's responsible for "you just don't know when to give up"

"What if I run?" She took a step back.

"I'm sorry little G" he pulled a little pouch out of his pocket and clasped his hands together in front of Gali's face. White powder came out and engulfed her head, knocking her out in two seconds flat.

"Get that girl under control fast" Richard ordered.

"Yes sir" Castiel nodded.

"And heal her 100%. I have something planned" he smirked evilly.


"Wouldn't it be nice if we were older? Then we wouldn't have to wait so long and wouldn't it be nice to live together in the kind of world where we belong" Galilea happily sang and jumped around in her cell.

Mariana and Castiel entered the room and stared at Galilea in confusion "what kind of drugs is she on?" Mariana's eyes followed Galilea around the cell.

"The ones we give her" Castiel muttered.

"Well she either overdosed or she finally broke. But if this is her version of breaking, then..." Marina drifted off and shook her head.

Castiel had done just what Richard told him to. He healed Galilea and he also gave her another dosage of the drugs. Perhaps they healing vapors and the drugs both clashed and some reaction happened in her and now she's all jumpy and happy. It's a guess but he's not really sure what's happening. Besides, he healed her hours ago so the side effects could've worn out by now.


"Are you okay little Galilea?" Castiel lightly tapped the glass. Galilea stopped jumped and turned around with a wide smile.

"Hello Castiel! I'm fine. I'm great!" She beamed "I mean how many people have the pleasure to wake up to the room they've been living in for three weeks because they were kidnapped?!" She snapped.

"It was all an act. Should've seen this coming" Mariana shook her head "here" she set an apple in the opening "sustenance"

"Aww, you care about me. Look, the little bitch cares!" Gali cooed.

"Why you little-" Mariana tapped the glass door to get it open but Castiel held her back.

"Calm down. Richard needs her without a scratch today"

"Why? What's Dicky got planned for today? Another shocking session? More tv time?" Gali sarcastically said.

"No" Mariana smiled "something better"

The room was more like a cell of some sort. Like a holding cell, but it was bigger. There are blue mats on the floor like the ones from karate studios. A couple people standing outside the bars of the cell and others inside. Galilea looked around the room and her eyes landed on the faces of the people there. Her eyes landed on Richard Roman and sighed.

"Everywhere I go, you're there. Why?" She asked.

"I'm in charge of you. That's why" he answered.

"I thought those ass-wipes were in charge of me" Gali motioned to the two disgruntled agents.

"They take care of you" Richard pointed out.

"I don't think what Mariana does can be considered taking care of me" Gali said "so what are we doing here Richie Rich?"

"I believe you remember our Winter Soldier here" Richard beckoned the Winter Soldier to enter the cell.

He wore the mask over his mouth and looked down at Gali. She clenched her jaw and glared at the man "I was very impressed by how you overpowered him. Even if it was for a short time" Richard began "I want to see just how much more you can handle him. Who knows, maybe you can even defeat him"

Gali snorted "One swing with his metal arm and I'm dead. Let me tell Castiel to write up my will" she smiled.

Richard scoffed "so, shall we begin?" He stood in a corner of the cell.

"Um" Galilea held up her handcuffed hands "bit tied up here, and not in the good way"

"You can fight with the handcuffs, can you? No big deal" Richard waved her off.

"Yeah. NBD" Galilea sarcastically agreed and rattled the chair of the handcuffs "so when do we- omph!" She was knocked to the floor with one swift punch "what the hell is wrong with you?!" She shrieked.

The Winter Soldier went to attack and Gali rolled away, the punch landed on the mat. The WS slowly turned and walked towards Galilea who's still on the floor, instinctively, she kicked him in the area men don't seem to protect that often.

Like all tough men he crumbled down and Galilea had her opportunity to attack. She can't do much with handcuffed hands, so she kicked him on the face and tried to knee him in the gut but he grabbed her leg and dropped her.

"Didn't your mother-" she squirmed out from beneath him and rolled away "told you to not hurt girls?" He charged at her and she let out a small scream and ran.

"This is ridiculous" she heard Castiel mutter under his breath as she ran pass him.

"Your face is ridiculous!" She yelled over her shoulder.

She tripped over the mat and fell on her front. The WS grabbed a fistful of her hair with his normal hand "ow, ow, ow, ow!" She winced, her hands flying up to the arm and she sunk her nails into his skin.

It was like a surge of adrenaline, like the super soldier serum in her veins kicked in, not the power portion but another part she didn't know was there. She flipped the Winter Soldier over and he rolled away from her.

"I don't like you" Gali panted "and I don't like these handcuffs" she looked down at her wrists "and I don't like that fucker" she motioned to Richard "nor her" she nodded to Mariana "and Castiel, well, he might be nice but-" she stopped herself short and blinked "what was I talking about?"

The Winter Soldier landed a punch on Galilea and she glared at the man "what the hell is your problem?"

He pushed her and she slammed against the bars of the cell. Her head smacked the bars and she blacked out for a second or two before losing balance and dropping to the ground.

"That's enough soldier" Richard spoke up. The Winter Soldier stood straight and backed away from Galilea.

Her eyes are fluttering open and close, her head moving from side to side. Her lips moved but nothing came out "...el... Casss... tieelll" she hissed "Casss-tiel... Castiel" she whispered.

Castiel locked eyes with Richard and he gave a short nod. Castiel made his way to Gali and carefully held her up "It's okay little Galilea. It's okay" he comforted. She kept whispering his name as she was taken back to her cell.

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