《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》46. Peter Benjamin Parker


The Avengers have been arguing for the past hour about what to do and how to approach the manner. Neither of them noticed that Kamilla hasn't been there the whole time and payed much less attention when the elevator doors opened and in stepped an angry man with an eyepatch.

He heard the commotion and made his way to the dinning table where he was greeted by the sight of anger and yelling Avengers "Avengers assemble!" He shouted.

Silence fell over the room and they slowly turned to see Nick Fury standing at the entrance of the dinning room. Everyone stared at Fury with wide eyes.

"Wha- what are you doing here?" Natasha was surprised to see the man there.

"I have been informed" Nick began "that Miss Galilea Stark, a girl I have known since she was in college, has been kidnapped two weeks ago and none of you has seen fit to inform me"


"Not just that, but she has been taken by none other than HYDRA. So tell me, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, what the hell is going on?" He demanded.

The team stuttered as they struggled to find the words to say. Nick's good eye scanned the faces of everyone in the group and his gaze landed on Peter who is still in his Spider-Man suit but no mask "ah, you must be Spider-Man. Heard so much about you, seen you in the papers and all over the Internet. How is it that my best agents can't find you, yet these buffoons found you?" Nick questioned.

The avengers gasped except Thor "I don't understand. What are buffoons?"

"You can't find him" Rhodey spoke up, ignoring Thor's question "because Galilea got to him a year ago and has made sure no one else could find him"

"Well that explains that" Nick nodded. Hurried footsteps were heard and everyone turned to Kami who ran into the room and steadied herself on the wall to keep from falling.

"You're here, good" she panted as she placed a hand on Nick's arm. He looked down at the hand and up at Kami. She ignored the look he gave her.

"You called him?" Bruce asked his girlfriend.

"Yes I damn well called him! I need all of you guys downstairs. NOW!" She yelled before running off back down to the lab. They didn't even spare each other a glance before running after Kamilla. Nick punched in the password to the lab door and swung it open.

"Okay, does everyone know the password for my lab?" Tony asked out loud.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

"Even you kid?" Tony stared at Peter.

"I know a lot more than I let on" he answered. Tony huffed and stood with the team, waiting for Kami to explain herself.

"I need your help" she breathed out.

"With?" Steve asked.

"Look" she snatched the letter from the desk and held it up, pointing at the spiderweb stamp at the bottom of the paper.

"A black spot?" Thor questioned.

"No, it's a stamp. A spiderweb. I thought it was weird because neither Gali or Justin placed stamps on their letters. And I saw something in the ink and well, JARVIS scanned the letter and he came up with this" Kami tapped some keys on the keyboard and pulled up the hologram, showing the password protected file "we can't hack into it" she informed.

"You can't? You. You hack into everything!" Sam said in disbelief.

"Yeah, I know. I mean SHIELD was a piece of cake" she muttered, receiving a glare from the Director of said organization "I already tried everything and this came up" she pulled up the security question for everyone to see.


"What is a boys favorite treat?" Jane asked confused.

"Believe me, I tried everything. Vulgar and non vulgar" Kami explained.

"Did you really had to go to those extents?" Pepper questioned.

"If you want to crack the code, yes" Kamilla nodded.

"What is a boys favorite treat? What does that even mean? A riddle?" Clint asked around.

"Don't we wish we had Bilbo Baggins with us right now" Tony muttered.

"Someone look it up. Maybe the answer is online" Rhodey offered.

"Or maybe Galilea finally lost it. Ow!" Clint rubbed the back of his head and glared at Steve and Tony who hit him behind the head.

Some pulled out their phones and Tony asked JARVIS to look up the meaning of the question. Fury was on his phone but Peter... Peter was staring at the question.

"What is a boys favorite treat?" He quietly read the question. He repeated it several times and his confusion slowly turned to happiness. He grinned widely when he figured it out "I know! I know the answer!" But nobody heard him "I WILL TAKE THE RING TO MORDOR!" He shouted and everyone got quiet.

"What the hell?" Sam muttered.

"I know the answer" Peter said. Fury hanged up and stuffed his phone in his pocket "How?" He questioned.

"I've known Galilea for a year. She called me boy for the first two months of our friendship. And my favorite treat is Strawberry Shortcake" Peter typed in Strawberry Shortcake and the file opened.

The room was filled with gasps and sighs of relief "now what the hell is this?" Kami muttered as she began to go through the file.

There were many newspaper clippings and pictures of the city and other countries. Kamilla was confused but she dug deeper and found something very interesting "oh my god" she breathed out.

"What? What happened? What's wrong?" Steve asked in concern.

"You see that?" She pointed at the small neatly organized spots.

"You mean the stars?" He asked.

"They're not stars. They're files. And who knows what the hell is in those things"

"That's a ghost file" Natasha pointed at a transparent file.

"Yeah and who knows what's in it" Kami told them.

"Truth is, it's going to take us weeks to go through the files" Natasha spoke up.

That wasn't the news Steve or Tony wanted to hear and they both became angry and desperate. They want Galilea home, they all do. But Gali is all Tony has left, and Steve loves Galilea very very much.

"We're all going to die of old age" Peter grumbled.

"You won't live to see old age, boy. Not if you keep annoying me" Clinton told Peter.

"Hey! You don't get to call me boy. Only Gali. And my name is Peter Parker!" Peter yelled and stomped his foot like an angry toddler.

The files on the hologram were quickly gone and everyone started in horror as everything seemed to be deleting itself and Kamilla tried so hard to stop it "No no no!" She shouted and furiously swiped her fingers across the keyboard "no, please don't... Please!" She cried but it was too late.

Everything in the file was gone and the screen was black. Before anyone could react, a red horizontal line was on the screen and it moved like sound waves up and down.

"Please stand on the red dot" a female robotic voice, just like JARVIS', was heard.

"What?" Peter asked confused.

"Please stand on the red dot" Peter glanced at the others and they nodded, stepping back as the red dot was seen on the floor. Peter stood on the dot and a blue light came out and scanned his face "hello Peter Benjamin Parker. My name is Penny. I have been waiting for you, sir" Penny told Peter.


He was confused "you were?"

"I have. I have been under the orders of Miss Stark. You and you alone can solve his mystery"

"What?" He nasally said.

Galilea's laughter was heard and everyone looked around for her but she isn't there. The black screen began to fade away and an image of a laughing Galilea was seen.

"Oh Peter, I know you so well. I can just picture you so freaked out right now" she laughed "no, but this is a serious matter" she composed herself and sat up straight "if you're seeing this, then it means that the team knows about you. I'm sorry Peter. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone but under the circumstances I hope you can understand" Gali sympathetically said.

Peter found himself nodding and saying "it's okay" but it's just a pre-recorded video of Galilea, not a live stream.

"And if the team knows about you, then it means that they found the letter Justin sent me. Which concludes that I have been taken" she said.

No one moved as they stared at the images of Galilea. The simple act of seeing a pre recorded video of her before she was taken, has given everyone a sense of relief, but in reality she isn't with them.

"I don't know how much time has passed before you've found this, but here it is; that day you guys met Spider-Man, remember I got a package that turned out to be a cocktail mixer, along with a letter. Well I know that you all read the letter so you know it was Justin Hammer who sent it. The letter may seem simple and asking to keep being friends, the fact is-" she took in a deep breath "we still kinda are. I'm sorry, Steve for not telling you, I really am. Please don't be mad. Anyway, as Kami might have told you about Justin and I's secret coding, then she read to you the hidden message. As soon as I read it, I began to increase security in the tower. I kept tabs on all of you. I knew where you were even if I wasn't suppose to know. Clint and Natasha, nuh-uh" she shook her head.

Both of them blushed deeply. The others eyed them and Tony made a face.

"Aside from that, I've began to make some research. I came up with all these things and it'll show up after the video is over. Now, Justin said that he might know who's after me and that he would write back when he's 100% sure, but he hasn't. I don't know if he's written while I'm not there, but in case he hasn't... Call him. I'll leave you guys some instructions on how to contact him. It's a video call so you guys stare him down and Kami can call him out when he's bluffing" Kami laughed lightly "this isn't the first time people have been after me. From what Anthony has said, we were both kidnapped by a former partner of my dads. And now this. You must know that it's Hydra who's after me. I don't know why, but they are" Gali told them.

The tension fell over the room once again. They still can't get their head wrapped around the idea of Hydra taking Galilea.

"Now listen to me, everything I've found out about the whole Hydra thing is in this little stamp" she held up the letter and pointed to the spiderweb stamp "you guys hide this letter and secure it and all this information. Everything I know you guys will know. Hopefully it'll get you closer to finding me" she became silent and stared at them, or the camera when she recorded it "I'm sorry for not telling any of you. I didn't want to worry you. I thought that I could handle it on my own and I did, for a month. Guess it didn't work out, huh?" She joked and scratched the back of her head. Her phone rang and she looked down at it and swiped her finger across the screen.

"This is the third time in twenty minutes you call me Peter, what is it?" She became irritated and looked down at her phone.

"I need your help" Peter's voice came out of the phone.

"Uh-huh, do you now? Shouldn't you be at school?" Gali asked.


"Uuuh" she mocked him "you promised Aunt May you will stay out of trouble until the end of the school year. The school year does not end until 3:10 today and it's... 3:01"

"Aww come on! What are nine minutes?" He cried. Gali mocked him once again.

"First off you should be in class and second... Peter" Gali sighed and passed a hand through her hair "what am I going to do with you?" Peter's laugh was heard from the phone "you are the reason why I won't have children" she mumbled "...fine. We'll meet up at the same place as always. And stay in school. I'll know if you leave early" she told him.

He sighed "fine... If you buy me a slice of strawberry shortcake"

"Goodbye Parker" she hanged up and ran her hands through her hair. She took in a deep breath and looked back up into the camera.

"I know I'm not there and you're trying your best to find me, but I have one request. Look after Peter. He's just a kid and he's so energetic and full of life. He's also smart and sweet and sarcastic and a very good fighter-"

"Finally someone who knows my value" Peter proudly said.

"And a sweet innocent little cinnamon roll that needs to be wrapped in blankets and smothered with love"

His smile dropped and his face warmed up. The others snorted in laughter and Tony patted Peter on the shoulder.

"And he needs to be shielded and protected. So you grab that boy and lock him in a room under lock and key and lose the key. He may be sweet and helpful but he's also a rule breaker and does whatever the hell he wants. You tell him 'no' and he hears 'yes, here are the keys to my car'"

Peter mumbled under his breath.

"Well, I guess that's all really. I hope everything I've found will help you guys and I'm sorry. I really am. And I love you bunch of idiots. I really do" she bit her bottom lip and her brown eyes are shining with tears "Goodbye. I'm sorry bro-ha" the video came to an end and files and newspaper clippings and pictures came on around them.

The team was quiet and stared at everything around them "I'm gonna go change" Peter sighed as he walked out of the lab.

"Guess we have some work to do. I'll pass the information to the tablets" Kami informed. The Avengers were relieved, they finally have a lead and will find Gali soon.

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