《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》45. The letter


The avengers stared at Peter in shock. Spider-Man has just revealed his face to them and he's not even fully aware of it.

The team stood up in surprise and Clint, on trying to push his chair back, fell with the chair and stared at Peter from the ground. Peter, confused as to why the Avengers are staring at him with wide eyes and dropped jaws, heard Bruce whisper "your mask"

Peter looked down at the red mask in his hand and his face paled "oh no" he breathed.

"You're a kid. You're just a kid" Rhodes was shocked.

"I'm much older than I look" Peter quickly said but he knew he was found out. They know he's actually a kid and not as old as he put on to be.

"How old are you?" Steve asked.

"Sixteen" he answered.

"What's your name?" Tony questioned.

"My name is Peter Parker and I go to Midtown High School" Peter truthfully said.

Tony typed the information into the tablet and furrowed his eyebrows "I can't find you. Why can't I find you?" He asked.

"Because Gali made sure no one could find me. At least not Spider-Man me" Peter informed.

"Gali?" Natasha asked "she knows?"

"She's known for a year. And him-" Peter pointed at Bruce "he's known for a couple weeks"

"Thanks for throwing me under the bus" Bruce sarcastically said.

"I still say that he shouldn't join the Avengers" Clint said as he stood up.

"Why not?" Peter whined.

"Because you're a kid. You're sixteen. You should be in school" Clint noted.

"School is over" Peter informed and reached for a pop tart.

"How did she find out?" Thor asked, referring to Gali knowing about Spider-Man. Peter shrugged.

"Don't know. But she's taken me under her wing ever since. She's helped me a lot, Gali. Aunt May is very grateful" Peter said through mouthfuls. He suddenly turned to Bruce "hey, thanks again for patching me up"

"Is it fully healed?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah. I was sore for a while, managed to get out of gym class for a couple of days" Peter smiled.

The others were confused and waited for Bruce to explain himself. He sighed once he saw no other way out of it "He got shot a couple weeks back and called Gali for help. I patched him up down in the lab" he hastily said.

"When was this?" Tony questioned.

"When you guys were at the aquarium. Gali and I were the only ones here. She called me Robert and we began to talk about middle names and then gave Thor a second name because he only has one" Bruce said.

"So what's his middle name?" Clint asked.

"She said Christopher or Brandon, but I don't think they fit him" Bruce said. Thor thought about the names and then made a face.


"I don't like it" he shook his head.

Light chuckling filled the room and Bruce suddenly remembered something "oh my god!" he said.

"What?" Kami stared at her boyfriend.

"About ten minutes before Peter called Gali, I went down to the lab and saw her sitting in one of Tony's cars. The old black convertible. I saw her through the glass and she seemed to be reading a letter. She stashed it in the glovebox and that's when I entered and we talked about middle names" Bruce hastily explained.

"You think the letter is connected to her kidnapping?" Jane questioned.

"Who knows. But it's worth a shot" Bruce said.

The others agreed and Bruce went down to retrieve the letter from the glovebox. Hoping it's still there, he smiled in triumph and relief once he saw it. He snatched it up and made sure nothing else is there before joining the others.

"Got it" he held the folded letter in his hand.

"What does it say?" Sam asked. The group completely forgetting about privacy, listened carefully to what Bruce read from the letter.

"My dearest Galilea," he began to read the neat and clear handwriting "I'm writing to you because it seems that I haven't written to you in a while. I don't want us to fall apart and to forget about each other but it seems that we already are. I suppose that's life. One minute your friends and the next you're strangers. I don't want us to be strangers. I want us to be friends. To still be friends. Anyway, I saw you on tv, then again, you always seem to be on tv. I heard what happened in New York and know that you were there with your brother. How is he by the way? I hope he's alright. We haven't spoken in years but that's Anthony. Are he and Pepper still together? They make a wonderful couple. I heard that you're also in a very serious relationship. Steve Rogers. Captain America, right? Who would've known that you were going to end up with the man your dad never shut up about? Well life is funny, isn't it? I hope you're doing well, Lea. I'm doing pretty well myself despite my current situation. Tell Natasha and Pepper that I have no hard feelings for them. I did after all, nearly killed your brother and I'm so sorry about that. Tell Anthony I'm sorry. I hope you'll come visit some day or give me a call. I miss you. I don't know if you're missing me but I hope you are. Again, I want us to be friends and to stay friends. I'm sorry for everything I've done and hope that one day you can forgive me. In the meantime, I send you this cocktail mixer and hope that you and the Avengers enjoy it. Write to me soon. Yours truly, Justin Hammer. P.S. Fuck off prison guard" Bruce finished reading the letter.


Everyone was quiet and wearing the same expression. They can't believe that Justin Hammer wrote to Gali and she actually kept the letter. Why? Why would she keep the letter of the man who broke her heart? Why would she even be receiving letters from him? As well as packages?

"Why is Justin Hammer sending letters to my girlfriend?" Steve was defensive.

"And why did she keep it?" Rhodes added.

"Apology not accepted" Tony shook his head "that jerk tried to kill me, almost got his hands on my suits, turned my best friend against me"

"I'm right here" Rhodes said.

"I know Rhodey" Tony waved him off "and most of all, he broke Gali's heart. Apology not accepted Justin Hammer!" Tony yelled.

"Let me see" Kami told Bruce and he handed her the letter.

She read it and she saw the ciphers and codes. She made them out and read the hidden message in the letter. Her heart dropped and she solemnly stared at the paper "oh my god" she sat down on a chair and began to worry.

"What?" Peter asked.

"When did she get the letter? When did she get the cocktail mixer?" She looked around the group.

"Uh, a month ago. That's when this kid appeared in our lives" Clint jammed a thumb at Peter.

"A month? Oh my god, how didn't I notice?" Kami whispered and looked down at the table as she passed her hands through her hair.

"What are you talking about?" Steve asked.

"The letter" she looked back up with wide eyes "Justin. He didn't write to say that he and Gali should keep in touch. He wrote to warn her"

"Warn her?" They questioned.

"He warned her about people wanting to hurt her. People who are watching us. People who are going to take her and that she should be more cautious" Kamilla explained.

"How do you know? It looks like a regular letter to me" Jane flipped the letter over as she inspected it.

"When Gali and Justin were dating, they came up with this secret code thing in letters so they can communicate in case Tony found out about them" Kami said.

"Huh?" Tony said.

"I learned the code. It only works if you write it. That's why Gali sent letters like a mailman. She was writing to Justin and he was writing to her. Once in a while they would use me to write out a letter to the other, that's how I know it. Only us three know the code. Only we can read and write it" the girl explained.

They took a second to let it sink in before they nodded in understanding "So what does it say?" Tony asked.

"It says" Kami held the letter in hand and read the secret message "They're here, Galilea. They've come to get you. Protect them. Protect yourself. They'll be watching you and the others. Be careful and alert. Don't do anything stupid, Lea. I think I might know who's after you but I'm not really sure. I'll write when I'm for sure, but in the meantime stay put and out of trouble. They're coming and you know how-" she abruptly stopped and gave the group a wary glance before swallowing a lump in her throat "you know how Hydra is so be very careful. Your friend, Justin Hammer P.S. Fuck off prison guard" Kami set the letter down and everyone was quiet.

They all know about Hydra, even Peter. Gali told him. They let the letter sink in and they became very angry and worried for Galilea. Steve, who dealt with Hydra back in World War Two, remembered everything that happened. He lost his best friend because of them and now they have his girlfriend. He grabbed a nearby cup and threw it at the wall, it smashed into tiny pieces and scattered around the floor.

"Calm down Cap" Sam said.

"They have her. If what Justin said in that letter is true then that means that Hydra really has her and you don't know what they're capable of!"

"We really need to tell Fury about this" Natasha said in a low tone.

They began to exchange ideas and suggestions as to what they should do but Kamilla was staring at something on the paper. A drawing? Symbol? She inspected it closer and noticed that it looks like a stamp. Like someone stamped that small spiderweb onto the paper. Must've been. Kami never saw that stamp in Justin and Gali's previous letters. Kamilla moved the paper around and the light hit the stamp in the right place. She saw some designs in it like the electronic boards. Some electronic codes. She stood up and made her way down to the lab. Nobody noticed her leave because they were too into their discussion.

Kami set the paper down on a desk and asked JARVIS to scan the code. He did so and in a couple of seconds, a hologram pulled up around her. Kami stared at the password protected file.

"Do you know the password?" She asked the A.I.

"If I did then I would've opened the folder" he sassed.

"Wow JARVIS, your Stark is showing" Kamilla smiled "can you hack into it?"

"I'm sorry, I can't" he said.

Kami gave it a try the old fashioned way but didn't succeed. The security question popped up and Kami stared at it in confusion "what the hell?" That's when she decided that she would need the help of the others. As well as Director Nicholas Fury.

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