《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》44. Not this guy


"Good morning sleeping beauty" Sam smirked at Steve.

He sent his friend a glare before grabbing a mug and pouring himself some coffee. Tony walked out of the kitchen with a cereal bowl in hand and sat down at the table. He grabbed his tablet and began to tap furiously. Neither Tony or Steve said anything. The group stared at each other and shrugged.

"At least they're eating" Jane whispered to Rhodes.

"And sleeping" he whispered back.

The tension in the room was palpable. Neither Tony or Steve have spoken to anyone since they were drugged a week ago. Tony talks with Pepper but that's about it. Clanking of spoons and forks scraping against plates was heard around the table. Clicking of the keyboard Tony has connected to the tablet was also heard. Everyone looked at one another in discomfort, daring each other to say something.

At the end it was Kamilla who spoke up "all right you two, what crawled up your asses and died?" Steve and Tony looked up at the strawberry blonde girl, slightly offended.

"Well, where do we begin?" Tony sarcastically asked "my sister being kidnapped"

"We don't know who took her" Steve continued.

"We aren't any closer to finding out why" Tony said.

"She's been gone for two weeks" Steve added.

"And you drugged us!" Tony finished.

"I had to drug you to get you to sleep! Neither of you had slept for four days. Tony was beginning to mumble to himself and you-" Kamilla turned to Steve "had punched your way from here to Canada. Your knuckles were bleeding. So I'm sorry for caring about your health, you morons!" Kamilla slammed her hand against the table and the plates rattled.

Tony and Steve looked away in embarrassment. Kamilla loves Tony like a second older brother and he loves Kami as a second little sister. They've known each other since they were young. Sure they argue and act like they don't like each other at times, but they're family. Kami has been there for Gali when he couldn't. She stood by her side after her and Tony had that awful argument that caused Galilea to run away. Most importantly, she was there for both of them after they lost their parents.

Tony looked up at Kami with his big brown eyes, just like his sisters and said "I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too" Steve nodded "and thank you for looking after us"

Kami pursed her lips and nodded. She sat back down and drank her orange juice.

"Gali wasn't in the best shape when you got kidnapped too" Pepper told her boyfriend "she didn't sleep for five days. Kami had to drug her and she wasn't very happy when she woke up"

"She was fine, just a little mad" Kami waved it off "and she got through it at the end and so will you two" she told Tony and Steve.

"She was not just mad. She threw something at you, didn't she?" Pepper told Kamilla.

"Some giant frisbee. I'm not sure" Kami shrugged and took a sip of juice.

A knocking at a window was heard and everyone turned their heads to the balcony to see Spider-Man waving excitingly.

"Not this guy!" Clint rolled his eyes in announce.

Bruce walked over to the balcony glass doors and pushed one open to let the spandex wearing teenager in "Hello!" He beamed.

A murmur of "hello's" and "hi's" was heard around the table.

"Who died?" Spider-Man questioned. Everyone gave the masked teenager hard looks.

"What are you doing here Spiderboob?" Clint asked.


"Decided to drop by and say hi. Haven't seen you guys in a while" Spider-Man walked around the table and sat down next to Clint "I missed you guys" he admitted.

"We didn't" Clint mumbled.

"Maybe a little" Sam admitted. Clint stared at the man in disbelief "what, he's cool!" Sam defended himself.

"If you're here because you want to be an Avenger, the answer is still no" Tony told the boy.

"I won't give up, you know that right?" Spiderman said.

"I think we all do" Thor nodded.

Tony is staring at Spider-Man with determination. He still doesn't know who the masked man is and he won't give up. Just like he won't give up on his sister. Peter took notice of this and scrunched his eyebrows under his mask.

"What?" He asked.

"I still don't know who you are but I will find out" Tony said with determination.

"If you say so" the boy shrugged.

Peter saw the pictures and papers scattered around a corner table and threw a small web to catch them. They saw in amusement and slight shock. They've never seen his web skills so closely.

"Who's this man?" He held up the screen shot of Richard Roman.

"Some man" Bruce said. He then flipped to another screen shot of the men fighting with Gali.

"Who are they and why are they fighting Gali?" He questioned.

The Avengers looked at each other, silently questioning if they should tell Spider-Man what's happened. He's a nuisance, they agree, but he really does care about the group, even if they don't see it.

"They took her" Rhodes said.

"What do you mean?" Spider-Man asked in concern.

"Just that, Spooderman" Tony said.

Peter, without thinking and no hesitation, ripped his mask off and stood up and stared at Tony in disbelief "they kidnapped Galilea?"

Mariana intensified the power in Galilea's cell, causing her to scream out even more. Whatever hard feelings she's had against the Stark girl for the past two weeks, she's definitely letting them out by torturing her.

"Alright Mariana, that's enough" Castiel took the tablet from Mariana and tapped something himself. Galilea stopped screaming.

"We have to break her" Mariana angrily said.

"But we also need her alive. You kill her and this whole operation goes down the drain" Castiel explained. Mariana grumbled and crossed her arms across her chest.

Castiel approached the glass cell where Galilea is laying on the floor, breathing heavily and recovering from the pain "Broken yet, little Galilea?" Castiel crouched down to her level.

"Are you kidding?" She breathed "I can do this all day"

"Ugh. You really are Captain America's girlfriend" Castiel said in disgust. She gave him a weak, painful, smile "tell me Castiel, how's my brother?"

"Honestly? I don't know. We haven't kept tabs on him or the others since we got you. You were the only one we wanted" the man said honestly.

"Like Dean Winchester says, you put the ass in Cass" Gali joked. She laughed at her own joke but winced in pain "ow, it hurts to laugh"

"A week of pain and torture and you still have your sense of humor" Castiel said in amusement. He stood up and logged something in the tablet.

A white smoke came out of the air vent on the wall in Gali's cell. Gali stared at it and took in a deep breath. I hate these stupid healing vapors just so they can hurt me more and faster. Still, she breathed in the white vapor and began to feel better.


Several minutes later, the vapor was out of the cell and Galilea is feeling just fine. No pain whatsoever. Well, physical pain that is.

Castiel opened the glass door and stepped inside the cell, looking down at Galilea "Yes?" She quirked an eyebrow.

"Get up"

"Don't tell me what to do" she retorted.

"Get up"


"I said get up"

"Alright. Don't get your panties in a twist" she mumbled as she slowly stood up.

She's a couple inches shorter than him. She looked up into his eyes and tried to control him but can't. He smirked as if knowing what she's trying to do "it doesn't work"

"Why?" She demanded "why doesn't it work?"

He chuckled and slapped the handcuffs on Galilea "walk" he shoved her forward.

"I'm not a dog, Jerome" Gali growled before walking out of the cell "hello Mariana" Gali flashed her a charming smile, despite being tortured by her a couple minutes ago. Mariana scowled and walked alongside Castiel as they followed the girl out of the room.

"Which way?" Gali stood in the middle of the hallway and looked left and right, waiting for the agents to tell her which way to go.

"Right" Castiel said.

Gali went right and walked down the hall. She came to a stop in front of the door where they've taken her before but they told her to keep walking.

"Where are we going? I've never been this deep in the hall before" she mused.

"Left" Castiel said.

Gali took a left and saw more doors along the corridor. She walked and turned when Castiel told her to turn. As she was walking, Gali felt herself herself growing weak and fuzzy. Her vision blurred but she blinked and could see clearly again. Her feet dragged but she was able to lift them properly. She stumbled but didn't fell.

After another turn, she was told to stop in front of two big steel doors. Mariana swiped her card and punched in the four number combination. The doors slid open and Gali was pushed forward.

"Stop pushing me!" She hissed.

The room is big and cold. There's a metal staircase to her left and people are able to look down from over the railing. On the bottom floor, there are monitors and consoles, like the small one in the room she's kept in, but these are much bigger and sophisticated. In the middle of the room is a chair that looks right out of a dentist office but much more scarier.

Gali looked around the room to see a few people there. She can hear shoes hitting the metal from above. She looked up and saw a few men talking indistinctly. Galilea was guided to the dentist chair and sat down on it "what are we doing here?" She asked Castiel.

"You'll see" he took the handcuffs off her and he and Mariana took one arm each and locked it on either side of the chair. Gali kept asking what they're doing there but they didn't answer her.

"Jerome, Mary!" She yelled.

The doors slid open and in walked the man Galilea hasn't seen since she was taken from her home "Dos Equis man?" She questioned. Castiel and Mariana snorted but coughed to mask their amusement.

"Galilea Stark" Richard said "how are you?"

"Great. Your little goons are treating me just nice" she sarcastically answered.

"Good" he smiled.

Gali rolled her eyes "what are you doing here, Dick? Oh my god I just realized something" she said in realization "that asswipe is named Castiel and you're Dick Roman. Oh my god, you guys are clearly Supernatural fans" she laughed.

Richard stared at Castiel and Mariana, silently asking how she's still making jokes despite the torture sessions in her cell "She's though to break" Mariana shrugged.

"I think it's hot" Castiel bit his bottom lip.

"Well aren't you a horny little sweetheart" Gali cooed.

The agents stepped up and connected small wires onto Galilea. She observed them and before she could question what they're doing, a large screen came down "are we watching a movie?" She weakly asked.

"Sure" Castiel nodded "a painful one"

"Oh, Hachi always makes me cry" Gali said sadly.

Castiel stood on Gali's left with a tablet in hand and Richard stood on her right, hands shoved in his pockets. The other agents in the room, stopped what they were doing and stared at Galilea "let's begin, shall we?" Castiel said as he tapped something on the tablet and a picture of Tony Stark was on the screen for everyone in the room to see "who's that?" Castiel asked the girl.

"You must have some real memory problems. That's my brother" Gali said. Castiel glanced over at Richard who looked down at Mariana who's sitting next to him and gave her a small nod. Mariana pressed a button and Galilea was painfully shocked "Ow! What the hell?" She yelled.

"Who is he?" Castiel asked again.

"Tony. My brother" shocked again "you bitch!" She glared at Mariana.

"Next" Richard told Castiel. He swiped for the next picture on the tablet "who's that?"

"That's my best friend" she stared at the picture of Kamilla "Ow!" She hissed in pain.

"Who's he?"

"Clint Barton. He's my friend- Ow!"


"Pepper Potts. My brothers girlfriend- Jesus Christ!"

"What about her?" Castiel asked.

"Natasha Romanoff, also my friend. Oh for crying out loud!"

It went like that for the rest of the pictures. Each time she said they're her friend, she would be shocked. They would spend minutes on one picture and ask her who the person is and Gali would give them the same answer each time which resulted in her being painfully shocked. The pain would increase by Richard's order, but Gali would still answer truthfully.

Little shits are trying to brainwash me. She knew it from the first shock. And she knows that they have many other ways to do it but they decided on that easy way. Why? Is she not ready for the higher levels? She screamed out in pain as she was once again shocked.

"What about him, Galilea. Who is he?" Richard motioned to the screen. She looked up to see a picture of her father. Her blood boiled and she balled her hands to fists.

"How dare you?" She growled "how dare you betray him like that. He was your friend! You worked together and you hurt him. You kidnapped me and Tony and hurt my family!" She shouted at Richard.

He was unfazed by her snapping and calmly asked "who is he?"

"Howard Stark. He's my dad" she was met by another painful shock.

"That's enough for today. Bring her back tomorrow. Same time" Richard told Mariana and Castiel before making his way to the door.

"He will find me. My brother. He will find me and kill you" Gali weakly yelled.

Richard stopped and turned to Gali with a smirk "I don't think he's coming, my dear. After all, it's been two weeks. It took him far less time when you ran away" with that he left the room and Galilea glared at the doors. I'll be the one to kill you... Again.

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