《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》43. Little Galilea


"Hey..." there was a tapping against the glass wall "wake up"

"I'm awake" Gali tiredly said.

She's laying on the floor near the glass. She couldn't get much sleep. Who actually manages to sleep after they're kidnapped? Gali had laid on the mattress for a couple of hours and then somehow ended on the floor near the glass where she had spoken to Mariana and the young Jude Law.

The tapping continued and Galilea began to get irritated "this must be how fish feel" she murmured "I'm awake, damit!" She snapped.

"Yeah, I know" Mariana smirked.

Gali sighed and turned on her side, facing the glass "I need to use the bathroom"

"Bathroom break is at seven thirty" Mariana nonchalantly said.

"Okay, Sheldon Cooper" Gali mumbled. Her stomach grumbled "I'm hungry" she announced. Mariana didn't answer as she scanned the screen by the glass cell. It monitors Galilea's vitals and health, like a hearts bar in the video games "hey, Mariana, don't you hear me?" Gali sat up and knocked on the glass "I said I'm hungry"

At that, the door opened and the man from the previous day walked in with a tray of food "Good morning Galilea!" He grinned.

"Jerome" she crossed her arms across her chest.

"That's no way to talk to someone who brought you breakfast" he shook his head as he placed the tray in a small opening in the glass. Gali stood up and skeptically looked down at the scrambled eggs and bacon, and apple on the side.

"Is it poisoned? What about the orange juice?"

"It's not poisoned" the man rolled his eyes "you want it or not?"

"I'm hungry, so yes" she nodded, took the tray and sat on the floor.

"How are her vitals?" The man asked Mariana.

"She's fine. Aside from the lack of sleep and hunger" Mariana noted. Gali munched on the apple and stared at the agents like a little kid staring at a stranger "why do you act like a child?" Mariana questioned after she caught Gali staring

"Because I'm a Stark. We're grown children" she answered honestly. They rolled their eyes and turned back to the screens "so what do guys have planned for today? Are we gonna bake cookies? Do some paper- mâché? Necklaces made out of macaroni?" Galilea sarcastically asked.

"No. Something much more fun" Jerome said "let's call it an examination so to not freak you out"

"Oh god, you're gonna dissect me like a frog in science class" Gali mumbled helplessly. She ate her food in silence while the other two were busy with the monitors. "Hey Jerome" Gali called after she was done eating.

"My name is not Jerome" the annoyingly said.

"I don't know your name. I just gotta use the bathroom, Jude"

"My name isn't Jude, either" he walked over to the small tray opening "hands" he ordered.


"What for?" Gali questioned.

"Just give me your hands"

Gali mumbled under her breath and stuck her hands out the opening. Jerome slapped some handcuffs on her and she quirked an eyebrow "Really?" He simply gave her a charming smile.

Mariana pressed a button and the glass door slide open. Gali took a tentative step out and then another. She wobbled on her feet but regained herself.

"No point using your powers. They won't work" Mariana smirked.

"I can still punch you" Gali noted.

"No you can't"

They made a quick trip to the bathroom and Gali felt a bit hazy. Her vision became blurry and she would blink to see clearly. She did try to use her powers but they didn't work.

When Gali stepped foot back in the cell, she began to feel much better. What the hell kind of witchcraft is that? She sat on the mattress as she tried to compose herself.

"Alright there?" Jerome questioned.

"Like you care" she scoffed.

"Don't worry" Mariana smirked evilly "when we're done with you, you'll feel much better"

"You're gonna let me punch you?" Gali asked. Mariana went for her gun but was stopped.

"Calm down, Mariana"

"She gets on my nerves!" She hissed.

"You just can't pull a gun on her each time she annoys you"

"I can if you let me"

"Oh my god, you two have been watching the Starks far too long" Gali sighed and shook her head. They sent her glares "hey, Jerome, when you leave will you bring back some books or magazines? It gets boring in here"


"Come on! Loki gets to have books with him. Why can't I?"

"You don't get books" he shook his head "and my name isn't Jerome. It's Castiel"

"Oh my god" Gali held back her laughter "Castiel? Really? I mean really?"

"Yes" he nodded.

"You have to be joking. Is your name really Castiel? The angel from Supernatural?" She began to laugh uncontrollably.

"This is going to be hell" Castiel mumbled.

"Guess that makes me Crowley" Mariana said.

"That demon is better than you! Honey, you don't even deserve to be Lucifer" Galilea snapped.

"Has he had any sleep?" Natasha whispered.

"No" Pepper shook her head.

Tony Stark sat on a chair in the middle of the lab and stared at the holograms around him. There are many coffee mugs on the desk. His brown hair is sticking up, his eyes red and tired. He fought back the sleep and forced himself to stay awake. He needs to find his sister. He needs to find her.

"It's been four days. He needs to rest" Thor stood next to the girls as they stared at Tony through the glass doors of the lab.

"So does Steve. He isn't taking this any better than Tony" Rhodey added.

"Captain said he's had enough sleep in those seventy years in the ice" Clint spoke up.


They sighed gave Tony one last look and made their way up the stairs. Sam walked out of the kitchen with a coffee in hand "he still up?"

"Some man took his sister. Of course he's still up" Jane joined the group.

"What he needs is to sleep" Pepper was worried for her boyfriends health.

"What he needs is his sister" Kamilla said in passing.

"What we need is to find out who those men are" Bruce said, not taking his eyes of his laptop.

"We don't know who they are. We've ran their faces through every SHIELD facial recognition and checked all the databases. These men are invisible" Natasha pointed a finger at the pictures of Richard Roman and the men that fought Galilea.

They have blow ups and printed pictures of the men. They've checked the security system a thousand times and went over the tapes for any clue but they can't find one. They don't know who those men are and neither does SHIELD. But they're not giving up.

"No one is invisible. There has yet to be a person on this earth I can't track down" Kamilla angrily said.

"Looks like there is now" Rhodey mumbled.

"It's like they're Men in Black" Clint mused "you come across them and they erase your memories"

A loud crash was heard from downstairs and they all turned to the stairs leading down to the lab "another dead end" Bruce sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm done. I'm drugging him" Kamilla stood up and marched to the kitchen.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Tony and Steve need to get some sleep. They haven't slept in four days. One is down in the lab and the other has punched his way through all the punching bags in New York. The only way to get them to sleep is with a secret potion from the old country that guarantees they sleep" Kamilla said from the kitchen.

Glass clanking and pantry doors were heard. She came out of the kitchen with two glasses of milk and a pan.

"First off, this is not the Golden Girls. Second, you are not Italian. And third, can I be the one to whack Tony with the pan?" Clint questioned "Ow" he glared at Natasha and rubbed his head.

"They need to rest" Kami said.

"Preferably with less violent actions" Bruce took the pan from his girlfriend.

"Crush up some pills and put it in their milk. They'll be out like that" Jane snapped her fingers.

Kamilla did just that and gave the milk to the two sleep deprived men. They were out in ten minutes "So we just leave them there? They're heavy" Rhodes stared at the screen where they've been keeping their eyes on the men. Steve is passed out on the floor and Tony is on the chair, slowly slipping.

"I did not think it through" Kamilla admitted.

"At least they're sleeping" Sam tried to find the upside of things. Tony fell with a loud and heavy thud but he did not wake "or dead"

"Castiel, my favorite Hydra agent" Gali grinned as the man entered the room "Yet again, you and Mariana are the only two I know. Aside from Richard, that is" she noted.

"Oh sweet, little Galilea, you do so make me smile" Castiel smiled sweetly at the girl "I shall miss that"

"You keep saying that and yet nothing has happened. I've been here a week and all you and Mariana have done is feed me, annoy me, check my vitals and tap whatever it is on your tablet. Once in a while you mess with the knobs on the controller, but that's about it" Galilea explained.

Castiel took in a deep breath and stepped closer to Galilea and stared at her through the glass.

"You know" she began "if I had a marker I could draw a mustache and monocle on you" she chuckled "or play tic tac toe by myself"

Castiel didn't say anything as he tapped something on the glass. Galilea thought it curious. Why is he tapping the glass? That's when she saw some sort of keypad, like the one she uses on the tables back at Stark tower. She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion and when she opened her mouth to talk, no words came out. It was a scream of pain that came out.

It hurt everywhere. Her whole body was in horrible pain. Pins and needles in her body. A fiery pain shooting through her veins. A stinging sensation in her fingertips. Galilea had never experienced a pain like that and can only imagine that's how others feel like when she uses her power of pain. But something tells her that that pain is nowhere near the one she's feeling. She feels like someone is trying to stab it's way out of her. Something very painful and her screaming is proof of it.

The pain left as quickly as it came and Gali dropped to her knees and panted heavily. Tears pricked her eyes and she looked up at Castiel who's looking down at her with no emotion "that was just a taste of what we're going to do to you" he turned and began to walk to the door "I told you Galilea, that happy attitude will be the only thing that'll keep you alive here" he opened the door and looked at her over his shoulder "or not even that" he closed the door and Galilea was left alone in the room.

She blinked and a single tear rolled down her face "As long as they're safe..." she whispered to herself.

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