《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》42. Gali is gone


Steve noticed that Galilea hadn't returned from the bathroom. She's been there for an unusually long time. He wanted to make sure that she's alright but it's the women's bathroom.

"Hey Jane" he turned to the brunette sitting next to him "Gali has been in the bathroom for a really long time, can you make sure she's alright?"

"Sure, of course" she nodded before standing up and heading to the bathroom.

Sam leaned over the table "Hey, what was that about?" He asked over the loud talking of the team.

"It's Gali" Steve answered.

"Is she alright?" Sam questioned.

"I don't know. I asked Jane to check"

Sam was quiet for a moment before saying "you didn't get her pregnant, did you?" Steve's blue eyes went wide and his jaw dropped slightly. His face turning a light shade of pink. Sam laughed "I'm kidding. But nice to know you guys are using protection"

"I- I haven't- we-" Steve stumbled over his words.

Fortunately Jane came just in time to save him from further embarrassment. "She's not in the bathroom" she said.

"What? Are you sure?" Steve asked.

"I'm sure" Jane nodded "I checked all the stalls and I even checked the men's bathroom"

"Oh no"

"What's wrong Capsicle?" Tony asked once he noticed that the tall blond man looks troubled.

"Let me ask you something Tony. Does your family have any history of running away?" Sam playfully asked the billionaire.

"Uh, Gali ran away once when she was thirteen" he answered.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, so it must be an every thirteen years then" Sam nodded.

"What are you talking about?" Tony asked.

The rest of the team got quiet and stared at Tony and then at Sam in curiosity. Sam bit the inside of his cheek and rubbed the back of his neck. "There's a probability that Galilea has ran away" he sheepishly said.

"Again, what?"

"She's gone, man. She ain't here" Sam shook his head.

"You lost my sister?!" Tony glared at Steve.

"I didn't lose her!" Steve defended himself "Gali said she was going to the bathroom. I asked Jane to check up on her because she was taking too long"

"And she's not there" Jane finished.

"We got a runner" Clint mumbled.

They gave the bathrooms another look but she wasn't there. They did scare a couple people on the toilets, tho.

"Gali!" They yelled "Galilea!" They checked the restaurant but didn't find her.

"Oh my god" Pepper breathed.

Clint looked under the table and received a smack on the head from Natasha "Do you really think she's going to be under the table?"

"Ow, you don't know. She could be down there!" Clint rubbed the back of his head.


"She could be playing hide and seek. I know I do"

"Clinton, you're a grown man. What are you doing playing hide and seek?" Tony exclaimed.

"There's a child living in me. And Gali plays with me when none of you want to play!" He yelled.

"Oh my god, shut up, my girlfriend is missing!" Steve yelled. That got them to shut up.


"Has anyone tried calling her?" Sam asked.

"I already did, it sends me to voicemail" Bruce stuffed his phone in his pocket.

"Guys, guys, one of the busboys said he saw Gali walk out the backdoor about twenty minutes ago!" Kamilla ran to the team.

"Did he see which way she went?"

"No" the team grunted.

"She could be anywhere in the city!" Natasha threw her arms in the air and let them drop at her sides.

"This is so unlike Gali" Pepper said in confusion.

"Steven, Steven" Tony began "did Gali did or said anything before she left?"

"I saw her check her phone and a few minutes later she left" Steve shrugged. Tony's face dropped.

"Oh my god. Someone could've lured her out" Rhodey concluded.

"Who?" Thor asked.

"And where?" Kamilla continued.

"And why" Clint finished.

"Guys, we don't even know if she was lured out" Pepper offered.

"Why else would she leave? I mean if she's pulling a prank on us then it's working. Ha, ha, Gali. You had your fun. Now get out here!" Clint yelled at the ceiling as if yelling at cameras and hoping that Galilea would walk out laughing. But she didn't "See?"

"Where could she have gone? I mean there are many places she could've-"

"The tower!" Tony yelled in realization "you wanna get a Starks attention then you better get them home"

"Or break their very expensive watch" Clint mumbled hoping no one would hear him but Tony did. He glared at the assassin.

"We are so coming back to that later"

As soon as the Avengers stepped foot out of the elevator, they could sense something was wrong. They quietly scouted the area to make sure there aren't any surprises. Sam accidentally knocked down a flower vase while Thor nearly knocked a table down.

"It's all clear" Rhodey announced.

They looked around at the pushed aside chairs and couches, a small table knocked over and a dent on the wall.

"There was definitely a struggle here" Clint observed the area and raised his eyebrows at impression when he saw the dent "and a big one by the size and depth of that dent"

"Gali wouldn't leave without putting a fight" Steve picked something up from the ground and observed it closely "Gali's phone" he pressed the button but it didn't turn on "its off"

"That explains that" Kami sighed.

"Who would've done this?" Jane asked.

"Jarvis!" Tony yelled but the A.I. didn't come to life "Jarvis wake up!"

"He's either in a really deep sleep or-"

"Someone hacked him" Tony cut Natasha off as he went down to his desk at the lab. The others followed after him, waiting for answers. "Whoever did this is going to die" he muttered as he furiously typed the on the keyboard.

"It'll be much faster if I do it" Kamilla pushed Tony off the chair and sat down. Clicking and tapping was all they heard for a couple seconds before Kamilla managed to bring Jarvis back up "Jarvis" Kami said.


"Hello Miss Rosenthal" the A.I. replied in an English accent.

"What happened?"

"Someone hacked into my system and brought me down for hours. Fortunately the backup cameras were still on and caught everything that happened while I was down. Unfortunately the videos have no sound" Jarvis explained.

"Play the videos" Tony ordered.

The hologram screens were pulled up around them and the videos played. They were taken from different angles so they saw everything happen. They silently watched Gali and Richard talk and then their altercation and finally when she was drugged. They didn't hear anything of what was said but they saw what they needed to see. At least they know what happened to Galilea.

"Who the hell are they?" Jane asked aghast.

"Why does that man look familiar?" Tony questioned.

"He kinda looks like the Dos Equis man" Clint commented but shut up once he saw the glare he received from his girlfriend.

"Does no one see the big picture here?" Pepper asked out loud. Everyone turned to her. She tapped something on the hologram and the video played back to the fighting "they weren't affected by Gali's powers. See, you can see her trying to use them on these men but it didn't work. Whoever they are know what they're doing"

The team stared at the footage of Galilea fighting off the men "No they don't" Tony coolly said "they obviously don't know that they picked the wrong family to mess with"

"Hellooo! I've been in here for hours! Is this how you treat your unwilling guests? Drug them and throw them in what looks to be a glass cage?" Galilea questioned as she looked around her surroundings.

She had woken up a couple hours ago with a terrible itch on her neck and a headache. She waited until she was fully awake and the headache to pass before she yelled out. She yelled and pounded her fists on the glass and checked for an exit or some kind of lever to open up a door. She didn't find anything. No weak spots and her powers don't work on it.

There's a mattress at the corner with a pillow and a blanket. That's the only thing in the cell with her. Gali looked out the glass and saw a control panel. Most likely for the glass prison. She thought. She concentrated on it, trying to mess with it in hopes that it would haywire and a door would open. Her eyes squinted and she concentrated more but nothing happened. Not even a knob moved.

"What the hell is this place?" Gali mused as she eyed the frame of the cell "Hey, asswipes" she pounded her fist on the glass "how much longer am I gonna be here?"

A door opened and closed. A woman in a black catsuit walked in. Her black hair down around her shoulders "about time" Gali said.

"About time that you shut up" the woman said.

"Well I wouldn't be so loud if you guys didn't keep me down here alone for hours" Gali retorted. The woman rolled her eyes "so did they send you down to intimidate me or just to shut me up, or perhaps you're letting me go" Gali smiled at the end.

The woman ignored her and went over to the screens next to the control panel "so what's you're name? How long have you been working for Hydra? Where am I?" Galilea questioned.

"None of your business to all three" the woman answered.

"Bit of an attitude problem, heh? Where's Richard? Out on his lunch break? Tell him to come down here" Gali said.

"Richard is not here and you won't be seeing him anytime soon" the woman turned around to face Gali.

"So I'm stuck with you, an angry Mary Crawley?" The Hydra woman pulled her gun out and aimed it at Galilea "tell me, how does a short tempered person like you end up working for Hydra? Easy access to shooting people?" Gali joked.

"You can say that" the black haired woman smirked.

The door opened and closed again. A man in a suit walked in "Gun away, Mariana" he casually said as he walked pass her and straight to the monitors Mariana was at. She reluctantly put her gun away but kept glaring at Galilea.

"So, Miss Stark, how are you?" The man asked. Gali eyed the man.

He appears to be in his early thirties, like Mariana. His hair is sandy brown like Peter's, perfectly coiffed, he has a nice smile and if she would to see him in the street, she would assume that he's another busy New Yorker. An attractive New Yorker.

"Well now that you ask, I could be better. But you know, what can you do when you've just been kidnapped and stashed somewhere underground. Are we underground? I think we are" Galilea looked around.

"Hmm" the man smiled and typed something on his tablet.

"Careful with this one, she thinks she's funny" Mariana warned "just like her brother"

"I like the funny ones. They may take longer to break but-" he stepped closer to the glass cell and stared into Gali's brown eyes "I think they're absolutely hot"

Gali smiled "Thanks Jerome, but I already have a boyfriend" the man furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"She also calls people after movie or tv characters" Mariana added.

"Who's Jerome?" The man asked.

"Have you not seen Gattaca? You look like a young Jude Law" Gali informed.

"You do" Mariana agreed.

The man glared at both women. He pointed to the door and Mariana walked out. The young Jude Law lookalike, tapped something on the tablet and looked back up at the Stark girl "you keep that happy attitude Galilea, it might be the only thing that'll keep you alive here"

"Thanks, I'll keep it in mind" She coolly said. He gave the girl one last look before leaving the room "I'm sorry bro-ha" Gali whispered as she slid down the glass. The only thing she can do now is wait.

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