《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》41. They're here


Galilea had woken up with a feeling of dread on a Friday morning. There was a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach that she couldn't shake off. Still, she went on with her day.

The whole gang hanged out in the city. Tony wanted to go to the top party places in the city but everyone else wanted to have a nice fun party free day. So instead they had a calm day and hit the tourist spots in the city.

By the time they were about to go back to the tower, Tony was dressed in a large white t-shirt that reads 'I ❤️ New York' and a tiara of the Statue of Liberty. He was also carrying two bags full of souvenirs.

"New York is awesome!" He happily exclaimed. Gali shook her head at her brother.

"What is up with you?" Pepper asked her boyfriend.

"I've been to these places before, I've just never seen them, you know" Tony explained.

"Yeah, you miss a lot when you're being an ass!" Clint spoke. Tony didn't even react to the comment.

"Let's go to a Broadway show" Tony suggested "what's the new one that everyone's talking about? Hamilton!"

Natasha snorted "good luck getting tickets"

"Yeah, you have better chances on winning the lottery" Rhodey commented.

"Watch me, I'll get us tickets to the next show" Tony told them before pulling his phone out and furiously tapped on the screen.

"I'm hungry" Thor announced.

"How about if we get something to eat before heading back to the tower?" Pepper suggested. They all agreed and headed to the nearest Chinese food joint.

As they sat down, Gali heard Thor humming. Not just regular humming, but humming something very annoying

"Please Anthony Edward Stark, please tell me that you didn't show Thor that annoying call me maybe song" Galilea pleaded, hand on her forehead.

"I confess to nothing" Tony answered.

"Oy vey" Natasha sighed.

The Avengers put in a large order. There are so many, they literally ordered everything on the menu. The table was covered in plates of food, and Thor was having a great time eating. Half of the team used chopsticks and the other half used forks. They're the half that never got a hang on chopsticks and the others are making fun of them. Steve was trying but the sticks would fly out of his grasp.

"You're going to end up poking someone's eye out" Gali observed "why don't you just use a fork? Much more safe" she gave him a fork. He made a face but continued eating.

Galilea had a great time, she nearly forgot about them. About the people that are after her. She's been worrying for a month and she never let her guard down, yet nobody noticed. She didn't care, tho. As long as the team is safe, everything is alright.


Galilea felt something warm on her right hand. She looked down at her hand and saw that Steve had placed his large hand over her smaller hand. She looked up to his baby blue eyes and smiled. She really is in love with that man. Her phone vibrated. She pulled it out and opened the message. Her heart dropped.

It's a picture of the team at the Chinese restaurant. It's them as of now. Underneath it says 'we're watching you little Galilea' another message popped up but it was a live stream of the team.

Galilea looked up and tried to look out the windows and around the restaurant for someone sketchy. She only saw people eating and talking 'come to Stark Tower or your big brother is the first to go' Read the message.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and looked up at the team, just as loud laughter broke out around the table. She saw their wide smiles, their twinkling eyes. Oh how she came to love that group of idiots. Her friends, family. Even Sam. He got along with everyone pretty quickly, the friendship felt natural. She loves them all and would do anything to protect them. That's why she did what she did.

She gave one last look around the table. One last look at her family. She doesn't want to believe it's the last time she'll see them but one last look can't hurt anyone. She leaned in to Steve's ear and whispered "I have to go to the bathroom"

"Okay" he nodded. She placed a soft kiss on his cheek and smiled "love you" she whispered before getting up and heading to the bathrooms.

She glanced over her shoulder to make sure nobody is looking, they're all busy laughing at something Tony said. With one last sad smile, she turned the other way and left through the backdoor.

Galilea walked out of the elevator and into her home. Everything was quiet and nothing was disorganized. All furniture was in its place, nothing broken or missing... As far as she can see. She set her phone down on a nearby table and walked into the living room. There stood a man in a black suit. She couldn't see his face because he has his back to her, but she could see one large man sitting on the sofa, he's also wearing a back suit.

"I'm glad you could join us" the man whose standing up, said.

"You really didn't give me much choice. You threatened to kill my brother" Galilea spoke.

"We needed you here"

Galilea took a step closer to the man "How did you get in?" She asked.

The man turned around. His salt and pepper hair neatly brushed, beard neatly trimmed. His eyes looked kind but there was a glint in them, a glint of smug evil. He has a cocky half smile and a drink in his hand. A drink he shamelessly poured himself from their bar. The man has an air of familiarity. Galilea squinted her eyes, trying to see if she knows the man but she came short. He did, however, remind her of the Dos Equis man. He kinda looks like him, but leaner.


"We hacked our way in" the man answered.

"Uh-huh, and uh, who are you?" She asked. The man chuckled.

"Really Galilea, you don't remember me?" He asked. Gali racked her brain but came up short. She doesn't remember him "well I shouldn't be surprised, your memory has been failing you lately. Besides, last time you saw me you were twelve years old" the man smirked.

Gali's eyes widened. How does he know that my memory has been crap these past weeks? She's pretty sure she's never met the man but her memory has been failing her. And he just said that the last time she saw him was when she was twelve. Her parents were still alive when she was that age. She met many people. Her father's employees, partners, friends, colleagues...

"My name is Richard Roman" the man said "and I have been waiting for this day for a very long time"

"Unfortunately I can't say the same" Galilea answered "what do you want?" She crossed her arms.

"What I've wanted since I found out about your powers... You" Richard started "and this time we're prepared, this time I took precautions" he walked closer to the brunette and looked into her eyes "still don't remember me? Well how about this: do it or I'll kill you dad. Do it or your mother and brother will die. Do it, and I will let them go" the man recited words he said years ago from when Galilea was a kid. She stared at him and things came to place.

"You!" She gasped "you're the one who kidnapped me and Tony"

Richard laughed "you figured it out! Bravo!" He walked over to the bar to pour himself some more Scotch.

"You hurt my parents. You hurt my brother. And I- I killed you. All of you" Galilea was confused.

"Yes, you did. But that's the beauty of HYDRA, they can bring back the dead" Richard took a sip of his drink.

"HY-HYDRA? A- as in-"

"Hail Hydra" Dos Equis man smirked.

"I thought you guys were gone"

"No, we just hide really well"

Gali began to walk around, thinking about what Richard just said. If it's true and HYDRA has been hiding for years, then who knows what kind of technological advancements they have and what kind of experiments they've conducted. And they must be hiding really well because SHIELD hasn't found out anything about them.

"...yes... Alright. Sir, there's a car waiting downstairs" a large man told Richard. He nodded and turned to Galilea with an expecting look "Well?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well what?" Gali asked.

"Do we do this the easy way or the hard way?" Richard asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Dick, but I'm not going with you" Galilea stood her ground.

"Really? Such a shame really" he pulled out his phone and tapped something on the screen "I'd really hate for something bad to happen to your brother" he turned his phone and held it up to show a zoom in on Tony at the restaurant. The kind of zoom ins they use for when they're about to shoot someone.

Gali clenched her jaw and glared at the man "you hurt my brother or anyone on the team-"

"I won't hurt them if you come with me" Richard put his phone away.

She thought about her possibilities; she can agree to go with him, or put up a fight, or she can end them right there and pretend nothing ever happened "Why are you so sure I can't end you right now?" Galilea asked.

Roman chuckled "Do you really think I would've come here without taking the necessary precautions. Sweet Galilea, are you even sure you're a Stark?"

Those words angered her. It reminded her of when she was little and those girls, Tiffany, Claire and Joanna, made fun of her because she supposedly wasn't as smart as her brother. She glared at the man and tried to use pain on him but it didn't work. She tried again but nothing.

"It's not going to work" he shook his head "now, I'll ask you again, easy way or the hard way?" He took a step closer to the girl.

"I'll take the hard way, bitch" she punched him on the face and immediately the large buff men jumped at her.

She easily got out of their grasp and began to fight them. She threw punches and kicks, much like Natasha had showed her years ago, but the men are well trained and blocked several blows. She then tried to hurt them and control them but it had the same affect on them like it had on Richard Roman, it didn't work. It was five men against one woman and she easily over powered them for a moment. They ambushed her and she struggled to break free, trying to push the men off her with her mind powers. It didn't work.

"That really hurt" Roman growled as he wiped his bloody nose on a handkerchief. He turned to the man standing beside a struggling Galilea. He gave him a nod and she felt a pinch on her neck, a painful pinch. She was overcome by sleep and quickly passed out.

"Let's go, gentlemen" Richard set his drink down and began to walk towards the elevator "the fun has just begun"

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