《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》40. Robert, Christopher, Brandon, Peter



"Huh?" She snapped back to reality.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine" she lied.

"You sure? You looked like you were about to pass out" Spider-Man noted.

"Don't you have some petty crimes to stop?" She looked up at the masked boy, wanting him out of there before he does something stupid or Clint hurts him.

"Now that you mention it, my spidey senses are tingling. Bye team!" Spidey waved as he walked out to the balcony and swung away. Gali folded the letter and shoved it back in the envelope.

"Can we know what it is?" Steve kindly asked.

"It's a cocktail mixer set" She answered.

"Are you serious?" Tony chuckled. Gali dug through the packing peanuts and pulled out a fancy looking cocktail shaker. "Alright, let's put this baby to use!" Tony took the mixer from his sister. "Time to get star spangled hammered!"

"Don't you mean stark spangled banner?" Clint grinned.

"Get out!" They all pointed to the elevator.

"Aww come on!" Clint moaned. Gali giggled and pulled out the rest of the things in the box.

"You sure you're okay?" Steve softly asked as he crouched down next to Gali.

"I'm fine. I swear" she smiled. He smiled back and brushed a strand of brown hair away from her face. His baby blue eyes pierced into her brown ones.

"Alright" he said before leaning in and planting a kiss on her lips. Galilea went to kiss back, but gagging was heard and she pulled away.

"Oh, I'm really getting hammered tonight" Tony muttered. Gali giggled and gave Steve a quick kiss.

"I love you" she whispered.

"Love you too" he smiled adoringly. Gali grabbed the things and joined the others at the bar.

"Hey baby avenger, you gonna make the drinks or what?" Clint asked. Galilea stood behind the bar and smiled at the team.

"Alright, what do you guys want?" She threw a rag over her shoulder. Now this... I can do this.

Galilea wasn't alright.

It's been almost a month since she received the box. A month since she lied to her friends and family. Ever since she read the letter, Gali has been on high alert. She would keep an eye out for strange behaviors or strange people. So far she's only encountered crazy fans.

The Avengers didn't notice Gali's strange behavior, mostly because she did well on hiding it. But she is still freaking out. Freaking out because they are coming for her. It's been a month and she hasn't seen any sign of them, but that doesn't mean that they aren't out there.

Gali increased security in the tower and has kept tabs on everyone and the team doesn't know. No harm came to any of them, but Spider-Man has dropped by once or twice. Literally. Galilea had a talk with Peter but it went in through one ear and came out the other. Still, no one from the team knows who Spider-Man is and Tony is still trying to crack the code.

He's been searching and trying to connect the dots but he gets nowhere. It's like someone made sure no one finds out who Spider-Man is. Of course he doesn't know that his dear little sister is the one who messed with the information.

When Galilea found out that the teenager Peter Parker is Spider-Man, she had taken him under her wing. People don't really give it a second thought because Galilea Stark is known for helping kids with school. She has gone as far as to pay for their college education. Tony has done the same with other kids as well. That's what the Stark's are, big philanthropist sweethearts.


Gali sat in one of Tony's many collectible cars, and reread the letter she received a month ago in the box containing the cocktail mixer. She already made out the codes and ciphers when she first read it, but she still goes through it to make sure she didn't miss anything.

She's grateful her and Justin Hammer came up with codes and ciphers when they were together. There are only three people in the world who can figure out what the letter says: her, Justin and Kamilla. If anyone else were to read the letter they wouldn't understand it. It would seem like a regular letter to them, but there are secret codes and that's how Galilea made out the message.

She let out a deep heavy sigh and folded the paper before stashing it in the glove compartment. Almost immediately the door to the lab swung open. Bruce walked in, looking down at the tablet in his hand.

"Hello Robert" Gali smiled

"Hello" Bruce absentmindedly said. He continued walking and quickly stopped, he furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at Gali in confusion. She giggled at his actions. "Robert?" Bruce questioned.

"That is your name, right?" Gali tilted her head.

"Yeah, but nobody calls me Robert"

"Well they should. It's a nice name. Robert Bruce Banner. We should all start going by our second names" she got out of the old black convertible and made her way to the desk.

"I don't think Thor has a middle name" Bruce set the tablet down on a table.

"We should give him one" Gali suggested "How about... Christopher?"

"He doesn't look like a Christopher" Bruce shook his head.

"Oh? What does he look like then? Brandon?"

"Thor Brandon Odinson" Bruce mused as if testing out how the name sounds like "No" he shook his head.

"We'll just have to think about it" Gali shrugged and sat down on the chair and plopped her feet up on the desk.

"What are you doing down here?" Bruce asked as he sat down at the table and looked back down at the tablet.

"We Starks sit and do nothing"

"True" Bruce nodded. Gali gasped and threw a stress ball at him.

"It's not!" She cried as Bruce laughed.

The Indiana Jones theme song was heard and Bruce looked up at the ceiling and around, trying to figure out where the tune is coming from. Gali pulled out her phone, answered and brought it up to her hear.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Gali" a breathless Peter was heard.

"Peter?" Gali asked.

"Hey" Peter breathed hard.

"What's wrong?"

"Why do you- ow! Why do you think something is... Wrong?" Peter sounds like he's in pain.

"I know you. Now what happened?" Gali demanded.

"I, uh... I might've gotten shot-"

"YOU WHAT?!" Galilea shouted so loud that Bruce jumped back and stared at Gali wide eyed and in slight fear "Where are you?" She stood up and was making her way to the door.

"Um, your balcony" Peter sheepishly answered.

"Y-You're on- oh my god!" She sighed and turned to Bruce "Where is everyone?"

"Out. They won't be back till five" Bruce answered. Gali looked over at the clock on the wall and noticed that it's almost three thirty.

"Peter" she brought her phone back up to her ear "Yeah?" He groaned "I'm coming" she said before hanging up.

"Come with me" she told Bruce before pulling the door open and bolting up the stairs and to the main common area. She ran across the living room and spotted Spider-Man sitting on a sofa in the balcony, a hand pressed to his side.


"Is that-" Bruce questioned when he saw Spider-Man slumped on the sofa.

"Oh my god" Gali's heart dropped and ran out to the boy "Peter! Peter, are you okay?" She dropped to her knees and looked at where he's bleeding.

"Peachy" Peter answered "getting shot at is my specialty" he sarcastically said.

Bruce arrived and passed a towel to Gali. She took it and pressed it against Peter's wound. Peter hissed in pain and shut his eyes, but they can't see because he still has the mask on.

"You need to go to a hospital" Gali spoke "you should've gone to one, not come here!" She hissed at the boy.

"No way! That's how they trick me and discover my identity" Peter shook his head.

"Let's take him down" Bruce said.

So Bruce and Gali carefully took Spider-Man down to the lab where Bruce can check the injury and patch him up.

"Careful, careful" Bruce said carefully as they set Spider-Man down on the table. Peter wincing in pain the whole time.

"It hurts" Peter moaned.

"You should've thought of that before getting shot. How many times have I told you to be careful" Galilea said in exasperation. Bruce scattered around the lab as he gathered everything he needs.

"Jarvis, scan him" Bruce told the A.I. Jarvis scanned Spider-Man and came up with the body hologram, showing the injury.

"No major organ or artery are hit. The bullet is stuck in the abdominal external oblique muscle. Minor nerve damage but should heal in a matter of days" Jarvis gave his diagnostic.

"I'm going to have to rip your suit" Bruce told Spidey.

"Do you have to?" Peter groaned.

"You want that bullet out of you?"

"Fine" Peter sighed and dropped his head on the table. Bruce cut the suit so he can have better access to the wound.

Peter winced and moaned in pain and Bruce injected anesthesia around the wound so Peter won't feel a thing but still be conscious. "So, how's your day?" Peter asked Gali.

"Are you seriously asking me how my day is?" Gali asked with a straight face and tone.

Spider-Man shrugged "Anything to get my mind off being shot" he answered. Gali shook her head but answered nonetheless. Anything to keep the boy talking and making sure he's alright.

Twenty minutes later, Bruce was just done stitching the wound and Peter was already trying to sit up "Hey, hey, take it easy" Galli told the boy.

"You need to lay down" Bruce said.


"If you start moving right away, the stitches will open and then I will have to stitch you up again" Bruce sternly said. "Fine" Peter huffed and laid back down.

"You should take the mask off. You need to breathe" Gali said.

"I can breathe just fine with the mask on" Peter replied.

"You know what I mean" she shook her head.

"What about Doctor Banner?" Spider-Man turned his head to Bruce who's checking Peter's vitals on his tablet.

"I'm not wearing a mask" Bruce replied.

"I don't mean that" Spidey snorted.

"Oh" Bruce said in realization.

"He won't tell anyone. I promise" Gali assured the boy "Not even Kami"

"Really? You want me to lie to Kami?" Bruce raised an eyebrow.

"It's not lying if you don't tell her in the first place. You have no need of mentioning it anyway. The others don't need to know that you tended to Spider-Man's wound while they were gone" Gali told her friend.

Bruce thought about it for a minute. "Okay, fine. But if Kami finds out and she gets mad-"

"Then throw her at me. I can handle your angry girlfriend" Galilea smirked "Come on Spidey, take it off" she tugged on the mask.

With a sigh, Spidey pulled the mask off his head and air hit his face as he took in deep breaths. Bruce observed the boy on the table and eyed his face. His boyish features and childlike behavior, that's when he realized that Spider-Man is just a boy.


"Not what you were expecting?" Peter smiled his boyish smile.

"How old are you?" Bruce tilted his head slightly.

"16" Peter answered.

"16?! What the hell are you doing? You should be at school, not fighting fights you shouldn't be fighting!" Bruce exclaimed.

"That's a lot of fights in one sentence" Peter humorously said. Gali nodded in agreement.

"I'm serious!" Bruce told the boy.

"No, he died in the fifth book" Peter pointed out. Gali brought a hand up to her mouth to stifle her laughter, and Bruce grabbed the stress ball and angrily squeezed it in his hand.

"You gotta love him" Gali smiled widely.

"He's like another Tony" Bruce grumbled. Gali giggled and brushed Peter's sandy brown hair out of his face.

"Honestly Peter, what am I gonna say to aunt May?" She sighed and shook her head.

"Nothing. I'll figure something out" Peter told Gali.

"Mhm, sure. What are you gonna say? You fell off your skateboard?" Gali sarcastically said.

"That's a thought" Peter nodded. Gali groaned and sat down next to Peter.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on!" Bruce tried to make sense of all this "you know about..."

"Peter" Gali and Peter said.

"You know about Peter being Spider-Man?"

"Yeah. I've known for a year now" Gali admitted.

"So all this time you pretended on not knowing him when in reality you know everything about him?"

"That's about the size of it" Gali nodded.

"Oh my god. And your brother is over here busting his head, wanting to know who Spider-Man is" Bruce shook his head. Gali smiled.

"Let him suffer" she waved him off.

"Okay" he nodded. Even he agrees that Tony should suffer once in a while. He may be a sweetheart once you get to know him, but he's an ass most of the time.

"So Peter, you go to school?" Bruce questioned the boy, wanting to know more about him.

"I go to Midtown High School" he answered.

"Nice" Bruce nodded.

So they got to talking and Peter told Bruce how he got bitten by a genetically engineered spider, thus giving him spider powers. Bruce was intrigued by it and was impressed by him. He might be a boy and is simply witty and sarcastic, but after what he's learned about Peter, he certainly is an amazing person.

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