《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》39. Spiderboob


"Hey, Gali, you got a packet" Bruce handed Galilea a brown box.

"Thanks" she gently took the box from him and set it on the table.

She checked to see who sent it but it only has bed name and address. Huh, strange. She got something to cut the box open but was interrupted by something.

"Hello. Who are you?" Clint asked.

"I'm Sam Wilson"

"Sam!" Gali stood up, completely forgetting about the mysterious box. "Guys, guys, this is Sam Wilson. Sam, this is everybody" she introduced the large group.

"More commonly known as the Avengers" Clint smiled.

"Uh, not me" Jane raised her hand.

"Yeah, me neither" Kami joined.

"Ditto" Darcy also raised her hand.

"Same" Rhodey and Pepper nodded.

"You're all part of the team" Tony told them.

"Really? That fast? No test or anything?" Kami incredulously asked.

"Kamilla, you're the greatest hacker I've ever known. You hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D. database an hour after you and Pepper found out about it" Tony said. Kami smiled proudly of herself.

"You hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D.?!"

They all jumped in fear and whipped their heads towards the dinning table where they saw Director Nick Fury lunching on a sandwich. When did he get here?

"Am I the only one who didn't see him?" Steve asked. They shook our heads.

"Nick, your security system is a joke. A five year old can hack into it. And by the way, Avengers Assemble is not a good password" Kami smirked. Fury narrowed his eye at Kami before returning to his sandwich.

Seriously, when did this man get in here? First Happy sneak attacks us and then Fury? And they both made sandwiches! Geesh. This says something about our skills.

"So, you're the promising candidate Gali talked about?" Tony eyed Sam.

"Wait, are we really accepting candidates?" Natasha asked in disbelief.

"I guess we are" Bruce shrugged.

"Is Nick okay with this?"

They all turned to Nick who's still eating his sandwich and reading a newspaper.

"What?" Nick looked up at them in confusion.

"We're holding Avengers interviews!" Clint yelled.

"Without me?" Nick stood up and marched towards the Avengers.

"I guess we are accepting people" Nat mumbled.

"Sam Wilson!" Nick yelled. Sam was slightly taken aback "Galilea sent me your file. And what you do is impressive. We can use someone like you on the team"

"Really?" Sam smiled "Wait, where'd you get my file from?" Sam turned to Gali. Her eyes widened and she tried to look innocent.

"She told me to look you up and I got your file" Kamilla spoke.

"Damn it Kamilla!" Gali hissed.

"You hacked into the Air Force?" Sam asked incredulously.

"Kamilla!" Everyone scolded.

"Oh I'm sorry, but I don't have cool superpowers like you guys. All I have is hacking and I'm damn good at it. So stop bitching or you're all going to file for bankrupt by the end of the day!" Kami snapped. That got everyone to shut up.

No, but serious. Kami is the best hacker I've ever seen. She can tear down through those firewalls like a pencil goes through a piece of paper.

"Hacking is a pretty cool superpower" Bruce went to the defense of his girlfriend. Aww, how cute!


"Egh, guys, get a room" Tony made gagging sounds "Ow, Pepper!" Tony rubbed his arm and glared at his girlfriend. Nick gave a heavy sigh and shook his head.

"As I was saying!" He loudly said "welcome to the Avengers, Sam Wilson" Nick smiled "or should I say, Falcon"

"Falcon?" Tony scrunched his eyebrows.

"He can fly!" Galilea exclaimed.

"What?" The others asked confused.

"That's so cool!" Darcy grinned.

"Oh my Jesus" Natasha sighed and held her head in her heads.

"What's wrong?" Gali asked.

"There are two of them" she groaned.

"Two what?" Steve asked.

"Two birds. A hawk and a falcon"

"Ooh!" They went.

After Galilea said that Sam can fly, they went up to the roof and Sam put on his wings and the man flew. They now have one bird who can fly and another bird who can't. Clint is an ostrich! As long as he doesn't bury his head in the ground, then everything will be alright.

"Well, we already have two science bros. What harm can two birdies bring?" Pepper asked. Gali giggled.


That's cute.

A smile spread on her face as she thought about birds. They're cute. Every time Gali thinks of birds, she remember something about her childhood.

"When I was a kid" Gali started "there was a birds nest in a tree in our backyard. Three little birds. They were so cute"

"Ana, Jarvis' wife, and Gali made bird houses. Jarvis made cookies in the shape of birds" Tony said with a smile.

"Remember that fountain dad was building?" Tony asked his sister.

"Oh my god, I almost forgot about that!" Gali said with a small smile.

"The top of the fountain just- fuuush!" Tony moved his hand, imitating what the top of the fountain did.

Howard was almost done installing the fountain when something went wrong and the pressure of the water made the top of the fountain fly off. It looked like something out of a cartoon.

"It almost hit the bird nest" Tony and Gali said at the same time.

"You managed to stop it with your mind powers" Tony finished.

"And you almost cried because the birds could've died" Gali grinned.

"Tony cried over birds?" Thor asked in astonishment.

"I got ridiculously attached to those birds. We didn't have any pets growing up. Those birds were the closest I've ever had to a pet" Tony defended himself.

"You should've seen the waterfalls when the birds left the nest. Tear after tear for almost a week" Galilea had too much fun saying that.

"Shut it!" Tony hissed.

"Might I remind you about Bernard the second?" Jarvis spoke up.

"Oh, Jarvis, come on!" Tony and Gali groaned.

"Who's Bernard?" Rhodey asked.

"Bernard the second" Gali corrected.

"Daddy Stark had a flamingo" Kami grinned "his name was Bernard Stark. Jarvis called him the Devil in pink" she explained.

"Then my dad bought another flamingo when I was little, he named him Bernard the second. You should've seen Jarvis' face when he saw the flamingo" Gali told the team.

"If I remember correctly, you took a picture of his reaction" Tony spoke up.

"I did!" She gasped "why am I forgetting all these precious childhood memories? Where are the photo albums. I'm gonna go refresh my memory" She announced.


"Why stare at pictures when you can relive it with your powers?" Clint spoke.

Galilea held back a face palm. How could I forget about that? Why am I forgetting this? Is this because of age? Am I starting to forget things? Precious childhood memories?

"Now that there are two birdies in our group, don't go building a nest in here" Tony told Clint and Sam "last thing I need is a hawk nest with arrows sticking out of it" he grumbled.

Oh, if Tony only knew that Clint already has a Hawk nest in the tower.

They got to talking and then Darcy suddenly asked "Where's Nick?" Their looked around and noticed that he wasn't here.

"We really need to tighten up security around here" Bruce sighed.

"Hold that thought" Tony said in a whisper as he slowly stood up. Gali scrunched her eyebrows and stared at her brother in confusion. What's this nimrod doing?

Tony rolled up a newspaper and took long, silent, stealthy steps towards the door to the large balcony. He slowly and quietly opened the door and crept up behind a red and blue spandex dressed person. Oh no. What the hell is he doing here?

Tony is never going to be able to smack Peter with that newspaper. Peter's reflexes are too fast. Just as Tony lifted the newspaper over Spider-Man's head, Spidey quickly turned around.

"It's not nice to hit people over the head" Spidey said.

Quicker than Galilea has ever seen Tony move before, he brought down the newspaper and smacked Spider-Man on the head "Ow!" Spidey put a hand over his head "seriously, a newspaper? Most people use magazines. Much more heavier" Spidey spoke.

Gali rolled her eyes. Only he would say such thing. Spider-Man casually walked inside and looked around.

"I like the place. Nice, nice, oh, you guys have a karaoke machine?" Spidey pressed buttons on the machine "you guys sure like to sing Walking on Sunshine" he muttered. They all turned to Thor and he smiled.

"It's a good song. I like it!" Thor boomed.

Spidey whipped his head and went into complete fanboy mode.

"Oh my god, it's you! It's Thor! And you, you're Captain America, and oh my god, I love the way you turn green!" Spidey went on a ramble. He suddenly gasped "is this an Avengers meeting? Did I crash your meeting? I'm so sorry. Hey, can I stay?" He asked the team.

"No!" Clint quickly said "you can't stay, Spiderboob!"

"It's Spider-Man" Spidey corrected "and please can I stay? I promise I won't make a sound. Look, I'll sit right here. Ooh, this couch is comfortable" Galilea can practically see Peter smiling behind the mask. This is unbelievable.

"Woah, calm down!" Rhodey calmed down the eager teenager "you're too ecstatic. How old are you?"

"Old enough to to be an Avenger" Spider-Man said. Gali snorted. He won't stop with that, won't he?

"No!" Clint loudly said.

"Why not?" Spider-Man whined.

"We don't know you"

"He thinks you're an axe murderer" Darcy told the kid.

"That's ridiculous" Spidey huffed "shovels seem much more effective" he quietly added.

Gali laughed. Oh, he really is a treasure. Tony walked back over and inspected Spider-Man's suit "What are you doing?" Spidey looked at Tony.

"Did you make this?" Tony pulled on Spidey's suit.

"Yes" he proudly said.

"Who are you?" Tony asked.

"People in masks don't want to be known, Anthony. Why do you think they wear masks?" Gali asked her brother in annoyance.

"If Batman wants people to know who he is, then he should've done what you did" Kamilla spoke.

"And what is it that I did, freckles?" Tony asked.

"You told the press that you are Iron Man. You little attention seeker. That's why all those bad things happen to you!" Kami exclaimed.

"She's right" Natasha and Pepper nodded.

"Okay, will you two always pair up against me?" Tony motioned to Natasha and Pepper "if I remember correctly, you and Happy went on Pepper's side that time we had a fight" Tony spoke.

"The one where you tried to apologize with strawberries? The one fruit I'm allergic too" Pepper flatly said.

"Yeah, Tone. The one fruit she's allergic too" Galilea repeated.

"Shut it" Tony narrowed his eyes at his sister.

"So I'm part of the team, then?" Spidey asked them.

"NO!" Everyone yelled.

"Ow, no need to yell" he rubbed his ear through his mask.

"We'll talk with Nick, see what he says" Steve spoke.

"He'll say yes" Spidey sat back on the seat.

"You're confident about yourself" Jane observed.

"I don't like him" Clint muttered.

"I heard that!" Spidey yelled "oh- what's this?" Spidey picked up the box Gali received earlier that day.

"That's mine" she spoke.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I don't know"

"Well who sent it?" He kept asking.

"Do you not have anything else to do?" Gali stood up and took the box from Spider-Man, more like Spider-Boy.

"No" he shook his head.

Really? Not even, oh I don't know, homework?

Gali sighed. I really need to talk to Peter about this.

She set the box on the coffee table and kneeled down next to it as she opened it. The box is full of packing peanuts. She scrunched her eyebrows. I didn't order anything, so what the hell is in here?

Her eyes landed on an envelope sitting in the middle of the box, on top of the packing peanuts. Her name is scrawled on the envelope. She took it and inspected the writing. It's cursive. Fancy cursive. It's calligraphy. And it's just that, her name. Nothing else.

She slowly opened the envelope and pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper. Unfolding it, Galilea noticed that the handwriting is neat and clear. Something pricked her in the back of her mind. This handwriting seems oddly familiar. I think I've seen it before.

As she read the letter everything seemed to be crumbling down. The handwriting and the writing style, I've definitely seen this before. Get heart rate picked up and her eyes widened. Gali began to tremble and for some reason, she was scared.

I shouldn't be scared, but I am. She wasn't able to move. All she could do was read the letter in her hand over and over again. She couldn't think, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't move.

"Gali, are you alright?" Someone asked.

She didn't answer. She doesn't know what to say. All she can think about are them.

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